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I love GW2, but the slow development is too apparent.

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27 minutes ago, witcher.3197 said:

I recall a few years back there was an interview with Ion (WoW team lead) who said there are 300 people working on the game. So basically the same as Anet.


For the record WoW development is also going super slow these days but at least expansion launches have a lot to do. GW2 expansions still feel like living story bundles. Like we get no content for 2 years and then it's bundled up and sold to us with a few extra features maybe.

If "alot to do" is gear grind, then I agree. 


And I don't get the "no content for 2y" part.


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6 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

If "alot to do" is gear grind, then I agree. 


And I don't get the "no content for 2y" part.


The only time we had that was like..a year or two at launch.


Some folks dont count living world stories as content and i dont really understand that view.

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7 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

The only time we had that was like..a year or two at launch.


Some folks dont count living world stories as content and i dont really understand that view.


We never even had content break after launch. Festivals, fractals, Karka, LS1 followed within a couple months.


The longest we had was LS2-HoT which only had some QoL and a revamped Lions Arch. This current period will prob just shy of a year from end of IBS to EoD with only small bits added and rumours of an IBS epilogue.


LS can be good or bad, but yeah its def content - even DRMs - and sometimes they've been delivered at too fast a pace and quality suffered

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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:


We never even had content break after launch. Festivals, fractals, Karka, LS1 followed within a couple months.


The longest we had was LS2-HoT which only had some QoL and a revamped Lions Arch. This current period will prob just shy of a year from end of IBS to EoD with only small bits added and rumours of an IBS epilogue.


LS can be good or bad, but yeah its def content - even DRMs - and sometimes they've been delivered at too fast a pace and quality suffered

Yea, i dont disagree with you at all. I havent even gotten to the Champions episode yet..just so much stuff to do still 😞

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1 hour ago, witcher.3197 said:

I recall a few years back there was an interview with Ion (WoW team lead) who said there are 300 people working on the game. So basically the same as Anet.


For the record WoW development is also going super slow these days but at least expansion launches have a lot to do. GW2 expansions still feel like living story bundles. Like we get no content for 2 years and then it's bundled up and sold to us with a few extra features maybe.

Guess it depends on what you call stuff to do. I actually find more stuff to do here than in WoW.  Both my sons buy a WoW expansion, play it for two to three months and quit until they next expansion. I assure you they're not alone.  Leveling may be something to do, but the quest hub system leaves me cold.  I don't raid.  Farming faction isn't something to do for me.  


This game gives me personally more to do than WoW.  I played both Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 far longer than I played WoW as well.  And I'm not the guy put off by sub fees. I just like what this game offers better. 

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OP I think that the new content development speed is on point. I believe that if you are not a HC gamer that can dedicate 40 hrs on the game every week, you should have enough content to go around. There is a LOT to do in this game, starting from exploration to PVE end game, to WvW to PVP arenas to collections. There is a LOT of content created for each of the disciplines.

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6 hours ago, DaniTheHero.6318 said:

2)Maybe it's time to employ a mothly fee. Maybe not a fully blown 15 bucks a month, but at least 5?
Like it or not,  having that passive income brings in 10s of millions of not hundred of millions of passive yearly income for the company. That's quite a lot of money for hiring more devs, paying more for current ones and ultimately actually updating a game more than twice a year.
I have been playing this game for 8 years for "Free", I wouldn't mind paying a tad to make this game not just "survive" but actually thrive.

NO.  SCREW THAT NOISE.  One of Anet's primary selling point was an MMO of high quality without the monthly sub.  If they renege, they WILL kill this game.  I certainly will not continue playing this game, that I have already paid for, anymore if they were to introduce any subscription or even a prime account upgrade.  Begone with that heresy.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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I want the game to thrive, and imo in order to do that you need something to keep people playing. They are a little slower than most mmo's and certain areas of the game are kinda neglected like wvw and raids, and my all time favorite thing to do in mmos...DUNGEONS! If they would keep it fresh make it part of the players retinue that would be nice. Add in alliances and better wvw maps and balance, raids in GW2 are not a big drain because they are one boss areas for the most part. They are not these big elaborate zones dedicated to housing all kinds of rooms and mobs just to get to a boss, so really they could update raids without the ginormus development time you would see for those other raid zones.

make dungeons relevant , add some kind of long journey reward with dungeon kills cheeves and collections as part of it..AKA the overworld legendary set. Maybe throw us a bone every once and a while and add a world drop skin for a mount or outfit off of world bosses rng ofc. I would like to see a little more linear im gonna say it ..questing. Where there is a heart chain that starts off when you enter the zone and sends you to the next one along with a storyline in open world. 

