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a plea for 3rd expac

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anet pls don't make op elite specs that break competitive modes again.also: AWESOME.

editplease for the love of god don't release any more especs with offhands. main hand/ 2 handed is the way to go! it has way more impact on play style and is generally way more enjoyable of a thing to play around with.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Cool looks asian themed, hope warrior gets a samurai pole arm spec is so.

Exactly what I was thinking lol.

Thief can get ninja and mesmer can get... naruto? idk maybe like hand fan :p

Yeah the fan would've a interesting and cool idea for mesmer and would definitely fit the class. Ninja for thief is also definitely a no brainer considering half its traits already depict ninjas. plus they already use caltrops and have sneakthief armor with shurikens both are originally samurai weapons but pop culture loves them for ninjas profession. To change things up be cool if they revisited warrior gs skills to make them have more a samurai feel as well but know that's a pipe dream lolWonder what the rest would fit in Asian theme tho?

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There's a way to breathe life into the game without Especs.

Additional Specialization Traitlines.

Traitlines already have a tradeoff for existing, being that if they are used, another useful traitline isn't being used.

Unlike Especs, they shouldn't dramatically alter the playstyle or Profession mechanic to the point where the whole trade-off fiasco has to repeat again.A new traitline with a new base weapon would honestly be healthier for the game overall because many professions have essentially "dead", "weird", "clunky" weapons that desperately need a good offhand or mainhand compliment.

Some weapons straight up need a rework and can't get away without having one too.

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I'd love if they added different stuff than elite specs. I guess a new profession with 2 elite specs would be easier to balance towards all the other existing stuff - than 9 new elite specs (each for one class). Making minor changes like adding just a simple new trait line (and maybe 4th trait line slot to unlock or level 90) could also be an option. But that might bring the need for lots of balancing as well - even if it didn't come with new skills (only trait line).

I know a lot of players from PvE want lots of new stuff (but then the game never would be "finished" an it will get harder and harder for newer players to catch up) ... somehow this needs to end. And I think the 3rd expansion might be the last one. GW1 had main campain then the 2 others + Eye of the North (3 additional things added later). They might do a full set of elite specs - 1 for each class - but that being the last ones and future content only cosmetic stuff and new story chapters.

I can see the complaints already ... about only the latest new elite specs being "meta" and people without the latest expansion getting flamed for not playing meta builds. :D (Well ... if there are still players left in PvP by then.)

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