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End of Dragons = End of GW2?

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@Johnny.1634 said:Sad to say it but it may be very likely.I log in everyday to see my giant Guild List/Friends List/Followers list with maybe 1 person on?

Bare in mind all my Guildies and Friends have always been longtime fans. Arenanet has pretty much lost most of their REAL dedicated Fanbase.They refuse to fix bugs, and don't really communicate or listen to their playerbase at all, so its not really surprising. I hope they can one day change this, the game still has so much potential.

All my friends still play! Maybe we're the real fanbase ?

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:There is a reason there is no WoW 2 or LotRO 2. Hopefully because it is a cashshop game, they will keep it going like perfect world or Maplestory. In fact Maplestory 2 has already been shutdown.WoW is at WoW 3 or 4 they just have the money to update the engine, that is why they made WoW classic , cause the current game is way way different then the one that started it all. Also Amazon is making a LotRO MMO.

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@Tere.4759 said:

@otto.5684 said:I expect it to be the last expansion. I assume all 6 dragons will be dealt with by then. There will be 1, 2 or maybe 3 LWs. I do not think there will be any additional paid content after next expansion.

I do not think we will have a WoW situation, where the game keep going. I think it will be similar to GW1. By 2025 or so we might have GW3, on a new engine, with a new in game era.

Doubtful. I don't think GW3 will be coming and there are plenty of things they can do without dragons. There are lots of evils out there.

i hope its those bird dudes. always hated them, with their fancy feathers and sharp beaks. who do they think they are?

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@"Sileeent.5861" said:The fact that GW2 appears for Steam could also be a bad sign.may be in yours wold Steam have some value, but in my world this one of thousands online game shop. Nothing more.

We already know that most other NCSoft games generate more money and Anet is under pressure to make more.some do more, some less than Lineage2 but more than Aion. The + is bigger than 0 nowadays. So if this give one(1) euro - this profitable.

So, I can't deny that this title makes me fear that this could be the total ending story for GW2don't feel fear. There is a lot of other good project, where they wait me if server is power off.

and that this game will slowly switch to life support afterwards.if this " slowly switch to life support" without any additional update, if not be hardcore player the person need 40-50 years more to complete all achievements ..So for example me, if slowly switch to life I have content for nearest 10 years .. So for me in "life support" nothing changed.

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Maybe It is the last expansion? And if so why would it matter? Do you really want to play this game for another 10+ years?

I hope they move onto a new MMO project that improves on all the issues this one has rather than putting in less effort and resources into a dying one.

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I think the point is people hope it get better but can't imagine the game after the next add-on at this point this hasn't anything really to do with we have all dragons killed or as allied. The main problem is most of the old senior staff in Arena.NET is gone and the new people who are in charge wants to give the game a new direction. (without communicating anything)

The problem is this game is somewhat old and has a lot of veteran players which are used how the game is which are basically screaming especially in the competitive sections Pvp/wvW but also in PvE where they implanted a 2.5 h meta. (well yes it should be now less) or a hanging story without knowing when it continue.

For the competitive side they removing/ nerfing to the ground core features like boons., boon corruption , heal and so on (of classes) or tool like the dragonbanner/banners.This cause the game to feel absolute hallow and the players can't even hope to understand the developers why they are doing this.

Yes some stuff needs rework and also nerfs but hallowing out content and leaving nothing new is something which Veterans often saw in F2p MMO.

So many players are reluctant to move on but at the same time sitting already on the packed suitcases so they wait for what is coming

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@Dante.1508 said:Lets hope so. Lets hope its a Phoenix moment and GW2 goes back to its release roots.

Well in some way they doing this :They removing dedicated healers from PvP and to some degree from WvW.They nerfed core from the add-ons HOT/PoF features in WvW so it nearly unusableThe new story is more like Season 1 with the story pending.The nerfed core features /tactic banners to the ground so wvw is more like VanillaPvE Raids are no more we have now strike mission which are more like dungeons.What isn't like this was the ultra long meta in Drizzlewood Coast.

The problem is people got used to all the features HoT and PoF offered .

For the competitive content this has also bitter consequence fights can take forever in pvp /wvw especially in PvP because of the bunker meta.(which by the way was untouched by the last update whatever Arena.NET things)

In Wvw this happens sometimes too but the main difference clouding roamers can press the Zerg into retreat What happens is the blob/zerg can kill a lot of them but the healers can't sustain the advantage which they have over time . Basically the healers can't heal away condi and dmg over a longer time period which kills the main advantage of such a Zerg/blob. (this was even before the last patch)

Regardless what people say for many players the group experience is part of wvw especially when you think about it there is nearly nothing else for what people want to stay longer in WvW. = low loot/rewards in it.

