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Mount skills needs to be nerfed

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I like the idea what happened to CC skills in PvP and WvW. No damage, only functionality. I think mounts in PvE needs the same thing. Problem is in damage — mostly on low level zones, where 80lvl players can one shot whole groups of mobs. At "X map event completer" it's difficult for other players to tag something because everyone's rushing it with raptors.What about scalling raptor's tail spin to 0,01? This needs to be ONLY pull. That CC is powerful enough and it would be still powerful without damage.I think only Skyscale could do damage because it's skill looks purely for damage.

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:I like the idea what happened to CC skills in PvP and WvW. No damage, only functionality. I think mounts in PvE needs the same thing. Problem is in damage — mostly on low level zones, where 80lvl players can one shot whole groups of mobs. At "X map event completer" it's difficult for other players to tag something because everyone's rushing it with raptors.What about scalling raptor's tail spin to 0,01? This needs to be ONLY pull. That CC is powerful enough and it would be still powerful without damage.I think only Skyscale could do damage because it's skill looks purely for damage.

Not sure if you’re talking about nerfing CC or damage; sounds like both. Tail Spin does damage and pulls but it’s the Springer’s Cannonball that does CC

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@Melech.4308 said:

@"Antycypator.9874" said:I like the idea what happened to CC skills in PvP and WvW. No damage, only functionality. I think mounts in PvE needs the same thing. Problem is in damage — mostly on low level zones, where 80lvl players can one shot whole groups of mobs. At "X map event completer" it's difficult for other players to tag something because everyone's rushing it with raptors.What about scalling raptor's tail spin to 0,01? This needs to be ONLY pull. That CC is powerful enough and it would be still powerful without damage.I think only Skyscale could do damage because it's skill looks purely for damage.

Not sure if you’re talking about nerfing CC or damage; sounds like both. Tail Spin does damage and pulls but it’s the Springer’s Cannonball that does CC

It's about nerfing Damage. Tail spin is still a CC skill, but it does a lot of damage.

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I'd second this, although not 0.01 but a big nerf to the damage is imo needed, but also a nerf to how much cc the skills do.

As it currently stands mount attacks can take away up to 1/4 of the combat from mobs due to damage, but especially due to cc, which stops enemies from attacking you for about 2s. This is enough for players to melt mobs before they can really fight.

For the sake of engaging content, mount skills need a serious look at both damage and cc. I'd go as far as to nerf damage to only 33% and all cc/secondary effects having their duration/power halved.

I really think mount skills can destroy the fun of enemy encounters

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Honestly I'd prefer more skills that are less impactful. Just having one mount skill seems kind of meh.

Playing Warclaw in WvW is refreshing compared to most mounts in PvE because I have a full skill bar. I can chose what to do on my mount rather than my only options being to either attack enemies or evade past them. Sure, the special ability of each mount kind of makes up for that, but only slightly because it almost always falls into the same category as avoiding combat by brute force.

They also shouldn't be completely immune to CC, but have a break bar. There's almost no threat to mounts anywhere in PvE.

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Simple solution:

  • use ranged weapon
  • weapons have "mobility" skills. Push the button
  • there are utility skill for "mobility". Push the button
  • get your own mount...
  • profit?

Personally, even before I got my own mount, I never had problem with getting the credit in dynamic events. Maybe you are doing something wrong?

I was very happy, that other players where around. Especially higher level ones. I could learn by watching (cant learn much from other noobs :pensive: ), and big group events where done.

I was always more: wow, you can do that!?! Cool. I want!.

Plus, if you have a problem with mounts, how about any other player with build that has solid AOE attacks. So ALL good PvE builds. I guess we should also nerf those?

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They should just switch off mount damage in begin areas. Theres always the same highlevel ego players slamming everything away in front of newbies, it almost looks like they do it on purpose. run,slam,run,slam and it never ends.I never use mount attacks when in t1 areas when theres newbies around, i even switch of auto attack so they can tag allong. I also see the same trend with aoe elite specs damage skills together with earlier mentioned mount use.

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@"Pirogen.9561" said:Simple solution:

  • use ranged weapon
  • weapons have "mobility" skills. Push the button
  • there are utility skill for "mobility". Push the button
  • get your own mount...
  • profit?

