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What are some class balance you would add right now ?


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Il start. 



Some pets aka river drake landing 9k crits with tail swipe. tone down core ranger a tad.


Increase Photon Forge cool down to 10 secs instead of 6 secs.


Give him his hammer back. 


Scrouge mainly. Slower pluses from shades. 


Rename traps to something else so they cant use trapper runes 😉


I like thief. People need to learn how to decap tho.


Bots like them. 


Why are they all salad edge lords ?



why is the doest a support amulet have 1000 power and precision ? feel like thats an oversight.







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I'd increase damage across the board, bring back all the amulet and sigils i'd undo most if not all the nerfs of the past 4 years except the CC damage nerf and some select nerfs like the nerf to SB warriors in pof and chrono in HoT.


Also i'd add real post game stats so its publicly known what classes are good at what instead of everyone guessing and being wrong and bringing it to the forums.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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5 hours ago, jonesy.1470 said:

Il start. 



Some pets aka river drake landing 9k crits with tail swipe. tone down core ranger a tad.


Increase Photon Forge cool down to 10 secs instead of 6 secs.


Give him his hammer back. 


Scrouge mainly. Slower pluses from shades. 


Rename traps to something else so they cant use trapper runes 😉


I like thief. People need to learn how to decap tho.


Bots like them. 


Why are they all salad edge lords ?



why is the doest a support amulet have 1000 power and precision ? feel like thats an oversight.



 - Feels like this class is in a good place.  They're solid side noders and performing well is very skill-based.  No real cheesy builds here.


 - Sounds reasonable, but I don't have much opinion here.


 - Warriors are good side-noders, but hammer definitely needs to return for some sort of good team fight build.


 - Pulse reduction would just nerf the viability of necros as a whole and wouldn't solve their main problem which is that they do so much without needing any sort of conscious effort.  Their boon corrupts/condi transfers need to have longer cooldowns so that necros are punished if they don't think about what abilities they are using. 

 - Necros also have too much AoE, but that's probably a harder thing to nerf without redesigning a lot of stuff


 - Trapper runes are definitely a problem


 - Also agreed that thief is in a good spot, but if there's any profession that's the center of unfair blaming in any PvP game, this is it.  People tend to over-estimate how much thieves *can* decap, as the number of times I've seen people shout at thieves to decap a node where an enemy player is sitting on it is more than I can count.  They also tend to under-estimate the value of thieves for +1 on fights as their unexpected burst on players and securing kills.


 - Not much opinion here.  Still a class with a ton of potential for people that can handle the high skill cap, but often over-shadowed by thieves with their mobility nerfed as much as it is.  Portal nerfs really should be reverted to some degree since portal plays can make for epic PvP games.


 - I'm biased here since I've been maining rev for a while, but it still seems to be in a good place overall.

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1) reduce Scourge condition damage by at least 50%

2) bring back all the damage from CC skills

3) undo the 300s cooldown changes

4) limit Stealth to a maximum of 3 seconds

5) remove Stealth from the Trapper runes

6) replace all instances of immobilize with cripple, especially on Rangers

7) reduce Blind duration

Edited by Fueki.4753
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19 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


Remove big shade. 

Remove shade effect around the necro. 


That's all. 

Why not make the shade spawn under their feet so it doesn't lose PVE viability, but it is stationary so it doesn't move with them, the gameplay is the same but if someone has some displacement cc, he gets to have some counter play vs scourge, instead of the current one pull/push a scourge on to your head with the nuclear reactor still running on them.

This way they will have to think where they put their shades instead of flailing their hands running into people in melee and winning. The base idea seems like it should be about kiting and positioning based on the 2 mobility utility skills they have and not spamming AoE on one area and tanking all damage.

