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I'm upset about Harbinger.


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i will test it before i finally judge. but yeah, it is a bit disappointing... sth this very squishy, the damage modifiers on blight seem far too low for a class that cannot tank more than an ele


as Wvw main, i am not very sure if we will see harbinger having any use. zerker warri could be great dps in blobs, but u would never need many of them. harbinger might have a similar job. probs, also not with pistol, honestly. (same as scourge does not use torch in Wvw)
seems like it has far less options do do corruption also, which isn't great, as that was necro main job in Wvw.


... that to be said: it looks really cool. the moves and stuff. and it's finally a faster necro, probably.

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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Well the beta is for testing the spec, so if Harbinger are underperforming they will fix it. 


I'm planning to test the spec in fractal with Berserker, Viper, Grieving and Diviner (and maybe Marauder too just to see if the vitality could help).  As for pvp, I don't think this will be a good pvp spec but I can forsee a Harbinger with Eternal life trait to not be that squishy...


We will see next tuesday..

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3 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Also in PvE imo. Fractals will be pure pain with that hp pool.

Just imagine you play condi or power. As condi people will want u to run vipers ofc. As power maybe marauder or most likely berserker.
11k hp with 0 defense traits, no barrier and so on. with Vipers most likely also self conditions. Thats not playable in fractals at all imo.
Me as weaver having at least barrier on some traits and earth spec as condi to reduce incoming damage by 10% and 17% while on earth attunement.
I mean the healing of that spec is maybe cool but, look at the hp, dont tell me 11k hp without any dmg reduction or barrier is healable by any supporter in fractals.
Cal Cohen: Well they gotta need a support huh, they have to deal with this.

Like a supporter could heal this in fractals lol.

More than this: Scourge has a 36k benchmark atm and power reaper 34,4k depending on snowcrows benchmarks.
So they reduce health by 50% and remove shroud/barrier and give no dmg reduction in the traitline like scourges have (5% per sand shade).
I think this spec is not going to have 45k+ dps so its maybe going to be 38-40k.
So they reduce the health and sustain by over 70% and give us 10-15% dps. Lmao thats sad af imo.

Ofc i didnt play it yet but depending on numbers that not going to be healthy at all.

Eh 11k hp (or so) is fine in PvE especially fractals, essentially it's just a "git gud" thing (as meme-y as that is to say), damage in PvE does look like it would be worth it for a lot of encounters and it does at least bring good CC (that probably isn't part of the DPS rotation) which is a big deal over weaver for example.


In PvE I'd say the biggest issue with weaver isn't that its squish, or that the rotation is kinda high effort, but rather that beyond damage it brings nothing at all, horrible CC, no boons to speak off, no unique buffs etc. This can bring high CC and looking at the video the dmg looks like it's high enough to compensate, but we'll see.


I used to play staff power Weaver (and at some point tempest before PoF) in fractals back when that was a thing, and that was surely squishier that was before healbrand was the thing to play in fractals so kinda spammy aegis.


Looking at numbers I don't really see this spec not hitting 40k+ in viper, but haven't put too much thought into it as I don't care super much for PvE.


In WvW (and to a lesser degree PvP) even in tanky armor you'd just get deleted if one bursty person decides they don't like you, as you don't have enough of a buffer to allow people to heal you up

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41 minutes ago, lodjur.1284 said:

Eh 11k hp (or so) is fine in PvE especially fractals, essentially it's just a "git gud" thing (as meme-y as that is to say), damage in PvE does look like it would be worth it for a lot of encounters and it does at least bring good CC (that probably isn't part of the DPS rotation) which is a big deal over weaver for example.


In PvE I'd say the biggest issue with weaver isn't that its squish, or that the rotation is kinda high effort, but rather that beyond damage it brings nothing at all, horrible CC, no boons to speak off, no unique buffs etc. This can bring high CC and looking at the video the dmg looks like it's high enough to compensate, but we'll see.


I used to play staff power Weaver (and at some point tempest before PoF) in fractals back when that was a thing, and that was surely squishier that was before healbrand was the thing to play in fractals so kinda spammy aegis.


