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GW2 should finally add "inspect gear" ability to examine other players' cosmetics

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5 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Who is 'we' in this context?

You clearly don't mean all players because every time this comes up it's very unpopular and gets a lot of objections. It would be helpful if you could clarify who it is who has nominated you to speak on their behalf as that will be important context for your request.


"We" is the new word for "I" these days. "We need" reads a lot nicer than "I want". But the truth suffers.

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41 minutes ago, Aalter.2950 said:

Okay but nobody said anything about a gear check - sure if you want to manually inspect everyone's gear to gatekeep content go ahead but how is that any different from KP that already exists in the game and is much easier to check? I don't hear anyone complaining about that...


This isn't a feature for policing what people are doing it's a feature for looking at what people are doing so you can try it yourself or at least be learning what others are up to - especially cosmetically.

Sobx already addressed your initial post which suggest gear check is exactly what you asked for. And I got nothing more to add about it. If it was pure cosmetic, which I don’t mind if they add, but i don’t think it’s needed, you failed to say so in your opening post.

And I do not support kp and there is no reason to add one more way for players to be toxic. Just because this exist, doesn’t mean it’s right and more of the same should be added. 

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Ok let's approach it from another angle.  I don't think the devs are really interested in creating this for each and every piece of gear and combo that exists, as they already have the bank tabs where you can try on things.  Sites exist for popular/meta builds already, or ask away on the forums for a profession build.  

So much is already available, it's an unneeded feature.   WoWs was not originally designed to look at pretty gear.  It was to see what twit had low DPS in greens and wondered why they died, and to wonder why the heck their talent tree was a mess (back when it was expansive and a LOT of points and number crunching).  

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13 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Ok let's approach it from another angle.  I don't think the devs are really interested in creating this for each and every piece of gear and combo that exists, as they already have the bank tabs where you can try on things.  Sites exist for popular/meta builds already, or ask away on the forums for a profession build.  

So much is already available, it's an unneeded feature.   WoWs was not originally designed to look at pretty gear.  It was to see what twit had low DPS in greens and wondered why they died, and to wonder why the heck their talent tree was a mess (back when it was expansive and a LOT of points and number crunching).  



Inspect for skins, not needed, part of fun is seeing a new skin combo and checking it out in bank.  Or just communicate and ask the person, most people would love this.


Inspect for stats.  Been talked to death,  is a known enabler for additional toxic behaviour, and more importantly has not been needed in the last decade in this game.

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2 hours ago, Aalter.2950 said:

If people want to use the tool that way, let them. What you're doing here is actively discouraging player interaction because you're afraid it will be bad and disguising that as if it's encouraging player interaction.

I like how after people pointed out there's no need for you to avoid player interaction by adding another menu option to screen through their gear/builds, you turned around and now try claiming other people are "discouraging player interaction" when they tell you to talk to other players. Are you serious here or is this just a hopeless "no u" attempt to muffle what was written in responses to you?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, Aalter.2950 said:

I don't know why so many people are angry about this request lmao it's pretty obvious why it would be useful and has nothing to do with "being elitist" or something (???)


It's literally about getting to see what weapon and armor skins people are using! And dyes, and other appearance factors.


Including the stats page and adding a tab for build and skills is just an extra idea so that it's easier to look at what other people are running, not to grief them but just to let people share their loadouts with each other.


Would you all be happy if you had to opt into it in settings or something? Idk weird for people to get so mad in the forums about what is a normal feature in many similar games lol


I'd even be happy with one just where you can see what skins and dyes are being used, I don't care that much about inspecting traits but obviously that would have utility and everyone's argument against it seems to be "someone might be mean to me about my build choices", which like...yeah so? Someone will do that anyway, maybe the problem is that behavior like that is accepted and not moderated enough. It's like saying "I can't name my kid something that will get them bullied in school" if your kid is gonna get bullied it isn't about the name, bullies will find something else to bully them for...hence why it's a problem regardless

I'm sorry, nowhere in your starting post does it say that all you want to do is look at their skins. You specifically mention traits and their build. You NEVER mention you only want to look at their skins in your opening post. You said Build and Stats and then casually mention skins. So, you've just contradicted yourself. Please go back and read what you posted before saying it isn't about that. 

Edited by Heibi.4251
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9 hours ago, Aalter.2950 said:

That kind of thing happens anyway and you shouldn't shape your game features around what toxic players will say - instead take that as a sign that toxic behavior needs to be more heavily moderated anyway, independently of new features.

I think Anet considers this "feature" to invite more toxic behavior than it's worth. 

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We ought to be able to right click -> inspect and see other players' equipment.

Would be great in PvP, open world, group content. It would help noobies see what is good by inspecting advanced players, and it would help advanced players mimic each other, learn what's popular, and sort each other out. It would also help to reveal transmog and dye combinations. Curently the only way to sort out noobies in end game content is to look at ARCdps which is sort of a workaround.

The argument I could see against this would be a bias against newer players, but that's just how mmorpg's work and even could be a positive incentive for noobs to ... stop being noobs and engage with systems like exotic crafting.

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6 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

We ought to be able to right click -> inspect and see other players' equipment.

Would be great in PvP, open world, group content. It would help noobies see what is good by inspecting advanced players, and it would help advanced players mimic each other, learn what's popular, and sort each other out. It would also help to reveal transmog and dye combinations. Curently the only way to sort out noobies in end game content is to look at ARCdps which is sort of a workaround.

The argument I could see against this would be a bias against newer players, but that's just how mmorpg's work and even could be a positive incentive for noobs to ... stop being noobs and engage with systems like exotic crafting.

There used to be a 3rd party program that did this, but ANet outright banned it and banned the developer from the game.  So this is a hard no.

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