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New Legendary Skins BONKERS. Feels unobtainable.

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What we need is to get more changes on the research notes. The cost itself for 10K is nothing special - 100-200 gold. But its seriously frustrating to go through the entire process of obtaining them. Not to mention its not 10K but more like 1 Mil for all the skins(if next versions also requite 10K each).

After going though the 40K for the aurene weapons I thought I was done. Silly me. Had some leftover mats for my first zaithan variant and got the 10K for it. But at this point I'm currently way too disgusted from the research notes system that I don't want to even go near it. For me personally its almost a "blocking" issue.

Edited by Hellissane.3041
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21 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:


This whole post is just laughable, and ignores reality.

The majority of players don't play GW2 for 16 hours a day, and don't have the free time to be able to.

The majority of players have never seen the amount of gold you're throwing around in the entire time they've been playing.

It's so out of touch and a mirror of real-world capitalism, where those in a position of privilege have no idea how the rest of the world works.

It's just tragic.


The only thing laughable here are your takes. You can play one Dragon's End meta every day, which takes about an hour on average, and it'll only take you a little over a month to get a LEGENDARY weapon. Do one every other day (which would literally equate to 3-4 hours per WEEK) and you're still there after 2 months. Calling that unobtainable is delusional.


The difference between real-world capitalism and this game is that everybody starts on equal footing here. You're not born rich. Ethnicity doesn't matter. Everyone starts with nothing. Yes, some people are privileged and able to play more than others, but if ANYONE wants a legendary they can EASILY get one. No one gates you out of anything, you can do anything you want to, unlike the real world. The majority of players just spend their obtained gold on random kitten they don't need or really want and then pretend like the game doesn't throw money at them. The majority of players could literally find 500g+ in the material storage with materials they'll never need. The majority of players who feel they can't ever obtain a legendary have half cost in materials already obtained. Pretending you need any form of skill or privilege to get a few thousand gold in this game is a pathetic take.


You pretend that power and QoL are equal, they are not, in any shape or form. Having less QoL doesn't prevent you from competing with other players in any type of content. Having less QoL doesn't exclude you from playing any type of content at all. Having less power ABSOLUTELY does. Gating QoL behind a paywall is scummy at worst, and we can definitely talk about the kitten practice of creating QoL problems to sell QoL solutions. But gating power behind a paywall is exploitative. You can choose not to get any QoL feature and still play the game just fine. You cannot choose to not get any competitive power level and still play the game just fine. These are vastly, vastly different aspects and cannot be compared at all.

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7 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Ascended gear is Exactly like Legendary, and i know someones gonna say "oh but legendary can swap stats" my replies going to simply be: Unless you play this game at a high level Across many many different proffessions, Legendary weapons arent benefical. how often you running condi LB?... given warriors the only one wit hthis and u aint playing LB Warrior. Does it matter u cant swap ur LB to condi stats.

For swapping purpose legendary is currently inferior to having multiple ascended. It is currently an annoying hassle using legendary. Even if you have all the template slots it is very easy to run out with the different combinations of weapons and armor stats.

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2 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

For swapping purpose legendary is currently inferior to having multiple ascended. It is currently an annoying hassle using legendary. Even if you have all the template slots it is very easy to run out with the different combinations of weapons and armor stats.

Well yeah but how many combos do u use. 

It's mainly good if you.play multiple proffessions Really. Epically as u can get runes out of far easier. 

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10 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

They aren't that price on my server, they all cost just about 2100gems

That... doesn't work like you think it does. EU/NA have the same tp prices. So unless you're playing on a chinese server, your prices just can't be different.

And btw, the base unit for crafting costs used anywhere is in gold, not gems. So that's what "g" in the post you've quoted means.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

This is mainly a weapons problem but it is not just about the stats.

I'd pressumed that it's not about stats, if your playing one proffession you don't need to swap weapon stats in 99% of cases. 

As they're generally mainly dedicated to one thing apart from a few things. 

But I wouldn't rly call legendary armour inferior to ascended, nor weapons realistically. I know we are talking templates, but you rly don't need many to cover. 

I mean I currently do the entire game with only 3 sets of ascended armour tops, a celestial set, a set foe my quickness build and a pure dps set. And I'm pretty much sorted for anything I'm going to do. 

Epically considering with armour you have to manually change each piece. While legendaries u at up 1 piece and tick a box. 

But it's rly going to depend on the levels your going to here. If your a speed runners I'd imagine it prolly is more difficult with the quantity of builds you need. 

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On 6/8/2022 at 4:49 AM, Mungrul.9358 said:

I'm guessing they settled on 10K research notes before they nerfed the easy ways to get them, and now it's just ridiculously time-consuming and expensive.


You know, I was watching Bellular's take-down of Diablo: Immortal last night, and a lot of the monetisation strategies employed there are exactly the same as in GW2, yet people seem to give GW2 a pass.


Most of them are ways of accelerating progress towards goals, and are exact parallels to the legendary or other acquisition paths in GW2.

I wonder how many people bypass the material grind for the various gifts by just breaking out the wallet. I suspect it's a LOT higher than the community would have you believe.

