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Angel Wars


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Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

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Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

For ppl that want role play Demon Lord, or Angel that came "purge" evil from word

About lore, humans have Theatres and clown shows

Also here is Angel statue at OrrIAyhphb.png

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@Balsa.3951 said:Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

About angel wings/halos/devil horns: they are common thematic elements to many things across many cultures and religions. A lot of people enjoy these elements for purely design aesthetics and want to dress up their characters in such a way. So it makes sense to have them as optional skins people can get.

About the stained glass wings: You are the one calling them church glass. Stained glass is even close to only being used in churches. This is on you.

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@Balsa.3951 said:Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

The wings you're probably seeing all over the place right now are actually phoenix wings. They are a new item from the BL chest and appear to have been particularly popular (got myself a pair, in fact!).

It never occurred to me to link this to any religious theme, but now you mention it with my dragon horns, phoenix wings, and binding of Ipos I do have cutesy demonic sort of theme going.

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@"Balsa.3951" said:Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

The game was literally going to be about angels before the Elder Dragon concept was finalised, so your comment is a bit in poor taste. I'm glad they didn't go that route, but there's many trends throughout the game that still reflect it.

And there are "bird people" in the game too, although ironically they seem to lack wings.

Btw, you forgot about the Defiant Glass weapons which are stained glass tribute weapons to the Human Gods.

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The following is my opinion: So, are we ignoring the fact that Dwayna is a winged, mature, woman? Or that Balthazar, the god of war, is wearing horns? It has nothing to do with Earth's religion, but rather the personification of the elements. Sorry if I sound irritated, but this kind of thing kind of rubs me the wrong way.

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@"Astralporing.1957" said:The short answer: because people are known to be willing to buy such stuff?

Those are gemshop items. A lot of vanity gemshop stuff has nothing to do with GW2 lore whatsoever.

Horns can be useful for creating a "puck" out of Asura (wild spirit), so just because there are wings, horns and what not, doesn't mean that it is a religious symbols or used to create Angels. For those that want an Angelic character, why should that matter? As long those players aren't preaching or try to convert player in game, I don't see any harm with that.

Let people have their fun and be creative with what exist in this game from skins, costumes or gem store items like hats, masks or what ever they can purchase or collect from playing this game that fit to do something with. We are after all playing to get those items like dyes and some achievement that we can show off.


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Stained glass has been used by several different cultures ingame for various reasons : While it has been used for the temple of the 6 in Divinity reach (which I will remind you is not a church, but a temple), the sylvari have imitated the technique within the Grove, as a general decoration, with no religious conotation. I will equally point toward Elona where it more widely used for ceilings, windows and floors, again with no such conotation.

It is worth remembering that Stained glass itself was used far more than just for church. The reason we associate them with churches now is because the technique is almost a lost art, and more efficient glass types are used for lodgings, whereas churches tend to keep theirs for cultural reasons. Indeed most churches double as memorials and museums as well, and so put stained glass works on display.Furthermore, Church stained glass had a specific purpose, which was to explain either local history (like for example the life of the church's patron), or parts of religious texts that the vastly illiterate population were unlikely the understand. Most often the scenes depicted would refer to a character virtues (the way they were seen as at the time) and serve as an example to the population. The majority of stained glass across Europe though, was completely non-cultural, depicted no scenes, and were purely aesthetic. The rare few times something was represented, it would be emblems, based on which barony/noble family held which office, in important official buildings. It goes as far as tavern owners simply having fancy windows.

TLDR : Stained glass =/= churches stained glass, and even sometime Church stained glass =/= religious imagery.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"Balsa.3951" said:Hi Anet great game

just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?

Angel wingsHalosDevil Hornsnow a church glass wing pack?

The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?

anyway great game not so serious question of mine

The wings you're probably seeing all over the place right now are actually phoenix wings. They are a new item from the BL chest and appear to have been particularly popular (got myself a pair, in fact!).

It never occurred to me to link this to any religious theme, but now you mention it with my dragon horns, phoenix wings, and binding of Ipos I do have cutesy demonic sort of theme going.

The church glass wings the OP is referring to are the new gemstore [stained Glass Wings backpack and glider]

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@"Balsa.3951" said:The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.

And plush quaagan/charr backpacks are very accurate "in lore" items. I'm sure the charr wouldn't object with other races moving around with plush representations of them on their backs. There is also a glider skin that looks like a Super Adventure Box cloud (makes the appropriate sound too)Gem store skins aren't supposed to have something with the story or lore, they are merchandize and they are added to the gem store so Anet can make money and support the game.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Balsa.3951" said:The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.

