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So I Ventured in to Heart of Maguuma (Verdant Brink) Today

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Pop in at the waypoint, carnage as far as the eye can see. Everybody is calling me "commander", and the Pact forces are in more disarray than a trailer park after a hurricane. (Or a divorce). Fine, I'll help. First off, I had a couple of questions, 


Confused_Commander: "What the Hades happened?"


Random_NPC: "Well Commander, it was as if the jungle came alive and ripped our airships from the sky?"


Now_Very_Confused_Commander: "Just how low were you flying?"


Fine, I'll buy the "VINES OF DEATH" theory. Who knows, maybe they're concussed. (The Pact, not the Vines) Get on the Raptor and start exploring the place. (Because that's my M.O. - ride around like a maniac, find as many waypoints as possible, then go from there). Lots of hostile....EVERYTHING. Plants, bugs, frogs, vines (more on these jokers in a bit), you name it, they want to kill me and they're pretty good at their job.


Run across some poor schmucks defending their "camp" (Basically wooden (not kidding) fences an Asura could hurdle, and some boxes. Boy Scouts could do a better job) from the hostile EVERYTHING (sans Frogs). Me and my new buddy, the Green Golem of Doom (Perditor Malignus) clean house. Then clean house again. Then again. Apparently the Vines of Death got an upgrade from Tyria.


Now, in addition to the obligatory knockback, they detect me at distances reminiscent of Soviet anti-missile tech, they can shoot at ranges that make MLRS look like a water pistol, are more accurate than JDAMS, and oh by the way, can track my movements over a cliff, or if I change directions in mid-air. (Voluntarily or not). These things are Triffids on steroids. Oh, did I mention unlimited ammo and covering the ground in 'bad'? 


I get told I need to learn "gliding" if I want to move around the place. Hello? Charr here. I'm not exactly built for that. Find an Asura why don't ya? They catch an updraft and they'll be floating for days.. Me? I'm gonna fall like a sack of you-know-what. Apparently the Asura substitute is a no-go, so off I go to learn me some gliding, where my last words will be, "Hey ya'll watch this!". (At least I don't have to build the thing)


Take my first ride (I'm assuming the contraption is constructed from the same material as Wolverine), and hey, this isn't too bad... I'm gliding... I'm gliding. No wait. Now I'm falling. FAST. Manage to land harder than a first time jumper at Airborne school, and...where the heck am I? All I see is cliffs above and moving roots below. Oh well, back to Shipwreck Waypoint. (This was a common theme for a bit to be honest)


Had the great idea to gain elevation by climbing the vines as big around as me. Nope. Apparently said VINES OF DEATH can rip an airship from the sky, but one Charr is too much. Oh, did I mention they're slipperier than the "friend" who owes you $20? Hey Pact folk, maybe invest in some pickaxes and crampons? Back to the waypoint. 


Find a "Hero Challenge". I appreciate the compliment and promptly "commune" for a hero point. No wait. TEN? Ten hero points? What the Hades was I doing wasting my time in Tyria getting drip-fed the things when I could've been racking them up one Decagon at a time? 


Get bombarded with loot boxes, crowbars, and more different currencies than the Bank of England during Queen Victoria's reign. Use a crowbar to open a box, and hey, where'd my crowbar go? What's it made of- Bamboo? 


Nighttime comes and the aforementioned hostile EVERYTHING comes out in force. Me, the GGoD, and Pact Boy Scouts hold them off, while folks hustle in supplies. Our fence is now two feet high. Awesome. Now the Asura can pole vault over the things. Baby steps. (Hey Asura, if you need something to get over the fence with, I got this crowbar).


Finally, a thought occurred to me. The plant life in this place is almost universally hostile. But they are plants. Maybe, and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of throwing bodies, materials, and money at the problem, we drop down to those roots, dynamite a hole in them, and pour in a few hundred thousand gallons of herbicide?


Let me know. I got a guy.

