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Old Content is Not Enjoyable Solo and Needs to be Addressed before EoD

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I did the entirety of HoT solo, so I have no idea what this topic is about. 


I think I used a TP to friend once in Verdant Brink for a POI I couldn't get to because I didn't have gliding mastery...outside of that literally everything can be reached, especially now with mounts makes map exploration a breeze.


I think this all comes down to a vast majority of PvE players ignoring stats and builds and just YOLO'ing it then getting upset when they can't complete something.  Learn your class and your build...there are plenty of builds where you steamroll everything and don't have a chance to die no matter what it is unless you play very poorly.  



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I'm perplexed by this. You say you're by your own definition a good player. I personally believe I'm a mediocre player. Yet I've achieved all you described as problems on my own without trouble... 


I think you need to factor in certain things : If you're gonna play alone, you cant run Any gear and Any build you fancy. You'll have to make some choices that you may not like in order to fight properly. It's an MMo, there should be no reason anyone Wants to play all of these solo and be able to do it with one arm tied behind their back and blindfolded. 


To sum it up : you can. Just build and gear to tackle content solo, and you absolutely can. 

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9 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:


AB has a few 'caves' that can only be accessed after the early pre-event for the meta.  

AB actually only has one POI that can't be accessed before the south meta chain hits a certain point—all the others can be accessed unless they're the ones inside Tarir and Octovine is active.


TD has one POI that can't be accessed until the Rata Novus chain gets to a certain part.


DS has a northeastern POI and the south end locked outside the meta.


There may be ways to break out of the map and acquire them (especially DS), but the above is through normal means. Even the Patriarch POI in VB is accessible outside of the meta and without mounts.


But AB and TD's chains can easily be pushed along by a solo player far enough to gain access to the needed POI as there's no need to complete them. It may take ~20 minutes but it's very much possible.

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20 hours ago, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

At the point we're at in the game, why is it required for players who are honestly rather good at the game despite the long absences to group up for small-time content like a hero point?

No offense, but if you struggle in OW, this is where you are wrong. 


If you are rather good at the game, you are not required to group up to beat things like Hero Challenges. 

If you are not, the fact that an MMORPG does incentivize grouping at specific spots is a good thing. 


And I bet you that you will remember for quite some time to come the days when you grouped up with a friend or started organising required meta's and beat and earned those requirements for your cool Legendary you get to show for it in the end, rather than mindlessly blasting through everything solo without a challenge or hickup, let alone interacting with a single other player on the way, something that's GW2's biggest weakness in terms of OW - unchallenging, anti-social and forgettable. 


I'm glad at least HoT still somewhat does it's job at being MMO content.

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Anet should at least take a look at some of the events people never do. Certain PoF metas are always empty, no one does legendary bounties unless its the daily for that zone, and yet there are a bunch of achievements tied to those encounters and many others that often arent possible to solo. And if you are in a different time zone or cant play during prime time then good luck getting any difficult collections done.

Edited by Paradoxoglanis.1904
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Just now, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Anet should at least take a look at some of the events no one does. Certain PoF metas are always empty, no one does legendary bounties unless its the daily for that zone, and yet there are a bunch of achievements tied to those encounters and many others that often arent possible to solo. And if you are in a different time zone or cant play during prime time then good luck getting any difficult collections done.

This i agree with. Having events and bosses downscale depending on the number of players is a good thing. The "minimum" baseline works when the content is active, but once players move on there are certain time zones that suffer more.


When i start playing early morning on the weekend theres next to no one on and some events become way harder to flat out impossible, for me at least i can wait, some cant though.

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22 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OP's observations are exactly what made many of my friends leave when HoT was released. [...] it's about a reasonable expectation that the most common elements shouldn't be that hard for the average player to complete.


I agree that a lot appears extremely hard when you come into HoT from the rather simple core content. When I first entered Verdant Brink, I gave up after an hour or two and didn't touch the content again for another 6 months. (My RL best friend also quit GW2 over HoT.)


Then I really got my teeth into it, but until certain Masteries had been leveled, it was still quite challenging (especially to my nerves 😅 ). Once you get used to the difference between core content and expansion content, however, it's not that bad. These days, I prefer the challenging parts to the boring, easy parts of the game. And as others mentioned, you will always find help if you absolutely need it.

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I greatly prefer the old maps and content over the new so as much as I would love for them to overhaul it I wouldn't like them to change any of the mechanics for the new. like the horrible detection range and swamping of trash mobs. which just makes the game that less enjoyable.

The old stuff is more inline with a fantasy world.  The new stuff however is more in tune with a cluster kitten.

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15 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

I think anyone saying you shouldn't be able to solo the open-world are being a little unreasonable given that the game expects you to do most of the story alone and that GW1 was very solo-able.