This is a bizarre comparison. You are comparing cosmetics to items that provide gameplay advantage at the cost of over $100k. Ive spent $0 on gems and i have obtained multiple legendaries and ive played casually at best since 2013.

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2 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

I'd pressumed that it's not about stats, if your playing one proffession you don't need to swap weapon stats in 99% of cases. 

As they're generally mainly dedicated to one thing apart from a few things. 

But I wouldn't rly call legendary armour inferior to ascended, nor weapons realistically. I know we are talking templates, but you rly don't need many to cover. 

I mean I currently do the entire game with only 3 sets of ascended armour tops, a celestial set, a set foe my quickness build and a pure dps set. And I'm pretty much sorted for anything I'm going to do. 

Epically considering with armour you have to manually change each piece. While legendaries u at up 1 piece and tick a box. 

But it's rly going to depend on the levels your going to here. If your a speed runners I'd imagine it prolly is more difficult with the quantity of builds you need. 


AFAIK the 'problem' is the runes and infusions unslot if the weapon is moved to your inventory.  Which is what six clicks at most to get them all back--so not really a problem at all.  

Storing multiple ascended to avoid this is not only a waste of gold, but also a waste of bag space. 

Should there be more template slots? Probably as it'd make anet more money and allow for more build variety.  But in reality the more template slots would just lead to more builds that aren't optimal anyway and not really worth storing.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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On 6/8/2022 at 7:24 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Tell me how you can buy power in GW2. 

Power on a level that F2P needs years to grind for. 

Enlighten me how Gw2 is P2W on the same level as Diablo immortal. 


You buy gems with real money, then you convert to gold, then you buy gen 1 legendaries from store.  Then you buy more gems, exchange for more gold, then buy materials to craft ascended armor. 


Someone day 1 could buy a level boost or get a collectors edition, boost to 80, bust out the credit card, kit themselves out in legendary weapons, buy all the mats needed to level crafting and craft their ascended armor, all without having to actually play much of the game.


That's why gw2 is pay to win. 

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3 hours ago, Trogs.1802 said:

You buy gems with real money, then you convert to gold, then you buy gen 1 legendaries from store.  Then you buy more gems, exchange for more gold, then buy materials to craft ascended armor. 


Someone day 1 could buy a level boost or get a collectors edition, boost to 80, bust out the credit card, kit themselves out in legendary weapons, buy all the mats needed to level crafting and craft their ascended armor, all without having to actually play much of the game.


That's why gw2 is pay to win. 

What do you win?

Have you even played Diablo Immortal?

Edited by mythical.6315
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5 hours ago, Trogs.1802 said:

You buy gems with real money, then you convert to gold, then you buy gen 1 legendaries from store.  Then you buy more gems, exchange for more gold, then buy materials to craft ascended armor. 


Someone day 1 could buy a level boost or get a collectors edition, boost to 80, bust out the credit card, kit themselves out in legendary weapons, buy all the mats needed to level crafting and craft their ascended armor, all without having to actually play much of the game.


That's why gw2 is pay to win. 

Your problem is he's asking for a power increase from real life spending. 

And you've again only responded with a answer of cosmetics. 

Legendaries are not a power increase. They are a skin. Ascended armour provides identical stats and the cost of reaching those are far lower and very easy to reach without paying a dime. 

Your saying busting out a credit card to smash through tradeskills, but fail to realistically touch upon the fact that crafting is extremely easy in gw2 and very fast paced alone. Not to mention the costs of boosting ur tradeskills with buying mats is actually very cheap and easily obtainable. 


Knowing that the ascended armour recipes require being bought. The easiest to obtain requiring laurels a currency which can only be obtained through daily log ins. 

No, yoy can't just log on and instantly purchase ascended armour. You'd wither have to grind the story to get to the vendors to purchase these recipes or you would have to wait on laurels. 

Your missing a chunk in the game. Where you reliese the only difference is, the dude buying gems realistically wasted a money because of laziness. 

And yes I'm aware some core game ascended recipes have lower requirements. However: let's not pretend you can access diviners, vipers or multiple others via neither the TP or core game. 

They are account bound and the recipie comes from the lands and generally require you to progress the expansion to some degree to obtain. 

Not to mention the gears entirely worthless in competitive modes. And there's nothing to win in pve given the game has 0 reward for doing higher content. 

What your describing there, is a player who's effectively done the entire gear progression and basically will have nothing to do for the foreseeable future. Because he has nothing else to climb or do. And without the mechanical knowledge. Or ability to play their proffession wouldn't be allowed in Raids. 

So is going to quite literally just make sets of ascended to never use, or sit in competitive modes where they weren't a thing anyway. 

If this game however had a gear progression and higher gear from high content became sellable on TP I would agree from a power level point of view this game is p2w.

However it simply doesn't exist, there's no end game reward and there's no progression within doing it, a player who does what you mentioned would likely quit the game a few months after doing it. 