Looking at numbers I don't really see this spec not hitting 40k+ in viper, but haven't put too much thought into it as I don't care super much for PvE.


In WvW (and to a lesser degree PvP) even in tanky armor you'd just get deleted if one bursty person decides they don't like you, as you don't have enough of a buffer to allow people to heal you up

You should not forget that weaver has barrier and earth traitline (as condi) to compensate the low hp.
Guardian has lots of self protection, blocks n so on.
Thief has lots of evades on blindness.
Not to mention the self conditions of condi necro.

As i can see atm there are no damage reductions and so on in the dps build.

But as you said already: We are going to test it and maybe it will be not as I or some others might think it would be.

42k+ dps would give a reason for this low hp.
But looking at scourge and reaper and then to this, it must have big af dps.

And even if it will be too squishy, we are supposed to test it ofc and anet is giving nerfs or buffs. Am basically just talking about fears, i am not the type of guy thats optimistic.
And the gameplay is totally mine, surely going to main it. Super hyped ofc.

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5 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

You should not forget that weaver has barrier and earth traitline (as condi) to compensate the low hp.
Guardian has lots of self protection, blocks n so on.
Thief has lots of evades on blindness.
Not to mention the self conditions of condi necro.


Every single harbinger dps skill is 900 range. Wells as utility dps are 900 range as well. So you are extremely flexible in positioning yourself.


There is a melee dps gm trait, true, but you might want to run the quickness share gm trait for your party anyway.


Edited by KrHome.1920
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On 8/13/2021 at 7:29 PM, Tobias.8632 said:

If you want to be a tanky spec you have three other whole modes of play, core reaper and scourge. I've been asking since launch to add a high skill high risk high reward option that removed the "overpowered" death shroud defence and allowd this class to be an ele-style glass cannon and I finally got what I wanted.

Necro needed a roamer/highly mobile spec that gives up bulk. However this spec is nowhere near the mobility we need, and we'll just be perma-farmed by thieves, power revs, and willbenders...

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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On 8/14/2021 at 2:27 AM, Shroud.2307 said:

Necro's defense is heavily reliant on soaking damage and creating areas of denial - punishing the enemy for sticking to the Necro for too long/at the wrong time.

To me this post just reads as "I'm angry they're changing necromancer's low risk/high reward pattern" into "higher risk/higher reward". 

Not that I'm surprised, since necromancer's been the official easy mode for years.

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3 hours ago, Moriens.2871 said:

Well the beta is for testing the spec, so if Harbinger are underperforming they will fix it. 


I'm planning to test the spec in fractal with Berserker, Viper, Grieving and Diviner (and maybe Marauder too just to see if the vitality could help).  As for pvp, I don't think this will be a good pvp spec but I can forsee a Harbinger with Eternal life trait to not be that squishy...


We will see next tuesday..

Maybe try trailblazer to, that would be interesting atleast in how it negates a little of the squishiness

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8 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Also in PvE imo. Fractals will be pure pain with that hp pool.

Just imagine you play condi or power. As condi people will want u to run vipers ofc. As power maybe marauder or most likely berserker.
11k hp with 0 defense traits, no barrier and so on. with Vipers most likely also self conditions. Thats not playable in fractals at all imo.
Me as weaver having at least barrier on some traits and earth spec as condi to reduce incoming damage by 10% and 17% while on earth attunement.
I mean the healing of that spec is maybe cool but, look at the hp, dont tell me 11k hp without any dmg reduction or barrier is healable by any supporter in fractals.
Cal Cohen: Well they gotta need a support huh, they have to deal with this.

Like a supporter could heal this in fractals lol.

More than this: Scourge has a 36k benchmark atm and power reaper 34,4k depending on snowcrows benchmarks.
So they reduce health by 50% and remove shroud/barrier and give no dmg reduction in the traitline like scourges have (5% per sand shade).
I think this spec is not going to have 45k+ dps so its maybe going to be 38-40k.
So they reduce the health and sustain by over 70% and give us 10-15% dps. Lmao thats sad af imo.

