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Can you add PvP aspects in the open world in the new expansion ?

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@Scrambles.2604 said:I'm returning to this game after being absent for 6 years and it baffles me that dueling and open world pvp are still a point of contention.

I'm guess i shouldn't be surprised. Some people simply cannot separate pvp and toxicity. They just think they're the same thing.

This could be a consequence of spvp being it's own game. PvE players are so isolated from the pvp community that they assume everyone is toxic.

i have never seen a pvp zone without toxicity and/or griefing. it also attracts the worst hackers in existance. there are toxic pve players too,but they usually dont have many tools to kitten you.

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You want pvp on the pve map? I have the right game for you, it's called GTA V, please go play that game instead, don't suggest non-sense idea on GW2 forum please.

Like what other people said, pve & pvp both has different gear, let along build & rotation too. So it won't work. If this non-sense about forcing pvp on pve is implemented, I'm leaving the game because I can imagine the frustrating that came with it from bullies camping on all event spots with non-stop griefing, as in the chest portal & aviation box didn't bring enough negativity to the community yet. Next minute the open world will be empty & people will cry about not able to get their achivement done. Keep the salt in the container, don't spill it all over!

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@saerni.2584 said:Ultimately, it's up to Anet to decide how they'd like to develop their game.

Which is why sugestion threads are next to useless anyway. ANet has the numbers, we don't. They are an active game developing studio, I doubt many of the forum users work in the industry. They work with the spaghetti-code of this game and its custom engine day in and out, we don't.Sure it's fun to throw around a few ideas, but the ideas here are always the same: playable tengu, fishing, home instances, open world PvP, put legendaries on the gemstore, yadayadayada... The discusions go nowhere because they have been discussed for years now and all arguments for or against the things that get sugested here twice a month are all on the forums already, people just don't bother to find them.

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@lokh.2695 said:

@saerni.2584 said:Ultimately, it's up to Anet to decide how they'd like to develop their game.

Which is why sugestion threads are next to useless anyway. ANet has the numbers, we don't. They are an active game developing studio, I doubt many of the forum users work in the industry. They work with the spaghetti-code of this game and its custom engine day in and out, we don't.Sure it's fun to throw around a few ideas, but the ideas here are always the same: playable tengu, fishing, home instances, open world PvP, put legendaries on the gemstore, yadayadayada... The discusions go nowhere because they have been discussed for years now and all arguments for or against the things that get sugested here twice a month are all on the forums already, people just don't bother to find them.

To be fair now the Skimmer will be able to go underwater :-p

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"saerni.2584" said:Ultimately, it's up to Anet to decide how they'd like to develop their game.

Which is why sugestion threads are next to useless anyway. ANet has the numbers, we don't. They are an active game developing studio, I doubt many of the forum users work in the industry. They work with the spaghetti-code of this game and its custom engine day in and out, we don't.Sure it's fun to throw around a few ideas, but the ideas here are always the same: playable tengu, fishing, home instances, open world PvP, put legendaries on the gemstore, yadayadayada... The discusions go nowhere because they have been discussed for years now and all arguments for or against the things that get sugested here twice a month are all on the forums already, people just don't bother to find them.

This isn't true. Anet reads the forums and there are times where they act on player suggestions. It's true that some things are being suggested over and over, you can ignore those if you want, but suggestion threads in general aren't useless.

Some things that have been asked for in suggestion threads and they found their way into the game:Mounts (duh), Mail Carriers (they used to add some of these occasionally when they were fashionable), Build Templates, Chairs, Fishing in it's various forms (I know it's not "real" fishing, but it's something they add in events and hearts from time to time), Wardrobe, Legendary Armor in PVP/WVW, No Down State in WVW (not full removal, but at least the suggestion was taken into account) and many many more things that were discussed on the forums and eventually appeared in game.

It's up to Anet, and the forum posters of course, to find the good suggestions and separate them from the bad ones, but saying suggestion threads are useless is not very accurate. Would Anet implement those things without forum posts requesting them? Maybe it was always in the works. But that doesn't mean suggesting things shouldn't happen.

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@"Gopaka.7839" said:Please make players being able to join/swap between the Kurzick - Luxon factions when Cantha comes and enable them to fight in some PvE zones with the opposite faction... it will be hilarious and will make the game feel more alive with a bit of drama.

If you want players to be able to interact in a war between factions for 'hilarious, and increased drama' ... that can be done without introducing PVP into OW PVE. Being 'hilarous', and 'alive with more player drama' are actually bad reasons to want PVP in OW PVE zones. These things have turned many games undesirable to play for people seeking the casual experience (go hang out in Fleet in SWTOR if you want to know what I'm talking about) ... that is arguably the main body of PVE players in GW2.

