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[Poll] Should there be a Graphics update?

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I want to start off by saying i love this game, but the graphics age is starting to show just a little. I dont think the graphics need to be redone or anything, and i wouldn't want any upgrade that would be too much work for the devs. What would be nice if the game finally ran on DX12, and there was some sort of filter that made the game look more stylized. I think some update is needed so the game can still look up to date for the coming decade or so. I love this game.

If the game looked a little bit more like this trailer id be in heaven.

What are your thoughts?

Should there be any sort of graphics update?

***EDIT 11/29/2020]

I was able to use Geforce Freestyle within Geforce Experience to improve how the game looks. There are Coloring options and Filters to use. You can also remove the Dreamy washed out look the game has if you increase Clarity & Reduce Bloom. It basically has edit tools just as if you were editing a photo. It also increased my performance, but that might of been Geforce experience in general.

I wanted my game to look more stylized just like the GW2 artwork we see in the loading screens. I would hope Anet would integrate similar tools within the game for better optimization.

Here are some images of how my game looks.


***EDIT 12/01/2020]

Below i used GeForce Freestyle. You can make it look how you want. I prefer a slight cartoony look since i hate seeing low res textures. Im also getting solid 60 frames

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@Danikat.8537 said:Can someone explain for me what difference upgrading to DX12 would make if they don't change the graphics? Would it just change some of the lighting effects and shaders?

DX12 initially improves performance and it allows the developers access to shading and effect filter tools to make the game look and run better without having to redo any graphics. Also ray tracing is a realistic lighting tool. DX12 will make the game look crisper and more up to date.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Can someone explain for me what difference upgrading to DX12 would make if they don't change the graphics? Would it just change some of the lighting effects and shaders?

it would at least allow the game to take advantage with dual core CPU's, something the game isn't build on using slowing down even the best computers.

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I do think that the Core Maps need a visual Update, those maps are what peoples first impressions of the game are and in my opinion look very dated and don't reflect how beautiful the newer areas are.I'm not saying to rebuild from the ground up but there's plenty of Assets from the past few years that they could swap out for older ones and then just update the lighting and terrain.

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Maybe it's because I've been playing video games for more than 30 years now but graphics were never a really important thing for me. I want to recognize the things I have to interact with, going from there I can get accomodated to almost everything. Also, good frames won't save bad paintings. Meaning that all the top notch graphics in the world won't change things that are imho bad from a gameplay perspective. Just because it looks nice doesn't mean that a game is good, after all you want to play it not just look at it.

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@Solanum.6983 said:I do think that the Core Maps need a visual Update, those maps are what peoples first impressions of the game are and in my opinion look very dated and don't reflect how beautiful the newer areas are.I'm not saying to rebuild from the ground up but there's plenty of Assets from the past few years that they could swap out for older ones and then just update the lighting and terrain.

I kinda prefer core map gfx to some of the later terrains and map styles. They are less flashy and glowy. I would be very much against seeing them changed to use current assets

I certainly don’t think they paint the game in a negative enough way to warrant a change

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This game looks beautiful for how old it is on max settings.Shame most people can't run it on max settings anyway.

It doesn't need a graphics update, it needs optimization to run smoother.I can't run it on medium properly, let alone max, so if they updated graphics, me and a lot of other people would need to stop playing.

That's the big problem with most MMOs, they need to be "accessible" to people with a wide range of hardware.GW2 looks beautiful on a wide range of hardware, it's stylized graphics have aged really well.

But it needs to be optimised for better performance across all hardware types.

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@Josiah.2967 said:We need valid native multicore CPU support. Not even a i10900k with 3080 can keep 60 frames in this games without shadows and reflections. This game needs a major update to survive.

Yes, im thinking about what can the devs do to future proof the game since its age is starting to show. Gw2 is coming to steam, and might even come to consoles at some point. I want this game to be successful and bring in lots of people.

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Pretty sure GW2 won't come to consoles because of the method by which their updates would have to be approved and such. There are several threads on that topic that can be found with the search function.

Any "future proofing" would probably entail a massive undertaking. We've already been told how convoluted and cumbersome the existing code is. To future proof the game, they might need to start all over rather than try to fix the antiquated code. I wouldn't expect anything to really change in this aspect short of releasing GW3, which I don't see happening. /shrug

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i think all HoT and later content looks amazing IMO. if they could just update the vanilla maps I would be completely happy. (oh and if they could add an actual weather and day night system with actual sunets and sunrises with a yellow or orange sky instead of what we have now.also some graphical QoL features would be nice, like screenshotting features among others.

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The game still looks amazing considering it's not too far of a decade old now.. same can be said for Gw1 too considering how old that game is as well.

Performance is where this game could use improving rather than improving the visuals.Granted going back and prettying up some of the core world (to bring them upto par with newer living world stuff) would be something I wouldn't complain about, but overall performance is the far more important element that should always come before visuals in my opinion.. which is why I'll always take PC over consoles ;)

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@White Kitsunee.4620 said:DX12 would be great don't get me wrong.But I honestly think this game is gorgeous in any map made after S3.

The only place that could use any graphical upgrade in my eyes is core, and even then only slightly.

I do feel like it looks good as well, but do you think its enough to survive another decade or so?

I wish anet could just do something to make it look more stylized to fix textures. it wouldnt increase specs. Enabling DX12 and its features would be optional setting in your graphics options.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:Pretty sure GW2 won't come to consoles because of the method by which their updates would have to be approved and such. There are several threads on that topic that can be found with the search function.

This article states it will be. Hopefully its real.https://www.justpushstart.com/2012/02/guild-wars-2-announced-for-consoles/#:~:text=Guild%20Wars%202%2C%20a%20sequel,to%20consoles%20in%20the%20future.

Any "future proofing" would probably entail a massive undertaking. We've already been told how convoluted and cumbersome the existing code is. To future proof the game, they might need to start all over rather than try to fix the antiquated code. I wouldn't expect anything to really change in this aspect short of releasing GW3, which I don't see happening. /shrug

Thats a bummer.

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