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HOTS had gliding. POF had mounts. What can EOD bring?

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HoT and PoF had masteries that evolved combat and a new large feature. We don't have to choose between the two. I would take the absence of a big new feature as evidence for the studio's long term plans for the game. If you want GW2 to continue, hope for a big, new, monetizable feature. Masteries and a new race can't deliver. I can't think of a better option than a complex housing system. I love the idea of a housing and settlement system where players work together to customize settlements and zones.

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Housing have absolutely nothing to do in the game as a main feature. As already said it takes people out of the world, which is a bad thing to do and makes the game seem 'dead' in the main cities.


But swish knife minions to summon based on different situation, now that have a lot more appeal and use ingame. Though always a max of one out at a time.


I could imagine that each minion adds an additional preset skill to your bar, as long they are alive. And minion skins would be a new thing for anet to monetize.

Edited by LucianDK.8615
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I always imagined that "The Commander" would get a airship that cruises with him. You can use it to safely traverse maps and deploy with a band of NPCs (companions) that you can customize. The airship mastery would come with cool abilities like "snipe", where the airship will snipe weakened targets below 20% hp and finish them, or mortar drop, where an aoe attack would hit an area marked by the commander. Or supply drop, which would drop an hp supply, that heals you for 50% of your health. 

Not sure if it'll ever be implemented, but it could even incorporate player housing into your own airship. Anyway, always felt a little strange that one of the most powerful people in Tyria doesn't yet have reliable companions, preferably ones cruising around in an air ship, to deploy as needed. 

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3 minutes ago, Loboling.5293 said:

I always imagined that "The Commander" would get a airship that cruises with him. You can use it to safely traverse maps and deploy with a band of NPCs (companions) that you can customize. The airship mastery would come with cool abilities like "snipe", where the airship will snipe weakened targets below 20% hp and finish them, or mortar drop, where an aoe attack would hit an area marked by the commander. Or supply drop, which would drop an hp supply, that heals you for 50% of your health. 

Not sure if it'll ever be implemented, but it could even incorporate player housing into your own airship. Anyway, always felt a little strange that one of the most powerful people in Tyria doesn't yet have reliable companions, preferably ones cruising around in an air ship, to deploy as needed. 

Considering how the maps is not seamlessly connected, it really wouldnt work out. And would make all ground travelling obsolete, and even waypoints would be all too easilly reached.    And with gliding and flying mounts from the airship, you would take out even more difficulty from most jumping puzzles.

Edited by LucianDK.8615
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1 hour ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

Housing have absolutely nothing to do in the game as a main feature. As already said it takes people out of the world, which is a bad thing to do and makes the game seem 'dead' in the main cities.


But swish knife minions to summon based on different situation, now that have a lot more appeal and use ingame. Though always a max of one out at a time.


I could imagine that each minion adds an additional preset skill to your bar, as long they are alive. And minion skins would be a new thing for anet to monetize.

A more complex version of summons that couldn't be ignored if players wanted to stay competitive when earning kill credit and would crash everyone's FPS! I am so bored being lectured about combat being the ultimate tool for mmo world building. Imo, that is what is killing the genre.


Housing doesn't pull people from the open world. For any amount of time spent in their house decorating, the player needs to spend time in zones collecting and working. I don't think the studio would ever do a simple, box and hooks, version of housing. The housing model I hope for would bring people into zones, including current ones. What I am picturing would make GW2 competitive with Ashes of Creation.

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2 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

The more gameplay changing thing we could get, that i can think of, would be Companions/Heroes, just like Mounts and Gliders they would change the way we play the entire game, not just the expansion, if they are available on old maps of course.

Housing and fishing is kinda cool yeah, but it's not that game changing, player housing is not going to change the way you do Octovine and stuff like that lol, but it would be cool, choosing in witch map you want your house to be, if it is available on all open world maps.

Buuuuut, not every expansion feature need to be "game changing" tbh.


Inb4 ESO players say we are copying them if we get Companions lel.

ESO player here, saying if we do get companions I hope they're more useful than ESO's version. Admittedly they haven't been released yet and there's a chance they'll make changes following the PTS feedback but at the moment the best they offer is additional side quests, in combat they're pretty useless.