Ofc i didnt play it yet but depending on numbers that not going to be healthy at all.

It really does seem like DPS Harbinger will need a raid healer like a Heal Scourge or Heal Tempest which are never played in fractals. Sadge. But at least fractals will use Boonbringer.

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On 8/14/2021 at 9:27 AM, Shroud.2307 said:

Don't get me wrong, some of the Traits in particular look absurdly strong, and I do like the visuals and skills on Harbinger Shroud.

But the concept of reducing max health just does not sit well with me. Necro's defense is heavily reliant on soaking damage and creating areas of denial - punishing the enemy for sticking to the Necro for too long/at the wrong time.

Although Harbinger looks like it has some extreme potential for damage, it's still going to be incredibly vulnerable to burst. I mean, thinking from a PvP or WvW perspective, imagine how easy it's going to be to +1 a Harbinger that's ramped up some Blight. 

The risk seems higher than the reward to me.
I don't think Harbinger looks weak per-se, I just think the risks should be reduced to better balance with the rewards. 

What you mean , you will have to now rely on skillfull gameplay instead of broken mechanics ! That's horrible 🤣

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19 minutes ago, DraconusShade.4590 said:

It really does seem like DPS Harbinger will need a raid healer like a Heal Scourge or Heal Tempest which are never played in fractals. Sadge. But at least fractals will use Boonbringer.

I don't know with this one.  Considering that the spec will get nearly all its dps from torment you can use the tormenting rune which will give some decent sustain. Also considering sceptre likely won't be used much as pistol should be stronger, than you get +180 condition damage from the condi GM, you can take more sinister instead of vipers for high condition damage,  and depending on how high the dps may be, you may not need +200 condition damage nor the +50% duration from lingering curses because its not such a huge proponent of your dps, leaving you free to take parasitic contagion. Considering you can be healed at all times this should also provide a lot of sustain. 


Unless something kills you instantly you should be fine imho. 

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I would wait before making any absolute conclusions on how it all plays out. It's fine to speculate and all but taking into consideration that not only did they have GM commands on their side but we also didn't know what kind of gear they were running around with, it's hard to make any definitive takes on how it all plays out unless we actually get to play it. 


I personally haven't seen anything super telling as of yet that would determine that this is either super busted or super nerfed since they simply showed the E-Spec and what the traits do and the general gameplay of the E-Spec without having an actual build or gear setup during the stream. 

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9 minutes ago, Mack.3045 said:

What you mean , you will have to now rely on skillfull gameplay instead of broken mechanics ! That's horrible 🤣

If MAMA in 98CM point blank sneezes a red ball on you, especially with Frailty on, and you got 11k HP, light armor, zero passive damage reduction or passive Trait trigger to save you, skill won't either^^

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1 hour ago, Asum.4960 said:

If MAMA in 98CM point blank sneezes a red ball on you, especially with Frailty on, and you got 11k HP, light armor, zero passive damage reduction or passive Trait trigger to save you, skill won't either^^

Exactly what i mean.

When i talk about the 11k hp with 0 actual defense, all who actually disagree say that u have good self healing. Thats pointless if i talk about getting 1hits.
The only thing i talk about all the time is 11k hp and 0 defense options are not going to be healed away if u get 10k dmg hits or sth like that which are not unrealistic in fractals since i often get 5-8k dmg hits with full trailblazers and earth traitline with 10% dmg reduction in fractals.
Adding self conditions if u play condi, maybe the boss neednt even do a 11k hit...most likely a 10k or 10.5k hit with that condi boost u get through spec ur self conditions get boosted by the condition boost too.
But yea....tormenting runes and a healer and surely going to help not getting 1hits....

What i also cant say often enough is the fact that we lose shroud, 50% hp and defense traits like scourges 5% dmg reduction per sand shade.
For what? 10-15% more dps?
What i am talking about is this:
This spec will probably go 38-41k dps on snowcrows benchmark. Reaper does 34.4k atm and scourge 36k. And i dont think anet wants this spec to deal 45k+ dps.

