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Next Mini Season Should Be 1 V 1

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Honestly the combination of lack of balance capabilities from anets dev team and tendencies of the gw2 community will just result in the same 3 maybe 4 classes being spammed every match.... fun. We can pretend but we all know it wont take long to figure out the few classes and their builds that dominate in 1v1's easily and those will be the ones everyone plays. Nothing would be done about it either seeing as they wont balance classes for any mode but 5v5.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I forsee hit and run builds being cheesed, particularly with venomshare thieves guild.

That being said I'd still give it a shot.

how about 1 v 1s with sticks?

normalize to 0 armor, damage is exact unless crit (1.5) regardless of type, and health is 50.

(1) stick autos do 1,2,3 damage respectively(2) switch; root in place with flurry of switching attacks, damage (4x) 4, foe is crippled 3 secs - cd (15s)(3)parry, block the next attack and daze your foe cd 8 secs(4) throw stick, you throw your stick at foe and bounce it back damage (3x) 9, up to 3 bounces, gain 2 secs regen (2) for each bounce, cd 12 secs combo finisher projectile(5)BIG STICK, leap at your foe and do BIG DAMAGE, if this attack crits, the foe is knocked down. damage 15, (cd 20s) combo finisher leap

(heal)evade fro 1/2 sec and gain 20 health cd 25 secs(7)gain swiftness 10 seconds cd 20 secs(8)drop a flour bomb and blind your enemy (1s) pulsing, 3 pulses. combo field smoke.(9)rub sticks, your next attack burns foe for 10 second (10 damage total, 1 per second) cd 15 secs(elite) spanking, knock your foe down and spank them damage (4x) 20, cd 45 secs

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:I forsee hit and run builds being cheesed, particularly with venomshare thieves guild.

That being said I'd still give it a shot.

how about 1 v 1s with sticks?

normalize to 0 armor, damage is exact unless crit (1.5) regardless of type, and health is 50.

(1) stick autos do 1,2,3 damage respectively(2) switch; root in place with flurry of switching attacks, damage (4x) 4, foe is crippled 3 secs - cd (15s)(3)parry, block the next attack and daze your foe cd 8 secs(4) throw stick, you throw your stick at foe and bounce it back damage (3x) 9, up to 3 bounces, gain 2 secs regen (2) for each bounce, cd 12 secs combo finisher projectile(5)BIG STICK, leap at your foe and do BIG DAMAGE, if this attack crits, the foe is knocked down. damage 15, (cd 20s) combo finisher leap

(heal)evade fro 1/2 sec and gain 20 health cd 25 secs(7)gain swiftness 10 seconds cd 20 secs(8)drop a flour bomb and blind your enemy (1s) pulsing, 3 pulses. combo field smoke.(9)rub sticks, your next attack burns foe for 10 second (10 damage total, 1 per second) cd 15 secs(elite) spanking, knock your foe down and spank them damage (4x) 20, cd 45 secs

Wasn't this a wintersday event?

stick op pls nerf

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