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Why do you even want the turtle?

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First off, I gotta say: I play 70-80% of the time with my fiance, and being together on one mount is kinda cute and fun. However,  we paid for the expansion because we love the game and thought it would be nice to contribute to a company who deserves our dollars. We have had many enjoyable hours together with this game. Also, bonus; more maps and story, etc. We also thought we would get turtles and that's cute too.


But the 'getting the turtle' thing is a little crazy. We both have jobs and kids and decided having the turtle mount is not important. It's slow. It does some damage, I guess but we do damage separately that's considerable. So we're just gonna skip it for now because it's not worth the time.


What I want to know is why everyone is hating on each other over this meta? Everyone is so angry with each other and ArenaNet. Is there something I'm not getting? Is it the prestige? Is it just so cute? What's the big deal here? 

What am I missing?!

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On one side you have player who finished everything and got their turtle. On the other you have people who are still struggling to get finish the ED meta.


On one side you have player who says "git gud" or advise other player to form a group, define their role, what their can bring to the table, basically make a full preparation. And on the other side, you have players who refuses to do any of that because they are ""casual"" and feel they should not have to go through all of that for a turtle. 


As you said, the turtle isnt some gamebreaking or gamechanging pet. As of right now, I guess you could say it is a form of ""prestige"" but it really isnt. The turtle is proof of your perseverance. Some people decided to give up, other decided it is worth investing more time to get the turtle. 

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2 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

it was advertised as a main feature of the expansion.

This alone is the only reason anyone should need to give. I don't see why anyone should be expected to explain to OP why they'd want a primary selling point feature of a product they paid for.

Like I'm really trying to bite my tongue on my own intensity here, but it's kind of... strange to ask people in bafflement why they'd want this thing that was advertised as part of the experience of what they paid for, which according to reports, they were told it would be significantly easier to get than it actually has been.

I'm frankly weirded out at the very idea of it. Like in what other sphere of goods and services would anyone be going "why do you even want [thing that was advertised to come with the product]?" First time on these forums I've felt a confused emoji is warranted.

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I'm mostly ambivalent about the turtle but it will be useful to get my alt accounts places, I want the AP, and it was an advertised mount that they pre-sold merchandise for so I'm more than a little miffed that it's so difficult to get.

But since you brought up DE specifically, I care more about the multiple achievements that are being blocked than the turtle. And at the end of the day, you can tell people that "X isn't that great" all you want but that doesn't change the fact they cannot make that decision for themselves in a not dissimilar way that telling someone to calm down doesn't calm them down even if they're worked up about something you deem trivial. Yes it may not be a game changing mount but that doesn't matter here as there's far more to it than people only wanting a mount on par with, say, the skyscale.

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Its a toy, its useless everywhere cept where siege damage can be applied and was their most advertised thing about the entire Expansion. They said it would be "easier then Beetle". They did not say it would originally start locked behind a raid boss. Every single advert had the Turtle, its almost like that is actually what they were selling. That is why Turtle, people bought the expac purely for the Turtle, and then they got Gatekept. 

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I have to say thanks for everyone for their honest answers even if some were a little heated.  I feel the expansion itself was the "main feature of the expansion" but we all paid for different reasons, I suppose.


Maybe if you could use the turtle in wvw it would make more sense for me to work hard for it.


I will definitely get it when it's easier. I'm just trying to understand why people are so angry at each other.

There's a lot of hate in the world, it's just hard to watch my favorite game devolve into that mess.  😟


Edited by Karanoia.2091
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9 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

On one side you have player who finished everything and got their turtle. On the other you have people who are still struggling to get finish the ED meta.


On one side you have player who says "git gud" or advise other player to form a group, define their role, what their can bring to the table, basically make a full preparation. And on the other side, you have players who refuses to do any of that because they are ""casual"" and feel they should not have to go through all of that for a turtle. 


As you said, the turtle isnt some gamebreaking or gamechanging pet. As of right now, I guess you could say it is a form of ""prestige"" but it really isnt. The turtle is proof of your perseverance. Some people decided to give up, other decided it is worth investing more time to get the turtle. 

I have started seeing Turtle mounts about.  I don't fall on my knees in awe, or gnash my teeth in jealousy.  I just acknowledge what I am seeing, and go about whatever it is I am doing. 

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50 minutes ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

I have to say thanks for everyone for their honest answers even if some were a little heated.  I feel the expansion itself was the "main feature of the expansion" but we all paid for different reasons, I suppose.


Maybe if you could use the turtle in wvw it would make more sense for me to work hard for it.