Technically, GW1 wasn't really an MMO in the same sense as GW2.  /shrug

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17 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Man i wish there was a game mode that can be 100% soloed and bypass the hero point problem. 


I might be dumb what i do not know of a poi that is locked behind an event except for finishing dragonstand except those are now accessible with a skyscale.

There's a POI in the south of  AB that is locked behind two events, actually since you have to move the chain forward.  But it stays open after that, so there's a good possibility that you got it after other people had done the events. If you try to get the center southern POI right after the AB meta is finished, it will be locked.

And of course a good portion of dragon stand, 4 hero points, 4 pois and a vista are meant to be done with the meta.

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17 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Technically, GW1 wasn't really an MMO in the same sense as GW2.  /shrug

Guild Wars 1 wasn't an MMO at all. It was, according to Anet, a CORPG.  A competitive role playing game.  You didn't have an open world with players. You had towns and outposts with players. You formed your party before you ever left an outpost and once you entered the "open world" you never saw a player that wasn't already in your party.


Comparing Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars 1 in regards in this sense is pointless. It wasn't meant to be the same type of game.

Even in the original FAQ when the game was first announced there was a question about Guild Wars 2 being an MMO, and another about is the game soloable.

Anet's answer was that you can get to max level solo, but that they believed there were times the community would have to come together to overcome obstacles.  I don't see a lot of people taking in the Temple of Balthazar in the core game solo and there's a hero point there that's very hard to get solo if the temple isn't captured.  It requires more than most hero points in HoT so that content was already in the game pre hot.

Edit: Also when Guild Wars 1 launched, through two titles, there were no heroes, only henchmen and henchmen couldn't come into the end game areas of Fission of Woe and The Underworld. You needed a team of live players for that content.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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22 hours ago, Vidit.7108 said:

game expects you to do most of the story alone and that GW1 was very solo-able.

First of all, I did my whole story from personal story (which ends after meeting the Destiny's edge in Lions Arch), core Tyria, Living World Seasons, HoT and PoF alone. I didn't have any issue clearing the story as relevant with exotic soldier gear.


But, OP is talking about hero points in HoT and several POIs locked behind a meta event.


For Hero Points, there are plenty of commanders running HP trains because the daily root can drop 2 - 3 gold reclaimed weapons.


In terms of meta events, all these events are an important part of the progression of your GW2 gameplay for achievements, crafting, legendary gear, etc.


Please remember, the game actually opens up after you finished at least up to Icebrood Saga.


Also, join discord servers like Overflow or any other organized guild.


THIS IS AN MMO. If you try to have a single player experience, there is much to lose.



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22 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I did the entirety of HoT solo, so I have no idea what this topic is about. 

Yet you still felt it was necessary to tell these people who have this experience it's just a l2p issue, dismissing their valid concerns. That's rather cheeky of you. 


I can assure you l2p issue or not, its got a negative impact on the game and it does raise a valid concern with people who still struggle with some of the concepts and paradigm changes between expansions. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Open social panel 
move to the LFG option
select the area you want to do 
Look for groups.

There are people who create groups for almost anything and everything in all areas of the game daily, except the Vabbi meta, thats literally just reserved to Fridays run by one group 

You can find:
HoT Hero Point Trains
PoF Hero Point Trains
Map meta
World Boss Trains 
etc etc 


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On 8/11/2021 at 9:58 AM, Kori Jenkins.9017 said:

I'll start off by saying I'm not a hardcore veteran player that's 10000% dedicated to this game like I imagine most on the forums are. I'd likely be on my 8th birthday in-game (assuming there's a reward for that) had I not deleted that Necromancer to move servers. I play off and on, sometimes going years without playing, for various reasons. In any case, you get the picture, I'm not some min-maxing lunatic (yet). 

Almost the same as me!


I bought the game in Dec 2012. Waited over a year to buy HoT, because it way too expensive and all I wanted was gliding. Pre-ordered PoF, because I wanted the mounts. Pre-ordered EoD, because I wanted fishing and the price was reasonable.


I've played 1,599 hours in 3147 days, as of last week when I finally got the griffon mount.


Of my 10 characters only 1 has unlocked both elite specs, neither of which I use, because Dragon Hunter is awful and I don't play my Guardian as a Mage. The only other elite spec I have unlocked is Holosmith, which I don't really play anyway because I spend 90% of my time playing my Guardian. All of my elite specs were obtained by following an "HP Train", which was not fun in the least, just a means to an end that I grudgingly did. 


I just achieved 9,000 AP last week as well. I've never made a legendary weapon. I've only made 4 ascended items.


