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PvE method for Acquisition of Gift of Battle

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I've done this numerous times now, and it increasingly ticks me off every time I have to get a Gift of Battle.

Why, for items that are ostensibly PvE ones, do I have to do WvW in the first place?

Why can't I just buy the Gift of Battle like I can the other PvP materials that make up the Gift of the Mists?


I think point 1 is the one that annoys me the most, as people who play GW2 for WvW only have been given ways of gaining PvE items without ever having to set foot in the Open World. Yet there's no similar "Track" system for PvE players wanting to get things from WvW.


Note, this isn't about the relative ease of getting the Gift of Battle (with the right boosters, it took me less than a day of concentrated WvW), but more about the fact that I'm being forced to play a mode that I simply don't enjoy, no matter how many times I have to.


I don't do badly in WvW, but I simply find it boring and tedious with no real sense of progression or accomplishment, and as soon as I got my Gift of Battle yesterday, I was outta there.


So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

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I think someone once mentioned the idea of reward tracks for open world (for another reason) and I think that might be a nice way to make something like this available. Maybe something like completing events in open world progresses the track and it can be used to get a few extra transmutation charges (like other reward tracks) as well as stuff like this. Might have to be balanced to be a little less rewarding than reward tracks in other game modes, since the point of those is to make up for not getting PvE rewards, but still, might be something of an idea in there.

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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I've done this numerous times now, and it increasingly ticks me off every time I have to get a Gift of Battle.

Why, for items that are ostensibly PvE ones, do I have to do WvW in the first place?

Why can't I just buy the Gift of Battle like I can the other PvP materials that make up the Gift of the Mists?


I think point 1 is the one that annoys me the most, as people who play GW2 for WvW only have been given ways of gaining PvE items without ever having to set foot in the Open World. Yet there's no similar "Track" system for PvE players wanting to get things from WvW.


Note, this isn't about the relative ease of getting the Gift of Battle (with the right boosters, it took me less than a day of concentrated WvW), but more about the fact that I'm being forced to play a mode that I simply don't enjoy, no matter how many times I have to.


I don't do badly in WvW, but I simply find it boring and tedious with no real sense of progression or accomplishment, and as soon as I got my Gift of Battle yesterday, I was outta there.


So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

But they will never able to ignore PvE altogether. If they want a gift of exploration, which is similar to the gift of battle, they will still need to go to PvE.

It took you a day to get a gift of battle, can you do the same for the gift of exploration ? I don’t think you can stack boosters that allow you to to discover all poi and vistas of one map. 

Apart from that, you gotta accept that WvW has always been considered endgame for PvE and will always be, even more with the subsequent alliance rework. 

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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I've done this numerous times now, and it increasingly ticks me off every time I have to get a Gift of Battle.

Why, for items that are ostensibly PvE ones, do I have to do WvW in the first place?

Why can't I just buy the Gift of Battle like I can the other PvP materials that make up the Gift of the Mists?


I think point 1 is the one that annoys me the most, as people who play GW2 for WvW only have been given ways of gaining PvE items without ever having to set foot in the Open World. Yet there's no similar "Track" system for PvE players wanting to get things from WvW.


Note, this isn't about the relative ease of getting the Gift of Battle (with the right boosters, it took me less than a day of concentrated WvW), but more about the fact that I'm being forced to play a mode that I simply don't enjoy, no matter how many times I have to.


I don't do badly in WvW, but I simply find it boring and tedious with no real sense of progression or accomplishment, and as soon as I got my Gift of Battle yesterday, I was outta there.


So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

Yeah..  no.


Where can we get the gift of exploration from?  Oh that’s right…,  PvE.


Change that and we’ll talk.


They’ve ALREADY made it easier for you by removing the map completion requirement that was in place initially in WvW.  

If you want the thing, you need to do the thing to get the thing.


Now, if you want help or ideas on how to make it easier, there are many of us that would be willing to assist.  

