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Is there a future for GW2 ?

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@Fueki.4753 said:The game indeed has a future.

It even has a roadmap for the first part of that future.However, we don't know how long that future will be.This.

I'd say that it will most likely last tilll they release that announced expansion. What comes after that will however be impacted by how that expansion will be received. And that's not something we can predict now.

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Frankly I don't see much hope when ArenaNet does not ever seem to learn from their mistakes and it's just a constant stream of disposable content while their core repeatable modes are left to decay. The fact that they refuse to iterate and learn makes me incredibly doubtful of the new expansions worth too, this game has gone from a nice thought out meal prepared with care into cheap thoughtless disposable fast food content and I'm finding it hard to stay (and I started in beta).

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@mikdepadua.8376 said:Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.On the other hand, forums also tend to attract people that are more attached to the game. Others don't care enough to post, they just leave. So, even if you should treat forum opinions with a grain of salt, the overall attitude of posters can tell you a lot about the game.

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@Atticus.7194 said:Frankly I don't see much hope...

You're not including the serious changes to chief leadership and the rest of the team that have come out in the recent past. It's not time to lose hope right now! I generally like the game, but I'll also be re-assessing as things resolve around whatever the vision is changing to. So far I'm a fan

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Listen to this ninja @Cyninja.2954 he is correct.

I play every game mode, I repeat EVERY game mode. While there are not launch day crowds there are still plenty of people that do play. With steam users coming it is possible that even more players will be playing this for a long time. They will be coming in with 7+ years of content to explore so they will be around for a while. I don't see this game going anywhere for a long long time. I believe from here on out we will see an xpac every one to two years.

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@Excursion.9752 said:Listen to this ninja @Cyninja.2954 he is correct.

I play every game mode, I repeat EVERY game mode. While there are not launch day crowds there are still plenty of people that do play. With steam users coming it is possible that even more players will be playing this for a long time. They will be coming in with 7+ years of content to explore so they will be around for a while. I don't see this game going anywhere for a long long time. I believe from here on out we will see an xpac every one to two years.

Well I don't say this game is dead and I don't say there are no players the only in relation to this is that some maps are nearly empty because the playerbase is tinned out over too many maps which by the way was their main goal in the original game design of gw2 = no new maps . After season 1 they needed to abandon this idea because people wanted new maps.

But one thing is wrong what you said about steam they channelled the whole thing

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@Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

@Excursion.9752 said:Listen to this ninja @"Cyninja.2954" he is correct.

I play every game mode, I repeat EVERY game mode. While there are not launch day crowds there are still plenty of people that do play. With steam users coming it is possible that even more players will be playing this for a long time. They will be coming in with 7+ years of content to explore so they will be around for a while. I don't see this game going anywhere for a long long time. I believe from here on out we will see an xpac every one to two years.

Well I don't say this game is dead and I don't say there are no players

You literally did. That's what started this discussion.

the only in relation to this is that some maps are nearly empty because the playerbase is tinned out over too many maps which by the way was their main goal in the original game design of gw2 = no new maps . After season 1 they needed to abandon this idea because people wanted new maps.

Where are you getting this? The very first Living World episode added a new map (Southsun Cove). Expansion and exploration of more of Tyria has always been part of the plan.

But one thing is wrong what you said about steam they channelled the whole thing

The Steam release is still slated, but the date has been changed to "coming soon". Nothing was cancelled, merely delayed to an uncertain point.

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@Excursion.9752 said:Listen to this ninja @Cyninja.2954 he is correct.

I play every game mode, I repeat EVERY game mode. While there are not launch day crowds there are still plenty of people that do play. With steam users coming it is possible that even more players will be playing this for a long time. They will be coming in with 7+ years of content to explore so they will be around for a while. I don't see this game going anywhere for a long long time. I believe from here on out we will see an xpac every one to two years.

steam launch is postponed until after xpac. and i seriously doubt, that the xpac will get good numbers.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@mikdepadua.8376 said:Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.

who else would you ask? the people. who have left? those without complaints? no one at all? batman?

aren't you the perfect example of a disgruntled player who can't let go? You are literally proving his point.

Just saying, his point is that happy players are actively playing the game, while unhappy players come to vent. This extends so far that even players who are NOT active decide to come vent on the forums or continue to spread their displeasure while having 0 active stake in the game. Which gives a very skewed view of how players in game and on the forums actually experience the game.

This game could be on an all time high, but having unhappy ex players cloud the forums with their complaints will make it seem as though the game is about to close shop.This is valid for pretty much all MMORPGs and their forum communities because there is always players leaving and players joining (or returning).

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"mikdepadua.8376" said:Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.

who else would you ask? the people. who have left? those without complaints? no one at all? batman?

aren't you the perfect example of a disgruntled player who can't let go? You are literally proving his point.

