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Public version of Marionette fight not only for one week

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The event is barely doable currently as a private group. After the community isn't all focused on doing it as the new thing, it's going to be virtually impossible to do outside dedicated groups if the public is removed. With exactly 50 people it's too likely to have an empty platform and automatically fail the event.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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They'll probably end up treating it like a festival, repeating these bonus events whenever there's nothing else to offer. As they add more of these, it's really their only choice besides implementing a queuing system.

Edited by Healix.5819
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Public version should absolutely become a permanent option, it would be a huge missed opportunity to make the public version accessible only for a limited time. Removing the public version will make it inaccessible to the vast majority of the playerbase especially once the event is no longer "new", as the idea of trying to get into groups that ask for PhD in Rocket Surgery is far from a pleasant one.

Having both private and public versions works for Dragonstorm, it would work for Twisted Marionette too. There is no reason not to make the public version a permanent option.

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I doubt Anet will keep it public after the event despite the reactions of their customers. You can't really trust the devs in those regards as they've also made us repeat Chalice of Tears last week. (disclaimer: the last sentence is more intended as a joke) 

However it would be nice if public was permanent because new players could also learn a few crucial mechanics in a more forgiving environment before tackling LFG version. 
About the sprockets: It's not all always about economy. The game has a lot more too offer than just that. Also they're easier to obtain for new players now so they can also craft their spinal bladed backpacks. Yes, I know this was old content and a lot of other fellow veterans would totally disagree with me but it's actually a good thing to not gate everything in the game behind stuff you were missing out due to long breaks or just simply being new. Go play WoW or other games if you prefer it the other way. GW2 was always kind of different in that regard. 

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51 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Even introducing this event to the public for one week has already cut the value of Watchwork Sprockets on the TP in half...there is always a negative to counter every positive in this game...

Honestly, small price to pay for more content.

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1 hour ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

Perhaps I’m missing something but I thought sprocket prices started to fall when perplexity runes fell out of favor. 


A one-day drop from 2s to 1s at this point...we're back to pre-pandemic pricing.  Some of that could be due to the Legendary Armory as well.

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14 minutes ago, Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

They're permanent, but they'll be moved from the Bonus Event tab once the six days expire.

are u sure about this? did anyone from anet said this?

so this isnt like a festival where the achievements end with the timer?

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20 minutes ago, Lenti.3189 said:

are u sure about this? did anyone from anet said this?

so this isnt like a festival where the achievements end with the timer?

It's in the patch notes...


Edit: The marionette's original achievement category, The Origins of Madness, has been restored from the Historical category. For the opening week, it's available in the Bonus Events category; after the introduction, it will remain permanently available in the Side Stories category.

Edited by Ardenwolfe.8590
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The public instance is fun. FUN!

I've been in a few public instances so far, and have had more failures than completions, but the whole  event was still fun to do. The private instances are not fun. Why? Because all it takes is for a couple people to not be paying attention, or afk, or just be a total jerks, and they can fail the whole thing. 

If the public instance of the Twisted Marionette is removed, then you might as well remove the entire event from the game again. Leaving it only private 50-man squad is just asking for trouble. It'll will be tough enough to get 50 people to join, but the fact that it takes just a couple to derail the whole event is not good, and not fun. 

Leave the public instance in game.

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1 minute ago, Abraxxus.8971 said:

The public instance is fun. FUN!

I've been in a few public instances so far, and have had more failures than completions, but the whole  event was still fun to do. The private instances are not fun. Why? Because all it takes is for a couple people to not be paying attention, or afk, or just be a total jerks, and they can fail the whole thing. 

If the public instance of the Twisted Marionette is removed, then you might as well remove the entire event from the game again. Leaving it only private 50-man squad is just asking for trouble. It'll will be tough enough to get 50 people to join, but the fact that it takes just a couple to derail the whole event is not good, and not fun. 

Leave the public instance in game.


I'm not that impressed with the event. I really think the basis for the restoration of the event would have been better served as a holographic recreation on a new custom map when the players on the lanes have a better line of sight to the core part of the event. It could have been stated to be a training device for PACT soldiers. The event feels clunky to me.


The lanes felt trapped in a confined space doing the same thing over and over. At least with Dragon's Stand, there is a clear line of progression and when players are at the on Blighting Towers part they are able to keep moving around to give a sense of not being trapped. The Twisted Marionette needs something more. Maybe the whole event could have been done as a symbolic progression of Living World Season 1 itself. Placed on a custom map where you go from A to B to C parts until players complete the Twisted Marionette then on until they encounter a recreation of the Lion's Arch event. If it were done as a training exercise, the entrance could have been in Fort Marriner.

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I tried private instance few times... of course everything after going through stupid "250LI" squads and "only necro", because it's logic that you have to first complete some raids, and then open world or WB-like stuff.

My first public instance was an absolute perfection. We made squads for every lane, 0 fails.

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