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How can I reconcile these two facts about me?

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It's not as bad as it looks.

My son plays a couple hours a week, tops, and unlocked his. It's only gotten easier with the "Return to" achievements.

An overlay like TacO is super helpful for the eggs/scales/medicine.

Take your time, do it little by little, it'll go faster than you think.

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30 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Fact n°1: I really want to unlock the Skyscale mount.

Fact n°2: I have a full time job and a family.


It's tough my dude.

Nothing about skyscale unlock suggests it should be rushed in any way or that it can't be divided into smaller tasks to take over whatever timespan you want. Saying that people having skyscales somehow don't have full time jobs and families is not only unfair to those people, but also just makes no sense.

In other wods: no need to "reconcile" anything here, since one doesn't exclude the other. To not be able to unlock skyscale "step by step", you'd need to not be able to play the game at all, so... stop making excuses and start completing content? 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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46 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Fact n°1: I really want to unlock the Skyscale mount.

Fact n°2: I have a full time job and a family.


It's tough my dude.

Most of the people I know that have the Skyscale have full time jobs and families. I dont have the Skyscale because I don't care for the aesthetic enough to delve into the inane BS involved, not because of any real life issues. 

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What's weird is when it was new. Skyscale seemed easy. Just those time gates. I had all the currency from doing the stories.  I think I had to grind for only a tiny bit extra of it.

Do hearts, buy the currency for Karma, do achievements in the area, and harvest every node. It really doesn't take that long.

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As other people have said just take your time with it. There's no time limit on completing it, you won't lose progress or have anything reset if you don't do it quickly enough so you can take as long as you like.

The skyscale was a priority for me because I love dragons, but like you I have a job, family responsibilities and other hobbies so I couldn't spend a lot of time on it at once even if I wanted to. It took me a week or so to finish the story release, 2 days to find all the scales, and similar amounts of time for the other steps.

When I got to collecting currency for the saddle (this was long before the 'return to' achievements) I set myself a cap of 50 per day I was online. Not 50 of each or 50 per character, 50 in total, because I knew if I tried to do more than that I'd just get burned out. Some days I exceeded that because I was in the middle of an event when I reached my goal and I wasn't going to just stop playing. Other days I didn't even have time to log in so I did nothing.

It took me several weeks, even making it my priority while I was playing GW2, but I got there eventually.

It's the same with everything. Back in the autumn I started making the Fractal legendary backpack and by late January I'd finished the 2nd collection and unlocked the 3rd one. I haven't done anything since then because I've been playing EoD and SAB, but that's ok because the progress I've made isn't going anywhere and I can go back to it whenever I want to.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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2 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Fact n°1: I really want to unlock the Skyscale mount.

Fact n°2: I have a full time job and a family.


It's tough my dude.

Fact 2 is a fact. Fact 1 is a desire.

The moment you took responsibility over a family and as a result a full time job, you got rid of a lot of your free time.

Just keep in mind that it should be rewarding en make it no issue to leave behind childish behaviour as pixels moving in a video game.

I am in the same boat. I still play a bit from time to time. I still enjoy the game, but time gated things are off limit for me unless I allow myself to let them take a long time.

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4 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Fact n°1: I really want to unlock the Skyscale mount.

Fact n°2: I have a full time job and a family.


It's tough my dude.

Its not worth it honestly, i just unlocked it.. two days ago. For the work involved its a mess. All these people saying how great it is over griffon.. yeah no Griffon is by far and large way better.

  1. Skyscale gets shot out of the sky by every ranged mob, Griffon can dodge everything with the double jump.
  2. Skyscale sticks to every single non flat surface and gets you into the above, griffon just moves past terrain.
  3. Skyscale cannot damage enemies when you land as the flame circle is out of alignment when you land, also flame aoe tick is so poor, griffon can do pinpoint damage to enemies every single time..
  4. Griffon can still get to 99% of the areas skyscale can even if it is a few seconds slower. Which it isn't always.
  5. Bunny can do what skyscale can.
  6. Griffon flies so much better across a map.

I'm really disappointed i wasted so much time on this so called "legendary" mount. don't make my mistake.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Remember, a journey of a thousand miles is taken step by step. It may take time but as long as you are making progress, then your journey's end will arrive.

Also, ignore Dante's negative post above. The skyscale is awesome. Use all of your mounts when the right one is needed.

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Skyscale is absolutely worth it; it's the mount I use almost to the exclusion of all others.

As others said, do a little bit at a time and you'll get there.  I used to feel the same way about crafting Legendaries (Too hard!  Too long!  Too expensive!), now they are my long-term goals and one of my favorite parts of the game.

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One thing I really love about the skyscale is that when I need to step away from the computer, I can just hover up high enough to stay out of the action in most areas of the game so that I can come back and pick up where I left off.  It's the closest thing to a "pause" button I've ever had in an MMO.

It sound like this is something you can really use too.  When I was working on mine I kept a little chart that let me know how much of each map currency I needed.  I worked on it a little at a time, and made sure to update the chart with my progress so I could see that I was getting closer.

I really think the time is worth it.  Good luck!


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Just a heads up, if you do the LWS4 "Return" achievements, you'll get a stack of every map currency/material you need for the Skyscale. The Mistborn Mote, Inscribed Shards, etc. Those achievements are easy to do too if you haven't done that content yet. You'll complete most of them just running the content for the first time.

I guess I should mention. I have a fiancee & a toddler. A full time job Sat-Mon & part time job Tue & Thu & keep the baby on Wed instead of the grandparents babysitting. I think it took me 2 weeks to unlock the Skyscale once I got the Griffon. I did buy the Skyscale food off the TP though.

Edited by XIIICaesar.8451
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The hard part is caring enough about the tedious steps to keep at them, even incrementally. I can hardly imagine that "I will do 1 of 21 skyscale droppings today" or whatever those objectives are, is an appealing thing to look forward to, unless you *really* love scouring maps for hidden things or minimizing a game to find the position of an item on a wiki.

I don't even know how I got through it, but it was rough and I hate the thought of other people suffering through it who have less time than I did. I wish it was a skin that took so much and the mount itself was relatively easy to get. It's too useful on some maps, bordering on essential, to keep up with groups.

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