Just saying, his point is that happy players are actively playing the game, while unhappy players come to vent. This extends so far that even players who are NOT active decide to come vent on the forums or continue to spread their displeasure while having 0 active stake in the game. Which gives a very skewed view of how players in game and on the forums actually experience the game.

This game could be on an all time high, but having unhappy ex players cloud the forums with their complaints will make it seem as though the game is about to close shop.This is valid for pretty much all MMORPGs and their forum communities because there is always players leaving and players joining (or returning).

the door swings both ways. a handful of raiders didnt "let go", but lured anet into spending a lot of resources on another useless endgame mode.and seeing how blizzard butchered wow, customer feedback is indeed useful if you listen to it.double lol for thinking , that normal players visit the forums before playing a game. most players NEVER use forums at all.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@"mikdepadua.8376" said:Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.

who else would you ask? the people. who have left? those without complaints? no one at all? batman?

aren't you the perfect example of a disgruntled player who can't let go? You are literally proving his point.

Just saying, his point is that happy players are actively playing the game, while unhappy players come to vent. This extends so far that even players who are NOT active decide to come vent on the forums or continue to spread their displeasure while having 0 active stake in the game. Which gives a very skewed view of how players in game and on the forums actually experience the game.

This game could be on an all time high, but having unhappy ex players cloud the forums with their complaints will make it seem as though the game is about to close shop.This is valid for pretty much all MMORPGs and their forum communities because there is always players leaving and players joining (or returning).

the door swings both ways. a handful of raiders didnt "let go", but lured anet into spending a lot of resources on another useless endgame mode.

Sure, that might be the case. I doubt this games issues are solely found with raids though and if you decide to blame a niche part of content for a multitude of problems the game might have had or has, or at the same time can't objectively differentiate between these issues, then you are biased. The game has had far greater issues than raids, most of them related to lack of content in the past, some of which have been remedied in relation to PvE, others not so much when looking at Spvp and WvW.

@battledrone.8315 said:and seeing how blizzard butchered wow, customer feedback is indeed useful if you listen to it.

True, but you are literally spelling out who should be listened to: customers. Given inactive players are not active customers, not sure they are the ones to listen to and given their activity will not show up on any in game metrics, doubtful the developers will know what they want in the first place.

@battledrone.8315 said:double lol for thinking , that normal players visit the forums before playing a game. most players NEVER use forums at all.

Also true, doesn't change the fact that in general unhappy players will visit forums more regularly due to their necessity to vent.

In a way it's a fair self inflicted punishment: players who can't let go are constantly facing their displeasure and disapproval every single time they indulge in spreading their message. Never getting to recharge their batteries to maybe return at a later point and enjoy a game they once loved, or move on and enjoy something else.

Not my personal approach, I've taken breaks from the game and returned months or years later to a huge fresh batch of content and a lot of fun. To each his own though and I certainly will not take up the fight to explain to people who want to be miserable how to change their behavior. As said: a fitting self inflicted punishment while the effect on the games direction will most likely be negligible to non existent.

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I agree with a lot of what has been said before.

Personally, when I see that:

  • GW1, by far older than GW2, though still alive after all those years!
  • GW2 is very active after 8 years existing and still out of the best MMORPGs nowadays.
  • GW2 has a regular income of new players, sign of healthy game.

I believe that yes, GW2 has a future. :3

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@"mercury ranique.2170" said:

It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here.

The main problem i see with your point is, that there isn't a single person saying "yes, it's my course"Look at what happened to Star Wars, when they tried to fix the problems with the different fan groups by pleasing none of them.

In general people play a game because they enjoy it. The groups of people who are not entertained are growing too big.This is why the weekly doom and gloom thread pops up.I came to term, with me not being the chosen target group and i am fine with that. But i also don't know anyone who is.I wish there would be a more obvious path they go so people can make up their mind. Yes, they would lose the one or other groupbut strengthen the main target group. Until then everyone turns their back on GW2 instead just a couple of people

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Contrary to many 'foristas', i think the game has a future. A bright future? We can't know, since that's quite impossible to predict and depends entirely on the decisions A-Net make from now. But I think there's still a future for the game. Obviously, we have to consider too how the MMO market will behave in the years to come; especially with the new MMOs that are in the way and are promising to renovate and reinvigorate the genre. Said this, the same rule that apply to them (that is impossible to predict if they will success or will die in the process), apply to GW2 and many of the other big MMOs.

Nonetheless, as I've said before, i really think that A-Net has the chance to address the existing problems, improve the existing modes that are neglected and, if possible, expand them. The expansion, although is the most immediate proof we have that the game indeed have a future; it is as well the trial A-Net has where they demostrate how interested they are in the game and how willing to take the decisions that have to be taken. I think this is a beautiful game, that is one of (if not) the best MMOs in the market and that it has the potential and the core strength to be bigger than it is right now, and I would be sad if tomorrow they decided to shut it down because I really want it to do well. But that's the kind of discussion I think A-Net should be taking.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"mikdepadua.8376" said:Forums tend to attract people with complaints so I find that places like these aren't the best place to ask questions like those.

who else would you ask? the people. who have left? those without complaints? no one at all? batman?

aren't you the perfect example of a disgruntled player who can't let go? You are literally proving his point.