So that much sustain loss for this dmg boost makes no sense at all for me. Reduce blight from 2% per stack to 1% and i am fine, bc my fears are that this spec will get lots of 1hits in (for example, as i already said) fractals.

Atm the e spec i like the most due to the new playstyle.
I will surely try this spec with multiple hfbs in vipers, trailblazers and berserker and i REALLY REALLY HOPE that its not going to be like i am predicting.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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47 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Exactly what i mean.

When i talk about the 11k hp with 0 actual defense, all who actually disagree say that u have good self healing. Thats pointless if i talk about getting 1hits.
The only thing i talk about all the time is 11k hp and 0 defense options are not going to be healed away if u get 10k dmg hits or sth like that which are not unrealistic in fractals since i often get 5-8k dmg hits with full trailblazers and earth traitline with 10% dmg reduction in fractals.
Adding self conditions if u play condi, maybe the boss neednt even do a 11k hit...most likely a 10k or 10.5k hit, with that condi boost u get through spec, bc ur self conditions get boosted by the condition boost too.
But yea....tormenting runes and a healer and surely going to help not getting 1hits....

What i also cant say often enough is the fact that we lose shroud, 50% hp and defense traits like scourges 5% dmg reduction per sand shade.
For what? 10-15% more dps?
What i am talking about is this:
This spec will probably go 38-41k dps on snowcrows benchmark. Reaper does 34.4k atm and scourge 36k. And i dont think anet wants this spec to deal 45k+ dps.

So that much sustain loss for this dmg boost makes no sense at all for me. Reduce blight from 2% per stack to 1% and i am fine, bc my fears are that this spec will get lots of 1hits in (for example, as i already said) fractals.

I will surely try this spec with multiple hfbs in vipers, trailblazers and berserker and i REALLY REALLY HOPE that its not going to be like i am predicting.

Agreed. With for example Condi Daredevil doing 41k DPS atm spamming evades and having medium armor, and Condi Renegade doing 40.5k DPS with medium Health, a unique buff share and heavy armor, Harbinger, as it looks in the preview, needs to pull a good 42-45k+ DPS, which frankly, I do not want for the game. 


I personally think DPS should go down globally again with ~35k DPS being a solid peak to average all DPS's around (33-38k DPS depending on free Utility, Support, Sustain). 


The amount of mechanic skipping is just getting way out of hand for endgame content. 

But even regardless of that, considering the current situation only, I think Harbinger as shown looks way beyond critical mass squishy that it needs beyond reasonable DPS to be worthwhile. 


Just losing Shroud (with it's innate 50% damage reduction) and gaining zero Barrier (including no passive mitigation Trait like Blood as Sand) to compensate, as opposed to Reaper or Scourge, would have already been a tradeoff worth being among the very high end of DPS, considering the entire core of Necro is build around extremely high health as only defense. 


The more I think about this, a whopping -50% HP on top of that is just way beyond reasonable. It's not going to be unplayable mind you, but in a world where we can already skip what sometimes feels like >50% of the mechanics due to DPS in really safe and comfy comps with super fast runs, they can't give it enough damage to make that much sacrifice actually objectively worthwhile for anyone but the absolute most hardcore speedrunners (and I sure hope they don't powercreep peak DPS that far even further). 


Giving it a 360 Vitality (which really will only be a sad 180 effective Vit under Blight) Minor ain't really cutting it there. Make that 1%, or at least 0.5% damage reduction per Blight stack as oneshot protection while still being extremely vulnerable to being overwhelmed with many damage instances at once, (on top of maybe cutting Blight to -1% HP per Stack) and maybe then it could work as ultra glassy sustainer. 


I'll still wait and see until it's actually in my hands to test and even it's current state as I see it is not the end of the world for Harbinger concerning the game as a whole (it will do great casually in OW with Trailblazer, Tormenting Runes or even Parasitic Contagion on top and looks like a blast to play), but effectively losing ~80% of the entire professions defense sure seems overkill as Tradeoff, even if it does up to 25% more damage (~45k) than Reaper and Scourge, which is unlikely. 