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3 minutes ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

Maybe, and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of throwing bodies, materials, and money at the problem, we drop down to those roots, dynamite a hole in them, and pour in a few hundred thousand gallons of herbicide?

I've got an Auric Basin event you'll love.

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4 hours ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

The plant life in this place is almost universally hostile.

You could know why this is the case by playing LS2 before HoT: You are attacking the plant-dragon in his domain.

4 hours ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

Everybody is calling me "commander",

You are the pact-commander (2nd rank in the pact, below the pact-marschall). you helped forming the pact and lead the killing of the first dragon (personal core-tyria story)


In general, nice read I agree and that's why I like HoT most of all expansions: The imersion of being dropped into a hopeless situation is really well done and challenging. 🙂

PS: We not even had a raptor when we played it at HoT-release 😉

Edited by Dayra.7405
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I don't understand all these posts about players newly lvl 80 stepping into the expansions surprised that the maps are full of deadly enemies and difficult challenges.

Did you not pay attention to the story at all while unlocking VB? The entire world is corrupted and at war, yes the jungle is alive and hostile at every turn, that's the point. Seriously though, the maps in HoT are big learning curve coming from core Tyria and they take getting used to.

Although there is one classic complaint missing from this post. Have you not been downed and eaten by a pack of pocket raptors yet?

Edited by standardFoe.2983
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48 minutes ago, attractiveman.7164 said:

Some people in this thread missed the humor and went right to devolving into your common redditor 🙄

It's hard to see the humor when we have threads over threads with new players whining about dificulty of HOT or POF or EOD, while some of them just did hit 80. Also the "Everybody is calling me commander" i stopped and just skimmed trough the comment.

But even now after reading, i can't see the humor-part. Is his comment about blowing the whole thing up funny? Because no one thought about this, before him, yeah .... Yeah, really funny. Like people who scream at horro-film charakters because they are stupid and not do the right thing so the film can end after 1min~.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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I knew it! First thought was that this is to funny! 

Although some of it might be true (like we all have our issues!), the way it was written is brilliant!

I read it when it was just posted, decided not to comment, cause it left me guessing.

10 minutes later, loads of reads, no comments. I might not be the only one... 😉

Forgot about it for a few hours, come back to see this.


Serious or not, this was a good read.

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1 hour ago, attractiveman.7164 said:

Some people in this thread missed the humor and went right to devolving into your common redditor 🙄

Unfortunately, there's always quite a few who read forum posts so they can offer criticisms. Attempts at humor are also often lost on too many. You almost have to put up big signs to explain the intentions.

@DreadstoneofXev.6810  Continue with your adventures.

Edited by Silent.6137
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I did the same thing.  Finished the personal story, bought the expansion (without realizing I was missing two seasons of content in between!), stepped into VB like...what is even going on here?  I also got murdered left and right!  But it's such a cool place and I eventually learned how to handle the combat and find my way around.  Unlocking some masteries really helped!

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3 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

Nice read. Where can I sign up for the book series of this? 😄

I vote for the working title "fifty shades of nay". Even with all the background done I went into HoT when it launched thinking I was pro, and the raptors were there smiling smugly sat on a boom box blasting "welcome to the jungle". I should have guessed how it would go for a good while from then on. 

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Good read. I think we all felt like that first time. It's better without raptor though. It's still my favourite map and will be very hard to beat. Haven't played it in a while, its time to do some event chains again.

Anyway enjoy Auric Basin because after that...

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3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Good read. I think we all felt like that first time. It's better without raptor though. It's still my favourite map and will be very hard to beat. Haven't played it in a while, its time to do some event chains again.

Anyway enjoy Auric Basin because after that...

Because after that comes the craziest open world map ever conceived!  It's something truly special.  Just be patient and try to look around rather than following your map.  The marked pathways are fairly useless when it comes to finding points of interest. It's designed to be explored!

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5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I did the same thing.  Finished the personal story, bought the expansion (without realizing I was missing two seasons of content in between!), stepped into VB like...what is even going on here?  I also got murdered left and right!  But it's such a cool place and I eventually learned how to handle the combat and find my way around.  Unlocking some masteries really helped!

