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Summit1g streaming gw2

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@Xca.9721 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

Personally I watch streamers for the entertainment, not the gameplay. But there are a lot of people that watch streamers for being good at games as well, as someone else mentioned it is the same with real life sports, people watch football instead of playing it themselves.

I don't really care for watching sports either. I guess it makes sense that this doesn't interest me then. I just didn't realize this world existed for online gaming.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

It's as normal and entertaining as watching any other form of hosted entertainment if you are interested in what is being streamed and the streamer themselves. Sometimes it can be fun just to watch a game you don't play, see things from new perspectives, learn new skills, watch speed runs or just be entertained by the host.

Sometimes it works well as marketing for companies, but a lot of times people watch a game being streamed that they might not have the time or money or format to play.

I occasionally watch streamed online Rocket League games because watching pro players is just mesmerising to see their skills (vs my somewhat mediocre ones).

It does create it's own bubble of celebrity status, but that's largely irrelevant. Plenty of people stream who are smaller scale and are just as fun to watch.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

I will never forget the German Youtuber.... HandOfBlood.

What ever he plays.. he dresses up as one of the characters.

he did not dissapoint when he played World of Tanks.


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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

I will never forget the German Youtuber.... HandOfBlood.

What ever he plays.. he dresses up as one of the characters.

he did not dissapoint when he played World of Tanks.


Ok sir you have made my day. Lol.
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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

I will never forget the German Youtuber.... HandOfBlood.

What ever he plays.. he dresses up as one of the characters.

he did not dissapoint when he played World of Tanks.


Reminds me of Mathil, he does a cosplay for every new PoE league!

The most recent one:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea5cKsrUEAE98-l?format=jpg&name=small

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

In my experience people come to complain or give advice. Also there is a thing called embedded viewership so you can never trust twitch numbers. I know of several ESO streamers that look like they have tons of viewers when it's embedded viewership doing it.

ESO also gives out loot boxes to people who watch sponsored streams, so quite a few players will open one on their phone or something and leave it running with the sound muted while they're doing other things. They've not actually watching, but Twitch can't tell the difference so they get free stuff for doing almost nothing and streamers get artificially inflated viewer numbers.

The twitch drops are turned off most of the month and the crates are never guaranteed, and the crate itself carries poisons and potions that are not as good as the game crafted ones. I have some years experience with ESO streams and twitch and I believe it does not boost numbers as much.However embedded viewership gives streamers an extra 5k, 15k, 20k 'viewers' if they embed their stream on a high traffic info site. I have personally seen a streamer come into a stream and ask about it, get the honest answer, and get boosted to 5k+ viewers after that from doing embedding.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

I will never forget the German Youtuber.... HandOfBlood.

What ever he plays.. he dresses up as one of the characters.

he did not dissapoint when he played World of Tanks.


@Vancho.8750 said:usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining.

Hah! If they put on a jester suit while they play the act, i might check a few of them for laughs.

Many actually do something like that. I think that was the whole shtick of Doctor Disrespect with the Macho 80s Mullet Action Hero.

I will never forget the German Youtuber.... HandOfBlood.

What ever he plays.. he dresses up as one of the characters.

he did not dissapoint when he played World of Tanks.


Reminds me of Mathil, he does a cosplay for every new PoE league!

The most recent one:

I meant an actual jesters get-up, not some cosplay thing.

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Happened to tune in just to hear some of his thoughts on the game as he continue to level up, and was greeted by 'this game is just awful'... He's on day 4, he's playing unranked with a premade of 4 players and complaining he gets "stream sniped" and destroyed when he repeatedly goes 1v2... this has nothing to do with facing "pvp gods" on the other team, when he does rotate and follow his team he does actually do ok and manages to damage / kill, but it's very evident he's got a lot to learn in pvp still. Sadly, he's on day 4 and already annoyed, so I doubt he'll stay for a long time. Probably be back in ESO in an hour or so... Was nice with the extra publicity he brought for a few days though ;)


Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.

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@"Dondarrion.2748" said:Happened to tune in just to hear some of his thoughts on the game as he continue to level up, and was greeted by 'this game is just awful'... He's on day 4, he's playing unranked with a premade of 4 players and complaining he gets "stream sniped" and destroyed when he repeatedly goes 1v2... this has nothing to do with facing "pvp gods" on the other team, when he does rotate and follow his team he does actually do ok and manages to damage / kill, but it's very evident he's got a lot to learn in pvp still. Sadly, he's on day 4 and already annoyed, so I doubt he'll stay for a long time. Probably be back in ESO in an hour or so... Was nice with the extra publicity he brought for a few days though ;)


Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.

Hilarious. Sounds like PvP streamers in general. Comedy gold!

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Dondarrion.2748" said:Happened to tune in just to hear some of his thoughts on the game as he continue to level up, and was greeted by 'this game is just awful'... He's on day 4, he's playing unranked with a premade of 4 players and complaining he gets "stream sniped" and destroyed when he repeatedly goes 1v2... this has nothing to do with facing "pvp gods" on the other team, when he does rotate and follow his team he does actually do ok and manages to damage / kill, but it's very evident he's got a lot to learn in pvp still. Sadly, he's on day 4 and already annoyed, so I doubt he'll stay for a long time. Probably be back in ESO in an hour or so... Was nice with the extra publicity he brought for a few days though ;)

Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.