That's just not a good trade^^

Edited by Asum.4960
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46 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Exactly what i mean.

When i talk about the 11k hp with 0 actual defense, all who actually disagree say that u have good self healing. Thats pointless if i talk about getting 1hits.
The only thing i talk about all the time is 11k hp and 0 defense options are not going to be healed away if u get 10k dmg hits or sth like that which are not unrealistic in fractals since i often get 5-8k dmg hits with full trailblazers and earth traitline with 10% dmg reduction in fractals.
Adding self conditions if u play condi, maybe the boss neednt even do a 11k hit...most likely a 10k or 10.5k hit with that condi boost u get through spec ur self conditions get boosted by the condition boost too.
But yea....tormenting runes and a healer and surely going to help not getting 1hits....

What i also cant say often enough is the fact that we lose shroud, 50% hp and defense traits like scourges 5% dmg reduction per sand shade.
For what? 10-15% more dps?
What i am talking about is this:
This spec will probably go 38-41k dps on snowcrows benchmark. Reaper does 34.4k atm and scourge 36k. And i dont think anet wants this spec to deal 45k+ dps.

So that much sustain loss for this dmg boost makes no sense at all for me. Reduce blight from 2% per stack to 1% and i am fine, bc my fears are that this spec will get lots of 1hits in (for example, as i already said) fractals.

Atm the e spec i like the most due to the new playstyle.
I will surely try this spec with multiple hfbs in vipers, trailblazers and berserker and i REALLY REALLY HOPE that its not going to be like i am predicting.

Maybe they want you to run this with Heal Scrg in fractals. Who cares if you go down multiple times when the Scrg makes you immortal? 😂

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1 hour ago, Aravind.9610 said:

I feel life force generation might be low on Harbinger especially since life force is used out of shroud to heal as well.


It's going to suffer even more in the same encounter setups current Necros have issue generation LFs (all drawn out 1v1 fights), but Harbinger has a skill that allow you to go into Shroud with 0% LF (grants 15% of it on usage) which might help a bit.


Pistol has LF generation on skill #2  and #3 too, it looks like good amount considering the cooldowns, but that doesn't seem enough to increase LF while the Shroud is healing you.


That means Harbinger will have to do like other Necros:

-  MM build: use Shadow Fiend's skill or pop bone minions (go Death Magic too)

-  Other build: Signet of Undeath, Spectral Armor, Spectral Grasp or Spectral Walk 

- Take Eternal Life in Soul Reaping


Edited by azarhal.3086
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1 hour ago, azarhal.3086 said:


It's going to suffer even more in the same encounter setups current Necros have issue generation LFs (all drawn out 1v1 fights), but Harbinger has a skill that allow you to go into Shroud with 0% LF (grants 15% of it on usage) which might help a bit.


Pistol has LF generation on skill #2  and #3 too, it looks like good amount considering the cooldowns, but that doesn't seem enough to increase LF while the Shroud is healing you.


That means Harbinger will have to do like other Necros:

-  MM build: use Shadow Fiend's skill or pop bone minions (go Death Magic too)

-  Other build: Signet of Undeath, Spectral Armor, Spectral Grasp or Spectral Walk 

- Take Eternal Life in Soul Reaping


Probably not an issue for power Harbinger since they would be using dagger anyway but condis need to find more life force generation on their skills.

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22 minutes ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Oh wow, evade frames do not count as defense when necros are concerned?

You bunch must think thieves are ultra-skillful, then! Right?

Blocks and likes to protect against 1shots. Harbingers have nothing defensive, losing both shroud and high health. Even Scourge have better survival ability.

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On 8/14/2021 at 10:03 AM, Atomnium.1532 said:

That's the whole problem here, blight is not a mechanic you "play around" but one that you just deal with, there is no blight reduction skill, no smart use of skill to mitigate its effect, no trait to decrease the drawback, no synergy with anything.

The only blight interraction in the entire kit is the first minor trait which is a +x% damage. 

