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Will Legndary Armory Eventually Ruin Economy?

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If the legendary armory will ruin the economy, we can argue that the wardrobe has ruined the economy, that accountbound legendary weapons ruined the economy and in particular that ascended has ruined the economy because why even build legendaries anyway when we get the same stats for far less cost.

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@keenedge.9675 said:

@Taril.8619 said:Since, one of the main draws for Legendaries right now, is the shiny skins. So as long as ANet keeps churning out new Legendary items, people will keep wanting the shiny new skins.

There are no glamorous skins for gen 1 weps and few for legendary armor.

That's one up for player taste.

I see plenty of people running around with gen 1 weapons. Most if not all of which still provide auras/footfalls. I especially see tons of Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity (Far, far more than I see Exordium)

In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

@keenedge.9675 said:As said elsewhere, this benefits a tiny percentage of the game. Effort best spent fixing persistent broken map events in the core zone.

It depends on if it's the same team that works on UI features such as Wardrobe/Armoury that also works on things like events.

If it's different teams, then it's not really a case of either/or. If it is the same team then yeah, bug fixing would probably be preferred by more people.

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Legendary armor won't impact the economy because it's honestly easier for most players to just craft several ascended sets of armor to swap around instead of crafting a legendary set to do the same thing. For the small segment of population that really swap their stats around that much, it might cut down on demand, but it really doesn't matter.

Besides, legendary armor has been around for so long, if it would have had an effect, we would have seen it already.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:i think people overestimate the 'ease' of getting legendary armor. If you dont raid or wvw till you are blue in the head, theres no way to get it. Especially if you turn out to be playing a deemed useless class like necromancer.

Necromancer useless in WvW. That's news to me.

As far as raids, unless you decide to play with players on top tier level, which would require you to multi class anyway and play insanely good, there is nothing which prevents players on necro to raid. I help out in medium skilled guild groups often as heal necro or run power reaper for funsies. The excuse that necro is not viable is a trope and just gets used by players who simply do not want to get into raiding.

It even has some dedicated spots depending on group strength (absolutely viable in mid tier): pylon on Q2, epi on Desmina, kite on Sabetha, solo lamp at Q1. Sorry, not buying it.

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Anything that causes people to play more toward a goal can only help the game as a whole.

There may be people who love the idea of the Legendary Armory for armor, but only have exotic/ascended sets (a.k.a. me). This may cause them to get into raiding/WvW to make a set of legendary armor/weapons.

For those who don't care about crafting, harvesting and selling needed mats is an easy way to make a few extra gold/week.

Let's say that 01% of those who begin a legendary actually complete the process. That's a huge boost to the raiding/WvW community no matter how you look at it.

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@"LucianDK.8615" said:i think people overestimate the 'ease' of getting legendary armor. If you dont raid or wvw till you are blue in the head, theres no way to get it. Especially if you turn out to be playing a deemed useless class like necromancer.

Just look at the number of people sporting the back-piece/glider "Warbringer." It takes dedication and time for these awesome looking skins.

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Hmmm.. do any die hard vets think this change will give them more or less to do? More if you need to collect legendaries, less if you already have them and are no longer motivated to build a spare or ascended? Silly question but I’m just curious..

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@zaekeon.5128 said:Hmmm.. do any die hard vets think this change will give them more or less to do? More if you need to collect legendaries, less if you already have them and are no longer motivated to build a spare or ascended? Silly question but I’m just curious..

None, because I’m collecting legendary items for a single character. I’d want to get them anyway so it would be the same effort I’d be putting in before.

If I ever finish legendary armor and all the trinkets, I’d still have to motivate myself to get other weapons or armor types. That is...a lot more farming than I can imagine doing.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Do you have any idea how many resources it takes a single player to make a full set of Light, Medium, Heavy Legendary armor, a full set of Legendary trinkets, and enough Legendary weapon types for all of their classes?

You're talking something like 100k gold worth per player, which according to GW2Efficiency, is the entire value of many accounts that are almost a decade old. So no, its not going to ruin the econemy, if anything it will strengthen it for years to come.

Also consider that everything is currently up to 10x more expensive than at release, and we did just fine back then.

I remember vendoring worthless Mystic Coins for 1s.

Rather simple to calculate tbh. Each set of legendary armor is around 2k gold. Trinkets are between 1.3-1.5k (with backpieces being the cheapest at 700-1.2k a piece). T1 legendary weapons are around 1k, 1.5k if factoring in the account bound materials.

So that would be:
  • 3 x 2 = 6k (let's round up to 7k)
  • 6 x 1.5 = 9.5k (let's say 10k)
  • 16 x 1.5 = 24k (let's round to 30k in case some T2 legendarys are desired or the more expensive T1 legis)

with all the rounding
47k total

Not even half of 100k. We could even go all out and double the weapon values for T2 legis, or even add runes/sigils on top and wouldn't reach 100k. Prices for legenary weapons have remained rather stable for the last 6 years. They haven't increased or decresed wildly except for the addition of new more expensive legendarys.