In addition, I don't see any benefit for the game. I mean, why would Anet even consider THIS way to allow players to fight for factions to create 'hilarous and drama'? Sounds like lots of work since the game doesn't support it ... for almost no benefit except to appeal to a minority of people that want a more freeform PVP experience at the expense of many that don't.

I'm going to suggest that a better approach is to allow players to complete events that favour one side or the other that support their favoured side or hinder the other side. That is already actually supported by the game mechanics through repeatable hearts and map events and will definitely give the 'hilarous drama' you want more of.

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I think it will be easier just to have a pvp server where players can pk other players in open world just because they feel like it Instead of doing faction pvp... I mean that might lead to unable to finish the quest because of some ahole pker. Not everyone likes pvp so adding that option will just get bunch of rejections lol... I notice a lot of people on this forum just like to reject for the sake of rejecting and not able to accept new ideas which is kinda sad.

But people who choose to be in pvp server already expect pvp because they want pvp so it’s different story.

Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed. Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

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@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed.

The reason for this is because PvE skills are ridiculously OP if usable against players. So we have a bunch of splits to make them not stupid in PvP/WvW to get some semblence of balance (It's not perfect, especially since there's still skills that have no splits that are really strong in PvP/WvW as a result)

@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

Most other MMO's also use split skills for PvP, since they find out very quickly that it's impossible to balance a skill for both PvP and PvE simultaneously.

There's a few that don't have split skills, but not that many these days as over time many games transitioned into splitting skills.

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@"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed. Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

The reason why skills are different is because what you fight is different. The best example is confusionhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Confusion

Player: (0.0975 Condition Damage) + 49.5 damage per stackNPC: (0.195 Condition Damage) + 95.5 damage per stack

As you can see NPCs take more damage from confusion and that's by design because monsters attack way too slow compared to players. If they wanted confusion to deal the same damage in PVE and PVP then it would be overpowered in PVP if it used the PVE damage or useless in PVE if it used the PVP version.

This also goes to all those talking about duels in PVE. What happens with Confusion stacks? Can 2 players dueling be affected (and affect) mobs around them?

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@saerni.2584 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:So, it is just your anecdotal evidence? In other words:

@saerni.2584 said:This just seems like a really poor justification because it isn’t backed up by data but just a “community feeling” that comes from a vocal minority of the player base.

The forum tends to exaggerate a lot. The feeling that “gw2 is a dead game” or “xyz killed the game” is generally not born out by the people playing it.

Roaming was always tough. There are big disparities between the server links (and often you may end up severely outnumbered) in WvW.

Basically, you have one person saying “WvW is dead I don’t see people” and another saying “WvW has plenty of people I see them all the time. If both are not lying, then the conclusion is that there is a mixed range of population experiences and the game isn’t, in fact, dead. Due to server relinks this experience isn’t permanent either.

You say anecdotal. I say data point that disproves an absolute statement. The burden is on the person claiming all is vain and the game is dead. Meanwhile, I’ll be actually playing and ignoring the periodic doom and gloom on these forums.

I couldn't care less if any and every form of PvP would gain an ephiphany in unison and crawled to their grave, where they belong.But since PvP is popular, according to you and people are playing it, according to you, why do people so desperately want to ruin PvE with it? Maybe it isn't what you want, but since this topic keeps popping up... Is it's some PvP community joke or something?

In what way is 100% opt in PvP “ruining PvE”?

This sounds incredibly biased and dismissive of other people’s requests for content.

we have seen so many exploits and grifing over the years, trust me, they will always find a way.keeping the modes separated has been industry standard for years now, and it is prolly one of the smartest moves from anet EVER

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If you can leap on GS guardian for 12k in Open World, then in Open-World-PvP you would do the same damage, because your skills are unique to the gamemode (different damage and CD for pvp/wvw and pve). Go to your Guild Hall and enter a PvP arena. I play condi weaver and I could just kill someone by using single signet of fire.My answer is: No without a balance.Reaper shroud dealing 40k burst damage without any boons and support? Spin to win.

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@"Gopaka.7839" said:

2. Being able to duel much like in WoW by popping a battle flag on the ground and starting the fight when the challenged accepts the duel.

I've played other games where open-world duelling was a thing. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than being hassled by some plonker following me around dumping duel flags every few seconds. I can't see that becoming annoying at all.

3. Adding an option to activate battle mode on and off like a switch like the tonics novelties when they enter battle mode to fight with other players with tonics ImgurImgur.

I presume you're referring to 'Costume Brawls'. Having PVPers activating 'battle mode' outside the bank in DR sounds as enchanting as players repeatedly spamming (usually noisy, flashy) skills, or jumping around in endless circles. I think I'd find 'battle mode' as enjoyable as item 2.

