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How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?

How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?  

394 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?

    • EoD is in first place. EoD is better than HoT and PoF
    • EoD is in second place. EoD is better than HoT but worse than PoF
    • EoD is in second place. EoD is better than PoF but worse then HoT
    • EoD is in last place. EoD is worse than HoT and PoF
    • Generally the three are about equally good/bad.

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It's been two weeks since the release of EoD. By now everyone should have played the content, that is most important to him/her.

Based on your own criteria of what's important to you, how would you compare the three expansions overall?


EDIT: Just a typo.

Edited by Zok.4956
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  • Zok.4956 changed the title to How would you rate EoD compared to HoT and PoF?

EOD is not a bad expansion, but i place it at third on my personal opinion.
Why ?

I enjoy Path of fire story more. I mean i was happy to do something else than doing only Killing dragon. New mount, seems more lively and was happy to see elona again even if i was sad to see how the land of sun was becoming after the conquest of Joko.

Even if HOT was a nightmare for me as ele who was playing alone, the revelation about sylvari, the design, the link that we create with aurene, the story, i put it at second place.

EOD has beautiful map, but i found it a little lifeless (specially neo-kaineng). And i didn't enjoy the story. But the metas are fun, fishing and jade bot is cool and could bring more in the future. But i enjoy the final battle (in meta and in the story).

But i put it maybe in third because i didn't enjoy Guild wars faction lol (was a nightmare for me too at time (was playing solo too at this time).


But well despit of all of that, Thank you Arena for make these expansion. Here from guild wars 1 and will still follow you in the future ♥

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For me it is the most fun expansion so far. HoT brought gliding only.  The maps were horrid, the story was worse. I got my glider, left,  and never looked back.  Well, I did go back after I heard it got some nerfs, but the map is still too horrid to bother with. 

PoF had nice maps, did not care much for the story (I never like story mode in any game), and the mounts were awesome. 

EoD has prettier maps, more fun maps, and a far better story (but OMG it is SOOOO long).  I am enjoying the story, but may burn out before I finish it... 

Because of the mounts PoF was fun exploring, but the maps were nothing special. It just felt like regular maps we already had.  EoD has some much cooler maps and I am enjoying exploring them (except echovald, they remind me of HoT).  

Also I hate that fishing is a mini-game.  That is my biggest complaint of the entire release. So... not bad overall...  😎

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EoD will have to be placed last, just for the simple reason that it is actually the first time in my GW2 history where i found that i completely lack any interest in the story. I do not know why that is, i was certainly fired up until the expac actually launched, but for some unexplained reason i have to actually force myself into playing through the story. There's something in it that just make me absolutely not care about the characters, or the direction the story is unfolding.

Additionally, maps so far haven't changed my opinion on the game either. Currently i am struggling to even bother to log in and get daily rewards. I do not know what this expansion is lacking, but i do remember that it was completely different both with HoT and PoF. Even IBS i found to be more interesting. Except maybe Champions, but even then i had a bit more motivation to follow through the story.

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Hard to rate them since each has their strengths. I enjoyed HoT story the most, but there were some PoF story parts I also liked a lot. Praise Joko! :classic_wink:
The story in EoD is fine, but I'm enjoying the general content more than earlier expansions, plus fishing and skiffs are great additions. Still, mounts from PoF are imo the best thing added to the game.

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Will take some time until i can give an honest opinion.

As things stand now, I‘d rate it third. There‘s currently nothing that really drives me to play. I have my turtle, my elite spec collection weapon and the new armour set I wanted. Did the story, don‘t care for the strikes.

So there‘s achievement hunting (1AP each, lol)/ collections and open world metas left. Did all of the metas, but don‘t really see a reason to do them again, aside from fun. And to do the metas again and again I‘d have to bother with waiting and finding a map/squad that actively does the meta, as most maps are empty due to megaservers/playercap, while the metas require coordination.

Not going to start going after the Aurene legendaries until the prize stabilizes (currently selling my things as the skins don‘t really interest me).

So there‘s currently nothing apparent for me to chase after that I want long term. I‘m currently just chasing the last mastery points that I need, and after that idk.

Edited by Raknar.4735
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Personally? Story wise: PoF - HoT - EoD

Zones: HoT-PoF-EoD

E-specs PoF-HoT-EoD

Still no EoD runes or sigils. 

Stat sets: HoT Trumps all cause Trailblazers is sooo nice to use in open world, Wish power had something close.

Expansion added Masteries to game: PoF Mounts - HoT Gliding(and all other HoT masteries that effect map exploration) ------------- Non Account bound mastery Jade Bot EoD for some reason. Skimmer better then skiff. Aborstone mastery is dumb as its basically just a worse EotN or worse lounge that you only level for stones, shouldn't have been a track at all. 