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In order of importance:


scourge f skills have cast times

trapper runes dont give stealth

ranger pet and minion damage nerf

necro minions dont transfer condis

nerf alchemy (honestly 12s duration 16s cd super elixir wtf HGH is so broken it even effects the passive traits lololololololo)

nerf max barrier to 25% hp.

nerf bunker mirage stupid block invuln evade evade daze daze 15 confusion lol

revert smoke screen to line shape xd

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On 8/8/2021 at 11:36 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

1) reduce Scourge condition damage by at least 50%

2) bring back all the damage from CC skills

3) undo the 300s cooldown changes

4) limit Stealth to a maximum of 3 seconds

5) remove Stealth from the Trapper runes

6) replace all instances of immobilize with cripple, especially on Rangers

7) reduce Blind duration

Only source of sustain of thieves is the stealth.

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4 hours ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Why not make the shade spawn under their feet so it doesn't lose PVE viability, but it is stationary so it doesn't move with them, the gameplay is the same but if someone has some displacement cc, he gets to have some counter play vs scourge, instead of the current one pull/push a scourge on to your head with the nuclear reactor still running on them.

This way they will have to think where they put their shades instead of flailing their hands running into people in melee and winning. The base idea seems like it should be about kiting and positioning based on the 2 mobility utility skills they have and not spamming AoE on one area and tanking all damage.


I would happily nuke PvE Scourge if that means WvW/PvP are in a better position. 


Openworld has reaper which is the strongest Openworld build by a mile and in raids, Scourge is also busted op. 


The problem with Scourge is that big shade makes Scourge to easy to play. 

If they actually had to play with the mechanic, managing 3 little shades, we would not have this problem. 


Let's remove Big shade and watch necros cry and moan that they don't get hard carried anymore by a single Trait. 



Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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3 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

Only source of sustain of thieves is the stealth.

If Arenanet reworked Shadow Arts into a proper supportive/defensive trait line instead of the stealth manure it currently is, sustain wouldn't be a problem that requires stealth to circumvent.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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A nerf to Scourge would be very welcomed, its kinda funny how the best team right now is just literally 5 scourges, and next to nothing can beat that. A class that can out dps dps classes, while never needing to dodge as they have so much sustain they can't die, brilliant balance that. 


For Core Ranger it'd say it'd be nice for the lesser viable pets to be usable, there are quite a few pets that are just bad - plus some unblockability would be nice outside of the signet. 


Warrior needs hammer back for sure. 


Barrier needs a cap based on max hp. 


Edit: I'd say Mesmer is in an interesting place, Muk said it right "its the Mesmers fight to lose" essentially, whether you beat a Mesmer or not is entirely on the Mesmer and how that person plays it. Unless you are a Scourge of course. 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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5 minutes ago, eyelogix.1654 said:

Remove elite spec from PvP and rebalance it from there.. the elite spec only provides headaches and weird metas.

I suggested the same on a different topic but now that I think about it: when is there balance? 


Don't forget there will always be a rock-paper-scissor story to the builds and people will remain asking for nerfs or buffs.

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  • Players will gain the Exposed Debuff while performing hand rez. 
  • Poison's healing reduction is affected by resistance
  • Downstate bodies suffer 66% healing reduction while poisoned. 




Better tells for spinal shivers and Fear mark. For spinals shivers, show icy hands grasping at the enemy while the skill winds up. For fear mark, have some black smoke flow into the ground during the cast time. 


Devouring Darkness (Traited Scepter 3) - Corrupts 3 boons. Gain life force per boon corrupted




Executioner's Scythe - Coefficient increased to 1.5.




(Note: Numbers given are for example purposes only.)


Barrier: Reduced by 10% across the board. Barriers are now affected by transference sigils. 


Sand Cascade - [New] Drains additional 1000 life force per ally affected by barrier

Desert Shroud - [New] Drains life force from affected targets. 150 life force per pulse. (Total: 1050 life force per target if all pulses connect)

Harbinger Shroud - [New] Corrupt up to 3 boons on final pulse. Gain 400 life force per boon corrupted


Goal here is to scale scourge's resource costs with each ally they support, but also scale their resource generation with each target they hit. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Uncertain. I do not play mesmer enough to make suggestions on it. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 



  • Base hp increased to 13k. Slightly better healing power scaling on abilities. 
  • Arcane skills now grant a baseline damage 10% damage amp on cast. When traited, they now grant +300 precision for 2.5 secs instead of ferocity. (Fewer bursts failed due to crit rng)


Dagger Offhand


Earthquake - Coefficient 0.001 --> 1.0 (It says it deals massive damage in the tooltip. I feel lied to)


Cleansing Wave (Water 5) - Cleanses 1 condition --> Cleanses 3 conditions




Chain Lightning - Aftercast reduced. Projectile velocity significantly increased. (This is the slowest lightning I have ever seen)


Fireball - Aftercast reduced. Projectile velocity increased. 