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

How can WvW players completely ignore PvE when there are components for legendary weapons you only can get in PvE? Explain please. 
I am against changing how you can get GoB. For legendaries you should have to play all game modes. I even think it is wrong that the PvP component can be bought without having to do PvP. 

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I think that the Gift of Battle should be able to be sold on the Trading Post. This would enable people who enjoy WvW to play the content they love and monetize their time, while people who do not enjoy WvW can either choose to suck it up and hate life for hours or play content that they do enjoy and spend the gold they earn while having fun to buy the Gift of Battle from the Trading Post.


The idea behind putting it in WvW is the same as having WvW dailies. ArenaNet wants to force players to try content they might not otherwise play. However, once you've tried WvW and decide that you hate it, it makes all of your subsequent Legendary crafting a HUGE chore. 

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I've done this numerous times now, and it increasingly ticks me off every time I have to get a Gift of Battle.

Why, for items that are ostensibly PvE ones, do I have to do WvW in the first place?

Why can't I just buy the Gift of Battle like I can the other PvP materials that make up the Gift of the Mists?


I think point 1 is the one that annoys me the most, as people who play GW2 for WvW only have been given ways of gaining PvE items without ever having to set foot in the Open World. Yet there's no similar "Track" system for PvE players wanting to get things from WvW.


Note, this isn't about the relative ease of getting the Gift of Battle (with the right boosters, it took me less than a day of concentrated WvW), but more about the fact that I'm being forced to play a mode that I simply don't enjoy, no matter how many times I have to.


I don't do badly in WvW, but I simply find it boring and tedious with no real sense of progression or accomplishment, and as soon as I got my Gift of Battle yesterday, I was outta there.


So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

  1. All legendary weapons require PVE there is no way to do it any other way
  2. legendary jewelry mostly requires PVE
  3. Legendary runes and sigils require PVE
  4. Infusions come from PVE
  5. most cosmetics come from PVE
  6. you still need to do HoT PvE to unlock your glider


So no you're wrong, IF you want to die on this hill then fine. I want exclusive skins and legendary weapons for WvW a whole generation to the game mode itself; As well full on legendary accessories one can get outside of those we have. If you dont want to play our game mode then we sure as heck shouldn't have to be subjected to yours.

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Do the WvW daily each day (or even just the really easy ones) and you will stack up WvW reward potions. You can instantly finish a reward track with 80 of them, but you'd likely already have some progress on the way. You can do this to replace your PvE daily, and then you can pretty much have a gift of battle whenever you want.


You can also pop a lot of boosters (I think I get something like +365 reward track per tick) and have it done really fast by just keeping T6 participations from capping camps etc.


It's been just fine with this acquisition until now, and I'm pretty sure it will keep being fine.

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80 Potions of WvW rewards, obtained from doing WvW dailies, will complete a reward track.  Every time Big Spender (completed in the Guild Hall), Master of Monuments, and/or Veteran Creature Killer are up as one of the WvW dailies, I go and do them.  Then I stick that Potion of WvW Rewards in the bank.  Right now I have over 1000 of them on both my main account and my alt account.  SPECIFICALLY SO I CAN INSTANTLY COMPLETE ANY WVW REWARD TRACK WHENEVER I WANT OR NEED TO.  And frequently I can substitute the WvW daily for one of the PvE ones that I don't want to do, like a JP or bounty or whatever.

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1 minute ago, costepj.5120 said:

And where do you stop with that? I don't like Raids, so please give me all Raid rewards just for logging in.

and we can evaluate on a case by case basis. If you want to leave some items gated by skill, that's fine.

But wvw & pve have the same skill floor for GoB/GoE. As long as the track/pve method match ~timewise i dont see the issue

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Ugh.... typical nonsense as usual. 

1.) No, WvWers don't have everything. You must PvE to get either accessory, and either PvP or PvE to get the amulet. Also most of the things that allow the bypassing of PvE (reward tracks) require some degree of story compleition. There is no WvW guild hall and having guild upgrades is essential to WvW. So get out with the fake news.

