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Ash Legion stealth heart

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I was just wondering if it might be possible for the Ash legion at the Tawny Ridge stealth operation heart to get the line of site cones that you've introduced in some of the living story missions? It might make it easier to understand when new players see them in later missions.


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Hahaha no.

That heart is Anets ultimate torment to the players and they know it. Its the one thing you will always remember from doing world exploration and the one thing that will send shivers down your spine when doing another.

Keep it as is.

In fact, it should have even more patrols.

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56 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

In fact, it should have even more patrols.

I have never in over nine years made it to the other end of the cave undetected. They might as well put a stationary guard looking directly at the heart NPC so that you get discovered as soon as you are put into stealth.

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I think of this every time I do the heart. I'm in the minority who don't find it hard or annoying, but it would definitely help people to have a clear indication of where not to go. Plus while all player characters have the same hitbox, the character model differs and that can throw you off if you're used to one race and try to do the heart on a different one.


As it is, players who don't know of the sneak around outside method and can't get to the end tend to sit at the first flag for several minutes and that's just not fun and grinds play to a halt to do it.


The concept of the heart is good, but the gameplay of it could use another pass with newer tech.

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I'd rather do this heart 100 times than "Brothers, stand tall..." THAT one is annoying lol.

All kidding aside, yeah I know of some people having issues with that heart, and a few pointers I gave them made it at least finishable for them in a timely manner.

From the heart NPC, take a right turn, wait for the one that pops up and dissapears again. Rush by that position and you are pretty much clear to do 3 or 4 flags by simply following the wall, climb over the tents.

If discovered, wait for those flags to respawn.

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On 10/30/2021 at 8:32 AM, etempco.1598 said:

Assuming it hasn't been recently changed, you can use the Prototype Position Rewinder to teleport instantly to the end of the "maze" and get good chunks of completion done that way.


That's brilliant! I don't even need world completion right now, yet want to test this out.

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On 10/29/2021 at 9:47 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

I’ve never understood why people find this heart so annoying. I’d rather do it a dozen times than do Caithe’s memory stealth mission once.

Okay I don't mind the heart but I adore the Caithe's memory stealth mission. That is amazingly well designed. And I find it massively fun. I've done it for a bunch of guildies to get them  the stealth achievement, because any excuse to play it is a good one.

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The Rewinder sounds like a fun way to do it.  But for those without, as alluded to in other posts in this thread:  Don't go inside at all.  As you face the entrance, turn left and go along outside the wall (keeping the Ash area on your right).  You will have one mob to possibly cause problems since you can't move very fast, but when you go up the dirt ramp and into the side entrance you'll get a ding towards completion.  I think it takes three of these "runs" to complete the heart.


The Ash like you to think outside the box.

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9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Okay I don't mind the heart but I adore the Caithe's memory stealth mission. That is amazingly well designed. And I find it massively fun. I've done it for a bunch of guildies to get them  the stealth achievement, because any excuse to play it is a good one.


I’ve never understood why if you fail stealth it aggros the entire room while telling you to defeat enemies to re-enter stealth. 

Ive enjoyed other stealth tasks in the game like the Academy graffiti or Wolverine shrine. The Caithe one always strikes me as poorly designed.

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8 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:


I’ve never understood why if you fail stealth it aggros the entire room while telling you to defeat enemies to re-enter stealth. 

Ive enjoyed other stealth tasks in the game like the Academy graffiti or Wolverine shrine. The Caithe one always strikes me as poorly designed.

Because it's designed so that all those guys are tethered together. It's just one room. In my mind it makes more sense than other areas of the game where you're 10 feet from people, in a huge battle with a sword clanking and grunts and shouts and those guys don't notice you at all, as if they're a sound bubble. Hell, half the time I'm wondering why the animation of my permanent gathering tools doesn't draw enemies.

On a more serious note, the actual mechanic is the trick and once you master the mechanic there's no reason to fail it. However, if you're in a room with patrols and sentries and it's all a single lab, one one guy notices you, he's not going to shout? That's not badly designed. That's well designed. 

Not to mention fighting a room full of those guys is pretty easy to begin with unless you're on challenge mode.

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14 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Because it's designed so that all those guys are tethered together. It's just one room. In my mind it makes more sense than other areas of the game where you're 10 feet from people, in a huge battle with a sword clanking and grunts and shouts and those guys don't notice you at all, as if they're a sound bubble. Hell, half the time I'm wondering why the animation of my permanent gathering tools doesn't draw enemies.

On a more serious note, the actual mechanic is the trick and once you master the mechanic there's no reason to fail it. However, if you're in a room with patrols and sentries and it's all a single lab, one one guy notices you, he's not going to shout? That's not badly designed. That's well designed. 

Not to mention fighting a room full of those guys is pretty easy to begin with unless you're on challenge mode.

It makes sense in the game world, but not in the context of “defeat enemies to regain stealth” and the all or nothing nature of it from a game design standpoint.

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7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

It makes sense in the game world, but not in the context of “defeat enemies to regain stealth” and the all or nothing nature of it from a game design standpoint.

I disagree. It is all or nothing in these situations. If you try to knock someone out and they see you and don't get knocked out they cry out and eveyone in the room is alerted. That's just logic to me.

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18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I disagree. It is all or nothing in these situations. If you try to knock someone out and they see you and don't get knocked out they cry out and eveyone in the room is alerted. That's just logic to me.

Yeah, I get it. You’re very focused on the logic of the in-game world. I agreed it makes sense on that particular level.

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11 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Get out of here with your logic in a fantasy game!  😆

I love logic in fantasy games. It doesn't happen often enough. I'd prefer to get leather from deer, instead of wondering where it got a mace from.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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