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Virtuoso Feedback Thread [Merged]

Daniel Handler.4816

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12 hours ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

That's Guardian anyway 😆😜

Well, at least the Guardians will always have the consolation of being able to cook something juicy with their constant burns while the Virtuoso, in addition to not playing any instruments being a fake one, it will have to eat raw food and a harsh reality.  Design things, things of the life...  😜😁

Edited by Zoser.7245
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1 hour ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

The more elite specs I see the more it gets obvious that virt was either the first one they designed or the last one and they were already saying kitten, let's get this kitten done.
Everything else gets cool mechanics and new ideas, except virt and willbender.
This kitten needs a redesign.

While I don't want to share all of your negativity, I do have to admit that - even if leaving class mechanics of the eSpecs in todays stream aside - the comment about how they went over all Adrenalin traits to adjust them for Flow, made me very very... very salty when thinking about Virtuoso.

Edited by Xaylin.1860
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1 hour ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

The more elite specs I see the more it gets obvious that virt was either the first one they designed or the last one and they were already saying kitten, let's get this kitten done.
Everything else gets cool mechanics and new ideas, except virt and willbender.
This kitten needs a redesign.


40 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

How can you design every single espec to be super hyper with new mechanics, skill and cool kitten. and leave virtuoso as this uter garbage with 0 mechanics?

Just finished watching the stream and all I can say is, it's funny how Revenants are getting the one dodge treatment HOWEVER, atleast their dodge can be traited to have a variety of effects sorta like the Dareddevil AND they have a good amount of traits that give endurance... So, with that said, I'm definitely going to be 'expecting' some form of compensation to the Mirage class for ways to get endurance other than from the Nomads Endurance trait... That trait should atleast increase the effectiveness of Vigor in my opinion.


Other than that, I agree with everyone, it looks like every other Elite Spec is getting something better than what we're getting. I've never seen so many charges on an elite than what the Bladesworn got. I might as well put a petition in to get some charges placed on some of our mobility skills *cough* Blink *cough* since those are clearly being given out freely.

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1 minute ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

While I don't want to share all of your negativity, I do have to agree that - even if leaving class mechanics of the eSpecs in todays stream aside - the comment about how they went over all Adrenalin traits to adjust them for Flow, made me very very... very salty when thinking about Virtuoso.

100% AGREE! The moment I saw that I was thinking to myself "Oh, so going through every Core Mesmer trait that affects Illusions/Clones and making them work with Blades was an oversight?" 🙄

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This is picture of a Mesmer trait from Duelist. This will never work with Virtuoso.


Clones continue to attack once they are out. Even if blades apply bleeding on crits (which they didn't in beta, not sure if bug or not), its still not working as intended. A clone can trigger this infinite times, but blades are much less frequent.


So, when they said we went back and modified every adrenaline trait to work with flow, was it too much to do it for Virtuoso as well?

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13 minutes ago, Lethion.8745 said:

Funny thing is, Virtuoso will most likely not change because everyone who is not a competitive mesmer main (9/10 of the people) liked Virtuoso for how simple it is. 

Yet you dont see those people coming to mesmer forums making those same kinda comments anymore. Where are those who likes the changes and trying to defend from "us" negative Nancys.

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7 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Yet you dont see those people coming to mesmer forums making those same kinda comments anymore. Where are those who likes the changes and trying to defend from "us" negative Nancys.

Anet went too far and there's no way to pretend that the post 2019 balance team doesn't have a strong bias against Mesmer.  The vast majority of the GW2 community as a whole agrees that Mesmer is in a very bad place.  What's Anet's brilliant idea for the elite spec?  Lets remove clones, remove dry shatters, remove instant cast shatters, and remove f4 distortion.  In exchange, we are allowed to give up a decent trait-line and have our shatters reflected.  They've spent the last 2-3 years gutting core, chrono, and mirage.  I shouldn't be surprised that they're giving us an intentionally bad spec.  I mean kitten, they literally broke our last good utility cleanse for no reason at all on May 11th.  kitten this game. 