The only argument for "p2w" with logical justification is limited access to skins  outfits and cosmetics accessible inside the game. Which for collectors would make the game p2w 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 6/8/2022 at 9:50 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I thought ascended armor / weapons gave you quite a bit of research notes--seems if you just craft / salvage that you'd have them in no time.  

Never craft ascended gear to salvage for research. Salvage the ones that you get from random chests.

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17 hours ago, Trogs.1802 said:

You buy gems with real money, then you convert to gold, then you buy gen 1 legendaries from store.  Then you buy more gems, exchange for more gold, then buy materials to craft ascended armor. 


Someone day 1 could buy a level boost or get a collectors edition, boost to 80, bust out the credit card, kit themselves out in legendary weapons, buy all the mats needed to level crafting and craft their ascended armor, all without having to actually play much of the game.


That's why gw2 is pay to win. 


You really have to play more games if you think having a cash shop 'shortcut' constitutes 'pay to win'. 

It was explained above why this is a bad take, because you won't be allowed in the content you 'paid to win' (i.e. raids/fractals), and if you step foot in competitive you will find out quickly that you wasted your money as you're gonna get rolled. 

But actual 'pay to win' is if the game say made leveling exponentially harder as you progress, to the point to where you need boosters to hit 80 or spend hundreds / thousands of hours getting there.  Or if Black Lion chests contained items you needed--like your mounts expire after 30 days unless you get a pass out of the Black Lion chest (which would of course be random).  That's P2W.

You could argue GW2 is 'buy to win' though, as it'd be hard to do a lot of things on a F2P account or just in Core Tyria.  I'm not sure that's here nor there as its the literal business model which is unchangeable without a subscription fee of some kind (no thank you).     


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Pay to Win would be if there were +20% damage and -20% damage received items in the cash shop that were usable in all game modes.

Even better would be if they were a chest from the shop that randomly dropped such items that ranged from +20% to +300% and -20% to -90% damage received items.

Anet's back would break from all the money from WvW players buying those in bulk.

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17 hours ago, Trogs.1802 said:

You buy gems with real money, then you convert to gold, then you buy gen 1 legendaries from store.  Then you buy more gems, exchange for more gold, then buy materials to craft ascended armor. 


Someone day 1 could buy a level boost or get a collectors edition, boost to 80, bust out the credit card, kit themselves out in legendary weapons, buy all the mats needed to level crafting and craft their ascended armor, all without having to actually play much of the game.


That's why gw2 is pay to win. 

GW2 is indeed P2W. As long as gems to gold exists this is indeed a thing.
But there is a massive difference the Gw2 gearing system and that of games like D:I, Genshin or Black Desert which are largely RNG based.
If you wanted to whale your BiS gear in GW2 it would likely cost a couple of hundred dollars.And Realistically can be done without whaling in a matter of weeks.
In BDO it would cost you several thousand. If you aren't swiping this would literally take years.
In Diablo Immortal the price tag is over $100,000... and if you are not whaling it's statistically impossible.

Saying these three options are "the same" is conflating the issue to a comical level and immediately identifies your words as valueless.

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You could argue GW2 is 'buy to win' though, as it'd be hard to do a lot of things on a F2P account or just in Core Tyria. 

F2P is just a free trial without time limit.

Before F2P there were also free trials WITH time limits and IIRC those accounts were a bit of a mess.


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On 6/8/2022 at 11:30 AM, Khisanth.2948 said:

buuuuuuuut what if you want 16 legendaries in 16 days because anything else is taking way too long and unacceptable? 🤣

Well, that does bring up the point that many don't seem to be able to see more than 16 days in the future. The horrifying lack of  any kind of long term perspective has been both tragic and comical (well, mostly WvW drama here)

The one question I ask to people, is once (they) get their legendary, now what?


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On 6/8/2022 at 2:54 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

I thought that legendary things were supposed to take great effort to obtain?

They heavily implied the material cost would be in the initial weapon, and the reskins would be light in materials but require something like an extensive collection achievement.

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On 6/9/2022 at 5:30 PM, SdoRy.6839 said:

You can play one Dragon's End meta every day, which takes about an hour on average, and it'll only take you a little over a month to get a LEGENDARY weapon. Do one every other day (which would literally equate to 3-4 hours per WEEK) and you're still there after 2 months. Calling that unobtainable is delusional.

Tho I agree with you on some points, I have to disagree with this one.


Its not that it's unobtainable but rather much difficult for casual players who don't put much bucks in game. 


DE Meta takes an hour plus 30mins to be on a map with good comm/members (which is also not easy to come by). The chance of wining it is more but not high. For me, I can't afford to play those hours on weekdays after a 9-10hr shift. So that's not possible. And I know there are more people like me playing the game. 


And not everyone can Farm gold easily, and selling mats because you don't need them now is bad, I know it cause I once did it and later needed it.


My only complained for this gen weapon is the amount of mats for each variant. 10k research notes (might cost around 100-200g)is still too much, same with jade runestone and memory of aurene.


Please remember tho we are all on equal footing in game, the outside factor also plays a role, both in time and money. 

Edited by Blue D Phoenix.7260
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