Also considering GW1 was one of the games ESO players accused them of copying when companions were announced it would be pretty funny if GW2 got them and was then accused of copying ESO.


(I say they're all copying Eye of the Beholder, because that's the first game I played with a party system. 😄)


13 minutes ago, Psientist.6437 said:

Housing doesn't pull people from the open world. For any amount of time spent in their house decorating, the player needs to spend time in zones collecting and working. I don't think the studio would ever do a simple, box and hooks, version of housing. The housing model I hope for would bring people into zones, including current ones. What I am picturing would make GW2 competitive with Ashes of Creation.

What is Ashes of Creation and what does that have to do with housing?


I assume it's another game which has a housing system, but for people like me who know nothing about it your post doesn't tell us anything. Assuming I'm right about that what makes their housing system so good? What would you like GW2 to take from it and how do you see it working in this game?

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3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Whatever it is I agree they need to tie it into the wider game. One of the reasons I think gliding and mounts work so well is that it's something you can use while doing other things rather than a seperate stand-alone system you might use occasionally and then forget about at other times. (Compare those two with other new things HoT brought like the other masteries or adventures.)



Content in the two expansions was created specifically for gliders and mounts.  Players needed those masteries to complete the content.  I just can't see housing being something that is required to complete content for an expansion at the level of interest that would attract a large enough audience to justify the expense.  For me, it would be a waste of resources.

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9 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Content in the two expansions was created specifically for gliders and mounts.  Players needed those masteries to complete the content.  I just can't see housing being something that is required to complete content for an expansion at the level of interest that would attract a large enough audience to justify the expense.  For me, it would be a waste of resources.

Well said, and exactly why housing never will be a workable main draw of an expansion.

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Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

Content in the two expansions was created specifically for gliders and mounts.  Players needed those masteries to complete the content.  I just can't see housing being something that is required to complete content for an expansion at the level of interest that would attract a large enough audience to justify the expense.  For me, it would be a waste of resources.

I can see housing attracting quite a lot of players, but I agree that it's not something that could or should be the focus of an enitre expansion. At least not in GW2. I would still love to have personal housing though..

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

ESO player here, saying if we do get companions I hope they're more useful than ESO's version. Admittedly they haven't been released yet and there's a chance they'll make changes following the PTS feedback but at the moment the best they offer is additional side quests, in combat they're pretty useless.


Also considering GW1 was one of the games ESO players accused them of copying when companions were announced it would be pretty funny if GW2 got them and was then accused of copying ESO.


(I say they're all copying Eye of the Beholder, because that's the first game I played with a party system. 😄)


What is Ashes of Creation and what does that have to do with housing?


I assume it's another game which has a housing system, but for people like me who know nothing about it your post doesn't tell us anything. Assuming I'm right about that what makes their housing system so good? What would you like GW2 to take from it and how do you see it working in this game?

Ashes of Creation is an upcoming mmo from Intrepid Studios. It will have features that allow players to shape how zones permanently evolve. Imagine a publicly upgraded Sun's Refuge distributed across several zones linked to private housing. We are given a cast of NPCs some of them make things, we work with them or hire them to upgrade zones. The player-base influences where they work and live. All or most of what the NPCs and us produce could then be put into private player housing. Silver and bronze path story agency could provided as well. If the NPC cast is large enough, players could influence what happens without impacting golden path story. This does not require a traditional box and hook housing system but housing could be seamlessly integrated. I would argue it begs for housing. One of GW2's greatest strengths is its approach to soft socializing. This idea would give our soft society something to build together. 


I hope this helped.

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It's interesting how much communities can be different. WoW players have been begging for a housing system for years, yet most people on the GW2 forums don't want one at all.

I side with you though, I'd be sad to learn that a lot of development time had been wasted on player housing. 

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I like "companions". I always play classes that use them like necromancer and ranger. I am willing to live with the unavoidable limitation of companions. Many aren't. Companions impact combat effectiveness by providing vertical power progression. Why does anyone use a summons? Companions can also provide horizontal power progression with complex skill bars and Ai, but not without increasing the load for servers and clients. Companions, because they skew towards horizontal power progression, run counter to GW2's philosophy.