I'm veteran player with 38k AP. I've played all the content that the game has offered so far and I have the feeling that there's something missing in it. I think that there must be a stepping stone between PvE , PvP and WvW. Some places that all the game modes can intertwine with eachother and players who are fan of one mode can experience all of them at once in a familiar for them non-toxic environment. I see a lot of people missing on some content because they are just fan of one mode, let's show them the others.

Not sure how AP adds any weight to your request. I've played all the content too, and you're absolutely right, PVP is definitely missing from PVE. Conspicuous by its absence, in fact. There's a huge difference bewteen 'being missing' and 'being missed', and I think you'll find a large proportion of players don't miss open-world PVP at all.

GW2 PVE is primarily a co-operative environment. Not having to compete for gathering nodes, sharing credit for world boss kills and events etc attracts a lot of people to the game, and the PVE community. I think the reason most people might find the idea of open-world PVP abhorrent isn't the PVP itself, but what PVP does to an otherwise co-operative gaming community. Selfish PVP mentality already leaks into the more competitive aspects of PVE, making things like low-level event dailies a misery. More PVP = more misery.

The cultures of WVW, PVP and PVE are all different, and their communities reflect that; no matter how much I wish it was otherwise, 'PVP' and 'toxic community' will always fit together like spoons in a cutlery drawer, regardless of which MMO you're playing. GW2 boasts one of the best, most helpful, co-operative communities in the genre. I can't help feeling this is mostly down to the fact that PVP and PVE are kept seperate.

*TLDR: No, no, and NO.

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The whole nerf skills for PVP but not PVE just shows certain class is more OP compare to others in PVE!!!!!If you wanna BALANCE them you would do the same nerfing for PVE as well smh...Why leave certain class OP in PVE but not PVP? that defeat the whole purpose of balance anyways lmao!

@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

Most other MMO's also use split skills for PvP, since they find out very quickly that it's impossible to balance a skill for both PvP and PvE simultaneously.

There's a few that don't have split skills, but not that many these days as over time many games transitioned into splitting skills.

Umm which other MMOs does split skills for pvp?? I played so many MMOs over the years and have never seen this before.

@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Tom Hsiao.9705 said:Btw for people claiming we got wvw or sPvP so we don’t need open world pvp... I think they need to look at how crappy certain skills are in wvw and spvp ... the CD on some of the skills are ridiculous lol (300 sec CD)!!! It just makes the pvp In this game so unattractive, I want to perform the same way I do in open world not heavily nerfed. Why can’t they do the pvp like every other mmo which is normal.... you use the skills you normally use to pve not some specifically nerfed skill to go pvp.

The reason why skills are different is because what you fight is different. The best example is confusion

Player: (0.0975
Condition Damage) + 49.5 damage per stackNPC: (0.195
Condition Damage) + 95.5 damage per stack

As you can see NPCs take more damage from confusion and that's by design because monsters attack way too slow compared to players. If they wanted confusion to deal the same damage in PVE and PVP then it would be overpowered in PVP if it used the PVE damage or useless in PVE if it used the PVP version.

This also goes to all those talking about duels in PVE. What happens with Confusion stacks? Can 2 players dueling be affected (and affect) mobs around them?

This is probably the only legit reason why that condition needs nerfing in PVP but I'm talking about skills nerf with ridiculous amount of CD that just makes zero sense.Who use a passive skill with 300 sec CD and that's not even ultimate attack!!!??? If that's the way to nerf a skill might as well remove the skill and create something new lol!

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Yes please, just make it so it warns you like three times for those who refuse to read. And make sure there is no reason for them to go in there UNLESS they want to get into the flavor of it.

Add some WvW maps, to split the population so rather than the leg being answered with "Diminishing" or "Culling" the population down like you did recently we would just have more places to go fight. Pull Edge of the mists in as an extra map and close that tab so that the map can be used, and the clutter can be culled.

SPvP maps PLEASE themed around cantha to add some spice of life.

Focus a bit more on PvP and WvW Like with factions, and give it the love its deserved for years. Granted I know the PvE base is larger, but you have SO MUCH STUFF to do and earn and whatever. Its not anyones fault if you're through all of it but your own and GOOD FOR YOU for managing, Wear those goodies like a badge of pride and show it off. Im happy for you. But as a WvW/PvP player it kind of sucks to feel like we are litterally ignored up until recently, and our stuff is trickled out so slow that its almost insane. I love all the game modes but I Feel that the next expansion should focus on the area's of the game needing the most attention while also offering new maps, strikes and such for the PvE crowd. No game mode/portion of the player base should feel neglected and we shouldn't have to fight for content.... We should all be given a little something, something especially in an expansion.

Please, please, PLEASE focus on class fixes and bringing core up to snuff with modern day guild wars 2 and the mechanics provided by the game. We have some classes in dire need of love in competitive and WvW.... PvE Honestly they all feel like they are in at least a SOLID and viable place. Maybe not so much optimal but they are playable, and honestly I enjoy them as it stands right now when I do PvE (Open world/strikes/fractals.)

