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Long range increasing damage makes no sense

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@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

Ya I know my grammar there was pretty bad, trying to type while cat aggro and missed that.

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@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence you're 100% wrong

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I think the idea is to encourage players to strike from a distance without forcing a dead zone upon them. Some games make it so you cannot pull back a bow at a target that is right in your face, because you can't reliably nock an arrow if someone is hitting you. It'd be even less realistic if there wasn't any drawback for being in melee combat with a bow. These mechanics are intended to encourage players to switch weapons or get into a ranged position.

I agree that game mechanics can be pretty funny at times. In chess, the bishop moves like a horse, the horse mounted knight moves like a soldier, and the pawn moves like a bedridden grandma. I suppose it's more fun that way.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence
you're 100% wrong

You may want to check your "sources" because there is something like "Gravity and air friction" on Earth which will reduce the velocity of said projectile meaning the energy will drop as well, which makes OPs statement correct, what was the point of your post again?You're not wrong, but you're also wrong, could you tell me how you accomplished that?I mean E= 1/2mv^2 is correct, but stating that OP is wrong is incorrect.@OPDon't expect anything, A-net is consistent with being inconsistent. Sometimes they'll make stuff "correct and reflecting real world" and other times you question their reasoning.

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence
you're 100% wrong

You may want to check your "sources" because there is something like "Gravity and air friction" on Earth which will reduce the velocity of said projectile meaning the energy will drop as well, which makes OPs statement correct, what was the point of your post again?You're not wrong, but you're also wrong, could you tell me how you accomplished that?I mean E= 1/2mv^2 is correct, but stating that OP is wrong is incorrect.@OPDon't expect anything, A-net is consistent with being inconsistent. Sometimes they'll make stuff "correct and reflecting real world" and other times you question their reasoning.

Did you also check the material and mass of the arrow ? what about the wind velocity? is there enough visiblity?You people are being borderline ridiculous for the sake of it , wanna bring real physic in the game? Sure why not then ....meteor storm there I win the whole freaking MU 'cause I wipe everything on the map

Let's be real here then! A single lightning strike should fry you inside out no problem and a Tornado should be immune to anything, how can you condi bomb a freaking tornado?

But hey let's stick to facts about ranger dude! How can you outrun a damn tiger or wolf, or an eagle sweeping over your head? , if I axe throw you...explain how can you walk off after..... If start applying real life laws to a game...people like you won't be staying for long

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@Choppy.4183 said:You're not seriously raising an objection about lack of realism, are you? How about unlimited projectiles? Healing out of combat? Magic? Your physics have no place here....

Good day, sir.

Yeah..they try to apply realism to where it's convenient to them...maybe the OP and others like him should explain to me how they can outrun a trained tiger, cheetah, wolf, an eagle or hawk in real life given how they invoke realism......

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence
you're 100% wrong

You may want to check your "sources" because there is something like "Gravity and air friction" on Earth which will reduce the velocity of said projectile meaning the energy will drop as well, which makes OPs statement correct, what was the point of your post again?You're not wrong, but you're also wrong, could you tell me how you accomplished that?I mean E= 1/2mv^2 is correct, but stating that OP is wrong is incorrect.@OPDon't expect anything, A-net is consistent with being inconsistent. Sometimes they'll make stuff "correct and reflecting real world" and other times you question their reasoning.

Did you also check the material and mass of the arrow ? what about the wind velocity? is there enough visiblity?You people are being borderline ridiculous for the sake of it , wanna bring real physic in the game? Sure why not then ....
meteor storm
there I win the whole freaking MU 'cause I wipe everything on the map

Let's be real here then! A single lightning strike should fry you inside out no problem

Actually according to weather.gov, only 10% of lightning strikes are fatal.

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This is a game. Fun and balance are more important than realism here. If we truly want to pursue realism, then we would have to change alot of stuff. Just to give a fun little list, which by far does not include all we would have to change:

  • ammo for all weapons using them (bows, pistols, rifles) shouldn't be unlimited and required to either get bought or crafted
  • friendly fire should be possible (meteor showers decimating your own squad, engineer blasting off his own feet with bombs, ranger's rapid fire hitting their allies instead of the enemy if they stand in between)
  • deletion of revenant, guardian, mesmer, necromancer, elementalist, because, ya know, MAGIC ISN'T REALISM
  • weapon swap now takes several seconds to happen, instead of being instant
  • death now results in the deletion of the character
  • crafting system now takes hours or days, based on what you are crafting. Also reaching a higher level in craftmanship proficiency now takes several years of constantly practicing
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Can you imagine friendly fire being a thing? That would decimate almost everything about how the game is played now. No more zergs, no more stacks. Raids and strikes would be utterly ruined. I think it would devolve into everyone using range weapons and being forced to stand in a line and shoot to avoid hitting each other.

Elementalist casts meteor showertotal party wipeouteveryone rage quits and screams about how stupid of a skill that is to even exist in the game

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Can you imagine friendly fire being a thing? That would decimate almost everything about how the game is played now. No more zergs, no more stacks. Raids and strikes would be utterly ruined. I think it would devolve into everyone using range weapons and being forced to stand in a line and shoot to avoid hitting each other.

Elementalist casts meteor showertotal party wipeouteveryone rage quits and screams about how stupid of a skill that is to even exist in an MMO

There's another thread asking about changes to improve roaming. Making everyone petrified to be in a group ought to do it....

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence
you're 100% wrong

Hmmmm, no increase in speed mentioned. So you're wrong.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Lord Trejgon.2809 said:OP didn't notice yet that the same ranger can throw
as far and with as much strength as firing arrow from the other kind of the bow?Bows? The axe is throw about as fast as a bullet from pistols/rifles.

A fair, point, I forgot guns were a thing there, since ranger didn't have one, and I was mor refering to how they nerfed shortbow some time ago (it used to have 1200 range in the past)

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:Simply put the more the longer a projectile travels the more kinetic energy it loses. 1500 range should not be doing more damage then shorter ranges. Also the lighter armored classes should be more mobile then heavier armored, at times it seems that GW2 devs live in Bizarro World.

You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence
you're 100% wrong

Wind resistance however would reduce its speed relative to the projectile's surface area, indeed this can be seen as the arc of a projectile's flight is not truly parabolic unless within a vacuum, but these are magic projectiles so that does not apply.

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In MMO games sometimes you are rewarded by playing X way or being in a specific situation. It is OK to have more damage at greater distance, otherwise using a bow or being ranged oriented wouldn't make any sense.

And if we're talking about realism, MOST swords here would be more dangeorous to a wielder than enemies.Oh, and probably all melee weapons would go to trash can, because pistols, rifles and explosives are the future and there is no traditional armor that could protect you from bullets and explosions.

  • Dodging an explosion is also ridiculous.
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