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Can anet not post everything on twitter?

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I also use uBlock Origin. I didn't make a custom filter to block the Twitter widget here, but I did change some of the advanced settings when I set it up to keep it relatively strict. It's probably just that. Then it's just an individual case and no valid criticism against the widget. 


Anet's Twitter probably just has a wider range/target audience than the official forums. So I understand why they would definitely post it there, but I agree they shouldn't post less/neglect their own sites. I wonder why whoever is responsible for Twitter, is apparently not also responsible to simply copy the same info to the forum news/website.

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Everyone that says oh but there is a twitter feed on the forums! Yes I know but I block most of that stuff, the point is why dont they post here instead of directing us to a third party site? The dev post comments on twitter, and they rarely do here, maybe those of us without twitter would like to interact in the convo too. I cant open a post on twitter it just pops up a big register or sign in popup on my screen. And no I dont want to get twittler. 

I do love the game, but I feel they neglect interacting with us on the forums when it comes to this stuff. I dont want to go to a site I despise in order to see the latest posts

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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20 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Well, companies can compose tweets and schedule them to be posted at a later time/date.  Can't do that on the forum.  Not an excuse, but just one possible reason.

I would be very surprised if that isn't a function of some forums for forum admins.

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3 hours ago, Tyncale.1629 said:

I agree with the OP.

Me too. I get that Twitter's currently a place where lots of companies and talking heads go for attention, but why isn't ArenaNet also showing that same level of dedication on the official website for their game? There's a widget, sure, but it screws up the formatting of their forums which is why people parsed out how to remove it within a day of the new forums being rolled out.

They can post things wherever they want, but they should always be posting here too.

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First paragraph of today's news post:

Check our official site on Mondays for a schedule of the week’s activities, and follow our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts for news and updates. Don’t forget—you’ll always find important information, Guild Wars 2 discussions, and community resources on our official forums.

Apparently things like new elite spec teasers don't fit into "important information." 😬

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5 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

First paragraph of today's news post:

Check our official site on Mondays for a schedule of the week’s activities, and follow our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts for news and updates. Don’t forget—you’ll always find important information, Guild Wars 2 discussions, and community resources on our official forums.

Apparently things like new elite spec teasers don't fit into "important information." 😬

Neither was the mention that they saw wvw was broken some 18h after it happened and they started working on a fix the other day.

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Social media pages have more reach compared to this forum and that's exactly why they post over there instead of in here. The number of active forum members is literally nothing compared to the vast audience count they have on Twitter alone. 

Twitter is a cesspit of absolute degeneracy (and I'm glad I've managed to keep mine clean by going Hideki Kamiya and blocking everything I hate) but unfortunately that is also where most of the traffic comes in, not this forum. 

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13 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

(and I'm glad I've managed to keep mine clean by going Hideki Kamiya and blocking everything I hate)

Why? Sounds like way too much effort just to exist in a cesspit.


Anyway, I do agree with the rest of your sentiment. Social media likely has far more reach than forums. That said, shouldn't be an either or situation when it comes to news.

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Sorry, but I have to agree with the OP.

I needed other players (in-game and on these forums) to tell me that WvW was playable again. I had waited for an official heads-up and had been checking the forums frequently - but, once again, it was only posted on Twitter.

You either make equal use all your platforms to spread information or limit things to one single platform - to post some information here, the other there, and require people to always check all platforms to not miss out on something is a bit annoying.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Sorry, but I have to agree with the OP.

I needed other players (in-game and on these forums) to tell me that WvW was playable again. I had waited for an official heads-up and had been checking the forums frequently - but, once again, it was only posted on Twitter.

You either make equal use all your platforms to spread information or limit things to one single platform - to post some information here, the other there, and require people to always check all platforms to not miss out on something is a bit annoying.

I dont mind they want to use twitter, I do feel sad when they dont post in the forums like they do on twitter. Why cant they just mirror the forums , like post it here then they can mirror it on twitter. I see the devs and anet personal interact more there too. 

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 I agree if they are more active in twitter then why have an "Official GW2 Forum"


Now I am asking myself why even bother replying and interacting in the these forums.


From what I am reading they seem to be more active in twitter posting than the forum but if the OP posts this in twitter then the OP may get banned...  😶


Edited by killforbeers.7534
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53 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I dont mind they want to use twitter, I do feel sad when they dont post in the forums like they do on twitter. Why cant they just mirror the forums , like post it here then they can mirror it on twitter. I see the devs and anet personal interact more there too. 

Thats what the widget or whatever is for which shows the Twitter feed on the forums. 

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Something which just occured to me today:

This forum has 157,178 members, according to the search function (searching for members, with no parameters set so it should show everyone).

The official GW2 Twitter account has 347,858 followers. So by posting there they reach more than twice as many people as posting here, even if not one shares it to their own followers by retweeting or liking it.

Of course it would be better if they posted at least the important or useful stuff in both places, but if they want to post something once and reach as many people as possible it does seem like Twitter is the obvious choice.

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