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Just put the Skyscale in the shop [Merged]

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Grinds and collections are a major part of everything significant in this game.  The skyscale unlock is far from the hardest unlock and really didn't take that much gameplay to accomplish.  Personally I enjoyed it.


This may not be the game for you if you would rather buy it.

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1 hour ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

agreed, just selling it outright, no, but this idea that somehow it's a "premium" mount, and therefore must take a lot of hardwork and commitment (that just means gold, time, and grindy collections) is silly to me. Making it FUN should be part of the process, and I honestly don't get how making it easier to get would somehow destroy the balance of the game.

So what kind of FUN activities would you play for Skyscale? These achievements are more or less comprised of tasks you do anyway in open world. Sure they could lock it behind fractals, raids, spvp and I would agree with it. But that would just trigger a huge upset in general player base. 

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Not gonna happen. It’s a long term goal like other collections and items in game. Many players enjoy these collections and it’s their reward for doing them. If you feel this strongly about it, then come with other ideas to how they can make all players still interested in the game with stuff to do. And not afk in cities like other games between expansions. Remember most players in this game are casual pve players. Good luck 👍 

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Gotta recommend the griffon for anyone THAT desperate for a flying mount.  250g, some scrounging around on PoF maps, one quest fight at the end and voila, flying mount--or at least close enough to one since whales weigh far too much for it to really fly.

Only grind I still think is dumb is the siege turtle, and that's only because it's gated behind a strike mission where you can't use it anyway.  At least all the other mounts are gated behind solo quests and open-world stuff where mounts are (normally) useable.

Edited by Raarsi.6798
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Before I've get my scyscale, I was also for gem unlock.... 


But once I've decided to go for it (at that point I couldn't find something  to do in the game), the whole process took around 7 days, where 2 of them was simple daily stuff. 


If you don't complete LWS4 maps before start (like I do) , than it will be even easier. 


Dragonfall part is tedious, yes. But with wiki guide it's not that long. 


Saddle materials can be received from Return to achievement stage 3, which is basically complete main story, mine resources, do some meta... It took me 1 day per map with casual play through story and such. 


For other parts, wiki have pretty detailed info on how to get then... 


But in general, if the main goal of this collection was about creating bond with your new mount... I think it can be done better without to much backtracking. 

Edited by Rhingeim.3974
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Personally, I don't think you should be able to buy the skyscale with gems.

What I do think however, is that it should be easier and funner to obtain, because at this point it's mandatory or else you're gonna be left behind while in a squad. It's just superior to every other mount.

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1 hour ago, Farohna.6247 said:

*hovers and flaps annoyingly on skyscale* nothing to see here folks, just weekly rant about having to do thing in game *flies away*

Waiting for event to start in game, have a little time to kill...

*jumps on skyscale, hovers politely above the landscape*

switches to the forums & checks responses to this thread...going about the way I expected...switches over to the game

*settles delicately back to the ground*

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I don't agree it should be bought (i think the griffon should be able to be) but i do think some of the fetch quests, teamed timed content Like bounties and events no one wants to do these days and the resources needed could be nerfed.. Its way too tedious.


Yes i own my skyscale and did it, but i hated every minute of it and it made me some what hate the final mount. That said if it helps others get it easier i'm all for whatever makes it easier.. It actually took me like 3 years to finally get around to it.


Its no where near a legendary mount..

Edited by Dante.1508
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I've said it before I believe and I'll say it again: make the skyscale itself as easy to get as the initial PoF mounts and then make the big quest thing into a special skin unlock. That way there is still a reason to do it that people can "show off," but the utility is no longer hidden behind so much annoyance. Same with warclaw and WvW as well. Same with griffon and roller beetle.

The thing about mounts is, on top of the utility, some of them like griffon are just plain fun to use.  Or like roller beetle, there is potentially hours of content in doing the races and mastering them and it's locked behind a time-consuming collection.

Hiding fun is taking a gamble that the player will stick around through stuff they find unfun long enough to get to the fun. And sure, we can argue some people might find the collection itself fun in an RPG way, but others won't. They will just wonder why this thing that is supposed to make their game more fun is hidden behind a slog (and a sometimes expensive one at that, in gold farming and whatnot).

I realize there is a tradeoff here in design, but I don't know what else to say about it because they're the ones who made these mounts so useful and/or fun to use.

Also, before anyone tries to make this into a personal thing, I have all of the mounts in the game.

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Nah, the way they have it now is fine.

Skyscale current questline basically guarantees your participation in certain fringes of the open world, thereby keeping those areas alive for meta events. 

Allowing people to bypass that with a fee not only would tick off all the people who grit their teeth and did the grind, but would also hurt the populations of those maps going forward and cheapen the content. There's so many people just itching on the other side of that wall you want removed to call the game pay to win. Heck, just this week we had a thread or two here about people saying the armor canister is pay to win now, despite the buff being attainable at any anvil. 

There's something refreshing about a game that only allows you to have access to some tool or shiny if you put in a certain verifiable amount of in game work. More games need to do that. Pull up a wiki like everyone else, do 5-10 minutes or a section of the cheevo a day, and get your dragon the way everyone else did. You can buy fancy skins for it with that gem money after. 

If its tedious, find a questing buddy. Theres no small number of guildmates thatll just hang out with you while you do the things. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 minutes ago, HowlKamui.5120 said:

umm about that...

Be careful, you might set off the "it's not technically P2W, have you seen a real P2W game, GW2 is the best game ever made and has the best monetization" people. I think.... you hear that? I think I can hear them coming. I'm getting out of here.

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16 hours ago, Squeesidhe.4761 said:

The unlock quests for the Skyscale mount are beyond tedious. Just put the mount unlock in the Gem store and I'll just buy the damned thing. 

You don't like playing the game to achieve a certain in-game goal? Then no Skyscale for you.

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