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2/28 PvP Balance

Cal Cohen.2358

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This balance patch would be good if it was 2 weeks after the previous one, but it has been months. What were you guys doing all this time ? There are no mechanical change in skills/traitlines to favor new options, it's just CD increases.
Disappointing. I hope you will be more reactive once End of gw2 pvp Dragons will be released.

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Necromancer changes are...fine, I guess. Nice that they finally touched on Lich, and at this point I can understand that the devs don't really have the time needed to make mechanical changes, and so are stuck making purely numerical ones.


That said, I don't understand some of these changes. Things like Deathly Claws AA damage, flesh wurm cooldown, and Weakening Shroud were actually problems with the numbers and so are solved by number tweaks.


Thinks like Thief's Shadow's Rejuvenation is NOT a numerical problem - the issue is that it rewards stealth stacking. So trying to change the numbers can help, but doesn't necessarily do anything to fix the problem. Just like Hide in Shadows and Blinding Powder, trying to force in number changes on skills that have mechanical issues will either do nothing, or you'll have to beat them so hard with the numbers that it'll just kitten people off. Also, I'm tired of thief's utility cooldowns getting pushed towards 50 seconds when they don't have near the power to justify the cooldown - this makes the changes feel like a wimpy band-aid solution, and anet doesn't have a good track record on undoing past changes once the reason for making them is gone.

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as a longbow main  i like these changes, clicking my buttons definitely feels bad when i cant see the thief and that dang shield is up making me not hit them, not to mention when they get behind me and i have to turn and attack them, i hate it when i click my buttons and it doesnt hit them because they are behind me XD

Edited by Nihil.9817
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Why nerf\buff everything about a class at once?


For example. Roll out blood magic nerfs for necroes and healing CD nerfs for thief. Observe. Not enough? Next set of nerfs for necroes (Lich form) and thiefs. Etc. What's so hard about incremental changes?


Also is anything being done about DHs and Heralds? Those classes are tearing up ~1500 bracket as much as necroes\thiefs\guardians, if not more

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22 hours ago, Cal Cohen.2358 said:

Finally, Deathly Claws is getting a reduction in damage. While good counterplay options exist, it can be more difficult to capitalize on these as a team in a less coordinated environment like ranked.

The state of Ranked PvP when you don't let players actually team up to play. This is basically, "Yeah, we know there are many ways to counter Lich Form, but Ranked PvP players are a mess and have no idea how to play as a team since we forced Solo/Duo queue on everyone."

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What about giving tempest ammo for all its shouts but after shock and rebound? Being able to have 2 eye of the storms would be very nice in a burst of cc counter but after you eaten up the 2 charges it becomes a nominal shout as it is now. Flash freez is in no way powerfully as say after shock it for sure should have 2 charges.

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10 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

What about giving tempest ammo for all its shouts but after shock and rebound? Being able to have 2 eye of the storms would be very nice in a burst of cc counter but after you eaten up the 2 charges it becomes a nominal shout as it is now. Flash freez is in no way powerfully as say after shock it for sure should have 2 charges.

I think tempest should get a permanent passive buff where they have forever reflect.

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5 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

I think tempest should get a permanent passive buff where they have forever reflect.

The point of giving ammo to skills is to let a player have a higher burst in a moment but after that burst the stander use of the skill kicks in. Perma reflect not part of my suggestion.

Feel the burn having 2 charges with no cd change means you can do feel the burn back to back once in a fight. After that it will still be on its stander cd. A lot of long cd skills can get a lot more use with out braking the cd of an skill by making it to low. How many times do you want a skill to be used per fight? By adding ammo you only add 1 more use if more then 2 charges you add that number of use per fight. So anet is making the use of the skill feel the burn +1 use per fight (if enofe time is given between a fight).

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On 2/18/2022 at 11:53 PM, Nimbus Nomad.1237 said:

No i still think you always take aura share, especially since elemental bastion heals more now. It was healing about 900 hp per aura shared previously(with sigil of transference), so it will probably heal around 1300 now, which is great. 

These tempest changes are actually amazing, even with the glyph cd increase(you rarely were using it on CD anyways)  


What people forget is that Feel the Burn! gives 6 might in PvP and one burn condi . This how I used it when I played condi Tempest in PvP the problem is / was only you weren't that fast . D/H as also might share + fury with those changes Tempest has a really good might up time for the group and itself.

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Can we make bets? 


I bet that these changes will be left mid air like Feb Patch and Resolution changes and never be completed. 


I bet that they will shoehorn the especs as per expansion standards, into the meta to justify the changes and how the especs can work around them with their toolkit.


I also bet that the summer balance patch will be a distaster for warriors and rangers, not only in pve but someohow in competetive as well!

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I mean the cooldown nerfs to the auto-revive utilities is a good move at least. Personally I'd have given them drawbacks rather than longer cooldowns, but its better than nothing.
Undeath signet has a massive drawback, banner has a three hour cooldown and S&R and can be cleaved as its not an auto revive so they don't really bother me. 

~ Kovu

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Solid Necro nerfs

But please, for the love of god, nerf Necromantic Corruption.  Bump it up to a 20-30 seconds or higher between minions pulling conditions from the main necro.

That trait is so ridiculous literally nothing on any class can mathematically compete with half of what minionmancer the cleanses even when taking the built in interval between minions pulling cleanses.

Wilderness survival doesn't come close to to half the conditions cleansed per minute as Necromantic Corruption.  Elusive Mind even while absolutely min-maxed for maximum cleans doesn't come close to half the cleanses per minute as Necromantic Corruption.  And both of those are grand master traits. 

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Positively hysterical.  Predictable results, but even these defy expectations.  Not a single jab at the problems that actually make GW2 PvP so shallow, sure, but only a mere 19, superficial number adjustments.  The poor dude who wrote this thread's original post probably put more effort into all those superfluous paragraphs than what was required to change a few numerical values in this game's spaghetti code.  Absolute clown college.

Thank goodness I preordered Elden Ring lmao

Edited by Swagg.9236
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On 2/18/2022 at 8:24 PM, Nimbus Nomad.1237 said:

Hmm. I'm pretty sure it's just a straight buff since burning has a consistant way of being calculated. 

 3 seconds of burning on ability x doesn't have different damage than 3 seconds of burning from ability y. They should always be the same, assuming all other variables remain constant, right? So 6 seconds of 2 stacks of burning will always be more than 4 seconds of 2 stacks of burning. 

I just looked it up to confirm. Didn't know it worked that way. 

Played this game for 3 years and didn't realize that some abilites do more burning than other because they do multiple stacks at once. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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