For the love of the spirits, give us more fractals? Like faster? I know its unrelated but I honestly would love to sacrifice strikes/raids if need be to ensure that fractals get a serious content pump. (Can we get some of these iconic moments in fractals so we can see them? Balthazar vs Abbadon and the creation of the Crystal desert? Asgeir and the spirits Vs jormag and frost fang? The initial mursaat stuff? How about the ritual involving glint in Orr? Or how about what led to canthas isolation and the xenophobia/exiling of the tengu? Heck Can we get one with shiro? So we can have a modern shiro model? Like maybe his fall at the harvest temple?)

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@Helen.3746 said:

@"Gopaka.7839" said:

Being able to duel much like in WoW by popping a battle flag on the ground and starting the fight when the challenged accepts the duel.

I've played other games where open-world duelling was a thing. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than being hassled by some plonker following me around dumping duel flags every few seconds. I can't see that becoming annoying at all.

This is the worst argument i've heard and it's repeated constantly. If someone is following you and spamming you it has nothing to do with dueling, it is just griefing and harrassment. A duel flag is just the vehicle. This could be accomplished with other mechanisms as well regardless of if it's a duel flag, trade window, inbox mail, instrument spam. The important thing is that you can block and report.

You are never 100% safe from harrassment. The only thing that matters is that you have tools to resolve harrrassment.

Everyone is so focused on dueling as the source of harrassment. Unless it is the ONLY source of harrassment (its not!) then your focus should be on strengthening support and reporting tools, not shooting down suggestions for options you're not interested in.

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@Scrambles.2604 said:

@"Gopaka.7839" said:

Being able to duel much like in WoW by popping a battle flag on the ground and starting the fight when the challenged accepts the duel.

I've played other games where open-world duelling was a thing. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than being hassled by some plonker following me around dumping duel flags every few seconds. I can't see that becoming annoying at all.

This is the worst argument i've heard and it's repeated constantly. If someone is following you and spamming you it has nothing to do with dueling, it is just griefing and harrassment. A duel flag is just the vehicle. This could be accomplished with other mechanisms as well regardless of if it's a duel flag, trade window, inbox mail, instrument spam. The important thing is that you can block and report.

You are never 100% safe from harrassment. The only thing that matters is that you have tools to resolve harrrassment.

Everyone is so focused on dueling as the source of harrassment. Unless it is the ONLY source of harrassment (its not!) then your focus should be on strengthening support and reporting tools, not shooting down suggestions for options you're not interested in.

Yes, but I believe that the point is why even allow a situation to exist that might cause such harassment especially since the game already has a mode for those who desire to play against other players.

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Oh Gods no. We have 2 dedicated modes (PvP and WvW) for that already, PLUS the almost never used option to duel in the guild halls. We don't need to add that toxicity to PvE.

@sorudo.9054 said:is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

They are confusing the E in Environment for Everything.

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@sorudo.9054 said:is this still going on, are ppl still not satisfied?if you like PvP, go play sPvP.if you like open PvP, play WvWif you like PvE, play PvE.is that really so hard to grasp, is the E in PvE so confusing that your mind starts to turn into goo?

To be fair ... I think what these people are looking for is simply a more freeform way to PVP ... which I think is completely reasonable. Unfortunately they think the way to get that is some misguided justification to put PVP encounters into OW PVE which is the most unreasonable way idea ever to implement a very reasonable desire to have freeform PVP.

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@"Gopaka.7839" said:Please make players being able to join/swap between the Kurzick - Luxon factions when Cantha comes and enable them to fight in some PvE zones with the opposite faction... it will be hilarious and will make the game feel more alive with a bit of drama. Of course make it as non-toxic as possible so players won't suffer. My ideas to make this work are:

1. Making some rules like if two players are in same faction you stay friendly(green name) to one another and if you are from a different faction you stay neutral(yellow name). If a player starts a fight he gets negative karma effect for minutes/hours and is displayed aggressive(red name) and can be killed by both factions.

2. Being able to duel much like in WoW by popping a battle flag on the ground and starting the fight when the challenged accepts the duel.

3. Adding an option to activate battle mode on and off like a switch like the tonics novelties when they enter battle mode to fight with other players with tonics ImgurImgur.

I'm veteran player with 38k AP. I've played all the content that the game has offered so far and I have the feeling that there's something missing in it. I think that there must be a stepping stone between PvE , PvP and WvW. Some places that all the game modes can intertwine with eachother and players who are fan of one mode can experience all of them at once in a familiar for them non-toxic environment. I see a lot of people missing on some content because they are just fan of one mode, let's show them the others.

No, absolutely no. It is way too easy to troll. Go play BDO if you want that.

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