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Jade bot revive makes Rangers redundant

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So I've jsut saw the new gameplay trailer and the new jade bot mastery looked like it had a new self revive mechanic.

So with the addition of the Jade Golem and now the self revive, ever uniquely positive aspect of Ranger is just being stripped and given to other classes in a better (in terms of Jade Golem) or redunant (Jade bot revive) way.


It feels long over due but its time to rework some of the core concepts of the classes now what each class has 3 elite specs, I feel like each class should have atleast one thing that they can do that no-one else can e.g. Necromancer minion spamming, Elementalist verstility of skills, Mesmers PvE support.


If something is in the works to change I would lvoe for ANet to let us know, I think a lot of people want this.

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Wasn't this an issue before now though? Mesmers used to be the portal class - now they share that with others. Thief used to be the shadowstep class - now they share that with others. Ranger used to be the pet class, Engie used to be the lil robots class and so on. Professions have been gradually merging for a while now.

Giving people a way to self-revive was always possible with a revive orb; this is just another form of that and so I'm not sure it ruins or changes anything for Rangers that wasn't already implemented. I'll be interested to see what limitations (if any) this new method has.

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Just curious, which other classes can use portals? Only Mesmers can do that. And the point I was trying to make was each class still has that little thing that only they can do, but I'm really struggling to think of anything unique about rangers at this point.


And in terms of the revive orb, yeah they made it so you can come back the death, the ranger could never do that. But the ranger always had a solo PvE advantage of being able to revive themselves with their pet when downed. If the mastery allows everyone to do that, cool beans. But I'd like Rangers downed skill to be changed to something else then.

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17 minutes ago, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Just curious, which other classes can use portals? Only Mesmers can do that. And the point I was trying to make was each class still has that little thing that only they can do, but I'm really struggling to think of anything unique about rangers at this point.


And in terms of the revive orb, yeah they made it so you can come back the death, the ranger could never do that. But the ranger always had a solo PvE advantage of being able to revive themselves with their pet when downed. If the mastery allows everyone to do that, cool beans. But I'd like Rangers downed skill to be changed to something else then.

Thief and Necro can portal.

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Self ressing is hardly a unique ranger feature. There are plenty of others that can do that and for quite a long time.
The jade bot ress is a simple quality of life improvement for PvE players when they wind up all alone in a very dark forest with a very glassy build.

In places where it matters (competitive, end game content) it'll likely be disabled or balanced so that i can't hold a candle to actual player that specced into ressing his allies or self.

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We don't know how it will work, maybe it's disabled in PvP/WvW, maybe it will cost something rare, maybe it's timegated to once every 8 hours, maybe it only works in cantha, maybe it will revive you with a debuff, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe... I love when the whining starts over things people are imagining rather than base the whining on actual tested and played content. Never change forum crowd, never change xD

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38 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

We don't know how it will work, maybe it's disabled in PvP/WvW, maybe it will cost something rare, maybe it's timegated to once every 8 hours, maybe it only works in cantha, maybe it will revive you with a debuff, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe... I love when the whining starts over things people are imagining rather than base the whining on actual tested and played content. Never change forum crowd, never change xD

Maybe it will remove Rangers too.... don't forget that!!!!

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First of all we dont know if it's a self revive or a function gyro . We barely see 3 sec of an Azura waking up.


~~Second, I am pretty sure that Azura was completely dead. Not down, just dead. And as far as I know, no classes can instantly revive dead people like that, not even a Necromancer. ~~ Nevermind that the Azura was actually just down. So it is most likely going to act as a function gyro. But we still dont know if it is a personnal revive and/or someone has to manually trigger that on you.


I fail to see where the mastery makes Rangers redundant but what I dont fail to see is the your proposition to make some class do unique things which is plain bad. We currently see how well it works when Firebrand is the only class in the game able to spam Aegis + Stability + Protection. 

Edited by Alcatraznc.3869
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17 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

I am pretty certain that we won’t be able to use the Jade Bots in WvW and PvP. So they don’t really make rangers obsolete. 

They can turn it into a WvW skill but i don't think i want them to, it might be like Scrapper's Function Gyro just 1 instead of 3

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I do see homogenization as a problem, from a roleplaying game approach. Just about every MMORPG I've played has had it creep in. Lots of people want it. You won't see many people going against it from the start.

However, I want to see if there are drawbacks to this ability. Is it going to revive us at 100% HP or is it going to put us in a vulnerable and risky state? Will it debuff us for a short period of time? Can the bot be killed in a single CC, like the function gyro on the scrapper? How long is the cooldown? Does it actually revive that fast? There might actually be times when we aren't supposed to use this bot, as if you downstate 3x in a row you instantly die. I want to know more about it.

Edited by Quench.7091
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