Same...walked in and didn't do the living world seasons, just kind of figured out the story line, and was promptly devoured by pocket raptors.  Walked out and changed my build and gear and went back to murder stupid raptors.  I still enjoy it to this day.  Lol seriously though it's really a lot of fun on the maps once you get some skills and a bit less confusing once you do the living world part.

OP....loved the story!  

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12 hours ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

Pop in at the waypoint, carnage as far as the eye can see. Everybody is calling me "commander", and the Pact forces are in more disarray than a trailer park after a hurricane. (Or a divorce). Fine, I'll help. First off, I had a couple of questions, 


Confused_Commander: "What the Hades happened?"


Random_NPC: "Well Commander, it was as if the jungle came alive and ripped our airships from the sky?"


Now_Very_Confused_Commander: "Just how low were you flying?"


Fine, I'll buy the "VINES OF DEATH" theory. Who knows, maybe they're concussed. (The Pact, not the Vines) Get on the Raptor and start exploring the place. (Because that's my M.O. - ride around like a maniac, find as many waypoints as possible, then go from there). Lots of hostile....EVERYTHING. Plants, bugs, frogs, vines (more on these jokers in a bit), you name it, they want to kill me and they're pretty good at their job.


Run across some poor schmucks defending their "camp" (Basically wooden (not kidding) fences an Asura could hurdle, and some boxes. Boy Scouts could do a better job) from the hostile EVERYTHING (sans Frogs). Me and my new buddy, the Green Golem of Doom (Perditor Malignus) clean house. Then clean house again. Then again. Apparently the Vines of Death got an upgrade from Tyria.


Now, in addition to the obligatory knockback, they detect me at distances reminiscent of Soviet anti-missile tech, they can shoot at ranges that make MLRS look like a water pistol, are more accurate than JDAMS, and oh by the way, can track my movements over a cliff, or if I change directions in mid-air. (Voluntarily or not). These things are Triffids on steroids. Oh, did I mention unlimited ammo and covering the ground in 'bad'? 


I get told I need to learn "gliding" if I want to move around the place. Hello? Charr here. I'm not exactly built for that. Find an Asura why don't ya? They catch an updraft and they'll be floating for days.. Me? I'm gonna fall like a sack of you-know-what. Apparently the Asura substitute is a no-go, so off I go to learn me some gliding, where my last words will be, "Hey ya'll watch this!". (At least I don't have to build the thing)


Take my first ride (I'm assuming the contraption is constructed from the same material as Wolverine), and hey, this isn't too bad... I'm gliding... I'm gliding. No wait. Now I'm falling. FAST. Manage to land harder than a first time jumper at Airborne school, and...where the heck am I? All I see is cliffs above and moving roots below. Oh well, back to Shipwreck Waypoint. (This was a common theme for a bit to be honest)


Had the great idea to gain elevation by climbing the vines as big around as me. Nope. Apparently said VINES OF DEATH can rip an airship from the sky, but one Charr is too much. Oh, did I mention they're slipperier than the "friend" who owes you $20? Hey Pact folk, maybe invest in some pickaxes and crampons? Back to the waypoint. 


Find a "Hero Challenge". I appreciate the compliment and promptly "commune" for a hero point. No wait. TEN? Ten hero points? What the Hades was I doing wasting my time in Tyria getting drip-fed the things when I could've been racking them up one Decagon at a time? 


Get bombarded with loot boxes, crowbars, and more different currencies than the Bank of England during Queen Victoria's reign. Use a crowbar to open a box, and hey, where'd my crowbar go? What's it made of- Bamboo? 


Nighttime comes and the aforementioned hostile EVERYTHING comes out in force. Me, the GGoD, and Pact Boy Scouts hold them off, while folks hustle in supplies. Our fence is now two feet high. Awesome. Now the Asura can pole vault over the things. Baby steps. (Hey Asura, if you need something to get over the fence with, I got this crowbar).