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6 hours ago, Jables.4659 said:

Anet went too far and there's no way to pretend that the post 2019 balance team doesn't have a strong bias against Mesmer.  The vast majority of the GW2 community as a whole agrees that Mesmer is in a very bad place.  What's Anet's brilliant idea for the elite spec?  Lets remove clones, remove dry shatters, remove instant cast shatters, and remove f4 distortion.  In exchange, we are allowed to give up a decent trait-line and have our shatters reflected.  They've spent the last 2-3 years gutting core, chrono, and mirage.  I shouldn't be surprised that they're giving us an intentionally bad spec.  I mean kitten, they literally broke our last good utility cleanse for no reason at all on May 11th.  kitten this game. 

PvP players still think mesmers are busted and need nerfs and I'm not talking about forums, I'm talking about discord with Devs. So don't be surprised if more nerfs are coming.

As for virt even here on forums, people say it's one of the best and kitten like that when it's clearly the worst on par with wb.


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12 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

PvP players still think mesmers are busted and need nerfs and I'm not talking about forums, I'm talking about discord with Devs. So don't be surprised if more nerfs are coming.

As for virt even here on forums, people say it's one of the best and kitten like that when it's clearly the worst on par with wb.


There is already a video showing the world how much OP is the condi-virtuoso with a  90% core PU + 10% Virtuoso build and gameplay, playing mainly against bots and foes with 2 neurons.  In 3 -4 hours of video only a single player chased the Virtuoso after use its stealth or blink to down and kill it several times. The rest of the encounters, even those where the ranger/soulbeast won the duels against the virtuoso, the players/bots were ignoring the Virtuoso after be invisible or blinked far from the foe when it was losing the fight (the majority of times)...  But he showed the world how OP you can be when your foes ignore you and sit out there like "intelligent bugs" waiting for you to finish them after your cooldowns ends.

With those pseudo-mesmers at home you don't need to find foes.  Other was claiming that he will be top 25 and the top one even that will win monthly tournaments with the Virtuoso.  So let's see how many relevant tournaments and legend tournaments will win with the Virtuoso those Pro-mesmers we have here in the forum.  They will reveal the world how OP the Virtuoso is.  You can already delete the feedback and bug threads/topics as the Virtuoso is so OP that it doesn't even need bug fixes.


Edited by Zoser.7245
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My thoughts:

1.)  I think the "blades stay after battle!" is backwards.  Blades staying between fights gives the Virtuoso a potentially higher initial burst at the very beginning of a fight...but that's it.  Instead, they should disappear between fights but stay after being launched, allowing them to ramp up their power as the fight goes on.

2.)  If blades don't stay after being launched, the launch time needs to be reduced on all of the F1-F4 abilities.  They need to be throwing those things out fast and often.

3.)  Why are traits in the trait line being wasted on condi?  A huge portion of any mesmer's condi comes from clone autoattacks.  A condi mesmer with no clones is at a fraction of their power.  And bleeding on blade crits to boot?  Do you think anyone's going to actually put on Rampager's gear?

I really like the "blades instead of clones" idea, and the spec has promise, but as it it feels like it was designed by someone who doesn't play Mesmer and just messed around with the class for a little bit and thought "it's really annoying that my clones don't last between fights and I have to resummon them" and didn't put any further thought into the class than that.

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2 hours ago, Zoser.7245 said:

There is already a video showing the world how much OP is the condi-virtuoso with a 90% core PU gameplay + 10% Virtuoso, playing mainly against bots and foes with 2 neurons.  In 3 -4 hours of video only a single player chased the Virtuoso after use its stealth or blink to shut it down several times, the rest of the encounters even the one with the ranger/soulbeast that won the duels, the players/bots were ignoring the Virtuoso after be invisible or blinked far from the foe when it was losing the fight (the majority of times)...  But he showed the world how OP you can be when your foes ignore you and sit out there like "intelligent bugs" waiting for you to finish them after your cooldowns ends.