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34 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I want the game to thrive, and imo in order to do that you need something to keep people playing. They are a little slower than most mmo's and certain areas of the game are kinda neglected like wvw and raids, and my all time favorite thing to do in mmos...DUNGEONS! If they would keep it fresh make it part of the players retinue that would be nice. Add in alliances and better wvw maps and balance, raids in GW2 are not a big drain because they are one boss areas for the most part. They are not these big elaborate zones dedicated to housing all kinds of rooms and mobs just to get to a boss, so really they could update raids without the ginormus development time you would see for those other raid zones.

make dungeons relevant , add some kind of long journey reward with dungeon kills cheeves and collections as part of it..AKA the overworld legendary set. Maybe throw us a bone every once and a while and add a world drop skin for a mount or outfit off of world bosses rng ofc. I would like to see a little more linear im gonna say it ..questing. Where there is a heart chain that starts off when you enter the zone and sends you to the next one along with a storyline in open world. 

The personal story is essentially what you are asking about.

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You know when i was little and enjoying gw1 i always wanted gw to become as great as wow. Then the gw2 news came and eventually the game. Sadly i've always felt like they weren't even trying when i was playing the game. Its like i've always lied to myself to enjoy gw2 probably because i enjoyed gw1 so much that i wanted that ''gw as great as wow'' to become a reality and surpass all other mmos. Sad truth is that they killed everything that was good from gw1, for me especially for the change of skills. The combat in gw2 is just ok, nothing revolutionary like people say. No gvg, no faction pvp and they even started the game with no guild halls. Why GUILD wars 2 then? They also got rid of guild capes. I feel like gw2 has nothing in relation with gw1. And in the other hand they did not add features that make mmos great. Simple things like more emotes, dueling anywhere, trading anywhere, being able to inspect armor, etc... make mmos great. Also more races, open world pvp, actual linear quests, and actual tanks and healers. Im still mad that they forgot dungeons. Strikes are dungeons in like, ultra lazy mode? Then they did raids and now they forget them too. And of course the crap loot, there is no place where u can get something that makes you say kitten now that is cool and powerfull. Even getting an ascended is meh. Its all about the skins. This game feels like an sjw fantasy with bad quality lore. The only times i kind of enjoyed the story was when they introduced Joko, maybe the battle with Balthazar and when i saw Kormir again.  But hey its not all bad since sometimes they seem to read its players and make us happy. They added guild halls, guild capes and normal capes, mounts, more emotes and im probably missing something. And they are adding fishing which was something i requested long time ago. And yes i also want this game to thrive and i hope that its like people say and that EOD 1st look is really just a 1st look and they still have many things to show us. But we all know its not probably happening right?

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the slow release is indeed a problem,

but we need to see after EoD release when the the copany structure become stable again to see what the new release shedule is.
Gonna be hard to stay in the game for 6 months honestly without any content.

But we can't change gw2 into wow or ffxiv.
Gw2 give to players, no gears grind, meta event, map, collection (yes achivement/collectiyon is  a big thing in gw2 for some players) great combat system to the players and (pvp/wvw but no new content for them i guess).


FFXIV give a amazing story, and amazaing encounters, boss and raids and group content and quite a lot of side activity.

WoW is burning right now so ....

Edited by WindBlade.8749
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10 hours ago, DaniTheHero.6318 said:

I love GW2, and i'd be willing to pay a monthly fee, maybe not 15 but 5-8 to make the game profitable enough for it not to be so slow developed and not abandonding PVP aspects.

The processing fees for subscriptions might require a higher fee than 5-8.  You can already pay a monthly fee by purchasing gems every month.  There's your subscription.  Note, though, that there exactly no guarantee that your payment will go toward content that you believe is deserving.

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the content is more bigger than its seems its just spreaded in achievments.


only after IBS that they started introduce more structured achievments.


LS4 full + IBS full achievments, take me 6 months, i started grind skycale in dec/2020, luckily i finished IBS before i diagnosed with brain tumor in may/2021(its was removed im fine now). so i take a break in may~june/2021 due to these health issues.


I guess if they structure achievments like "campaigns" in neverwinter, the players will feel more where the long goals are, than just finish stories.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Oh, I see this is another thread that's just about introducing a subscription into a franchise that's been subscription-free for 18 years. Even during the MMO boom of the late 00s and early 10s, very few MMOs that started with a sub still have it—or are even still operating. Adding a subscription to GW2 would absolutely kill it at this point in time, in which case you'll get even less content for it.


In any case, GW2's pace is solid and Anet has been open from the start that people should play other games if they're bored between patches. Aside from some hiccups (which can likely be traced back to poor management), getting a bunch of new PvE content every 2-3 months is far more content than other MMOs that only drop a content patch once or twice a year, all while requiring you to pay monthly to access the game or keep perks.