Finally, a thought occurred to me. The plant life in this place is almost universally hostile. But they are plants. Maybe, and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of throwing bodies, materials, and money at the problem, we drop down to those roots, dynamite a hole in them, and pour in a few hundred thousand gallons of herbicide?


Let me know. I got a guy.

Excellent read.  The story does require massive suspension of belief, even with Tyrian logic, for it to make sense.


I agree that the plant's AA capabilities are suspiciously far more advanced than any airborne force in the GW2 world.

As for herbicides, think about it.  You should have a lot of experience with Asura by now.  How do you know it's an Asuran lab?  It exploded and there are screams of fiery death.  Your plan to kill the jungle with herbicides might end up backfiring in a catastrophic way.  And by might, I mean most definitely assuredly omg we're all dying oh god oh god make it stop.

Please note, you fell from your glider the first time around because you forgot to put on the cherry helmet. (if you, the reader, don't understand that's because it's a joke among airborne).

I agree that the camp fortifications around Verdant Brink aren't realistic.  For them to be realistic, they have to have a clueless officer making the non-rates baby-wipe the fences because they have to be clean when the Commander visits.  Then, it'd be real.

The crowbars don't last because the cargo was designed to hold up under extremely austere environments.  Obviously, our Pact issued crowbars aren't rated for opening the things they were designed to open.  This is actually realistic.  You never get issued stuff that works with the other stuff you get issued.

Vines are slippery because the Mordrem officers make the Mordrem non-rates baby-wipe them like a real professional military would do.  See? Those days you spent baby-wiping sandbags actually made a difference! 🙄😒

More currencies than you can deal with?  And you only reached Verdant Brink? Oh you sweet summer child.  You haven't seen currencies yet.


Again, thanks for the read!


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16 hours ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

Pop in at the waypoint, carnage as far as the eye can see. Everybody is calling me "commander", and the Pact forces are in more disarray than a trailer park after a hurricane. (Or a divorce). Fine, I'll help. First off, I had a couple of questions, 


Confused_Commander: "What the Hades happened?"


Random_NPC: "Well Commander, it was as if the jungle came alive and ripped our airships from the sky?"


Now_Very_Confused_Commander: "Just how low were you flying?"


Fine, I'll buy the "VINES OF DEATH" theory. Who knows, maybe they're concussed. (The Pact, not the Vines) Get on the Raptor and start exploring the place. (Because that's my M.O. - ride around like a maniac, find as many waypoints as possible, then go from there). Lots of hostile....EVERYTHING. Plants, bugs, frogs, vines (more on these jokers in a bit), you name it, they want to kill me and they're pretty good at their job.


Run across some poor schmucks defending their "camp" (Basically wooden (not kidding) fences an Asura could hurdle, and some boxes. Boy Scouts could do a better job) from the hostile EVERYTHING (sans Frogs). Me and my new buddy, the Green Golem of Doom (Perditor Malignus) clean house. Then clean house again. Then again. Apparently the Vines of Death got an upgrade from Tyria.


Now, in addition to the obligatory knockback, they detect me at distances reminiscent of Soviet anti-missile tech, they can shoot at ranges that make MLRS look like a water pistol, are more accurate than JDAMS, and oh by the way, can track my movements over a cliff, or if I change directions in mid-air. (Voluntarily or not). These things are Triffids on steroids. Oh, did I mention unlimited ammo and covering the ground in 'bad'? 


