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The new achievements for the Legendary amulet [Meme]

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2 minutes ago, abrex.5081 said:

Like I said up above, instead of a legendary amulet, why not a legendary sigil which can only be used on 1 weapon even if you can use it on every character.

If I had to guess? Because they thought a legendary trinket would get more mileage or appease more people than a sigil would. The backlash they got (and continue to get) was massive. Their response had to match or it wouldn't have had the desired effect. I'd be very surprised to see them ever do this again, but you never know.

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22 minutes ago, abrex.5081 said:

I don't think you understand the big picture here. For the raid trinket , aurora and vision, achievements only got us the ascended version. Getting the mystic tribute and other stuff are not included whereas for this achievement, you get the amulet straight without any mystic tribute and for the first set of achievements, its so simple that you just need lesser than 3 hours to complete it.

So far, there is no indication we will get the amulet "for free". Later achievements could very well require you to throw a "mystic tribute" at an NPC (might not be the usual process of mystic forge).

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We will have to do DRM again, after the recent achievement which requires 40...

believe me it's héroic  to have the mental resistance to undergo this torture, the amulet is more than deserved. Sacrificing your sanity for a legendary is already asking a lot.

Edited by radda.8920
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2 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

We will have to do DRM again, after the recent achievement which requires 40...

believe me it's héroic  to have the mental resistance to undergo this torture, the amulet is more than deserved. Sacrificing your sanity for a legendary is already asking a lot.

I have a feeling I'll be looking back fondly to the days when earning a legendary was as relaxed and easy as Vision. This first week wasn't too bad, but there are bound to be some laborous ones in the next 23.

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7 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I have a feeling I'll be looking back fondly to the days when earning a legendary was as relaxed and easy as Vision. This first week wasn't too bad, but there are bound to be some laborous ones in the next 23.


exactly, having to do seasons 2 and 3 again is a pleasure

But we  will have to return to kourna, Thunderhead Peaks (lag land) and the worst all:  the saga so  DRM and drizzlewood coast ... I think it deserves a legendary,yes .

I got the legendary armor with raids and it seemed a lot more fun than enduring weeks of disgusting maps

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The big issue I have with this isn't giving a legendary for "free".


My big issue is that we get, compared to the rest of the game, utterly kitten rewards in WvW. We are at the bottom of the game in gold per hour, wvw legendaries take forever to make and for the normal legendaries we have to do additional pve. 
It takes five times the effort for a single piece it takes pve'rs and now you basically give them a legendary for "login in" and doing achievements that take not even 10 minutes of your time?


Sorry, I can't and won't understand how this is justified after you ignored all the ideas to make WvW a bit more rewarding. It's like you are one of three children and have to beg for shoes so you don't have to walk barefoot anymore, while you give the other two children a new car, daily cake and fulfill their desires on a daily basis.

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1 hour ago, abrex.5081 said:

I don't think you understand the big picture here. For the raid trinket , aurora and vision, achievements only got us the ascended version. Getting the mystic tribute and other stuff are not included whereas for this achievement, you get the amulet straight without any mystic tribute and for the first set of achievements, its so simple that you just need lesser than 3 hours to complete it.

Week 1.  You have no idea what weeks 2 - 24 entail. 

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They introduced an amulet cause the only current way of getting one is via pvp. We all know how much love pvp gets from the majority of the playerbase. 2 leggy trinkets, one ring, one backpack and a whole armorset are already obtainable through pve. Makes sense (ish), i guess...

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56 minutes ago, jemdarr.2158 said:

The big issue I have with this isn't giving a legendary for "free".


My big issue is that we get, compared to the rest of the game, utterly kitten rewards in WvW. We are at the bottom of the game in gold per hour, wvw legendaries take forever to make and for the normal legendaries we have to do additional pve. 
It takes five times the effort for a single piece it takes pve'rs and now you basically give them a legendary for "login in" and doing achievements that take not even 10 minutes of your time?


Sorry, I can't and won't understand how this is justified after you ignored all the ideas to make WvW a bit more rewarding. It's like you are one of three children and have to beg for shoes so you don't have to walk barefoot anymore, while you give the other two children a new car, daily cake and fulfill their desires on a daily basis.

If it only takes 10 minutes, surely you can spare the time....?

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Honestly, I think the free legendary amulet is more so people that don't have any legendary get to know the legendary armory system when it's released. It's a big QoL change in the game that may not be of interest of many due to the fact that they don't own any legendary item. The legendary amulet may also make more people want to pursue other legendary items later on after they realize its not just a pretty and expensive skin.


Why are people so mad about the 1 legendary item that they are giving to people? It's gonna benefit a lot of people and besides that, most people interested in having legendary trinkets are not into PvP. It would be just a matter of time until they finished implementing the rest of the legendary trinkets that can be obtained through PvE.

