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Great job on the recent update. Please look at Ranger next


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I literally can't believe I'm seeing someone asking for nerfs because of 7.1k

What the heck happened to this community XD are we all just bunker carebears now? I feel like these posts about power damage are coming in at an increased rate POST power nerf patch. Like, what? Ya'll want power to literally be unplayable? rotfl

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Damage modifiers. Modifiers deal so much damage and it isn’t fixed by lower damage and increasing cds. Tbh the changes so far help but don’t change the fact that perma stealth thief’s will be backstabbing for 9k and the soulbeast can have the highest boon duration in the game and the strongest damage modifiers in the game.Also they nerfed damage but didn’t touch stuff like down state dmg, pet damage in some cases and stolen item damage.As long as these things are untouched dramatic results will be possible just less common or more risky, except that now glass builds can survive more so that kind of negates the risk at times

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Please also look at rangers in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.It is spoiling the gaming experience as they are very hard to kill in small scale with such high sustain.


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@Halikus.1406 said:Fine? 15k Worldly impact + 10k mauls are fine then?Rangers may be fine I can agree with that, but soulbeast is not fine at all. That spec has way too many dmg modifiers....

except you dont run power trees if you want survival as a soulbeast .... running marksmanship (where your modifiers come from) would mean that you have to drop wilderness survival or beastmastery which means against good players you're an auto target esp with LR d/f ele , condi rev and FB braindead spam - which , ironically , aside from LR ele - both condi rev and FB managed to have a more brain dead playstyle, esp FB than ranger. ironic.

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@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:Please also look at rangers in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.It is spoiling the gaming experience as they are very hard to kill in small scale with such high sustain.


they're most likely aware of this , spamming in it every forum won't get you anywhere , esp talking about wvw in a pvp forum where it's not bugged.

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@Avatar.3568 said:If you want to do that dmg atm you need to run zerker, as soulbeast you are squishy af and as core ranger you are less squshiy but still ez to kill.Arent you EU player? Considering I'm bad at ranger, would you like to do some 1x1's on different classes against me playing core ranger and show how easily you can kill it? ;)

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:If you want to do that dmg atm you need to run zerker, as soulbeast you are squishy af and as core ranger you are less squshiy but still ez to kill.Arent you EU player? Considering I'm bad at ranger, would you like to do some 1x1's on different classes against me playing core ranger and show how easily you can kill it? ;)

Are you eu? Can I post to yt?

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:If you want to do that dmg atm you need to run zerker, as soulbeast you are squishy af and as core ranger you are less squshiy but still ez to kill.Arent you EU player? Considering I'm bad at ranger, would you like to do some 1x1's on different classes against me playing core ranger and show how easily you can kill it? ;)

Of course I can do.

The problem of ranger atm, when you want to do dmg, you need to go zerker, it you have only a close window to survive a team fight.In 1vs1 are ranger atm pretty strong, but only as long as the pet survives, when it dies, I will have a hard time. (that's a work arround for ranger)

But I have to admit that I didn't play the newest balance yesterday and maybe all that changed now

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:if maul actually got its cd increased like every other # 2 skill I wouldn't mind. then theres still hilt bash which recharges it... whatever tho.

I think this is a valid argument, hilt bash resetting a 8-12s cool down skill seems OK when it hits 7-10k.

Maul did get a cd increase. So did swoop. So did counterattack. And every skill on GS got coefficient nerfs.

Problem is no one is playing a class with port or ranged damage. So ranger gets to pew pew to its heart content or casually swagger on in and can afford to take a dps modifier utility to hit these big numbers with GS.

Be good at dragon hunter, profit. Be good at thief, profit. Take offhand sword/shiro again, profit. Play dps guard well, profit. Be good at power mesmer, profit. Be good at DE, profit. Be good at reaper even, kinda profit. Go tankier and out sustain while still doing pressure, profit. Take pulls, profit. Play condi, profit. Take rings of warding, etc. For when stab ends, profit. Be good at spellbreaker, profit.

The damage might be a little too high... but given that a FULLY glass build can only do like 5k mauls on tanky people is also insane... we are very close to a bunker bruiser meta... and imo that's not healthy. A berserker full glass build should always be able to kill something.

Really though, I think no one is even trying to counter ranger right now, besides crying on the forums. And that's the difference. You really couldn't build to counter necro, rev, or fb. And for the most part skill wasn't even a factor. You can 100% counter build ranger and can also beat it with skill...

Full dps soulbeast only has bear stance for condi clear. Get the heal out, condi burst.

Use unblockable on GS4 block.

If they're running WS they aren't getting those same big mauls. They do have more condi clear options. They probably dont run stab on dolyak cause its 60s cd and instead take QZ and LR. You know what sucks about LR? Getting stuck in a fear ring, guardian ring, thief ring. Hit the wall, LR, hit the other wall. "Ah but hammer guard isn't viable" hammer is 100% the best weapon vs ranger - always has been. L2p. So wait for the stab on the elite to end (which just for nerfed to 6s) and then go play some wackamole with your necro buddy to break the gs block with a fear. And you know what's great, it works real well vs core ranger.

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They should give Soulbeast pet swap back and fix the actual really existing balance problems of Ranger, the ones that lower skill ceiling. Like too strong pets with hard cc on passive skills and still too much dmg, like the ability to revive pets with merging etc.

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@"mrauls.6519" said:7.1k mauls are pretty insane to me... Smoke Assault needs an animation as well

This is the problem with 2v2s. You lose to me 4 times last night in 2s. A lot of the matches were super close. I think I was playing extremely well and barely pulled off some of the wins... and then you log on here and complain about ranger. If I was barely winning... then I imagine you must be thrashing pretty much every other ranger out there...

And you absolutely fucked me up some games. You speared me, I couldn't stealth, and I had to inefficiently waste cds and got farmed... yet I'm not on here complaining about how guardian can pull people through evades, how spear is unblockable, or that it has a low cast time. Cause honestly if I dont dodge or LoS your spears I lose...

So this kinda makes me think ranger might not be that much of a problem and you're just salty you lost?

I think those were close games and they felt pretty balanced to me. I had to work really hard for those wins.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:7.1k mauls are pretty insane to me... Smoke Assault needs an animation as well

This is the problem with 2v2s. You lose to me 4 times last night in 2s. A lot of the matches were super close. I think I was playing extremely well and barely pulled off some of the wins... and then you log on here and complain about ranger. If I was barely winning... then I imagine you must be thrashing pretty much every other ranger out there...

And you absolutely kitten me up some games. You speared me, I couldn't stealth, and I had to inefficiently waste cds and got farmed... yet I'm not on here complaining about how guardian can pull people through evades, how spear is unblockable, or that it has a low cast time. Cause honestly if I dont dodge or LoS your spears I lose...

So this kinda makes me think ranger might not be that much of a problem and you're just salty you lost?

Yeah Mrauls is a good buddy of mine and probably one of the best DHs I've ever fought. He was one of the only ones who gave me a tough time back when Druid was at it's prime on release. If he can make us work for the win, he definitely rolls over most rangers. I'd like to see how he plays DH post-patch. Haven't gotten the chance yet ^^

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