I do agree though, in the short and medium this will not have any effect on the economy, simply because a lot of players would take a LONG time to reach this cap.

But what about the underwater weapons, why does nobody remember them. :(

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No it will not. There will be demand shocks with a gradual compensation of supply as prices incentivize certain in-game behaviors such as farming. Additionally, there will be increases in market velocities for affected materials. Some of the things that require a regression analysis would be the incidental generation of items that will accompany spikes in activities related to legendary acquisitions. Finally, not all players will participate in legendary acquisition activities.

Trading post will be fine. here's a reference to begin reading and understand closed, virtual economies.

Lehdonvirta, and Vili. “Virtual Economics: Applying Economics to the Study of Game Worlds.” SSRN, 27 June 2010, papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1630302.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Do you have any idea how many resources it takes a single player to make a full set of Light, Medium, Heavy Legendary armor, a full set of Legendary trinkets, and enough Legendary weapon types for all of their classes?

You're talking something like 100k gold worth per player, which according to GW2Efficiency, is the entire value of many accounts that are almost a decade old. So no, its not going to ruin the econemy, if anything it will strengthen it for years to come.

Also consider that everything is currently up to 10x more expensive than at release, and we did just fine back then.

I remember vendoring worthless Mystic Coins for 1s.

Rather simple to calculate tbh. Each set of legendary armor is around 2k gold. Trinkets are between 1.3-1.5k (with backpieces being the cheapest at 700-1.2k a piece). T1 legendary weapons are around 1k, 1.5k if factoring in the account bound materials.

So that would be:
  • 3 x 2 = 6k (let's round up to 7k)
  • 6 x 1.5 = 9.5k (let's say 10k)
  • 16 x 1.5 = 24k (let's round to 30k in case some T2 legendarys are desired or the more expensive T1 legis)

with all the rounding
47k total

Not even half of 100k. We could even go all out and double the weapon values for T2 legis, or even add runes/sigils on top and wouldn't reach 100k. Prices for legenary weapons have remained rather stable for the last 6 years. They haven't increased or decresed wildly except for the addition of new more expensive legendarys.

I do agree though, in the short and medium this will not have any effect on the economy, simply because a lot of players would take a LONG time to reach this cap.

But what about the underwater weapons, why does nobody remember them. :(I bought a precursor for like 30g or something once, just because I could.

Then I forgot I had it so never made a legendary.

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In my opinion legendary stuff will have no affect to economy. In my opinion legendary items has bigger affect to gameplay balance, than economy.

As for ruin economy, it's allready done. I mean ability sell and buy stuff doesn't mean economy is healthty. At the moment in GW2 supplay could be like 10 to 100 times bigger than demand for those items that can be sold in TP. Some items in TP has only supplay and no demand at all. Some items are 100% useless from start, so there has never been demand for them. Hole crafting side is totally useless, except account bound item crafting. Material for crafting in general are more valuable than items made from those materials. Because supplay in GW2 is so huge compared to demand, it's cheaper just buy everyting from TP. Actually we starts to be in situation that people could start buying items from TP, just to salvage them for crafting materials.

So, legendaries have no affect economy situation.

I'm still newbie, but I'm crafting at the moment my first ascended armor. It's actually first crafted item that could have actually any usefullness for my characters. Everyting else in crafting has been just to level crafting. I don't mean I haven't benefit items crafted, but it has been more costly than just buy from TP. Because economy situation is so bad.

My point is that you can't ruin something what's allready ruined.

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I don't think the Legendary Armory will ruin the economy - if anything, I see it as more players wanting to go from their ascended armor, to legendary armor, and in doing so, that requires a lot of mats.

And even if the economy started going downhill because everyone and their dog had legendary armor, and there wasn't enough players buying up mats for legendary armor, Anet could always add incentives to those with legendary armor, like for example a legendary dye collection (if you have bifrost, for example, you could begin a legendary collection which unlocks a rainbowy-bifrost-like dye, and the first item it would require would obviously be the bifrost being unlocked). The dye collections could require more 'gifts' and materials, for example.

You could apply the same with perhaps legendary cape skins, for example. If you have, say, the juggernaut legendary unlocked, you could start the juggernaut cape collection, which requires certain gifts, mats, and achievements to be unlocked, and as a reward, you unlock a metallic-like cape skin which is dyeable.

The ideas are endless, really, and as long as you can add achievements and collections onto things, there'll always be demand for mats. So I don't think the economy will suffer.

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@zaekeon.5128 said:I am probably someone who will never get legendary armor so I’m looking at this from the outside as I don’t have a good feel for how hard it is to obtain.