Once again, look at the footage again, blight is just a health debuff for using shroud skills or elixir. They are not powerful enough to warrant this, not even remotely close, arguably even the best skill in the kit is just pistol 2.


I am absolutely in love with the spec, and I will play it as a main even if it's broken and useless like it seems like it's gonna be, but let's not pretend that the current iterraction is anywhere near a good state because it's new and shiny.


I personally probably wont take this spec anywhere near pvp honestly. This might be the first necro elite that actually cannot fuction in pvp based on how badly its handicaps are designed.


They talk about giving necro movement skills but harbinger only as 1 extra movement skill over every other elite.

There is no movement, shadow steps, or evades in the utility and they all drain your max health to use.

The out of shroud healing feels like an after thought again... after they realized blight was just a pure negative and even then i dont feel like that should be a forced option its a waste of what could be something that makes blight interact with utility, shroud, or weapon skills. 


Where is my reward at base for holding high blight stacks THERE IS NONE

Where are my modified weapon skills for holding high blight stacks THERE IS NONE

Where is my modified shroud skills for holding high blight stacks THERE IS NONE

Where is my utility access in shroud... THERE IS NONE...


And the sand part is that the numbers need to be so grossly over scaled for this elite to make up for the draw backs that no one is going to accept it should those numbers exists in the beta. To make matters worse we may end up with other new elites that hit those numbers or better numbers without the cost that necro passive has built into it which will really be sad.

The fact that they already nerfed dhuumfire with this elite says alot about how confused the design choices were going into it. 

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1 hour ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Oh wow, evade frames do not count as defense when necros are concerned?

You bunch must think thieves are ultra-skillful, then! Right?

they do count however 

I would like you to see how much damage you can avoid with 2 base dodges no vigor and a single vault without the use of stealth only on thief.. you you will die in a single ranger's burst rotation btw. thats not even enough to cover the standard sickem ranger burst opener let alone the follow up. 


While i dont want to assume you should play this new elite while sitting at max blight most of the time lets make a bad assumption that you are at max blight with the minimum hp of you know 11 to 13k  This is low enough for a single trueshot to kill you. Easily low enough for a single backstab to kill you. How does ele deal with these things? By having active defenses like extra evade frames, good healing abilities, etc. Harbinger is not going to have this. You will basically need to take minimum 2 break stuns like wurm and spectral walk in pvp or and your 3rd utility is likely something like cpc or well of darkness your elite is still going to be lich or plague and your heal without question will still be consume conditions. NONE of the elixirs come close to matching any of those skills i just named in strength to be consuming your max hp on use.


we dont think all thieves are skillful but thieves have multiple evades, high vigor access, and stealth to reset till something is in their favor necro will not have this dont assume one bad animation that has an evade is going to make harbinger good at dodging damage. Even when double staff thief was meta they didnt use vault to avoid damage for a reason... its kinda clunky and bad at doing that.

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I think devs forgot to take core necro traits and play style into account when making this as vitality is the only reason Reaper and core Necro (and even Scourge) have such high survivability. Blight just gets rid of that.

And even if a true DPS Necro spec is the only thing I ever wanted as a necro main, this spec just disappoints me. Compared  with some other DSP specs it's totally unusable and if I wanted to play support I'd just take scourge or Firebrand.

Even when looking at pure gameplay it just doesn't look 'fun' to me. I'm afraid I'd just be making calculations in my head all the time when playing instead of reacting naturally like with Scourge and Reaper.


And while I wasn't happy with the gun main at first (just thematically) I like the actual skills, but how does a ranged weapon (measly 900 range) tie in with melee shroud? And just looking at how that will even work with such reduced health? We'd at least need something like Weaver movement skills for distancing from the target.

It's probably true that most won't be running full 25 blight stack, but even then it'll be too much risk for too little reward. It just looks like if you're not running as much blight as you can, it's a loss to play Harbinger.


And the elixirs just feel underwhelming. Comparing them with engi elixirs and I think they're mostly a loss. We'd at least need some added bonuses and a lowerd cooldown.


I really hope it plays better than it currently feels for me.

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