(Note earth autos are left as is since it makes since that they should feel weighty. Water autos left as is since they grant minor support)


Lightning Surge - Blind removed. Coefficient increased to 2.0 to primary target. 1.0 to enemies around the target. 


Lava Font - Inflicts burning on each pulse


Meteor Shower - Damage fall-off removed. 


Eruption - Unsteady ground created pulses cripple. 




In a good spot. The core buffs should be sufficient




Primordial stance - Pulses conditions around the elementalist. Pulse conditions around targets struck while stance is active. (Making their dps more active. Roleplay is that you are infusing the target with primordial energy).


Quantum Strike - Initial strike coefficient 0.1 --> 0.5. Inflicts 9 stacks of Vulnerability --> Inflicts 15 stacks of vulnerability.

(A bit of love to FA sword weaver)



- - - - - - - - - - - - -



Lightning Reflexes - No longer does damage. (No more stunning yourself on Shocking aura or Engi shields)

Binding Roots - Fix the bugs where certain skills cannot damage them! Roots are now vulnerable to conditions. 




[Controversial change] - Pet swap returned. BUT they inherit Druid's trade off of -20% pet damage. This does not affect the soulbeast while merged.


Goal is bring back the element of skill expression that seperated mediocre soulbeasts from good ones. 




Celestial avatar cooldown reduced to 10 seconds. 


Solar Beam - Inflicts burning on final pulse. (It's a solar beam. I'd imagine it's pretty hot)


Ancient Seeds - Instead of immobilize on crows control, causes all Druid (note: not core) skills that immobilize to inflict binding roots. Roots squeeze targets afflicted for additional power damage. 


CA 3 - Water field lingers after channeling. This will let you blast it with skill 4



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



I do not play enough thief to offer suggestions. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 



[Core Only] - You may equip a kit in place of your weapon swap! If you opt into this your kit's toolbelt will take the place of your f5. 


Short Fuses - Reduces arm time of bombs again. 


Big ol Bomb - Coefficient increased to 2.0


Grenade Barrage - Coefficient slightly increased (Overnerfed. It should hit harder than shrapnel grenade at the very least. )




Impact Savant - Vitality trade-off removed. Scrappers are meant to be durable. a Durability trade-off is nonsensical. This is especially true after the barrier was reduced to 10% from 15%. 


Rocket Charge - Evades are now frontloaded. Instead of gaps in between the evades, they are moved to the beginning of the channel (Making getting CC'd mid cast less rng and more about timing on the opponent's part)




Prime Light Beam - Coefficient increased to 1.5. Will now reveal the holosmith upon cast. There is nothing stealthy about a huge *** lazor. 


Heat Therapy - Side effects of heat exposure reduces incoming healing by 25%. This reduction does not apply to heat therapy. (Finally reducing the value Holosmith gets from core engi sustain)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Pain Absorption - [New] Reduces condition damage taken by 100% for 3 seconds. 


Demonic Resistance - Incoming Strike damage is reduced while you have resistance.  Incoming condition damage is reduced by 30% while you have resistance. 


Demonic Defiance - Resistance Duration increased to 2 seconds from 1 second


Fiendish Tenacity - Resistance Duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1 second. 


Spirit Boon - Resistance Duration increased to 2 seconds from 1 second.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Mantra of Solace - Heals for PvE amount per charge. 


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Warrior - I have < 2 hours playtime invested into this class. I know very little about it. 