And plush quaagan/charr backpacks are very accurate "in lore" items. I'm sure the charr wouldn't object with other races moving around with plush representations of them on their backs. There is also a glider skin that looks like a Super Adventure Box cloud (makes the appropriate sound too)Gem store skins aren't supposed to have something with the story or lore, they are merchandize and they are added to the gem store so Anet can make money and support the game.

there is a LW Mission where a charr has a plush Quagan in his bed... those things get shown in the story

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The game does have a lot of things that could be mistaken for biblical, but they're actually tied to things in Tyrian religion and lore.

Demons, for example, are malevolent entities that spawn from negative energies and magic in the Mists and they occasionally sneak into Tyria (and other worlds) through summoning rituals or by tricking mortals. Some of these entities are encountered in the game coming through via portals or are awakened when artifacts are found and they are unsealed from captivity. Horns, bat wings, and other such cosmetics seem hell-related, but they're not.

Angels are in the game too, but their involvement is less direct. They're said to be servants of the goddess Dwayna who, herself, is a giant woman with large feathered wings and a gentle face. The feathery wings and halos are likely in reference to her and her followers, not to heaven. Curiously, Harpies are rumored to be the offspring of angels/servants of Dwayna who fell out of her favor.

Churches, temples, and houses of worship in Tyria are meant to revere the Human gods, powerful beings (demons, champion beasts, or even just big rocks if you ask the Grawl), ancestoral entities, and races like the Forgotten and the Mursaat. Stained glass and congregation-style architecture and decoration are also crafted to give homage to these things.

So no, it's technically not AngelWars2, but Tyria does have its own worldbuilding and lore that includes religion unrelated to our world.

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Just cause a symbol means one thing in our era, doesn't mean it has the same meaning in other era's and other (fantasy) worlds.We all know the swastika from german nazi's , but the more common meaning is a symbol of luck. It jsut got overshadowed by the terrible things in WW2.

Angels literally means messenger, but this was ofen tied to war. The Goddess Nike was seens as the lighning thrown down to earth by Zeus. It was Zeus his message to the world. It was often depicted as a female with birdwings. There are also much older mythical creatures that look like a person in white with white bird-wings. This appears in many other mediteranian mythologies..

So no, it has nothing to do with Christianity in itself.

I sense you have a strong dislike towards religion, possible a single one. I have had the same thing and I understand why this can happen. But also understand that such mythology can be supporting to many other people and not all of them (most!) are really not trying to push it through your throat

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Humans and their religions/fairytales.... meh. Basically.. you see what you want to see and what your mind creates. For me personally? I haven't even thought of it as a religious theme nor would i care even if i would've. So.. focus on game and enjoy and maybe try to focus abit less on your personal/cultural phantasy?

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@"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:If memory serves me right, the original theme of gw2 was going to be angels and demons, instead of elder dragons. Also there are demons in the game, and the exalted are angel like.

Kanaxai say hi :) https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kanaxai

meanwhile it can be still setted in that theme, u need that transition while theres still dragon and guildwars all arround.

Dragons went behavioring like bulies..Bulies got beaten by a zerg of nerdsmand their momies...Deamons will want to take dragon place, at least part of their power.Some characters that think they are righteous will get huff puffed how holy they are to kill all deamons.. expect spanish inquisition....Player learns that deamon just wanted a place to call home.

imo this is a perfect theme not for a expantion but for a LS after canthan expact, this is also a basic setup of chinese wuxia/xianxia plot...

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:Just cause a symbol means one thing in our era, doesn't mean it has the same meaning in other era's and other (fantasy) worlds.We all know the swastika from german kitten's , but the more common meaning is a symbol of luck. It jsut got overshadowed by the terrible things in WW2.

Angels literally means messenger, but this was ofen tied to war. The Goddess Nike was seens as the lighning thrown down to earth by Zeus. It was Zeus his message to the world. It was often depicted as a female with birdwings. There are also much older mythical creatures that look like a person in white with white bird-wings. This appears in many other mediteranian mythologies..

So no, it has nothing to do with Christianity in itself.

I sense you have a strong dislike towards religion, possible a single one. I have had the same thing and I understand why this can happen. But also understand that such mythology can be supporting to many other people and not all of them (most!) are really not trying to push it through your throat

I don't have a dislike for religion

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Technically, all skins released through the gem store are released through the Black Lion Trading company and are designed by in-game Tyrians. So all skins produced are canonical. Also, the way skin releases are worded makes them skins sound like replicas and not the real thing, if you read some of them. If you look, Evon Gnashblade talks about a lot of them himself. Plus, the game does have demons in it, so why not angels.

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