Fun: PoF/Hot-------EoD 

Meta's: HoT--------PoF---------EoD (For some reason, they thought meta's that get completed every 2 years maybe once was the good one to copy?) 

(LW4 has the games best story and end boss fight and best story based meta of course) 


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It isn’t as engaging as the others and is incredibly empty. The maps a beautiful, but lack a lot of content and a lot of the story world building in open world Anet used to be so good at. If it wasn’t for skiffs and fishing, I’d be having a lot less fun.

The story is much better told and scripted, but I’m not a fan of the direction it is taking so far and it lacks interesting gameplay mechanics

Its certainly not rubbish, but given how much I enjoyed the first half of PoF versus the first half of EoD, I am a bit disappointed. Even living world maps capture my interest for longer. It just feels like a departure from their core design pillars which have worked so well for most of the game’s life

I think if they inject some life into the maps that would help for me. Given the scope for bounties, adventures, collections, races, griffin runs, there’s a lot they could add.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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My rating is mostly based on the long term value I get out of them as I'm not as overly demanding when it comes to the story (and with that I mean that I appreciate a good one but are mostly apathetic to bad ones as they are generally one and done deals).

So let's see:

HoT: has some metas I like to revisit even after all these years because they are highly pugable, rewarding and respect my time.

PoF: offers a noticeable QoL improvement in form of mounts which I constantly find myself using whenever I play GW2.

EoD: has neither maps I care about returning to nor any new QoL features I find impactful enough to really care about.

For me EoD is easily the worst expansion thus far but we will see how they are going from here.

Edited by Tails.9372
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I think it's probably a case of getting used to it, but HoT to this day still makes me fearful. Verdant brink feels like a jungle, it's claustrophobic, I got murdered by a pack of pocket raptors and also the map is very well designed, auric basin is kind of all right... Tangled depths being possibly the best zone in any mmo and dragons stand being the best meta in the game. Gliding is also once of the best quality of life additions to the game. I can't speak for the raids. This is personal opinion though.

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Reason for my last place vote is simply based off systems added. The story is better than PoF and HoT but:


PoF gave what people consider the best mount system in the genre.

HoT just had so much, mastery system, raids, guild overhaul incl guild halls, new profession, elite specialisations, new fractals, pvp leagues, new eve map etc.


Even if EoD was bug free and implemented perfectly, there’s nothing groundbreaking or genre defining.

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EoD has the best story, best looking maps, and the best final meta, but it has the worst elite specs and really mediocre masteries.


PoF had the best masteries through mounts, and by far the most OP elite specs, but the maps are all just a conglomerate of yellow and orange with zero replayability. The story was also meh.


HoT maps are much more navigable now thanks to mounts, and most of the elite specs are still relevant to this day, but most of the masteries are irreverent outside of their maps.


Overall, all the expansions have their ups and downs, but in terms of how successful of a launch EoD was, it's probably their smoothest launch so far.

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This is a difficult one. I voted:

1. PoF

2. EoD

3. HoT


Mostly because of the theming. I never liked the jungle too much but it brought the Tempest elite spec which I'm still using every day (I only play Elementalist). PoF overall did a great job with beautiful areas, great storytelling, mounts and the difficulty was perfect for me. EoD is very enjoyable for me as well, but I would have preferred a more classical Cantha (without the high-tech everywhere) and one or two more maps would have been nice. Still, I'm very happy with the EoD expansion.

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Let me put it this way, Auric Basin is basically the pinnacle of Guild Wars 2, in both game play design and the quality of the art/sound/music. That one zone from HoT is more entertainment dense than all of the EoD zones combined.


It's clear that the people who loved the mythos of Tyria into existence have moved on and it makes me really sad. I remember reading a head stone in a corner of Ebonhawk one day and it made me realize just how much the people who made this game really loved the world they were creating. As with all things, that time has passed.

Edited by Tatwi.3562
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I've played both GW1 and GW2 since their betas, have been and am a huge fan of the game in general, but EoD is firmly last.  It's so buggy; much of what I want to accomplish isn't do-able because of bugs.  And the maps seem empty.  Killing bosses and champions fails time after time because there are no other players around.  The loot is largely garbage, literally.

Hope it's fixed over time but right now I am not inspired to play EoD content.