Edited by Kuma.1503
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  • Trapper runes no longer give stealth, but give superspeed both on laying a trap and on trap trigger. 
  • (Monitor Condi Ranger and DH playstyles following this to determine if additional buffs are needed to allow these classes viability.)
  • Berserker now has either a stacking damage modifier when afflicted by blind/on miss, or has a short period of "Feel no pain" on use of burst if taking bloody roar GM. "Burst of Aggression" reprocs every time a burst is used. 
  • Thief Smoke Screen is smaller
  • Lich form 1 does significantly less damage. 2,3,4 and 5 do moderately more damage. Lich's gaze is no longer random. 
  • Revenants running Corruption line now gain resolution on the traits Demonic Defiance, Fiendish Tenacity, and Demonic Resistance,  in addition to resistance. Pain absorption refunds energy based on conditions moved from allies to yourself. 
  • Certain CCs that are difficult to land, like Prime Light Beam, Big Ol Bomb, Headbutt, etc do increased damage or have a secondary effect closely related to damage on their landing. (EX: Landing headbutt makes your next few strikes unblockable. Landing Big Ol Bomb puts 25 stacks of vulnerability on anyone caught in the blast radius.)
  • Research needed to return D/D ele to viability.
  • Mild buffs to confusion oriented Mirage/Mesmer, for the purpose of scourge challenging (Carefully done, with reverts if overperforming).



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Honestly, balance is just one of the issues but matchmaking is far worse as it is now. MMR should put you where you belong but this is just way too aggressive of matchmaking keeping you in check with matches over 200-300 point difference blow-outs. Either enemy team wipes and feeds, or mine does. 5 player premade should be back. Teams only exist now for AT since that's the only option they have.


Im just not having fun anymore, despite my break of 4-5 years. They need to know how to pull people into pvp and invest in it so the matchmaking gets slightly better.

Starting plat 1 and almost ending up Silver 3.. I just don't get it how MMR works right now.. Way more frustrating than balance imo.

Edited by Terrorsquad.2349
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Good changes for system aside the exposed debuff, that's gonna allow too much cheese. People can already die pretty fast.


For Elementalist:

They need the equivalent Sigil of Intelligence as an Arcane trait on attunement swap, that would greatly buff damage across the board. Why? Because the Sigil is impossible to use reliably while most classes have no problem with it, won't be able to stack them either.


Arcane skill effects needs to be buffed also, mostly immobilize, 1 second is useless. Cantrips cooldowns are also too high as of right now.


For Engineer:

I can agree with most of it, although I'd wish for something more uniform. Although Anet did screw up with consistency with just forge existing on F5. How much spaghetti are we gonna have to ask for something that respects the core formula when they broke it from the start?


What are we gonna do for Scrapper then? They're not overperforming.


Do people ever use more than 1 kit in a reliable way?


How about we have the possibility to override tool belt with kits while still able to slot them in utility as well? Sounds less janky and core will have the ability to equip one more than e-specs(While in theory share a similar aspect of Holosmith). It's also a very obvious fact that having too many skills doesn't make it any better.


This way you also prevent abuse of skills still, such as not having 2 primary healing skills because if you put Medkit in swap, then you have F5 heal skill on top of possibly Healing Turret while if Medkit is in either slot, you make the compromise of being forced to use it's Tool Belt or have another healing skill in utility.


This overall sounds like a great change to Core while not gimping Scrapper and leaving Holo hard stuck to the forge. To repeat that having too many skills doesn't if at all make anything better. Most of Holosmith success does come from it's simplicity.


For Soulbeast:

I kinda disagree, the versatility versus Druid isn't the same when merging pets. Soulbeast gets a lot more out than just Druid celestial avatar.


For Revenant:

Please none of those full damage immunity on one skill for Revenant, it would be annoyingly strong and unfun. Leave it to the more enjoyable modifiers that Revenant has in powerful numbers.


Pain Absorption should grant Resolution to everyone around the user. However not increased at all no matter the conditions taken, keep damage reduction consistant and Resistance benefits apart of it. If you'd think Resolution should increase per condition, then it's duration should be uniform to Resistance.