2.) GoE is NOT mandatory, as all Gen 1s can be bought. This is not really that good of a rebuttal either.

3.) Gen 2s are another story. They always require some form of map completion.

4.) The game's not balanced around you. Full stop. Arbitrarily designating yourself as a certain type of player should not allow you to waive requirements. 


Now, you could argue that Reward Tracks take way too long and I'd agree. But drop the rest of the drama especially when it's wrong; it adds nothing.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, Voltekka.2375 said:

This again, huh.

Obligatory bimonthly  "Gimme pve GoB anet ples"

Yup, same author too probably.


You don't need to spend hours in WvW if you just do the dailies. 80 potions =  GoB. 4 hours with max boosters if you want to grind it out.

See the countless other threads on this topic. You aren't the sole person that complains , if Arenanet wanted to listen to said complaint they would have done it years ago.

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The only change id like is GoB to also have an sPvP reward track so people would have a choice between pvp and wvw.

I hated wvw but decided to go after Conflux anyway. I actually started enjoying it even if i dont play it much nowadays. 

And no, wvwers dont get everything. They still need that gift of exploration for example. If you want the reward you have to put time and effort in it. No one is forcing you to craft leggies. 

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If you want your Gift of battle, go do sPvP or WvW.

If you really want a Legendary, you should touch more than just one game mode.

The Gifts of Battle and Exploration are exclusive to their modes for good reason.

If Arenanet ever made Gift of Battle available in PvE, I'd demand Arenanet to include a Gift of 'Mists Exploration' in all Legendaries, both new and old.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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3 hours ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

I want exclusive skins and legendary weapons for WvW a whole generation to the game mode itself; As well full on legendary accessories one can get outside of those we have. If you dont want to play our game mode then we sure as heck shouldn't have to be subjected to yours.

sure. That would be the best solution

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1 hour ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Edge of the mist is a great pve option, i never see anyone there

I mean exactly.  

Get twenty of your favorite friends who hate WvW, have all of them go into EoTM, hope their on different colors, and do the whole circle **** thing with the structures.  Slap on a couple boosters, and boom.  You get GoB without fighting.  Done.  






Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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8 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I've done this numerous times now, and it increasingly ticks me off every time I have to get a Gift of Battle.

Why, for items that are ostensibly PvE ones, do I have to do WvW in the first place?

Why can't I just buy the Gift of Battle like I can the other PvP materials that make up the Gift of the Mists?


I think point 1 is the one that annoys me the most, as people who play GW2 for WvW only have been given ways of gaining PvE items without ever having to set foot in the Open World. Yet there's no similar "Track" system for PvE players wanting to get things from WvW.


Note, this isn't about the relative ease of getting the Gift of Battle (with the right boosters, it took me less than a day of concentrated WvW), but more about the fact that I'm being forced to play a mode that I simply don't enjoy, no matter how many times I have to.


I don't do badly in WvW, but I simply find it boring and tedious with no real sense of progression or accomplishment, and as soon as I got my Gift of Battle yesterday, I was outta there.


So ANet, you've given WvWers all the tools they need to completely ignore PvE. Now give PvEers those same tools, so they don't have to play a mode they don't enjoy.

TLDR: I want the thing. I don't want to do the thing to get the thing.

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1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Get twenty of your favorite friends who hate WvW, have all of them go into EoTM, hope their on different colors, and do the whole circle **** thing with the structures.  Slap on a couple boosters, and boom.  You get GoB without fighting.  Done.  

 There is an untold level of confidence here that any given person would have 20 different friends who play GW2, I personally only have one other friend who does, otherwise I play entirely solo.

Honestly though the right solution would be just to make GoB and GoE tradable so you can just buy one you need off TP, you can already buy GoG and GoW off TP(well, shards, but same end result), and I have too often seen WvW players complaining in map chat that they have 50+ GoB they can't do anything with because that's the only Mastery Track worth repeating after a while, so it would at least partially solve the issue.

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