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Remove Mad King Runes


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Its just ridiculous that renegade can have its elite skill that can give everyone inside it 400 life steal per hit with no internal cool down. And they get free 48 hits (16 x 3 targets) of life steal on their elite because of these runes. It's their only source of damage and all around just a stupid mechanic that should be gone.

  1. Put an ICD.
  2. Remove Mad King Runes
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@Eurantien.4632 said:Its just ridiculous that renegade can have its elite skill that can give everyone inside it 400 life steal per hit with no internal cool down. And they get free 48 hits (16 x 3 targets) of life steal on their elite because of these runes. It's their only source of damage and all around just a stupid mechanic that should be gone.

  1. Put an ICD.
  2. Remove Mad King Runes

Just kill the pet... ugh wait wrong thread.Just dodge.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Its just ridiculous that renegade can have its elite skill that can give everyone inside it 400 life steal per hit with no internal cool down. And they get free 48 hits (16 x 3 targets) of life steal on their elite because of these runes. It's their only source of insane burst damage while playing bunker BSand all around just a stupid mechanic that should be gone.

  1. Put an ICD.
  2. Remove Mad King RunesFixed something for you.First time you made a thread that isnt a meme
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I wasn't aware of this interaction. Not gonna lie that's pretty insane.

I'd been playing a glassy Renegade build up til now, running zerker and eagle. Definately harder to pull off than the bunker build, but it can demolish a teamfight in seconds if given the opportunity. Even bunker necros can't eat a full burst and live.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Its just ridiculous that renegade can have its elite skill that can give everyone inside it 400 life steal per hit with no internal cool down. And they get free 48 hits (16 x 3 targets) of life steal on their elite because of these runes. It's their only source of damage and all around just a stupid mechanic that should be gone.

  1. Put an ICD.
  2. Remove Mad King Runes

Those runes already have a 45 second ICD? You can also LOS that combo, or dodge the initial application.. which happens once every 45 seconds. And like you said, IT'S THEIR ONLY SOURCE OF DAMAGE

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@Doto.6357 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Its just ridiculous that renegade can have its elite skill that can give everyone inside it 400 life steal per hit with no internal cool down. And they get free 48 hits (16 x 3 targets) of life steal on their elite because of these runes. It's their only source of damage and all around just a stupid mechanic that should be gone.
  1. Put an ICD.
  2. Remove Mad King Runes

Those runes already have a 45 second ICD? You can also LOS that combo, or dodge the initial application.. which happens once every 45 seconds. And like you said, IT'S THEIR ONLY SOURCE OF DAMAGE

This ! 45 seconds cooldown on the rune already.

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As others have said you can prevent the entire application with aegis/block/invuln/evade. And then it requires LOS to do any damage while the birds are on the targets, so literally pulling off to the side can mitigate 90% of the damage if done early, since it will just give “obstructed” while out of LOS. And the birds themselves are also still blockable/evadeable/invulnable after they land on their target which can mitigate a ton of the damage as well.

Soulcleave can also be CC’d, interrupting the lifesteal, making the birds do minimal damage total. And Soulcleave also has a 1s cast time and an additional delay of .25-.5s between cast and the formation of the field/casting of the birds, so can give time to prepare for it.

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First they came for the amulets, and I did not speak out—Because I did not use that amulet.

Then they came for the runes, and I did not speak out—Because I did not use that rune.

Then they came for the sigils, and I did not speak out—Because I did not use that sigil.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:As others have said you can prevent the entire application with aegis/block/invuln/evade. And then it requires LOS to do any damage while the birds are on the targets, so literally pulling off to the side can mitigate 90% of the damage if done early, since it will just give “obstructed” while out of LOS. And the birds themselves are also still blockable/evadeable/invulnable after they land on their target which can mitigate a ton of the damage as well.

Soulcleave can also be CC’d, interrupting the lifesteal, making the birds do minimal damage total. And Soulcleave also has a 1s cast time and an additional delay of .25-.5s between cast and the formation of the field/casting of the birds, so can give time to prepare for it.

You're gonna LoS a bunker spec that once it gets node you have no way of getting back?

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@Eurantien.4632 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:As others have said you can prevent the entire application with aegis/block/invuln/evade. And then it requires LOS to do any damage while the birds are on the targets, so literally pulling off to the side can mitigate 90% of the damage if done early, since it will just give “obstructed” while out of LOS. And the birds themselves are also still blockable/evadeable/invulnable after they land on their target which can mitigate a ton of the damage as well.

Soulcleave can also be CC’d, interrupting the lifesteal, making the birds do minimal damage total. And Soulcleave also has a 1s cast time and an additional delay of .25-.5s between cast and the formation of the field/casting of the birds, so can give time to prepare for it.

You're gonna LoS a bunker spec that once it gets node you have no way of getting back?

If you can’t LOS for whatever reason then you have the other options described above. Also you have teammates, so assuming you have 3-4 people in a team fight you can absolutely pull off and LOS for a few seconds as long as all of your teammates didn’t also get hit by it (and with 4+ teammates in a teamfight obviously at least one won’t be hit by it). The birds can also get used on non-player targets as well, like pets, clones, summons, lich minions, etc. so there’s not even a guarantee that you’re going to hit enemy players with it. And the odds of hitting 3 players in a teamfight is even lower due to random blocks/dodges/etc. eating the cast as well.

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Mad king rune is good for renegade but sometimes it won't work properly. If enemies hide behind wall or if they interupt your life steal summon or if they knock you away from your summon or hmm if you run out of energy to keep summon up or if you press 0 in other legend doing nothing heheHope you got the point.

Also to mention that there is similar rune called "Citadel" i think which allows bombs to fall from sky.

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