Demonic Defiance should grant 3 seconds of Resistance on elite skill and have an ICD of 10 seconds, this creates uniformity and synergy in between Spiritual Reckoning and removes the randomness of spamming Mallyx skills, players will accomplish the most with the elite skill anyway while taking away the easy use of Empowering Misery.


Demonic Resistance should increase Resolution effectiveness by twice, so 66% as QoL rather than mixing up everything randomly which makes sustain confusing in the end. Having 2 boons with different durations that attempts to do the same is too much


Fiendish Tenacity should no longer grant Resistance on Legend Swap, however for the loss of spamming Mallyx skills with Resistance and itself granting on swap, compensate by increasing Resistance duration by 50% whilst still healing the user when having it. This keeps Resistance from being all over the place and rather be into one skill that is all sustain based, that is Pain Absorption. Whilst the Elite if traited deserves to have effects because it's the elite skill and typically after use is where the player find itself doing the most, the ICD attached to it keeps the formula in check.


Spirit Boon which is another trait should be the one only giving Resistance on Legend Swap.


So that was it, no need to increase Resistance much, Spirit Boon to 2 seconds and Demonic Defiance to 3 seconds on elite skill while removing Fiendish Tenacity.


All of this is also to remind Resistance "should" affect Poison modifiers otherwise Mallyx will always be unplayable.


Most of this will result in fun Revenant gameplay that doesn't buff stupidly, while keeping e-specs in check.


Edited by Shao.7236
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Warrior is not in a good place at all, and it needs a lot more than its Hammer back.


It is deficient in sustain and damage compared to other classes (even berserker gets out damaged by reaper and soulbeast), has no viable ranged options, is reliant on landing CC to do most of its dmg (and is therefore susceptible to blind, CC, stealth, etc robbing it of most of its DPS).


Warrior's "thing" was supposed to be access to lots of different weapons, but only GS ,Axe,  Dagger, and shield have any realistic use.  The Rifle "rework" in May was woefully inadequate (actually made it worse, IMO).  So War is almost always pigeon-holed into those few weapons.


Spellbreaker is the only quasi viable build at high level play, and even that is underperforming.  In fact, Warrior has been almost completely absent from high level tournament play for at least the past few months.


In short, there is nothing that warrior can do that another class cannot do better.  It's underperforming.  It's not represented in the meta. It lacks viable build diversity.  It needs major buffs in multiple areas and rework of several of its weapons.



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Take every condi cleanse on thief and remove it. So many skills have condi cleanse stuffed in with no purpose. I can understand the signet, it's "the cleanse". A skill designed for cleansing, if you take you know what you're getting, I respect that.
But the rest? Why should infiltrator return cleanse? Why should 2 of their healing skill cleanse 4 conditions each? Why should you cleanse from staying in stealth? Why should shadowstep return cleanse 3 conditions? Why every dodge must cleanse 1 or even 2 conditions? To me, it makes no sense.

When you've done that you can even double the damage on thief so they can make all their little roamer plays and actually get the kills they want (not like the damage is THAT low anyway but let's assume). But at least they're gonna have a modicum of risk in doing so, and if you kitten up you can die, like everyone else in this game, instead of just jogging away with 1% and being back 2 seconds later with no drawback.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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On 8/10/2021 at 7:15 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

If Arenanet reworked Shadow Arts into a proper supportive/defensive trait line instead of the stealth manure it currently is, sustain wouldn't be a problem that requires stealth to circumvent.

It used to be that before they reworked it. It was the *worst* traitline by a wide margin. In fact, its by making it into an offensive traitline focused on utility and armour-piercing damage that it became playable finally. Thief is a decap and +1 bot that cant fight even, why would it ever want to get defense?

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2 hours ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

It used to be that before they reworked it. It was the *worst* traitline by a wide margin. In fact, its by making it into an offensive traitline focused on utility and armour-piercing damage that it became playable finally. Thief is a decap and +1 bot that cant fight even, why would it ever want to get defense?

That why I used proper.

A proper defensive trait line would help Thieves survive better and thus help them stand their ground better, without overly relying on run away features like Stealth.

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