Hilarious. Sounds like PvP streamers in general. Comedy gold!

Sure, Doesn't change the fact that a great opportunity is gone to promote the game.

Now I could bad mouth the spvp scene as much as I want (if I wanted to), or the fact that this game mode has once again damaged the game overall (one could argue). Still the net result remains the same: the game has come and gone on the twitch charts, and any possibility of wider spread appeal or media coverage with it.

What this entire Summit1g situation has uncovered though is simple: the game has issues being fun to new players, especially in the competitive modes. So any time in the future when someone comes along again going:"Oh, we need to focus GW2 more on Spvp." I'll just respond with:" Sorry m8. Just not fun or attractive to new players. We are going to go with the stuff that actually makes us money."

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@"Dondarrion.2748" said:Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.

By the way did he pay for the expansion or he is playing the "free" version?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Dondarrion.2748" said:Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.

By the way did he pay for the expansion or he is playing the "free" version?

Started out playing the free version. Yesterdays/Todays 13h stream was full game with E-Speccs unlocked.He played core Warr (during Trial) + Spellbreaker. He later changed to DH.

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So I am an ESO player. I was very aware of who Summit1g was but rairly watched his stream. I enjoyed his streams in ESO and followed him and continued to watch his Streams for GW2. I played GW2 regularly about 3 years ago. I have since DL GW2 and am looking forward to giving it another go. I say this to let you see the impact a popular stream can have on a MMO community.

I believe he is very aware of the new followers and subscribers he is picking up by game hopping. He will go back to his FPS games with 20k more followers and hundreds if not thousands of new subscribers. His views will go back up to 30k a night and he will be much better off for it.

I say this to point out a couple things:

1) Summit will benefit from it2) ESO will benefit from it3) GW2 will benefit from it

To those people putting down ppl watching streams and would say quit being so 2000 and get to the 2020 my dudes. When summit streams and has 30K viewers that means that around 70 to 80k viewers have prob come in and out of his stream over 9 hrs of streaming. This is the new form of media that will only continue to grow when all others decline....

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@Hashberry.4510 said:It feels like his issue is the same old ‘boost and jump in to the hardest endgame content’. If the industry must cater to these mayflies, we may as well hang it up.

Yep. He seemed to be under the idea Rangers and Thief Deadeye are ranged only like WoW and refused for most of the time to come off Warrior even though its one of the crappiest classes in pvp ranged or not. He camped rifle most of the time even though its a garbage weapon and he probably would have been better off with another class. I actually pointed out he might as well give a real ranged class a shot and was told people that play those classes are bitches... even though hes camping warrior rifle . Alot of his problems came from a lack of game knowledge and an insistence that no one try to help him out or they were back seat gamers and the same host of issues everyone else runs into such as being forced to stand in aoe crap clouds. Anet is surely to blame the common issues of too much aoe crap circles and the down state being dumb but he wasnt really setting himself up for success either.

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@Uridian.8394 said:To those people putting down ppl watching streams and would say quit being so 2000 and get to the 2020 my dudes... This is the new form of media that will only continue to grow when all others decline....

What a low standard of entertainment the 2020s has set for itself my dude.

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@"Trise.2865" said:Why are people so invested in forcing ANet fellate a pseudo-celebrity dingus on live stream? Surely it's the streamer's job to get/keep people interested, not the other way around.

Note to self: Drinking whilst reading comments is not good for your keyboard's health. Also, it's A-Net's fault that this guy sucks at something? That is completely and utterly him. True story: I didn't quit when I got killed, I learned and adapted...something this FPS bruh apparently can't do. He's one of those "This game sucks because I'm bad at it.". Yeah, keep telling yourself that, bro, because I guarantee you will not be missed.

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@"Trise.2865" said:Why are people so invested in forcing ANet fellate a pseudo-celebrity dingus on live stream? Surely it's the streamer's job to get/keep people interested, not the other way around.

Because that's marketing which ANet is doing a horrible job at. It's literally free exposure for the game. Whether you like it or not It's the "influencers" that are one of the factors that contribute to product sales in current year. Let's not join ANet's mindset from 15 years ago on this one. Guild Wars 2 could have been bigger if only they got with the times.

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@Krzysztof.5973 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:Why are people so invested in forcing ANet fellate a pseudo-celebrity dingus on live stream? Surely it's the
job to get/keep people interested, not the other way around.

Because that's marketing which ANet is doing a horrible job at. It's literally free exposure for the game. Whether you like it or not It's the "influencers" that are one of the factors that contribute to product sales in current year. Let's not join ANet's mindset from 15 years ago on this one. Guild Wars 2 could have been bigger if only they got with the times.

So let's glorify someone that says this game sucks because that's terrific press. /s Before someone says: Bad press is some kind of press. No, bad press discourages people from playing the game. You know what? Let A-Net deal with their failures and triumphs as a company. That's the only way they'll learn. This game is dying? Fine. Let it die, but at least let it go down on its own terms and not someone else's.

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