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Mechanist Bug Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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On 10/28/2021 at 3:36 PM, Tazdingo.8249 said:

I found it too. It looks bug to me because you gain alacrity whenever you apply any boons, not only barriers.

Did you use sanctuary runes? Because then everything works as intended and it is not a bug.

Compounding chemicals in alchemy heals you whenever you apply a boon. Sanctuary runes give you barrier whenever you are healed. The mechanist trait gives alacrity whenever you gain barrier.

It is a cascade of different effects which logically lead to giving you alacrity whenever you give yourself a boon.

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6 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Did you use sanctuary runes? Because then everything works as intended and it is not a bug.

Compounding chemicals in alchemy heals you whenever you apply a boon. Sanctuary runes give you barrier whenever you are healed. The mechanist trait gives alacrity whenever you gain barrier.

It is a cascade of different effects which logically lead to giving you alacrity whenever you give yourself a boon.

You are right! I've totatlly forgotten that trait lol.

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Possible Type: AI
•    Looks like the bot uses the engineer's line of sight when using ranged attacks. It shoots at wall or obstacles instead of search for a clean shoot.
•    Looks like the bot only fights at melee even with jade cannons equiped. It goes at melee before auto-attack the target instead of do it at equiped weapon range (1200).
•    Looks like the bot attacks randomicaly any thing even out of combat while using Aerial Bombardment (J-Drive). It attacks any thing, agressive or not, within 600 radius from engineer instead of do it on-damage-done or on-damage-taken regardless of it's range.

Edited by JETWING.2759
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  • 4 weeks later...

The naming bug seems fixed. 


Still blocks gathering if you dismount to gather and the mech can't be re-summoned (like on a narrow ledge). If you move around a bit, allowing for the mech to spawn, you can start gathering again.


If you dismiss the mech, mount, then dismount, the mech is re-summoned. 


Spawning into a map without the mech summoned, if you mount, then dismount, the mech dismissal animation will play. Mounting again will summon the mech.


The mech still targets random mobs, even neutral ones, near your point of dismount, easily putting you in combat even if you just dismounted to gather. 


Going into gliding and landing or de-activating the glider will re-summon the mech. It will then target a random nearby mob as described above, putting you in combat.


Overclock signet active seems to misfire, at least when firing at a slightly upward angle. The active goes through its full cycle, but stops in mid-air like if you are out of range.

21 hours ago, Daywalker.9710 said:

Not sure if its a bug or previously mentioned but sometimes when I use the elite skill, if the enemy is either higher up on the ground than my mech (e.g. due to a hill), or lower, the mech skill wont hit it. 

This, but I'll have to confirm it for targets below. EDIT: confirmed, good call.



Edited by Athel.2076
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The golem isn't critting like it should.


The paper doll says that it has 70% crit chance but sitting here for the past 15 minutes letting it auto attack the golem I've noticed that even with mass distributor the thing is only critting at 25% which is due to having fury and the base 5% chance.

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EDIT: It appears that mace auto attack 3 does not grant barrier if no mech is summoned, no matter the trait choice.

Mechanist trait "Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits" states When you or your mech apply barrier, also grant alacrity to the affected target.

With no mech summoned and this trait selected, mace auto attack does not grant barrier, and therefore no alacrity.


Side notes:
Tested on Special Forces Area Golem with no-one else in party. Cannot confirm if it gives to other players, but it does not give to self. 
Barrier signet correctly grants barrier and alacrity with no mech summoned. 

Edited by Atrossity.3716
further testing edit
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It seems like my rectifier signet doesn't work, it doesn't give me heal pulse every second but an instantaneous amount of health, dunno if right amount too.

Like mechanist v1, the mech is sometimes stuck like right hand to the sky like a well known displaced gesture. Sometimes after using its pew pew lasers arms it keeps that position with elbow in angle pointing at foes with the two arms/

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Mech Core: J-Drive trait is still bugged.

This is the trait that's supposed to make the signet passives work even after you've used the signet. However, if you use a signet and then mount and dismount the trait stops working and you are not getting the passives anymore until the signet recharges.

Edited by xhyc.2078
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This might've been mentioned before but if you use traits that increase condition duration (such as Serrated Steel and Incendiary Powder) they affect the duration of conditions in the tooltips you see in the trait window of the F1 to F3 skills but they don't affect the tooltips of the actual F1-F3 skills on your bar. I haven't actually tested whether the skills actually have the trait tooltip duration or the skill bar tooltip duration. 

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The trait "Mechanized Deployment" in the tools traitline does not reduce the cooldown of the mech abilities, only the cooldown of resummoning the mech.


As static charge works with these abilities, I would assume they count as toolbelt skills and thus should also get the 15% cooldown reduction.

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  • 2 months later...


If you click "Crash Down" with your cursor (instead of using your F4 keybind) the mechanist will constantly keep doing "Recall Mech"and "Crash Down" everytime they come off cooldown. (you can see that this happened only the second time I manually clicked "Crash Down" at 0:20) This loop can be interrupted by using your F4 keybind.

Edited by santenal.1054
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Using rifle skill "Jump Shot" will let the Mech disappear alot. Especially if you use "Jump Shot" with some distance. It seems like most of the time "Jump Shot" is "too much in the air" and counts as "fyling".

Unfortunately, Mech does not reappear after landing. Jumping around as f*** helps out to making him appear again.

Very annyoing - makes playing rifle very frustrating.

Edited by Forestnator.6298
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Alchemy Trait (Compounding Chemicals) increase concentration on player but does not increase or work with Mech's concentration on 50% or 100% inherited stat while the Firearms Trait (Thermal Vision) that increases expertise works.

Edited by Darkhart.4769
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I think the stats dont inherit properly. I have 1637 condition damage on my mechanist. Mech only has 1500.
Even if infusion wouldnt count, that would be -90 condi dmg so they count. Runes would be -225 so these seem to count too.
I dont know how my mech can reach only exactly 1500 condi dmg. Is it capped at 1500 maybe?

Aside from that, food stat bonuses also dont inherit, same for fractal pots. maybe not a bug but I find this sad because other players get full stat bonuses from them while mechanist does not because mech attacks deal same damage as without food. Means: other players get like 100% of that food buff while you only get 60%-70% of that buff because your mech isnt affected by these buffs.

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While not a mechanist bug, Engineer Explosive Trait [Short Fuse], [Explosive Temper] and [Big Boomer] doesn't trigger on normal rocket turrets attacks.

After experimenting on different attacks that have explosion description on it, i found that the normal attack from the rocket turrets whilst have explosion on its description, does not trigger the three trait mention but the overcharge attack from the rocket turret does. While other trait such as [Shrapnel] and [Steel-Packed Powder] does work on both rocket turret's normal attack and overcharged.

Edited by Darkhart.4769
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