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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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The problem with basing success on everyone understanding things is that this isn't a raid, where you can kick people who don't know what they're doing or decide to just AFK or otherwise screw it up for everyone. What if someone brand new gets green circled and then has no idea what to do? They've screwed over the whole group. A shorter timer for that is not a good solution, it just means it's going to fail faster.

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49 minutes ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:



I've done mythic raiding in wow for 10+ years and so the rng isn't new to me, it can be really annoying when it doesn't go your way but ultimately it keeps the event from being cheeseable.



Raiding as an organized squad in a relatively short raid is one thing, wasting 2h of 50+ people a whole other. The effects RNG have on this particular encounter are far too strong. You can either be really lucky and have smooth sailing with several defiance bar phases which net you a whole +30% pDPS/ +100% cDPS bonus (which is utterly insane) for 30s or you have very, very few real burst phases due to constant boss movement and the tail mechanic. If it weren't for the timer, the same squad could probably easily face clearing time differences of at least 10 minutes just due to luck. That's just a big no no in terms of game design.

GW2 also isn't WoW. Arena Net cultivated (almost hardcore) casual gameplay for almost 10 years by now. You can't just go crazy as developer and implement such a challenging meta event and even lock fundamental parts of the game behind said meta event. I've played a lot of MMORPGs during my life and GW2 is probably one of the games with the messiest communities out there. Arena Net basically fostered both toxic elitism and toxic casualty - kitten, some people even complain on map chat that they aren't obliged to read map chat and explanations about the new meta event.

That particular event needs some major changes as to how mechanics work. You can't have that insane level of RNG in an event that takes 2h of work. The greens mechanic also needs an overhaul. The already mentioned suggestion to just have a set number of people reach the platform to have the fight continue is just fine. Due to how unstable the game currently is, there also seems to be a need for a re-entry mechanic for people whose client crashed or who got a DC.

Edited by Raizel.8175
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5 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

For now, we’re targeting changes to improve successful completion rates of the encounter. If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection. We’ll be monitoring the impact of these changes over the weekend.

Thank you team for working on this and taking steps to make the meta more fun for everybody. 

Reading over the notes I am glad to hear about the timing change for the green circle whisp phase. I am hopeful this will help with making the content accessible to more players. 

However, overall I find this announcement a little 'tone deaf'. It doesn't feel like the rate of clears is improving because players are learning, but because players are gate keeping. People are being paid to leave maps, squads are now forming asking for LI minimums and killproof before accepting players. Commanders have to organise runs with 10 subgroups and sort out a heal and support per group. Fine for now on launch week, but how is that sustainable in a few month when most high end players have the turtle. It's really an exercise in herding cats to command this meta. 

Obviously will see how this plays now, but it's not instilling a lot of faith that I can take my non-raiding friends for a run any time soon. 

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As a casual player seeing so little changed is disheartening, I play mostly solo and don't have a lot of friends playing this game or who are up to this content, I don't want to be forced to join a discord call just to clear a meta when every other meta in game I have cleared with zero issue. Please find a middle ground, the RNG is a huge issue like people are pointing out, it's not challenging it's just irritating and upsetting to watch 2 hours of a perfect run go down the drain due to her swoops and tail phases being far too frequent and completely random. I hope you listen to more casual players because at the moment I feel completely unheard.

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Thank you for making continuous changes to the meta to make it more fun for everyone while challenging at the same time! The main issue with the meta is the RNG with the boss choosing its attacks. I beat the meta with 4mins to spare with the boss only doing breath attacks but a friend of mine failed because the boss kept doing the bite attack & switching sides. Just add a bit of a cooldown between attacks or change the RNG to not let the boss use the same attack in a row and it should be fine.

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I know you don't read your forums, but drop the Blizzard-tier arrogance and appropriately nerf this boss. Your chance of clearing shouldn't be at the whims of RNG(tail up when breakbars spawn)


Edited by Shiyo.3578
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1 hour ago, Sister Xing.9072 said:

I just commanded this fight with this new patch.

Here is what happened:
Starting at patch, I took the 30 minute pre event string to gather up everyone in the map. Asking people to leave if they were not doing the meta. We got a FANTASTIC group. Everyone listened, everyone did as asked.
We smashed the opening with 10 minutes to spare. Everything went perfect.

