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Your ideas for premium mount skins

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Raptor: mad-max style dune buggy, sparks and exhaust fumes

Skimmer: iridescent/ bioluminescent pond-skater, or even a skateboard/hoverboard :pensive:

Springer: steampunk pogo-stick

Jackal: hunting spider with emissive patterning

Griffon: demonic/possessed mantis, with aura, trail and chittering sound effects

Roller Beetle: plate-armoured sloth

Warclaw: a felinised teletubby/Mr Blobby, or the nyan-nyan cat

Skyscale: an enchanted flying squirrel.

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Chinese Dragon style Skyscale with similar appearance/movement to the mini mystical dragon/snow flurry dragon. Doesn't touch the ground. For the Canthan expansion. A floating snake works too.

A Skyscale that doesn't look like a skyscale.

Still want a bone dragon, despite the fact that the Dark Monarch reads as necromancer-inspired. :/

Asuran hover board.

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I'm also in the boat of wanting a non-living charr themed roller beetle skin. Was kinda sad when what we got was asuran themed instead but I still like it.I've also wanted a wyvern skin for Skyscale and the Modrem mount thing for raptors. A kangaroo for the springer would also be kinda funny, don't think any of the current ones look too much like that.

Also, at the person who suggested a hippocampus, I don't think they meant a brain. Hippocampus just translates to "seahorse" and the brain structure was named that because it's appearance was initially thought to look like a seahorse. But there's a mythical creature also called a hippocampus which is a literal sea-horse

Personally, I also want a hippocampus but I wanted it to be a new underwater mount altogether, as it works and would be kinda funny to have a fish horse mount after people kept asking for a horse mount.

Edit: whoops, missed where that was already clarified. But I still want it as an underwater mount.

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@"The Greyhawk.9107" said:Not a fan of "machine" mounts. I'd rather they stay animals. Obviously this won't happen and the game will continue to violate my eyes with this insanity of infusions and giant wing backpacks and holo-weapons and all the other kitten. Why not add bizarre and cringey "vehicle mounts" to the game.

as someone who likes these "machine" mounts, as long as they fit within the game's established themes/aesthetics i'm fine with it. we have airships made from pact technology (combination of all races) for example... that said i'd love to have an armored skyscale too just like the other people in this thread or a wyvern even, but i do have some things that i'd like to see more than others.

the charr have cannons/tanks/other vehicles. the black citadel is a machine city with a giant smelter.

asurans have teleporters, warp gates, megalasers, anti-gravity things, laser barrier/fields. etc.

at this point we're sorta (but not quite) like FF14 in terms of theme/setting, we're not really full-on fantasy/medieval themed, but also have a decent dose of sci-fi, steampunk and modern elements mixed in though twisted in a fantasy sort of way.

but yeah i do agree about the visual noise that we get from infusions and other gemstore outfits that make you look like a walking lightbulb/christmas tree/colour gradient i'd love for more simple yet stunning outfits (or better yet full armour skins/set) and subtle infusions like this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polysaturating_Reverberating_Infusion_(Gray)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not sure if this is the right place for this idea, but wasn't sure if I should open a new topic for it either.

The Shell Surfer skimmer skin is beautiful, and I can see elements of different endangered species in it (sea turtle, leatherback).Would ANET consider donating a percentage of all Shell Surfer skin sales to an organization of their choice regarding the conservation efforts to safeguard vulnerable populations of the skin's real world counterparts?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe some joke-type skins might be fun but the more different it is from the current frames the harder.

Here are a few examples:

  • SAB 8-bit mounts with 8-bit sounds
  • white-sheet ghost type with no feet
  • wintersday snow-pile mount with snowman-type build that leaves a snow pile activity after dismount
  • new year mount with a fireworks action
  • festival of the four winds could have attached helmets, flags and kites
  • almost entirely invisible mounts for the rider and completely invisible to others
  • mounts that randomly say something based on actions and mount type like playing characters
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I want to see a heavy armour skyscale simular to that of the dreadnought skin for raptor.

Its fitting for the mount, would make you feel like a dragon knight as well riding it... without the stupid flashy glow that the other mounts have... seriously stop giving mounts obnoxious glowy parts.

Sometimes simple things are far better than complex ones / over the top ones.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:I want to see a heavy armour skyscale simular to that of the dreadnought skin for raptor.

Its fitting for the mount, would make you feel like a dragon knight as well riding it... without the stupid flashy glow that the other mounts have... seriously stop giving mounts obnoxious glowy parts.

Sometimes simple things are far better than complex ones / over the top ones.

ooo yes, I want heavily armoured versions of all the mounts if possible

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Anything that lets me put Permafrost dye in all slots and burn out pixels on my screen.(1) Currently we have that for only the Skimmer (Khajakh Lantern (?sp), I think), although the Trailblazer skin for Petey comes a close second.

(1) Damage to other people's screens is unfortunate, but not the goal. Call it collateral damage.

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