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eVerY oNe hAtEs nO DoWnsTatE

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11 hours ago, anonymous.7812 said:

It's almost as if there's more to the week than no downstate as well, HMMM?


The downed state has been disabled in WvW during this event! Additionally, earn double WXP, increased reward-track progress, and increased magic find!



If you really think those 'rewards' actually pull in players well that's just funny and your innocence is golden.

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4 minutes ago, BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

If you really think those 'rewards' actually pull in players well that's just funny and your innocence is golden.


You underestimate the willpower of pve players doing something they hate if it means getting their legendaries faster.

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Enjoyed it running with guild today, no downed state is still fun. Sometimes I just died out of nowhere, other times, we managed to take down much larger groups that I know we likely wouldn't have been able to if they could rez the downed.

I still don't think that downed state should be blanket removed, but adjusted and downgraded a good bit. Especially would like to see that players can't rez while in combat, to avoid the clutch rezzing.

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17 hours ago, BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

If you really think those 'rewards' actually pull in players well that's just funny and your innocence is golden.


Wow, I guess you missed the last Call to the Mists event mid May. We literally KNOW that this buff alone increases participation in WvW from past similar events.


Here threads from back then which even made it to these forums, I'll spare you the reddit memes from that month, some of which were quite fun.


a thread literally starting off complaining about the increase of players for the week.


a thread complimenting the active weekend while the buff was active.


I mean it's 1 thing to advocate for no downstate. Yet to demote others while pretending to know what drives players when being this out of touch, that is a whole new level. Oh and in case you missed this last event, yes, participation (and queues) was up across the board as well (as has always been when CotM was active) all without No Downstate being present.


Between No Downstate and Call of the Mists, I can 100% guarantee that the later is drawing far more players to the mode for the set period of time.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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It won’t change how much I play WVW. I don’t mind it. Really only seems to matter if the profession I am playing has a strong downstate and whether I am the one with the upper hand. In the end if I die before or after downstate isn’t that much of a deal. I do like incentive though to play WVW during the event. 

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No downstate is always so much fun


Fights feel much better


My preference would be permanent no downstate. 


However a compromise could ofc be to halve ressing speed, remove the second downstate skill in WvW and overall lower downed hp as well as deleting ressing traits (primarily the guardian one)


Any problems no downstate highlights are essentially design flaws of other things (such as busted ranged burst) that are exacerbated by it rather than caused by it

Edited by lodjur.1284
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48 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:

Any problems no downstate highlights are essentially design flaws of other things (such as busted ranged burst) that are exacerbated by it rather than caused by it


Any problems high ranged burst highlight are essentially design flaws of WvW, rather than problems with high ranged burst. Which goes for most of the stuff people whine about on this forum - stealth, high mobility, boon spam, projectile hate, etc they are all busted in WvW, because it a completely flawed and dysfunctional game mode.


Same with downstate, if you have 3 v 3 then downstate favours the more skilled, experienced, organised players, those who make the best decisions at the time. It only becomes a problem when you  are say 5 v 20 and the 20 can mostly just rez their team mates from downstate. But again that is down to the clown game mode WvW is, not downstate.

Edited by StickleBrix.1549
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Why do you need to write the opposing opinion as the meme thing to denigrate it ?

Plus how can you be sure the queue, a saturday night in june, is due to  the "nO dOWnsTAte 🥶" ? What about the others bonus like the WXP ?


I HaVeN't SeEn QuEuE lIkE tHaT sInCe YeArS, iT Is bEcAuSe nO dOwNsTaTe.

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28 minutes ago, StickleBrix.1549 said:


Any problems high ranged burst highlight are essentially design flaws of WvW, rather than problems with high ranged burst. Which goes for most of the stuff people whine about on this forum - stealth, high mobility, boon spam, projectile hate, etc they are all busted in WvW, because it a completely flawed and dysfunctional game mode.

Nope they're problems with high burst builds having no risk. 


WvW is the only gamemode that is about fighting enemy players. 


There's room for improvement though. 

28 minutes ago, StickleBrix.1549 said:

Same with downstate, if you have 3 v 3 then downstate favours the more skilled, experienced, organised players, those who make the best decisions at the time.




Downstate just adds another level of degenerancy and further pushes already problematic strategies. 

28 minutes ago, StickleBrix.1549 said:

It only becomes a problem when you  are say 5 v 20 and the 20 can mostly just rez their team mates from downstate. But again that is down to the clown game mode WvW is, not downstate.

The fact that 5v20 is at all possible is proof that WvW is the best gamemode.

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You can't appreciate the strategy of banners and targeted rez skills unless you have practice in the class/builds.  Triggered domes, fields, stealths, auras, toughnesses, ect while hard rezzing.  Winning a 5v20 honestly is a victory.  Some kids only know how to gimmick build tho.

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42 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:

Nope they're problems with high burst builds having no risk. 


They lack risk because WvW is a poorly designed, dysfunctional game mode that is also largely at odds with how the combat and classes were designed in this game. High ranged burst is much more balanced in PvP where there is lots of line-of-sight, where at some point you will need to fight on a capture point, etc.


42 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:

WvW is the only gamemode that is about fighting enemy players. 


WvW is about clowning, PvE and roleplaying. As a PvP game it is a joke, which is why it and every game like it is so unsuccessful. It's a PvP game that mostly provides bad, low skilled PvP.


42 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:



No, not 'nope;'. Downstate favours more experienced, organised, skilled players and it increases the skill cap because it adds extra decision making, teamwork, buildcraft and so on. Which is why if we grab the 5 players who win this months AT and put them against 5 average WvW players, then those AT players will generally handle downstate better.


42 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:

The fact that 5v20 is at all possible is proof that WvW is the best gamemode.


No, its an example of why it is low skilled, uncompetitve trash. If the 5 are significantly better than the 20 they wouldn't face them in a decent, skilled PvP game, but really that is secondary, what is more common is the 5 are on builds that can engage then disengage and there is no trade off to that, because the game mode is a dysfunctional joke.

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6 minutes ago, StickleBrix.1549 said:


They lack risk because WvW is a poorly designed, dysfunctional game mode that is also largely at odds with how the combat and classes were designed in this game. They are much more balanced in PvP where there is lots of line-of-sight, where at some point you will need to fight on a capture point, etc. 



WvW is about clowning, PvE and roleplaying. As a PvP game it is a joke, which is why it and every game like it is so unsuccessful.



No, not 'nope;'. Downstate favours more experienced, organised, skilled players and it increases the skill cap because it adds extra decision making, teamwork, buildcraft and so on.

No. It further adds to already existing issues.


Which is why if we grab the 5 players who win this months AT and put them against 5 average WvW players, then those AT players will generally handle downstate better.


If we take the winners of mAT and pit them against 5 average WvW pugs downstate won't matter. 


No, its an example of why it is low skilled, uncompetitve trash. If the 5 are significantly better than the 20 they wouldn't face them in a decent, skilled PvP game, but really that is secondary, what is more common is the 5 are on builds that can engage then disengage and there is no trade off to that, because the game mode is a poorly designed joke.

Then they're not doing 5v20 they're doing repeated ganks.


Also even numbered fights are just bad in this game. They're rarely if ever interesting fights.


Mobility needs a nerf overall.

Edited by lodjur.1284
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