Started the boss fight. BURNED HER TO 80% in 1 minute. FANTASTIC DPS
Green phase everyone came up as they should. THE PHASE DIDN'T END. That's okay, we aren't stuck for two minutes like before.
Get our first CC, absolutely smashed it. Got the exposed buff. Got her to 72% before tail popped. 
Killed tail nice and quick.
She did a swoop.
Then ANOTHER swoop.
Finally able to attack her again.. tail spawns again.
CC pops while tail is up...
Kill tail... AGAIN
Attack her down to 62%
Ignore it and dps to 60%
Phase, get through wirl in ~20 seconds
Pair bosses down in ~1 minute. Perfect timing
Get back up to the platform and start smacking her
5 seconds later Tail pops
We kill tail
5 seconds later Tail pops
Kill tail
finally do DPS
Get her down to 45%
Tail -.-
Finally get her to 40%, phase
Do greens - hit max timer again
Start killing her again
get her to 38%, tail
37% CC
Pass CC check
down to 32%
Another CC check we make
Get to dps for the last 1 minute to 20%
Wirl phase - timer ends.

The RNG on these is REDICULIOUS
Please, please, please, pleeeeaaasee set CC, swoop, and tail at certain % in the fight. This is the 15th time I've failed this, even with these updates. The added cc buff is USELESS IF YOU CAN'T HIT HER

EXACTLY!!! I got a amazing group but the RNG was ridiculous, CC while tail is up and SWOOP SWOOP..

Edited by VictorLeal.4102
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They need to do something about her tail coming up every 5 goddamn seconds and her constant moving.  I just did a run where  were doing great on time and then she started constantly moving back and forth and as soon as she stopped, she would pop up her tail, then dash around some more, then finally we get the tail down after she moved around all over the kitten place... literally count to like 10 and the kittening tail is back up!  Ended up failing by 20% and we were way up on time at one point.  Between the wisp phases, the bosses you have to split up to kill, and her constant moving you can't even dps her for half the fight.

Oh, and we had ZERO chances to break her bar other than the one they always give you at the start of the fight.

Edited by Will.9785
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The Dragon's End meta is definitely overtuned, even after these "fixes". The closest I've gotten is 10%, and that was with a coordinated group making calls, placing markers, and skipping wisp phase (before it got fixed).

This also doesn't change that pre-event phase is still unnecessarily long, especially for an encounter that's basically doomed to fail if your whole squad isn't at top-tier raid levels. It just isn't worth it to try at this point, praying for that one golden run where everything is perfect.

Please fix this meta so that people can actually get their turtles. Rollover escort timers from fast clears or just add a few minutes to the clock, nerf the scaling, anything to make this actually accessible to the average open world player.

Edited by Ozimul.9185
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10th attempt for me after the latest patch. Had an organized group, buffs, banners, food. No, afaict, first timers. All stages were clearly explained. Cooperation was great. No arguing or confusion. All green circles filled both times. No griefing. We executed well. Failed at 20%. Another 2 hours wasted.

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Did it again with a different group. Fully organized, doing well for time, then the last 2 minutes was a literal rollercoaster. I swear the amount of back and forth this Meta does is actually making me dizzy at certain points. I actually felt nauseous on that last run because the AI was going ballistic. 

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I think they will leave it that way now and if the card is dead because no one wants it anymore, the boss will be changed.
This is just ignorant of what is happening if you want to challenge it then please do it as an attack mission.
So people can choose what they want to play but you prevent players from getting advertised content from the expansion what they paid for!!!
Just because nothing is changed and you remain stubborn.

Then change the achievements so that the meta achievement is no longer necessary

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Thank you, ANet...for an amazing story...beautiful places...interesting characters...even cool new gameplay elements. The game is awesome...but this meta event. I get it. You can't make everyone happy. I genuinely don't understand the people who want it to stay the way it is/ was. It's all been so toxic after everything else was near perfection. I just don't get it.

My excitement for the mount has unfortunately been squashed. IF I ever get it (going to try this meta again after the updates when I get home - against my better judgement)...it won't even feel special. I probably won't even use it that much. You wanted it to feel earned. I get it. But thats not how it feels after all this. Thank you for the changes...but this community is becoming more and more toxic. The superiority and gatekeeping isn't helping. I'm sorry, but I loved everything up to the meta...then to be punished like that? For what? It doesn't feel like an 'epic battle'...I apologize again...but it feels like a punishment. I play games to escape reality (including people)...but we are now forced to rely on jerks, trolls, and the poor new people who have THIS as a 'memorable' GW2 experience...its not THEIR fault at least...but of all the GOOD content in the game...THIS could have been a good experience for all of us...I don't get the design choices for this fight...but thank you for everything else. 