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based on time spent, it's:

1. HoT

2. EoD

3. PoF

However, HoT forced me to spend a huge amount of time due to it's difficult navigation, enemies, and story locked behind masteries. For my time spend in EoD, I did so willingly chasing after optional achievements/collections. As for PoF, story was good, but the maps feels so boring that I dropped it as soon as finishing the main story. So I would say EoD is my favorite expansion

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For me, I have to rate EoD last. When it comes to online gaming, engaging gameplay loops and replayability are the number one factors to keep me coming back. PoF also failed a bit on that front with its wide maps and non-engaging bounty system, but it gets some extra points over EoD due to the Isle of Istan. None of the 4 metas in EoD deliver IMO, and many of the maps lack events and things to do in between. I just look at the event timer to do the Seitung and Echovald metas back to back. After that, I don't have a strong reason for staying logged in.


HoT maintains its title as the best expansion. Not just because it has the best metas, but the maps are filled to the brim with events that actually build-up to the meta. We also didn't have mounts back then, so the level design was focused on adventure and giving players things to see and do. Since PoF, mounts have trivialized the game and the new map designs reflect that. Everything feels more streamlined and it lacks that sense of adventure and discovery. They may be fun to ride and horse around on, but I think the game as a whole paid a major price for that.

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Actually shocked by the poll results. 

I find EoD is far ahead of both other expansions.

HoT story is artificially drawn out and many of the chapters are not fun to replay, the elite specs in a release state I think are the least interesting overall, the maps really aren't that nice to play but they have iconic meta events with big rare rewards. It also released with quite a limited amount of other content.

PoF has the best masteries and probably the best overall elite specs in terms of adding real flavour. The story has much better than HoT to play through but there' still some sections that feel annoying to reply. The maps and metas were not great and replayability outside of getting the gryphon at release was pretty low.

EoD has a good flow to it's story and there's less busy work and drawn out sections, the amount of talking can be irritating but I use the down time productively on extra play throughs. The elite specs all play well in the content and it's the only expansion to have actual end game style group content. The maps are good and the metas are fine if a bit lacking on the rewards. There's more systems of grind and replayability built in, decent masteries and by far the best music.

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I rated EoD third due to how much more grindy it is, excessive bugs, and lack of incentive to do events while respecting players time. And what’s with imperial favor?  You need it for a lot of things, including 3.5K for a legendary, and you only earn at most 20 from a map meta. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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Pof is the best.  Raptor, hare, skimmer, jackal, griffon..   The best of all we get to visit the land of the dead.. We get to speak and slay a god....  Really live it


Hot is hard, i have alot of problem solo content.  But the story is directly connect to the main story.   Plus the maps came with layer and tunnel..really great explore feeling...



EOD?  The story was rushed..  Speaker and jade brotherhood suppose to be major faction..but they play no role in the story_you were sent to spy on jade brotherhood. Thats all i can recall) .  The tengu play no role as well.  We dont really know anything about the bird lady who join us in the final battle....Ankka is also a mystery.  Why did she join the etherblade..why left the inquest..how did she control the power of void?  


Eod map are not bad.. But felt emptier...in comparison.  The final meta is terrible...player have to do it like a raid on a open world instance...hours and hours wasted on joining maps.


Just before EOD they nerf all sustain to make room for Eod...eod elite..some are well done..other are meh...


Skiff is bugged and only purpose is fishing...fishing? Why fishing?  Seem rather repeatative and much much reward.   Jade bot not account wide.  Skiff no hot key.... 


Over all i rate EOD 4/10. A story untold..we just rush there kill another dragon...

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Story is awful, but full of progressive politics to appease game journos and their ilk. Requiring people to play the story 9 times to unlock all weapons is torture. Unskippable dialogue pads the games length significantly, and it is so cringe. I hate Mai Trin, her story makes no sense. Giving scarlet a redemption arc is dumb, but making a asura clone of her is just the writers having their cake and eating it to.  Making theo ashford gay after 8 years of him being dead seem like its only there to fulfil a quota.  Snargle i am convinced is a self insert of the anet writing team, weird shipping of characters, pretentiousness, and preverted tendency (i did not need to know Snargle invented jade sex toys). Hot was short and to the point, pof followed the heros journey, eod is a tonal mess. 

DE is the only good meta, rest are very boring. But this is 100% better than the 0 good metas in pof.  Hot had 3 good challenging meta, octovine, garent, and dragon stand. 

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9 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Might look different in 6 months, but right now to me EoD is unfinished work. I dunno how PoF and HoT looked like at launch, but they are finished products in my eyes, when I play them now. EoD, no.

Thats why I won't rate now.

To me it feels like a rushed expansion, so much stuff needs to get fixed. Also I'm not surprised about the voting result yet, so many ppl have been complaining about the DE meta and the strike u need to do for the turtle, which would them give enough reasons to dislike EoD.


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