This surprised me, when I saw this topic I assumed it was coming from someone on the opposite end of the spectrum, as most people tend to assume they're in the majority in any given group. So I thought this concern would come from someone who sees exotic and even ascended equipment as just a stepping stone to the inevitable goal of getting full legendary equipment, and assumes that's something most players would prioritise.

As it is I think you've answered your own question: you, and lots of players like you, will never get legendary armour so it will never get to the point of ruining the economy. A lot of the players who are inclined to get it probably already have it or were working towards it before the legendary armoury was announced.

For what it's worth I'm in that group too. I've been playing this game since release and have 11 characters but only 1 has full ascended. I've made 3 legendary weapons because I liked the skins and expect to make more at some point but I'm not sure when (other than it will be when I feel like it, based on past experience I'll just decide one day I want to start on one and that will be it). My progress towards legendary armour consists of getting some drops for the first collection during raids and making the ascended version of one WvW piece because I like the skin. I'm sure I could finish either raid or WvW legendary armour if I wanted to (it wouldn't be quick but I could do it) but it's not a priority for me. I'm not even actively working at getting all my characters into full ascended, I just share stuff around as I get it.

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@keenedge.9675 said:

@Taril.8619 said:In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

All gen 1 legendary weapons because the gen 2 weapons require dedication, not simply $100 in gem cards via the TP or as a gift from a benefactor.

Yes, surely it doesn't have anything with some of the gen 2 legends looking... questionable.Absolutely not.

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@keenedge.9675 said:

@"Taril.8619" said:In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

All gen 1 legendary weapons because the
gen 2 weapons require dedication
, not simply $100 in gem cards via the TP or as a gift from a benefactor.No they don't, at least not considerably more than gen 1 weapons. You do a short questline and then it's pay time. "get cash" is the main part of the "legendary journey" regardless if you're going for gen 1 or gen 2 weapons. Gen 2 weapons just require you to play WvW (which is ultimately even less demanding than your average OW PvE events) which turns of many casuals simply cause direct combat vs. other players exists while gen 1 weapons on the other hand can just be bought from the TP.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Taril.8619 said:In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

All gen 1 legendary weapons because the gen 2 weapons require dedication, not simply $100 in gem cards via the TP or as a gift from a benefactor.

Yes, surely it doesn't have anything with some of the gen 2 legends looking... questionable.Absolutely not.Yeah because nothing is questionable about a shooting a neighing unicorn projectile propelled by rainbow fart.
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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Taril.8619 said:In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

All gen 1 legendary weapons because the gen 2 weapons require dedication, not simply $100 in gem cards via the TP or as a gift from a benefactor.

Yes, surely it doesn't have anything with some of the gen 2 legends looking... questionable.Absolutely not.Yeah because nothing is questionable about a shooting a neighing unicorn projectile propelled by rainbow fart.I didn't say that all is well with all gen1 legends, did I. Still, there are some very good aestethic reasons for picking
gen 1 legendaries over their gen 2 counterparts. Just as the reason why i keep seeing way more Nevermores than Bifrost is almost certainly also mostly aestethic based.
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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Taril.8619 said:In fact, I barely ever see any gen 2 weapons it's all gen 1...

All gen 1 legendary weapons because the gen 2 weapons require dedication, not simply $100 in gem cards via the TP or as a gift from a benefactor.

Yes, surely it doesn't have anything with some of the gen 2 legends looking... questionable.Absolutely not.Yeah because nothing is questionable about a shooting a neighing unicorn projectile propelled by rainbow fart.I didn't say that all is well with all gen1 legends, did I. Still, there are some very good aestethic reasons for picking
gen 1 legendaries over their gen 2 counterparts. Just as the reason why i keep seeing way more Nevermores than Bifrost is almost certainly also mostly aestethic based.

Do you? I see far more bifrosts can hardly remember seeing nevermore anywhere. Maybe it's like when you buy a new car and you start noticing more of those cars around.

Anyway, I thought the first few gen 2s were great, the ones with collections and actual stories behind them, the latter ones where they just dropped in a weapon with an heftier price tag than a gen 1 legendary weren't so great, IMO.

There are some truly terrible weapons in both sets though.

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I can see more sinks being added no matter what. I can definitely see legendary infusions being added no more than 9AR and +5 to a stat. I could even see the release of craft-able aura infusions. These both could be something for the jeweler crafting profession maxing out at 500.

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When the thief/Deadeye came out, how many people went out and crafted The Predator. I already had one (I took the easy route and purchased it. A big Thank You to whomever took the time/money to craft it for me) and was ecstatic to see a profession focusing on the rifle.

There will be a temporary spike (up or down) followed by "the new normal" for material prices.

The more (total) players there are in the entire game, the less of an impact it will be on the overall game.

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