We know we are getting profession masteries. They skew towards horizontal progression and don't depend on Ai for effectiveness. I am not here to attack ideas. In the spirit of competitive speculation, can anyone offer an approach to companions that wouldn't create vertical, and therefore mmo-mandatory, progression?

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15 minutes ago, Psientist.6437 said:

In the spirit of competitive speculation, can anyone offer an approach to companions that wouldn't create vertical, and therefore mmo-mandatory, progression?


I am pleased to inform you ANet has already had this figured out for years - in fact, they've had it going for the entire life of the game! Behold, I present... the vast majority of ranger pets!


With very few exceptions, ranger pets (even with the animation reworks that happened a ways back), cannot hit moving targets. Even pets that are considered meta will chase the circle-walking dummy golems without landing a single hit. Even the blink pets (most famously, the smokescale) will struggle to stick to the target even after blinking to close the gap.


On a more serious note, no, I don't think there's a way to include combat companions that wouldn't be vertical progression in some manner. If they help you survive fights you'd otherwise die in (or at least be more threatened by), or kill enemies you otherwise wouldn't overcome (or at least kill them faster), they are providing a straight upgrade.


But at this point, much the same can be said for gliding and mounts. Gliding in particular can literally save your life (or a great deal of your HP) if you fall off an edge unintentionally, and mounts allow you to access content (i.e. exploration stuff) with much greater ease. Companions would simply do the same, but do it for combat, which makes it a bit more obvious as a straight upgrade.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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HoT wasn't "designed around gliding." The studio wanted to tell a story best set in complex 3d zones and needed a way for players to navigate. Gliding proved to be great fun. The story and narrative design came first. Same with PoF, zones were designed to showcase mounts but weren't focused on them. Mounts don't contribute much to long term replayability.


I don't want a simple box and hook money pit either. Housing could be part of something that makes the term Living World mean something. 

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14 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:


I am pleased to inform you ANet has already had this figured out for years - in fact, they've had it going for the entire life of the game! Behold, I present... the vast majority of ranger pets!


With very few exceptions, ranger pets (even with the animation reworks that happened a ways back), cannot hit moving targets. Even pets that are considered meta will chase the circle-walking dummy golems without landing a single hit. Even the blink pets (most famously, the smokescale) will struggle to stick to the target even after blinking to close the gap.


On a more serious note, no, I don't think there's a way to include combat companions that wouldn't be vertical progression in some manner. If they help you survive fights you'd otherwise die in (or at least be more threatened by), or kill enemies you otherwise wouldn't overcome (or at least kill them faster), they are providing a straight upgrade.


But at this point, much the same can be said for gliding and mounts. Gliding in particular can literally save your life (or a great deal of your HP) if you fall off an edge unintentionally, and mounts allow you to access content (i.e. exploration stuff) with much greater ease. Companions would simply do the same, but do it for combat, which makes it a bit more obvious as a straight upgrade.

You had me going. This is an mmo. Vertical combat upgrades get special attention. There is no getting around it.

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1 hour ago, Malitias.8453 said:

@Zephyr.5382 You edited my quote out, because you realized it makes your post obsolete? xD


Nope...the purpose of my post was to mention a better analogue to a grappling hook. I queued your post as a quote as I went down the thread, thinking it might be useful for additional context; it wasn't, in retrospect, so I removed it.

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15 minutes ago, mistsim.2748 said:

I know it has become more of a meme than anything, but I really think they will be revamping underwater combat and making a ton of new content for it. 

I had that same thought when we got the new underwater skimmer mastery.


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Hmmm, perhaps something to make you intangible. Travel through certain objects or avoid damage. Mounts and gliding are essentially a movement alteration which I am sure devs will want to continue. So maybe Canthan training lets plays do acrobatics to scale walls like maybe wall running? Maybe improve your dodge skills for combat use? Perhaps dodging at an appropriate surface allows you to scale it. Genshin impact style?

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