I get told I need to learn "gliding" if I want to move around the place. Hello? Charr here. I'm not exactly built for that. Find an Asura why don't ya? They catch an updraft and they'll be floating for days.. Me? I'm gonna fall like a sack of you-know-what. Apparently the Asura substitute is a no-go, so off I go to learn me some gliding, where my last words will be, "Hey ya'll watch this!". (At least I don't have to build the thing)


Take my first ride (I'm assuming the contraption is constructed from the same material as Wolverine), and hey, this isn't too bad... I'm gliding... I'm gliding. No wait. Now I'm falling. FAST. Manage to land harder than a first time jumper at Airborne school, and...where the heck am I? All I see is cliffs above and moving roots below. Oh well, back to Shipwreck Waypoint. (This was a common theme for a bit to be honest)


Had the great idea to gain elevation by climbing the vines as big around as me. Nope. Apparently said VINES OF DEATH can rip an airship from the sky, but one Charr is too much. Oh, did I mention they're slipperier than the "friend" who owes you $20? Hey Pact folk, maybe invest in some pickaxes and crampons? Back to the waypoint. 


Find a "Hero Challenge". I appreciate the compliment and promptly "commune" for a hero point. No wait. TEN? Ten hero points? What the Hades was I doing wasting my time in Tyria getting drip-fed the things when I could've been racking them up one Decagon at a time? 


Get bombarded with loot boxes, crowbars, and more different currencies than the Bank of England during Queen Victoria's reign. Use a crowbar to open a box, and hey, where'd my crowbar go? What's it made of- Bamboo? 


Nighttime comes and the aforementioned hostile EVERYTHING comes out in force. Me, the GGoD, and Pact Boy Scouts hold them off, while folks hustle in supplies. Our fence is now two feet high. Awesome. Now the Asura can pole vault over the things. Baby steps. (Hey Asura, if you need something to get over the fence with, I got this crowbar).


Finally, a thought occurred to me. The plant life in this place is almost universally hostile. But they are plants. Maybe, and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of throwing bodies, materials, and money at the problem, we drop down to those roots, dynamite a hole in them, and pour in a few hundred thousand gallons of herbicide?


Let me know. I got a guy.

You sir are gold.

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15 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Did you play LW2? What are you even talking about oO

I have a feeling by, you hopped on your'e raptor that you start your'e game in POF and now Anet is in fault for you, not catching up?

I have a feeling that you did not build up you humor and sarcasm traits?

Funny read. As a Charr main I especially like the glider bit. 😎

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15 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Did you play LW2? What are you even talking about oO

I have a feeling by, you hopped on your'e raptor that you start your'e game in POF and now Anet is in fault for you, not catching up?

You've not seen their other posts in the Living World subforum I take it.

That's pretty much it. Just a bunch of wild joking-style complaining about doing the game out of order.

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18 hours ago, DreadstoneofXev.6810 said:

Pop in at the waypoint, carnage as far as the eye can see. Everybody is calling me "commander", and the Pact forces are in more disarray than a trailer park after a hurricane. (Or a divorce). Fine, I'll help. First off, I had a couple of questions, 


Confused_Commander: "What the Hades happened?"


Random_NPC: "Well Commander, it was as if the jungle came alive and ripped our airships from the sky?"


Now_Very_Confused_Commander: "Just how low were you flying?"


Fine, I'll buy the "VINES OF DEATH" theory. Who knows, maybe they're concussed. (The Pact, not the Vines) Get on the Raptor and start exploring the place. (Because that's my M.O. - ride around like a maniac, find as many waypoints as possible, then go from there). Lots of hostile....EVERYTHING. Plants, bugs, frogs, vines (more on these jokers in a bit), you name it, they want to kill me and they're pretty good at their job.


Run across some poor schmucks defending their "camp" (Basically wooden (not kidding) fences an Asura could hurdle, and some boxes. Boy Scouts could do a better job) from the hostile EVERYTHING (sans Frogs). Me and my new buddy, the Green Golem of Doom (Perditor Malignus) clean house. Then clean house again. Then again. Apparently the Vines of Death got an upgrade from Tyria.


Now, in addition to the obligatory knockback, they detect me at distances reminiscent of Soviet anti-missile tech, they can shoot at ranges that make MLRS look like a water pistol, are more accurate than JDAMS, and oh by the way, can track my movements over a cliff, or if I change directions in mid-air. (Voluntarily or not). These things are Triffids on steroids. Oh, did I mention unlimited ammo and covering the ground in 'bad'? 


