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A fix for the AFK farmers for good.


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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Gibson.4036 said:Did a difluorite run tonight around Sandswept Isles. I couldn't believe the number of AFK minion necros standing around in the Asura areas.

Is it considered bad form to train mobs into them until their minions are overwhelmed? Asking for a friend.

You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games.

You might be surprised. My friend took quite a while to get it to work, apparently minions can even revive their master? I don't necro, but that's what it looked like when the necro went down briefly and popped back up. Eventually, though, it went down for good.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

Thanks for the warning, I'll pass it on to my friend.

Minionmancers are apparently quite the tanks. It did take an awful lot of time. He probably won't think it worth the effort to keep doing.

Don't other games have auto-disconnect if your character doesn't move in a given portion of time? I seem to remember on some MMO or the other getting a popup asking if I was afk, and all I had to do was click it to make it go away for a while.

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@Gibson.4036 said:

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

Thanks for the warning, I'll pass it on to my friend.

Minionmancers are apparently quite the tanks. It did take an awful lot of time. He probably won't think it worth the effort to keep doing.

Don't other games have auto-disconnect if your character doesn't move in a given portion of time? I seem to remember on some MMO or the other getting a popup asking if I was afk, and all I had to do was click it to make it go away for a while.

There are easy ways to pass that. Like when you watch netflix with you other screen or something, you only need to move a little or activate an ability every 15-30 min to reset that. The point is, it is so easy to work arount that, it migh as well not exist.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:No one here should be defending AFK farming, and whether you think you are or not you are if you say AFK farmers are not impacting the game, you are defending AFK farming. So just say that. Its not up to the players to fix, its up to the players to say its an issue. If you are here to counter just by saying it can't be addressed, unless you are an employee of ANet let them come forward and say it can't be fixed.

I don't see people saying they aren't impacting the game ... we just don't know how much, so it's ridiculous to see arguments from people claiming AFK farmers is a problem that needs more attention because of how they impact the game. What is currently being done is appropriate for the significance of the problem.

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@Gibson.4036 said:

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

Thanks for the warning, I'll pass it on to my friend.

Minionmancers are apparently quite the tanks. It did take an awful lot of time. He probably won't think it worth the effort to keep doing.

Don't other games have auto-disconnect if your character doesn't move in a given portion of time? I seem to remember on some MMO or the other getting a popup asking if I was afk, and all I had to do was click it to make it go away for a while.

Actually, probably did him a favour bringing him mobs as well as the point made about putting your 'friends' account at risk for griefing.

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@Smoosh.2718 said:Found a really good way of spotting macro users now. Get the Bouquet of Roses, use skill 4 while on their character. If that character is still attacking with multiple skills without changing weapon to remove the roses, you can guarentee they are macro users.

And how does it guarantee anything ????Not to mention the madness to get the Bouquet to do what exactly?See what weapons a Standing Farmer is using?If they read a book while Stand Farming, they just smash buttons from time to time, doesn't matter what other people do.You guys should really go back to play the game

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

And another vote for the subscription model, check. ANet when are we going to sub based price model?

This will never ever be a real topic in GW2. Rightfully so.Please play another game if you insist on subscription model

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:And how does it guarantee anything ????Not to mention the madness to get the Bouquet to do what exactly?See what weapons a Standing Farmer is using?If they read a book while Stand Farming, they just smash buttons from time to time, doesn't matter what other people do.You guys should really go back to play the game

If you were a player you'd notice after pressing 1 1 1 3 over and over again (with the same timing each time) that your attacks have not actually been doing anything, you'd also swap weapon to remove this item.You can easily spot a macro user by the rythmic skills they use in the same sequence, with the same timings, with the same intervals.What this item allows you to do, is actually see that player is not even there, it shows that that player is abusing the ToS by using a macro.

I will still stand by my statement in the begining, AFK farming, botting, macro farming is a bad image for the game.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:AFK farmers are an issue? First I've heard of that

Any time it discourages a player from playing that they feel the need to bring it to the forums means it's time they didn't spend in game means its an issue to that player posting.

i fail to see how a farmer could ever discourage a player from playing?I mean you can literally ignore them and go on with your life as if they never even existed.Doesn't mean i agree with farmers, but i just roll my eyes and continue on my way. They're about at significant as anthill

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@Smoosh.2718 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:And how does it guarantee anything ????Not to mention the madness to get the Bouquet to do what exactly?See what weapons a Standing Farmer is using?If they read a book while Stand Farming, they just smash buttons from time to time, doesn't matter what other people do.You guys should really go back to play the game

If you were a player you'd notice after pressing 1 1 1 3 over and over again (with the same timing each time) that your attacks have not actually been doing anything, you'd also swap weapon to remove this item.

OK that doesn't gaurentee they are AFK farming. But even if you think it does ... you would report that player and move on. There IS already a process to deal with AFK farmers.

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@Ototo.3214 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:Could also make it so pet damage doesn't count for kill credit. If just the pet is attacking, they don't get anything. Wont stop people from making some sort of macro to skill spam automatically but still, would help.

As a ranger main, I completely disagree with this idea.

And as a ranger main, I still make the suggestion. Make it so if you also contribute, then fine, it counts. But if you're just sitting there afk with your pet as the only thing attacking, then no.

As a ranger player that may put my pet on one mob, while I kill another, what's going to happen? It's hilarious to me, as I have yet to find a zone where a "bot" is interfering with my gaming, unlike Aion, for example, where they were literally taking over quest zones.

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@robertthebard.8150 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:Could also make it so pet damage doesn't count for kill credit. If just the pet is attacking, they don't get anything. Wont stop people from making some sort of macro to skill spam automatically but still, would help.

As a ranger main, I completely disagree with this idea.

And as a ranger main, I still make the suggestion. Make it so if you also contribute, then fine, it counts. But if you're just sitting there afk with your pet as the only thing attacking, then no.

As a ranger player that may put my pet on one mob, while I kill another, what's going to happen? It's hilarious to me, as I have yet to find a zone where a "bot" is interfering with my gaming, unlike Aion, for example, where they were literally taking over quest zones.

you commanding your pet is you using a skill to attack that enemy, how that skill works out, how it is displayed, that doesn't matter. you used a skill to attack. that is different from you standing still, getting attacked and your pet helping out, then you should not get credit.

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Are the following behavior violated ToS?

  1. Spamming 1 with TAB, plus cast 3 wells on ground for hours every day
  2. not banned because this player has been doing this for months (I have screen records)
  3. not against ToS, no macro use, otherwise this player will be banned
  4. not a exploit, all action this player does is legit
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@Selient.6018 said:Are the following behavior violated ToS?

  1. Spamming 1 with TAB, plus cast 3 wells on ground for hours every day
  2. not banned because this player has been doing this for months (I have screen records)
  3. not against ToS, no macro use, otherwise this player will be banned
  4. not a exploit, all action this player does is legit

You already know the answer to this. We have told you in the many threads that you created on this topic. Behavior that violates the ToS is Anet's call. As players, our only responsibility and recourse is to report the potential violation and move on.

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@kharmin.7683 said:You already know the answer to this. We have told you in the many threads that you created on this topic. Behavior that violates the ToS is Anet's call. As players, our only responsibility and recourse is to report the potential violation and move on.

he created another thread a couple of hours ago... guess what happened to it? :)

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:You already know the answer to this. We have told you in the many threads that you created on this topic. Behavior that violates the ToS is Anet's call. As players, our only responsibility and recourse is to report the potential violation and move on.

he created another thread a couple of hours ago... guess what happened to it? :)

Song worry we will see another one in a few days.

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