I will definitely get it when it's easier. I'm just trying to understand why people are so angry at each other.

There's a lot of hate in the world, it's just hard to watch my favorite game devolve into that mess.  😟


My take is that the turtle isn’t really the issue that’s causing people to be angry. It’s that a portion of the player base is feeling pushed into content they don’t enjoy in a way that’s been pretty rare in this game, and the  portion of the player base that does enjoy it feels their content is threatened because of it.

Atenanet served us some pepperoni pizza a la mode and put a reward behind eating it all down. Because the pizza lovers feel like mostly they just get served ice cream, they’re happy to defend this unappetizing blend because, hey, at least it means more pizza. Meanwhile the ice cream lovers can’t understand why someone wants them to eat pizza so much.

The reward is just the thing that keeps everyone from just walking away from the weird experiment and going back to eating what they like. But it’s the heavy-handed attempt to get one portion of the player base doing another portion of the game that’s the real cause.

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10 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

Why do you even want the turtle?

I don't care about the turtle beyond it bringing the concept of "combat mounts" to the table (A-Net, packt fleet golem battlesuit mount please!!!), I do care about the mastery that increases the HP of all your other mounts by 50%.

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7 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

I got it for the HP boost on other mounts


7 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

I don't care about the turtle beyond it bringing the concept of "combat mounts" to the table (A-Net, packt fleet golem battlesuit mount please!!!), I do care about the mastery that increases the HP of all your other mounts by 50%.


Hey, I just wanted to give an extra thanks for this because I definitely wasn't aware about the boost. That seems like a very worthwhile reason.


Also for some of you to say that I'm asking you all not to be mad: I'm not. I just wanted to understand.

We all play this game differently and maybe it is a little unreasonable for Anet to try to make us all do the same things. IF that's what they were trying to do.  Maybe the real problem is they're trying to please too many people at once?  Just a thought.

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9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I don't see why anyone should be expected to explain to OP why they'd want a primary selling point feature of a product they paid for.

That's how I feel about it. If you bought tickets to see a movie where Pikachu was displayed front and center in all posters, trailers, and promos, and then learned Pikachu only shows up in the end credits and contributes nothing to the film, I imagine you'd be pretty annoyed. As it stands, you go through the entirety of EoD and then maybe, with a bit of luck, you walk away with the ability to start working on a new mount. That's lame.

Me personally? Don't actually want it. I didn't enjoy the way it moved during the beta and it has no siege mode for solo players, rendering it useless to me. If I get it at all, it'll just be to clear out the mastery, rack up some AP, and move on.

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9 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Its a toy, its useless everywhere cept where siege damage can be applied and was their most advertised thing about the entire Expansion. They said it would be "easier then Beetle". They did not say it would originally start locked behind a raid boss. Every single advert had the Turtle, its almost like that is actually what they were selling. That is why Turtle, people bought the expac purely for the Turtle, and then they got Gatekept. 

also inst a good idea advertise something that would be useful in WvW, and probably attracted some wvw'ers then lock  it behind a raid like encounter lol.. 

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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10 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

That's how I feel about it. If you bought tickets to see a movie where Pikachu was displayed front and center in all posters, trailers, and promos, and then learned Pikachu only shows up in the end credits and contributes nothing to the film, I imagine you'd be pretty annoyed. As it stands, you go through the entirety of EoD and then maybe, with a bit of luck, you walk away with the ability to start working on a new mount. That's lame.

Me personally? Don't actually want it. I didn't enjoy the way it moved during the beta and it has no siege mode for solo players, rendering it useless to me. If I get it at all, it'll just be to clear out the mastery, rack up some AP, and move on.

This is kinda how I feel.  ANet specifically said that acquiring the ST would be "comparable" to the Beetle's acquisition process, and while we could debate the meaning and intent of "comparable" all day long, I think they don't even sound close.  Getting the Beetle was quick and easy.  And this is coming from someone who got the Griffon (250 gold), the Skyscale upon first release (long and onerous), and even the Warclaw although I play very little WvW.  Anyway, I've seen the ST in-game from other players and can't say I particularly want it although one of the masteries sounds nice for other mounts.

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12 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

What am I missing?!

Nothing, really. I think ANet overdid it with the turtle. I like science fantasy, magetech and the idea of forging magic and technology into one singular "science" or discipline. But for me the Asura and their golemancy was always the red line before things become absurd. With their flying, hopping turtle mount with blasters and jade mortars the concept just became a tad too hilarious and absurd for me. This is just fan service and probably a revenue magnet.

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