I love the game, just there is plenty of it that I don't enjoy. It irritates me that were expected to constantly fight things all the time. Why must I fight something when the objective says, "clean up rubble"? *sigh* It would be nice if some of older contented was toned down. There are two story steps I haven't completed either, end of season 2 and the end of HoT. Sure, I raided in WoW many years ago, but I was a healer, not some uber bouncy dps dodgy hodgepodge man or whatever. Some of the content in this game is simply spastic and obnoxious and I've only ever grudgingly tolerated it because I wanted the game changing reward (like a mount), but there is plenty of stuff in this game I will never do, because I don't like that content. Hero Points are one such example.


Again, I love the game. I've spent hundreds of dollars enjoying it my own way. It would be nice if more of it was enjoyable.

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:03 AM, costepj.5120 said:

What is this obsession with being able to solo 100% of the content in an MMO? I'm a very average player and I can manage the vast majority of things on my own; when I can't I just shout out in guild chat, or map chat, or simply loiter in the vicinity until someone else shows up.

I think its more to the point that the maps are dead, few people go back there. AB fails more than not, most of the hot maps tend to. Dragonfall is pretty dead. I have not been able to get an event done without failing due to lack of people in a few weeks now, the only time I see groups is for bauble farm. And they mainly stay at the spawn point.

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On 8/11/2021 at 7:33 PM, costepj.5120 said:

What is this obsession with being able to solo 100% of the content in an MMO? I'm a very average player and I can manage the vast majority of things on my own; when I can't I just shout out in guild chat, or map chat, or simply loiter in the vicinity until someone else shows up.

Tried all that. Barely anyone want to help with HP and not all of us have enough time to just loiter around in vicinity till someone magically appears to help.. HOT HP Is a failed experiment and I know plenty of players in game who hate it. 

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14 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Yes, because the OP wasn't sensational at all and stated as objective fact instead of opinion.  


So I'm stating an objective fact--git gud.  

The HOT maps are dead. I don't see how telling someone to git gud is going to help when they can't find peole to play with. 

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43 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I think its more to the point that the maps are dead, few people go back there. AB fails more than not, most of the hot maps tend to. Dragonfall is pretty dead. I have not been able to get an event done without failing due to lack of people in a few weeks now, the only time I see groups is for bauble farm. And they mainly stay at the spawn point.

what, AB Never fail theses deads and always have full map.

Dragonstand is still often done if you don't go at weird hours.

Ok there is some weird small event chain that are never done but cmon you are just lying right now.

HoT map lfg are always full when meta starts.

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12 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You Na? hot maps are for sure not dead on Eu.

During off meta hours on NA, they can be a pain. Personal experience, i spent multiple days trying to get a group together for AB to do Vinetooth for HOPE.


Legendary wyvern in verdant brink, same way, even during meta hours. One of the commanders for the baubles got tired of me begging and having my tag up and brought his squad so i could leave the map finally after the boss not getting killed, or even attacked for two separate night events.

4 minutes ago, WindBlade.8749 said:

what, AB Never fail theses deads and always have full map.

Dragonstand is still often done if you don't go at weird hours.

Ok there is some weird small event chain that are never done but cmon you are just lying right now.

HoT map lfg are always full when meta starts.

During meta hours the maps are very populated, if one plays during prime time.


Off meta hours, not so much. Theres more to do on those maps than metas, especially for new players, but getting players on those maps when the metas arent active can be an issue. Its easier to get players for hero points than it is for events out there(Again during off meta hours.)


And maybe they do play at odd hours, which just confounds the problem more.

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3 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

During off meta hours on NA, they can be a pain. Personal experience, i spent multiple days trying to get a group together for AB to do Vinetooth for HOPE.


Legendary wyvern in verdant brink, same way, even during meta hours. One of the commanders for the baubles got tired of me begging and having my tag up and brought his squad so i could leave the map finally after the boss not getting killed, or even attacked for two separate night events.

During meta hours the maps are very populated, if one plays during prime time.


Off meta hours, not so much. Theres more to do on those maps than metas, especially for new players, but getting players on those maps when the metas arent active can be an issue. Its easier to get players for hero points than it is for events out there(Again during off meta hours.)


And maybe they do play at odd hours, which just confounds the problem more.

not the point of my post, litteraly just anwser that whe he say was a totally wrong which is..

But if you really want there is enough players to also do side activity in HoT maps, still ton of players on pre event, on train for hp etc....

All the rest can be soloable quite easely.

PoF is kinda dead in another hand but everything in soloable outside of legendary, but legendary bounties are still popular so not much a problem for now. (maybe the meta event are dead.. still have some pof meta run you can find i guess)

Edited by WindBlade.8749
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