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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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How will Anet handle anything that was sent in mail from NA->EU within the fri-mon period? EU accs get rolled back like nothing happened, but how does the mail that is registered as having occured on the NA side get handled? Are items/gold sent forever gone/lost? I can't really see how they would do it without rolling back NA as well, otherwise having to deal with millions of individual cases. Does the mail have it's own internal system for rolling back mail sent between two regions? I hope there is a way they can backtrack and return mail that was sent from NA->EU.

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@Eziair.2509 said:It's the one thing I do miss from my WoW days.Devs (well GMs) would be on the forums or in game chat.It's the one thing I really hate about GW2 - were the hell are the Devs?

You probably meant support team. It's not the job of the dev team to handle client support. As a dev myself who's often asked to do it. It sucks, it's a huge waste of time/distraction and it doesn't necessarily bring anything positive.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Eziair.2509 said:It's the one thing I do miss from my WoW days.Devs (well GMs) would be on the forums or in game chat.It's the one thing I really hate about GW2 - were the hell are the Devs?

You probably meant support team. It's not the job of the dev team to handle client support. As a dev myself who's often asked to do it. It sucks, it's a huge waste of time/distraction and it doesn't necessarily bring anything positive.

In my company the devs are in direct contact with our clients. Might be the reason why we’ve been growing 200-300% year on year for the last 5 years.

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I hope the long downtime means good news.Would be bad if they couldn't restore the progress and we just lost another day because of the downtime. (Then they should have said earlier and just letting the people continue to play.)

Then again: They might not know if it is possible to revert the lost progress until testing and testing might be necessary in any case (even if it can't be restored) to ensure further stability ... also because of stuf fwith the trading post where data was shared with NA.

I hope to see it back soon in the next hours. The day is starting in Europe and we are eager to play.

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@Swagg.9236 said:So, as bad as a rollback is, what could anybody possibly lose from a game as stale as GW2 at this point? Doesn't everyone just have everything that they could possibly want? Was this another snowflake level gold bug or something?

I lost my elegy + requiem armor collection + timegated mistonium + 5 map completions, not everyone follows the most recent content. I haven't even started the Saga.

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Considering the problem which started this caused everyone to lose 3 days of progress and who knows what problems behind the scenes I'd rather they take the time to fix it properly and make sure it won't happen again rather than just rush to get the servers back online.

Admittedly it's relatively easy for me to say that because for the past 10 hours it hasn't mattered to me if the game was up or not, I was sleeping so I couldn't play anyway but I imagine the same is true for the majority of people in Europe. It did mean I didn't get to play yesterday, but that's ok I just played another game instead (Baldur's Gate). I'd rather do that than spend time on GW2 and then find I've lost everything I did because the servers are playing up.

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@Mikhael.2391 said:The quality of service is down too, so much time to fix something.

First you have to realise there is a problem. Then you figure out what and where the problem is. Then you have to come up with a solution. Then you have to implement it. Then you have to test that the solution has worked.

The amount of time it takes to do these steps depends on the complexity of the problem and with a complex system like a set of MMO servers it can be very complex indeed.

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@yoni.7015 said:It’s been almost 24 hours now. I’m sure it wouldn’t take them that long if the NA servers were affected.

I think that's an unfair assessment. It takes as long as it takes. I just hope we won't be at a huge disadvantage compared to the U.S. servers after this ordeal - the trading post poses a huge issue as do other discrepancies.

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Anet has a pretty solid record when it comes to addressing and fixing these sorts of issues. The last time we had an issue of this magnitude was in 2016. For an MMO, that is extremely stable. Something pretty bad must have happened, at a very unfortunate time, that was most likely out of their hands. It is pretty unreasonable for players to criticize the company for not quickly resolving what is probably a very complex problem, that requires a lot of care and testing. Especially given their track record of dealing with these issues pretty fast and well, and not having these sorts of issues come up as often as other MMO companies. This is the first time in 4 years! 4 YEARS! Could they have communicated with us faster? Possibly. But they probably had good reason for a delayed response. Most of us are probably worried about the progress we made over the weekend. We're talking lost gold, gems, items, achievements, lots of things. And I think we all would like this progress back. So given the fact that I think we can all agree on that... shoudn't we all be strongly in favor of them taking their time to resolve and test this issue thoroughly?

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@Mad Queen Malafide.7512 said:Anet has a pretty solid record when it comes to addressing and fixing these sorts of issues. The last time we had an issue of this magnitude was in 2016. For an MMO, that is extremely stable. Something pretty bad must have happened, at a very unfortunate time, that was most likely out of their hands. It is pretty unreasonable for players to criticize the company for not quickly resolving what is probably a very complex problem, that requires a lot of care and testing. Especially given their track record of dealing with these issues pretty fast and well, and not having these sorts of issues come up as often as other MMO companies. This is the first time in 4 years! 4 YEARS! Could they have communicated with us faster? Possibly. But they probably had good reason for a delayed response. Most of us are probably worried about the progress we made over the weekend. We're talking lost gold, gems, items, achievements, lots of things. And I think we all would like this progress back. So given the fact that I think we can all agree on that... shoudn't we all be strongly in favor of them taking their time to resolve and test this issue thoroughly?

I remember something like this happening either last year or a little over it. not 4 years.

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@Mad Queen Malafide.7512 said:Anet has a pretty solid record when it comes to addressing and fixing these sorts of issues. The last time we had an issue of this magnitude was in 2016. For an MMO, that is extremely stable. Something pretty bad must have happened, at a very unfortunate time, that was most likely out of their hands. It is pretty unreasonable for players to criticize the company for not quickly resolving what is probably a very complex problem, that requires a lot of care and testing. Especially given their track record of dealing with these issues pretty fast and well, and not having these sorts of issues come up as often as other MMO companies. This is the first time in 4 years! 4 YEARS! Could they have communicated with us faster? Possibly. But they probably had good reason for a delayed response. Most of us are probably worried about the progress we made over the weekend. We're talking lost gold, gems, items, achievements, lots of things. And I think we all would like this progress back. So given the fact that I think we can all agree on that... shoudn't we all be strongly in favor of them taking their time to resolve and test this issue thoroughly?

Totally agree and considering how many other online games have these sorts of issues or regular offline maintenance, I don't think we have much to complain about. I play MMO's which come down every week for maintenance - so that's half a day every week I can't play them.

It's a minor annoyance, but I'm sure they'll sort it one way or another

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Still looking forward to Anet saying that the database and all its backups are unrecoverable, so all EU accounts has been reset, no other options.

Come on, it'll be fun, like an entirely new game!

Hm, I did a new 2nd account in NA once, was fun for a while, but not really like a new game. You still know what to do, you just have to repeat it.

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@yoni.7015 said:It’s been almost 24 hours now. I’m sure it wouldn’t take them that long if the NA servers were affected.

The NA servers were affected though. While the rollback was only on the EU, the TP is connected to both NA and EU and as a result of the rollback has caused issues with the TP. If I heard right people were losing items while others were getting duplicates.

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@Soulus.4308 said:

@yoni.7015 said:It’s been almost 24 hours now. I’m sure it wouldn’t take them that long if the NA servers were affected.

The NA servers were affected though. While the rollback was only on the EU, the TP is connected to both NA and EU and as a result of the rollback has caused issues with the TP. If I heard right people were losing items while others were getting duplicates.

Are the NA servers down as well? No. Only the EU Servers.

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