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Just attempted an organized 50-man squad run. We had everything: Discord, calls, good CCs, good Damage, full buffed, all greens filled.


But the boss kept moving around, we only had 1 CC in the entire fight and in the last 3% she decided to ping-pong and be invul all over the place, so we obviously failed. 


This is seriously infuriating. It's ruining an overall good expansion to me; the amount of stress, frustration, wasted time just to unlock a new mount is maddening to a point I can't enjoy the other content because right now I know everyone is focusing on this so my odds of ever succeeding are now, when people are trying the most, not in a week, not in a month.

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8 minutes ago, Xero the Dark.8230 said:

it feels like a punishment.

That kind of sums it up for me, too.


I've tried it. It's everything I hate about GW2, all rolled into one.


I'm a mostly solo player, I have my doubts about how much I'll even use the turtle. Ever. But still, the collection is something to hammer away at from time to time, and I do have SOME friends that I may want to use it with.


But this? Kitten this.


[Edit] I want to add, I actually liked the story up until there. I've had issues with the story in the past, but this was good! I was invested! But this really just ... it's like getting to the end of a good book, only to find that the author edited the ending of the story by sending the last few pages through Google Translate several times until it's a worthless, jumbled mess.

Edited by Palador.2170
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Issue I was running into is despite breaking the cc bar she just ignores her stun and uses her swoop atack going invun and negating the point of the cc phase. Also it seems her cc phase will pop up during the tail phases meaning people will be focued on the tail and not able to cc her. The tail respawns way to often and the rng of the cc is cruel joke.

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3 minutes ago, Chocofox.9503 said:

Issue I was running into is despite breaking the cc bar she just ignores her stun and uses her swoop atack going invun and negating the point of the cc phase. Also it seems her cc phase will pop up during the tail phases meaning people will be focued on the tail and not able to cc her. The tail respawns way to often and the rng of the cc is cruel joke.

You're right, it often happens that a cc phase occurs during the tail phase

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In other words "The meta is hardly being completed at all and launched in a bad state and too many players were leaving the game, so we have rushed out a fix to it and will have it to you soon, don't leave!" 


Why launch it in a state that would be hated by most players and only defended by hardcore raiders who want OW content as hard as raid boss pve encounters? GW2 is NOT a raid game. 

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2 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Why launch it in a state that would be hated by most players and only defended by hardcore raiders who want OW content as hard as raid boss pve encounters? GW2 is NOT a raid game. 

I don't see how they tested this without seeing the same issues players have been talking about since launch day let alone 4 days in the expansion. The length of the pre-meta setup, the complexity of the mechanics (for OW meta), wisp eating 2 minutes, failure effectively wasting your time since the pre-meta doesn't give worthwhile rewards. I've only managed to beat the meta once, but I didn't see any of the non-turtle chest rewards make doing this meta worth it more than once either.

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Stayed this late just to complete the meta for once. 7% HP and like 1 minute left after doing the CC, suddently the boss does this attack where she becomes untargetable and switch sides, a process that takes several seconds where you can't damage her. Then right after doing that move, SHE DOES IT AGAIN. Result, the timer runs out at 2%.

I really appreciate the map, the meta and the events that require coordination, but becoming untargetable twice in a row is far from fun, as if the target spots weren't already imprecise enough, as if hoping for so many casual players to make the wisp mechanic in time were a realistic expectation.

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2 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

Stayed this late just to complete the meta for once. 7% HP and like 1 minute left after doing the CC, suddently the boss does this attack where she becomes untargetable and switch sides, a process that takes several seconds where you can't damage her. Then right after doing that move, SHE DOES IT AGAIN. Result, the timer runs out at 2%.

I really appreciate the map, the meta and the events that require coordination, but becoming untargetable twice in a row is far from fun, as if the target spots weren't already imprecise enough, as if hoping for so many casual players to make the wisp mechanic in time were a realistic expectation.

Half the mechanics need to be a single variable check per phase, especially the tail. It's like whoever designed this is in love with math.random().

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The last nerf isn't enough. Nerf that again please.

Why not putting the difficulty into the personal story (& raids) rather than the open world?

Maps are full, it's fail on fail and now Commanders are kicking at any mistake... Not fun at all.

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