With those pseudo-mesmers at home you don't need to find foes.  Other was claiming that he will be top 25 and the top one even that will win monthly tournaments with the Virtuoso.  So let's see how many relevant tournaments and legend tournaments will win with the Virtuoso those Pro-mesmers we have here in the forum.  They will reveal the world how OP the Virtuoso is.  You can already delete the feedback and bug threads/topics as the Virtuoso is so OP that it doesn't even need bug fixes.


I tried condi virt but instantly gave up the moment all my blades missed a rev 500 units away from me.
Imagine making entire glass cannon build revolving around a specific skill that misses because your enemy moved to the side, lol.

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Watching the live stream, it was kinda disheartening seeing how much thought went into Bladesworn's Flow and how traits/skills that affect adrenaline now correctly/ alter flow. Its obvious that they are thinking about other traits and skills, so I'm kinda convinced that the current interactions with traits and blade skills is exactly how its meant to be.  We might see a couple bug fixes, but they are definitely going to leave the overlap of traits that you think should work, but don't because "illusions" and "blades" are different skills all together. 


If they really wanted to make an illusion-less profession, they should have figured something out for phantasms as well. 

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11 hours ago, MrAmputatoes.6031 said:

Watching the live stream, it was kinda disheartening seeing how much thought went into Bladesworn's Flow and how traits/skills that affect adrenaline now correctly/ alter flow. Its obvious that they are thinking about other traits and skills, so I'm kinda convinced that the current interactions with traits and blade skills is exactly how its meant to be.  We might see a couple bug fixes, but they are definitely going to leave the overlap of traits that you think should work, but don't because "illusions" and "blades" are different skills all together. 


If they really wanted to make an illusion-less profession, they should have figured something out for phantasms as well. 

Even stuff like how Bladesworn interacts with stuff like existing ammo skills which you wouldn't normally think about as something they could make an interesting part of a spec is so exciting compared to how absolutely bland and vanilla Virtuoso is.

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One thing i never mentioned in my long post detailing my issues with Virtuoso, one thing that's missing is how it doesn't have any of the sabotage and control elements that's key to Mesmer's identity.  I was hoping we'd get a cloneless mesmer but I also wanted it to be more sabotage oriented like GW1 mesmer.


The only thing they really get is a uselessly scuffed F3.

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1 hour ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

One thing i never mentioned in my long post detailing my issues with Virtuoso, one thing that's missing is how it doesn't have any of the sabotage and control elements that's key to Mesmer's identity.  I was hoping we'd get a cloneless mesmer but I also wanted it to be more sabotage oriented like GW1 mesmer.


The only thing they really get is a uselessly scuffed F3.

I think everyone that pleaded for a cloneless mesmer wanted a heavy domination themed one, a shutdown machine with plenty of mind games and lose lose situations for foes, that is like you said the true mesmer identity.

Instead we got a core shatter mesmer without clones... Pretty sad that ANerf is so disconnected with what mesmer players want.

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1 hour ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

I think everyone that pleaded for a cloneless mesmer wanted a heavy domination themed one, a shutdown machine with plenty of mind games and lose lose situations for foes, that is like you said the true mesmer identity.

Instead we got a core shatter mesmer without clones... Pretty sad that ANerf is so disconnected with what mesmer players want.

Yeah.  The cloneless mesmer concept I came up with, The Psychomancer, was exactly about that.  

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9 hours ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

Even stuff like how Bladesworn interacts with stuff like existing ammo skills which you wouldn't normally think about as something they could make an interesting part of a spec is so exciting compared to how absolutely bland and vanilla Virtuoso is.

When I saw that elite I instantly got a red flag for shouts. And that healing skill, esp with elite could be dangerous when it comes to raw healing. we could see heal battlesword as spb v2.0 but better

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