I get told I need to learn "gliding" if I want to move around the place. Hello? Charr here. I'm not exactly built for that. Find an Asura why don't ya? They catch an updraft and they'll be floating for days.. Me? I'm gonna fall like a sack of you-know-what. Apparently the Asura substitute is a no-go, so off I go to learn me some gliding, where my last words will be, "Hey ya'll watch this!". (At least I don't have to build the thing)


Take my first ride (I'm assuming the contraption is constructed from the same material as Wolverine), and hey, this isn't too bad... I'm gliding... I'm gliding. No wait. Now I'm falling. FAST. Manage to land harder than a first time jumper at Airborne school, and...where the heck am I? All I see is cliffs above and moving roots below. Oh well, back to Shipwreck Waypoint. (This was a common theme for a bit to be honest)


Had the great idea to gain elevation by climbing the vines as big around as me. Nope. Apparently said VINES OF DEATH can rip an airship from the sky, but one Charr is too much. Oh, did I mention they're slipperier than the "friend" who owes you $20? Hey Pact folk, maybe invest in some pickaxes and crampons? Back to the waypoint. 


Find a "Hero Challenge". I appreciate the compliment and promptly "commune" for a hero point. No wait. TEN? Ten hero points? What the Hades was I doing wasting my time in Tyria getting drip-fed the things when I could've been racking them up one Decagon at a time? 


Get bombarded with loot boxes, crowbars, and more different currencies than the Bank of England during Queen Victoria's reign. Use a crowbar to open a box, and hey, where'd my crowbar go? What's it made of- Bamboo? 


Nighttime comes and the aforementioned hostile EVERYTHING comes out in force. Me, the GGoD, and Pact Boy Scouts hold them off, while folks hustle in supplies. Our fence is now two feet high. Awesome. Now the Asura can pole vault over the things. Baby steps. (Hey Asura, if you need something to get over the fence with, I got this crowbar).


Finally, a thought occurred to me. The plant life in this place is almost universally hostile. But they are plants. Maybe, and I don't want to tell anyone how to do their job, but instead of throwing bodies, materials, and money at the problem, we drop down to those roots, dynamite a hole in them, and pour in a few hundred thousand gallons of herbicide?


Let me know. I got a guy.

Welcome to Heart of Thorns... You kinda know now why the GW2 populations died over night when it first released, Don't let these forum goers lie to you it was hated by a huge number of people and still is.. To the point its had funnily enough two or three major overhauls since release.. Cough nerfs Cough.

That said i agree its a nightmare.. And what you say i completely agree. Its crazy stupid some of these in game things.. But please stop bagging out us Asura we are tiny people too, but i agree we do glide well.

13 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I did the same thing.  Finished the personal story, bought the expansion (without realizing I was missing two seasons of content in between!), stepped into VB like...what is even going on here?  I also got murdered left and right!  But it's such a cool place and I eventually learned how to handle the combat and find my way around.  Unlocking some masteries really helped!

That's the problem with Guildwars 2.. New customers buy these expansions and avoid the "living stories" because its an optional extra that costs a fortune and people miss out on half the story and gear..

Guildwars 2 suffers from massive design flaws where these Living stories are concerned.

Edited by Dante.1508
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18 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Welcome to Heart of Thorns... You kinda know now why the GW2 populations died over night when it first released, Don't let these forum goers lie to you it was hated by a huge number of people and still is.. To the point its had funnily enough two or three major overhauls since release.. Cough nerfs Cough.

That said i agree its a nightmare.. And what you say i completely agree. Its crazy stupid some of these in game things.. But please stop bagging out us Asura we are tiny people too, but i agree we do glide well.

That's the problem with Guildwars 2.. New customers buy these expansions and avoid the "living stories" because its an optional extra that costs a fortune and people miss out on half the story and gear..

Guildwars 2 suffers from massive design flaws where these Living stories are concerned.

Where do you live, that the LW-chapters cost a fortune for you?

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