In PvE for people who wants to play support rolles it is also a hard time , besides the better rewards it is not so different for the PvE Raid players but for the rest of the PvE content it doesn't look much better either.

Perhaps the better wording would have been back to their old strengths.

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While GW2 development is not going to be as far as I would have hoped for, it is still one of the most successful western MMO games. I do not see a reason at all why it would come to an end anytime soon. The franchise is too valuable to just shut it down. There are many way smaller MMOs that are still online and/or in active development. Things like Everquest, Everquest II, Runescape, Lord of the Rings Online and even Meridian 59 (1996).

NCSoft is an uncertain factor in these times where most of their revenue comes from Korean and mobile games. But if NCSoft would ever decide that ArenaNet/GW is no longer fits in their portfolio, then the most logic outcome would be that they sell the studio or split it off. Just like LotRO changed hands a few times. (Turbine+Codemasters/Turbine+WB games and now Standing Stone games)

And believe me that LotRO is tiny in comparison to GW2.

And yes, a lot could be improved. I would love to see game/rendering engine improvements. WvW updates with the alliance system. Far better communication and involvement between ArenaNet and the community which would greatly reduce the amount of toxicity here in the forums.But I'm happy with the expansion announcement, the continued living world releases and I am deeply thankful to ArenaNet for making the franchise I call home since 2006. And the fact that even GW1 still has its servers online and gets occasional updates reassures me for the future of the franchise.

I don't think a fourth expansion or a GW3 is not a consideration just yet.

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I would like GW3 please.

GW2 is showing its age with an antiquated engine and limitations. The LS idea was a cool concept but too difficult to realistically deliver with consistency. I have found myself wondering who some of the NPCs are sometimes and I have zero emotion if they die etc.

GW3 if it is ever made, would hopefully take into consideration some of the features and ideas from the fanbase that couldn't be put into GW2.

Good things come to those who wait :)

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GW2 might no be doing amazingly well, but it does do well enough that I would expect it to continue receiving support for a while. They've dropped the ball in a lot of areas by over-focusing on story and new zerg/meta maps, but I still think it has potential to really take off with some changes. It's long past time for new weapons, classes, and/or races, and it's long-past time they started focusing a little more on small group content.

They need to deepen the mastery and skill trait systems to make end game more than just fashion wars, and they need to create better dungeon and raid dynamics for parties. They did away with the holy trinity, but the fact is some type of role system is needed to make people feel like they're actually playing an RPG with other people. You simply won't get the same level of investment otherwise.

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@Stormcrow.7513 said:GW2 is showing its age with an antiquated engine and limitations.you will see same limitations in any version of GW. These limitation don't have any impact to mmo game. I am play now few mmo games more, one of them relized at 2002, and soon will be 19 years old .. Game fine and will be on air next 20 years I think ..If you not like limitations - the mmo games not for you. Because best games already created, and gw2 one of them. If you wait something better in future - no, nothing good not come nearest 25-50 years.

The LS idea was a cool concept but ..you look at LS as due, but this is GIFT for us.

I have zero emotionIf you try get all emotion from one game - it big challenge. Not for game, for you.

GW3 if it is ever made, would hopefully take into consideration some of the features and ideas from the fanbase that couldn't be put into GW2.ideas, if they realy good fro someone and they possible to do - then already exist in another game.

Mmo games is games based on 2002-2012 time stack. Best examples: lineage2, wow and others have continuous exp/patch model.Imagine now Bliz make Wow2. Most player stay on wow1. So if they push close wow1, and not do exp - this is trigger player leaver wow at all to another project .. Yes, some people will come to wow2, but summary is wiht sign minus. Same with gw2, lineage2 ant most other projects.

@Astralporing.1957 said:

@lare.5129 said:The + is bigger than 0 nowadays. So if this give one(1) euro - this profitable.So, like City of Heroes?yes, good game from 2004, and good demo of mmo reality. My best example ragnarok online.

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@"Sileeent.5861" said:The fact that GW2 appears for Steam could also be a bad sign. We already know that most other NCSoft games generate more money and Anet is under pressure to make more.

So, I can't deny that this title makes me fear that this could be the total ending story for GW2, and that this game will slowly switch to life support afterwards.

What do you think guys and gals?

If the end would be called "End of dragons" ,then this game would be Named Dragon Wars 2 or not

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@lare.5129 said:

@lare.5129 said:The + is bigger than 0 nowadays. So if this give one(1) euro - this profitable.So, like City of Heroes?yes, good game from 2004, and good demo of mmo reality. My best example ragnarok online.And a good example of what NCSoft does to games if they think they're not profitable
.No, one(1) euro is far from being enough.
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