For those that are mad about 1 free trinket, imagine if everyone that has a legendary weapon get mad because everyone will receive 1 free precursor after they crafted their own, spending time, effort and gold as well. It's just dumb the idea that other people can't have things you have because you paid for them at some point during the last 8 years..

Edited by leila.7962
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  • abrex.5081 changed the title to Why a legendary amulet instead of a sigil?

Honestly if it was really grindy there would be crying. If there was a gold cost there would be crying. If it's too easy there is crying. You don't get a legendary today from just these achieves so many more things will be added and if you think all will be free or easy or not a royal pita then you really haven't played any content at all.

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1 hour ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

i have Aurora and Vision. Not hard, only time consuming

I have a full set of WvW legendry armor, Conflux, Slumbering Conflux, Ad Infinitum, Aurora, Vision, Twilight (I even crafted the precursor), The Predator, two Frostfangs, and a set of legendary runes. Absolutely none of it is hard. All it takes is a dedicated time commitment.


Honestly you could probably just login, do your dailies, do Ley-Line Anomaly, and after three months have enough gold, mystic coins, and mystic clovers to just buy a precursor and craft a gen 1 legendary so long as you had the dungeon tokens, GoE, and GoB. But during those three months there will be a festival, so you can get exchange vouchers from that for the tokens. GoB is all of 4 hours of effort, and GoE can be done in a week, maybe two.

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8 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Assuming no breaks for holiday events, which I super seriously doubt at this point.

Its not new content tho, its a rerelease of old content with a couple new achievements. Also the holidays run for what, 2-3 weeks? That would put us on 30 weeks and hella deep into Dec, dont think anet want to launch an expac and then close studio for the holidays.

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17 hours ago, Xarfai.8471 said:

Just a couple weeks ago I crafted my Legendary Amulet for around 1,5k Gold.

With the new achievement you can get it now basically for free and sicne you only need 1 in the legendary armory the crafted ones ar for nothing.


My suggestion is: Let us choose a Legendary trinket for the achievement: an amulett, a ring or an accessoire


So every player can get something usefull and have fun hunting the achievement 🙂

Well sucks that you dont read posts on the homepage since we knew legendary amulet was coming a month ago.


Since you said a couple of weeks thats 2-3 right?

Could have saved yourself some gold mate.

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well sucks that you dont read posts on the homepage since we knew legendary amulet was coming a month ago.


Since you said a couple of weeks thats 2-3 right?

Could have saved yourself some gold mate.


More like 6 to 8 weeks.

but whats your point? It doesn t change the fact, that it would please a lot of players, if we coud choose the legendary trinket 🙂

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8 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

How do you get 16 weeks.  It's only seasons 2 and 3.  That's only 7 weeks at 2 per week.

2 per week for season 2, and 1 per week for season 3 and 4. Season 2 only had 2 maps, while season 3 and 4 each released a whole map. It will be hard press to keep the community playing drytop for an entire month.

But the meta achievement has 24 parts. That is 8 more episodes than i predicted. So they are probably revisiting IBS. IBS only has a prologue and 5 episodes, that leaves 2 slots left. Forging steel and twisted marionettes maybe?

Of course the likely answer is anet can not count. 

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16 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

2 per week for season 2, and 1 per week for season 3 and 4. Season 2 only had 2 maps, while season 3 and 4 each released a whole map. It will be hard press to keep the community playing drytop for an entire month.

But the meta achievement has 24 parts. That is 8 more episodes than i predicted. So they are probably revisiting IBS. IBS only has a prologue and 5 episodes, that leaves 2 slots left. Forging steel and twisted marionettes maybe?

Of course the likely answer is anet can not count. 

IBS has 7 story journal entries, Forging steel is one of them. The 8th and final step might be something completely new that introduces EoD. Yeah, something new... a guy can dream.

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Whatever the reasons and however grindy, I was happy to be playing Dry Top yesterday with big groups on the map, killing champions and so forth.  I expected and dreaded something much harder for achievements and don't mind easy.  If it's too easy for hard-core players -- which I certainly understand -- there are plenty of other things to do in-game.

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56 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

Whatever the reasons and however grindy, I was happy to be playing Dry Top yesterday with big groups on the map, killing champions and so forth.  I expected and dreaded something much harder for achievements and don't mind easy.  If it's too easy for hard-core players -- which I certainly understand -- there are plenty of other things to do in-game.


Pretty much this, I finished all the achievements on the same day but on the plus side I could finish my ambrite weapon collection aswell cause a map hit T6, was definetly a win for me and I dont mind going back to the map for more achieves 😄

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