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[Proposal] Proper ammo for Gun users

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:The idea consists in 3 parts.

1 - Give every single weapon skill a certain amount of ammo instead of a skill recharge time.Which leads to the next one.

2 - In Huntsman and artificer professions would be added the ability to craft ammo for your weapon skills, that you could stack up to 250 each in your inventory.Examples.Normal ammo requirements.Copper + GunpowderNormal ammo for skill 1 could be made infinite by getting max craft level and adding ascended materials to it.Silver Bullets.Silver + Gunpowder

For other ammo, such as rifle nets, would require other materials, such as spider webs + leather strings.

For a higher level of poison arrow shot, for instance, we could add...Steel + Poison Sack.Obviously higher levels of ammo would do more damage.

Other things we could craft as we increase our levels, are intensifier and multiplier.Intensifiers could be crafted and used after to combine with ammo, to intensify damage and condition damage and duration.Multipliers would multiply the amount of chosen ammo you have in your inventory.

3 - Reload time and animations.So as I mentioned.When you ran out of ammo for a certain skill, instead of a skill recharge, by clicking on that skill again, and if you had any ammo left, it would play an animation of your character reloading the weapon.

I haven't given this much thought to be honest.It just occurred to me whilst playing and thought that it could look more realistic, and also give you more value for crafting.

So what do you guys think?Good idea? Not?Your thoughts please.

Honestly your idea could work. But it should only be part of some long end game optional achievement system with its own rules like some sort of a mini-game.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Many other games do require ammo for weapons that would need it (the ones I'm most familiar with are the various DnD games) and it's ok, but can be annoying. Especially when you're faced with a choice between filling 1/2 your inventory with stacks of arrows or risking running out when you go through a long dungeon.

I remember that in WoW, the breaks while the hunters portal or hearth back to a city and buy more ammo, then summoning them back on my 'lock. Yeah, I was glad when they removed ammo (and soulshards etc) in WoW, it was just a pain.

Also I'm not sure how crafting unicorns for the Dreamer would work. Or a quiver for that matter.

A unicorn quiver? Or a tiger quiver for Chuka and Champawat? Awesome!

On a related note, it would be nice if there was a matching quiver skin for each legendary bow, one that the bow didn't hide when stowed.

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Reloading works in an FPS because everyone is subject to it (minus melee or special weapons) and it adds a layer of strategy as you can't just spend the whole time firing an infinitely reloading weapon. A good number of FPS games also market themselves as realistic and real life guns need to be reloaded.

Ammo doesn't work in an MMO because it punishes classes that use ranged projectile weapons and also punishes people for playing with someone who plays a ranged projectile class. How does it punish others you ask? Because people run out of ammo mid-encounter or forget to buy several stacks before running a dungeon or raid so the whole group has to wait around for someone to port to a city to buy/craft what they need and then port back. During this time others often go AFK as well so the entire thing is delayed for 15 minutes because one person forgot ammo.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, WoW had ammo in-game for years. They removed it because it caused so many issues. Nothing that was game-breaking but it did bring down the QoL for players who played classes that required ammo.

If you can suspend your disbelief around magic, monsters, dragons, and objects/animals spawning from nothing, you can suspend your disbelief around people having the perfect number of arrows or bullets.

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Not a fan of this, for all the logistics reasons etc.

The main way I could see an ammo system work, is to slightly weaken all ranged attacks a bit. Then have a bunch of craftable and buyable ammunitions work as 1use items or potions, that you can activate to get a bonus for its duration (1shot or Xtime). That would likely boost it slightly above the current level. And then rather have multiple different types of buffs.

It would still make me avoid the system since I still have traumas of running around with 2-3 characters with inventories filled with arrows from back in Baldur's Gate 1 just to take out some bosses or dungeons.

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@Kumouta.4985 said:this suggestion was two days too late! would've been perfect for april fools.Noone wants this, because it makes guns useless halfway through enjoying the game and forces guns to cost much more gold to use than anything else

Yeah.Weird times, weird day, weird mood leads to this.I think Monster Hunter and Dino Crisis must have popped in my mind, along with this self confinement.


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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:On a related note, it would be nice if there was a matching quiver skin for each legendary bow, one that the bow didn't hide when stowed.There's a checkbox to hide the bow when stowed so that the quiver would be visible. Not ideal, perhaps, but optional nonetheless.

Bit off topic, but is this a thing for other people? I have Chuka & Champawat with Rox's Quiver, but when my bow is stowed both bow and quiver stay visible.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:On a related note, it would be nice if there was a matching quiver skin for each legendary bow, one that the bow didn't hide when stowed.There's a checkbox to hide the bow when stowed so that the quiver would be visible. Not ideal, perhaps, but optional nonetheless.

Bit off topic, but is this a thing for other people? I have Chuka & Champawat with Rox's Quiver, but when my bow is stowed both bow and quiver stay visible.

I have Rox's Quiver, too. Like any back item, I can hide or show it, but that's not a weapon, so it doesn't trigger on stow. The problem with showing the bow when stowed being obstructed by the quiver is, AFAIK, only solved by "perma" hiding the quiver.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:On a related note, it would be nice if there was a matching quiver skin for each legendary bow, one that the bow didn't hide when stowed.There's a checkbox to hide the bow when stowed so that the quiver would be visible. Not ideal, perhaps, but optional nonetheless.

Bit off topic, but is this a thing for other people? I have Chuka & Champawat with Rox's Quiver, but when my bow is stowed both bow and quiver stay visible.

I have Rox's Quiver, too. Like any back item, I can hide or show it, but that's not a weapon, so it doesn't trigger on stow. The problem with showing the bow when stowed being obstructed by the quiver is, AFAIK, only solved by "perma" hiding the quiver.

Sorry, 'fraid I still don't quite understand the problem, though I don't suppose it matters enough to continue going off topic.

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Useless suggestion. Not adding anything fun to the game and instead making it more bloated with useless mechanics. It will get boring to play if you have to restock on ammo. (People already buy unbreakable harvest tools from the gem store cause it is boring to restock on such stuff.)

Besides: If you want such stuff for ranged weapons (guns) you'd need to introduce it for melee weapons as well. (Maybe having to use a sharpening stone to make the blade sharp again after some uses.)

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@Luthan.5236 said:Useless suggestion. Not adding anything fun to the game and instead making it more bloated with useless mechanics. It will get boring to play if you have to restock on ammo. (People already buy unbreakable harvest tools from the gem store cause it is boring to restock on such stuff.)

Besides: If you want such stuff for ranged weapons (guns) you'd need to introduce it for melee weapons as well. (Maybe having to use a sharpening stone to make the blade sharp again after some uses.)

^ This, 100%---- another one of those ideas with no merit.

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