Personally, even before I got my own mount, I never had problem with getting the credit in dynamic events. Maybe you are doing something wrong?

I was very happy, that other players where around. Especially higher level ones. I could learn by watching (cant learn much from other noobs :pensive: ), and big group events where done.

I was always more: wow, you can do that!?! Cool. I want!.

Plus, if you have a problem with mounts, how about any other player with build that has solid AOE attacks. So ALL good PvE builds. I guess we should also nerf those?

So your fine with always the same high level players run slamming everything away in front of the newbies in low level zones with hyper speed? (which invalidates the all good builds aoe argument, which is not combined with the mount speed). Not ok. Not defendable. Except for some nice mentors around that hold themself back this is the practice most of the time. Mounts fine, misusing mounts to harrash other (new) players, not ok.

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@particlepinata.9865 said:

@"Pirogen.9561" said:Simple solution:
  • use ranged weapon
  • weapons have "mobility" skills. Push the button
  • there are utility skill for "mobility". Push the button
  • get your own mount...
  • profit?

Personally, even before I got my own mount, I never had problem with getting the credit in dynamic events. Maybe you are doing something wrong?

I was very happy, that other players where around. Especially higher level ones. I could learn by watching (cant learn much from other noobs :pensive: ), and big group events where done.

I was always more: wow, you can do that!?! Cool. I want!.

Plus, if you have a problem with mounts, how about any other player with build that has solid AOE attacks. So ALL good PvE builds. I guess we should also nerf those?

So your fine with always the same high level players run slamming everything away in front of the newbies in low level zones with hyper speed? (which invalidates the all good builds aoe argument, which is not combined with the mount speed). Not ok. Not defendable. Except for some nice mentors around that hold themself back this is the practice most of the time. Mounts fine, misusing mounts to harrash other (new) players, not ok.

I spend a lot of time in Queensdale and Wayfarer and I haven't seen this as a problem unless the zone has a daily, and even then I pop my mentor tag as politely ask people to not mount-kill during events (many do comply, but there are those who tell me to pound sand).

I really don't see this rising to the level of harassment as you stated.

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making CC worse overall in PvE onlys hinders things. btw, withotu mounts, i can kill any lv15 zone enemy in 3 hits (as a lv80), and if i use a ranged weapon to do those 3 hits it isn't any different. lots of people on enemies with tiny hp+def = you arent getting a hit in, mounts or no mounts, if you're slow.

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I agree that mount skill damage needs to be lowered in low level zones.When I do dailies for events in low level zones, people on raptors are making it impossible to complete some events, primarily as you can't even tag a mob...it's instantly dead after Tail Spin.

Lowering mount skill damage in low zones would be an ideal solution.

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re: How many level 80's do you see one shotting mobs in starter maps? - This tells me that you don't often go into starter zones, because this sort of behavior is common when there are event dailies, or anything else that would draw lvl 80s back into starter zones - Like the New Player Tutorial thing going on right now. It is very common in these times to see level 80s who know the events by heart vaporizing mobs at their spawn point before new players ever realize that the mobs have spawned. I have long been against mount nerfs, but seeing this over and over and over has driven the point home. In Starter Zones, dismount skills should probably do heavily nerfed or even no damage. I hate myself for even typing that. But this issue is interfering with new players' ability to play in Stater Zones, and that's a very bad thing. We can't force certain veteran players not to be rude to new players, but we can nerf dismount damage. And yeah, they'll still be rude, but at least their ability to be rude will be mitigated somewhat. And it will be proof (to anyone who might disagree) that "Yes, high level characters using mounts skills in Starter Areas in a rude, exploitive fashion is a problem."

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If we go this way, I want players with power/DD builds to be nerfed big time, being a full Condi Ranger myself. With Core Tyria bosses that go down quickly I often only get Bronze participation! Or try to whittle down a Pet Hut with my puny dagger during the Ogre wars (not affected by condi) and watch a Warrior pass by wrecking it with a single strike :)

I like bombing right into the middle of a pack of mobs and see them lose 1/3 of the HP, I do not want them to nerf Mount damage. Stop ruining my fun, get PoF and own a mount yourself, 30 bucks, seriously. How hard is it to get a hit in? I hope Anet does not keep giving in to the lowest denominator here.

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