Festivals aren't supposed to be new and exciting for veteran players who have done them for years as that would take up way too much dev time for something that's only in-game 3/52 weeks a year. But for new players, festivals are new and exciting. If you've been playing a game for years, you have to deal with how not everything is meant for you.


Also that period you cited (LW4: 2017-2019) was when the CEO at the time was taking practically all resources GW2 generated plus entire dev teams and put them into his secret passion project. Then NCsoft stepped in and put a stop to that. So yeah that period sucked but it was because of one guy tunnel visioning what he personally wanted, not because the game's model is flawed. GW2's model has been working since GW1, and GW1 funded the production of GW2.


If you get bored playing GW2, play a different game. GW2 is literally designed so people can play multiple games rather than feel forced to play GW2. There's a reason why GW2's demographic leans older and toward people with young children or who otherwise have obligations that prevent them from spending hours a day every day playing a video game.

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12 hours ago, linkym.2069 said:

You know when i was little and enjoying gw1 i always wanted gw to become as great as wow. Then the gw2 news came and eventually the game. Sadly i've always felt like they weren't even trying when i was playing the game. Its like i've always lied to myself to enjoy gw2 probably because i enjoyed gw1 so much that i wanted that ''gw as great as wow'' to become a reality and surpass all other mmos. Sad truth is that they killed everything that was good from gw1, for me especially for the change of skills. The combat in gw2 is just ok, nothing revolutionary like people say. No gvg, no faction pvp and they even started the game with no guild halls. Why GUILD wars 2 then? They also got rid of guild capes. I feel like gw2 has nothing in relation with gw1. And in the other hand they did not add features that make mmos great. Simple things like more emotes, dueling anywhere, trading anywhere, being able to inspect armor, etc... make mmos great. Also more races, open world pvp, actual linear quests, and actual tanks and healers. Im still mad that they forgot dungeons. Strikes are dungeons in like, ultra lazy mode? Then they did raids and now they forget them too. And of course the crap loot, there is no place where u can get something that makes you say kitten now that is cool and powerfull. Even getting an ascended is meh. Its all about the skins. This game feels like an sjw fantasy with bad quality lore. The only times i kind of enjoyed the story was when they introduced Joko, maybe the battle with Balthazar and when i saw Kormir again.  But hey its not all bad since sometimes they seem to read its players and make us happy. They added guild halls, guild capes and normal capes, mounts, more emotes and im probably missing something. And they are adding fishing which was something i requested long time ago. And yes i also want this game to thrive and i hope that its like people say and that EOD 1st look is really just a 1st look and they still have many things to show us. But we all know its not probably happening right?


Guild Wars 1 was just for skins too. Elite armor had the same stats as top armor. It was easy to get weapons with top stats. I felt the same way with drops in Guild Wars 1 as I did here, after a few years of playing anyway.  Most of this stuff is your opinion but to suggest Guild Wars 1 wasn't just about skins completely makes me question everything else in this post.

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50 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Guild Wars 1 was just for skins too. Elite armor had the same stats as top armor. It was easy to get weapons with top stats. I felt the same way with drops in Guild Wars 1 as I did here, after a few years of playing anyway.  Most of this stuff is your opinion but to suggest Guild Wars 1 wasn't just about skins completely makes me question everything else in this post.

Armor, maybe - yes. But there were no gemstore skins to buy. You pretty much had to earn everything yourself. And when it comes to weapons. That was the real treasure hunt. Either you went out and farmed for weapon and got extremely lucky to have it in the right stats and skin you want (especially with old school look). Or you just go and farm out resources to buy it from someone. It was more rewarding to get the skin you want. In GW2 you can easily get weapons with perfect stats and just slap any unlocked skin on them. The concept is quite a bit different for acquiring gear in both games. 

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13 minutes ago, RagiNagi.1802 said:

Armor, maybe - yes. But there were no gemstore skins to buy. You pretty much had to earn everything yourself. And when it comes to weapons. That was the real treasure hunt. Either you went out and farmed for weapon and got extremely lucky to have it in the right stats and skin you want (especially with old school look). Or you just go and farm out resources to buy it from someone. It was more rewarding to get the skin you want. In GW2 you can easily get weapons with perfect stats and just slap any unlocked skin on them. The concept is quite a bit different for acquiring gear in both games. 

So the games are the same except that some people can use a credit card and buy the weapon they want? Is that your argument.

Because obviously on one bought gold from gold sellers in Guild Wars 1 and bought tormented weapons that way. I mean it obviously happened and it probably happened a lot. The issue here is one of rose-colored glasses. I played 15,000 hours of Guild Wars 1 and I love it, but it had some major flaws, not the least of which was the lack of a trading post.  They're both good games for different reasons.

Some of the reasons you've listed though, don't really apply.  All that we have here is now people can buy gold more legitimately by selling the gems they've bought legitimately. That's a plus to me.

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