Just saying, his point is that happy players are actively playing the game, while unhappy players come to vent. This extends so far that even players who are NOT active decide to come vent on the forums or continue to spread their displeasure while having 0 active stake in the game. Which gives a very skewed view of how players in game and on the forums actually experience the game.

This game could be on an all time high, but having unhappy ex players cloud the forums with their complaints will make it seem as though the game is about to close shop.This is valid for pretty much all MMORPGs and their forum communities because there is always players leaving and players joining (or returning).

the door swings both ways. a handful of raiders didnt "let go", but lured anet into spending a lot of resources on another useless endgame mode.

Sure, that might be the case. I doubt this games issues are solely found with raids though and if you decide to blame a niche part of content for a multitude of problems the game might have had or has, or at the same time can't objectively differentiate between these issues, then you are biased. The game has had far greater issues than raids, most of them related to lack of content in the past, some of which have been remedied in relation to PvE, others not so much when looking at Spvp and WvW.

@battledrone.8315 said:and seeing how blizzard butchered wow, customer feedback is indeed useful if you listen to it.

True, but you are literally spelling out who should be listened to: customers. Given inactive players are not active customers, not sure they are the ones to listen to and given their activity will not show up on any in game metrics, doubtful the developers will know what they want in the first place.

@battledrone.8315 said:double lol for thinking , that normal players visit the forums before playing a game. most players NEVER use forums at all.

Also true, doesn't change the fact that in general unhappy players will visit forums more regularly due to their necessity to vent.

In a way it's a fair self inflicted punishment: players who can't let go are constantly facing their displeasure and disapproval every single time they indulge in spreading their message. Never getting to recharge their batteries to maybe return at a later point and enjoy a game they once loved, or move on and enjoy something else.

Not my personal approach, I've taken breaks from the game and returned months or years later to a huge fresh batch of content and a lot of fun. To each his own though and I certainly will not take up the fight to explain to people who want to be miserable how to change their behavior. As said: a fitting self inflicted punishment while the effect on the games direction will most likely be negligible to non existent.

not just one mode, we have 3 end game modes, that are pretty much useless now. they could had made some low level casual content instead of just one of thosefurther more, if i have to do hardcore content, then there has to be a substantial reward or progression.

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:

@"mercury ranique.2170" said:

It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here.

The main problem i see with your point is, that there isn't a single person saying "yes, it's my course"Look at what happened to Star Wars, when they tried to fix the problems with the different fan groups by pleasing none of them.

In general people play a game because they enjoy it. The groups of people who are not entertained are growing too big.This is why the weekly doom and gloom thread pops up.I came to term, with me not being the chosen target group and i am fine with that. But i also don't know anyone who is.I wish there would be a more obvious path they go so people can make up their mind. Yes, they would lose the one or other groupbut strengthen the main target group. Until then everyone turns their back on GW2 instead just a couple of people

The main problem I see with your post is the lack of mandate. It seems often that using a mandate strenghtens an argument you are making. (Saying that no just you, but a lot of others are saying the same thing and claiming that you speak on their behalf).

So where does your mandate come from? Why would those people not voice themself? Who are the people you claim to speak for?

Just looking at the forum (which is a bad place to check the state of the game, cause people do not often come her to tell Arenanet is doing a great job, but cause they want something changed), I see people saying they like the icebrood saga releases. An Canthan expansion was the most asked for expansion and there didnt go a week by that a threat was made by people requesting it.

Looking at the numbers (ncsoft quarterly reports) it is doing pretty well for being in a period between major releases.Most of all, the OP pinpointed some issues he/she see (on a personal base, which is fine), but that doesnt mean that people agree. It doesn't even mean it is the wise course to cather everyone.

In the time I've played this game I've seen people come and go. And there has been times that I also only did the dailies once per week. But I always make new friends and find new ways to enjoy myself.Will it last? likely not. I too will quit one day, but it is not a bad thing and there will be new players as well.

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@"Vavume.8065" said:This game has at least another 5 years in the tank, and there is nothing better on the horizon, so yeah there is a future.

"If they build it... they will come."Gw2 did always have this niche experimental energy to it so while it's fun I don't think they bring in that much revenue. The leadership and devs always kinda seem like they're doing content on their own schedules and in their own way and its not a tightly ran ship. That can be a good and bad thing; good because the moral is chill and they are creatively experimenting under less pressure and bad because pressure makes diamonds and we could have had 5 expansions out by now and many more things probably. We also need more QOL updates so maybe with the steam release we will get more people.

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