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The true sign of the devolution of WvW


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I think op is referring to the lost art of the "scout call".

They just don't seem to understand that the benefit of the scout call information is for commanders and other groups to get the information and weigh the variables, communicate with other groups and then respond all while calculating current objectives as well as dealing with real time combat.

Location- good information

Numbers- good information (doesn't have to be perfect) 

Color- good information

Guild Tag- good information (if applicable)

Siege- good information (if applicable)


Example: 25ish Red [Quetin Lake] rams up, TOAD guild.


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On 8/15/2022 at 3:04 AM, pikalovr.4613 said:

[Quentin Lake] [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake]  [Quentin Lake] 

how many?

I always advice players to change the chat settings and add the Map Tag from where players are talking from, this way  one of the 4 like EBG|GBL|RBL or GBL will apear in front of the player that is writing.

If some one ping hills WP or writes something  i already know wich map it comes from cause the map tag will apear in before the toon name in chat, maybe Anet needs to make this a padron rule in WvW.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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9 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Example: 25ish Red [Quetin Lake] rams up, TOAD guild.

Everyone please notice that this example answers the essential questions all players on a map (not only a commander) require in order to make strategic decisions:
Who?  What?  Where?

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On 8/15/2022 at 3:26 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

When people ping POIs with no other info.

At least you could look at the map if it is contested, or if there is a battle cross or someone could run to there and take a look.

But if I only see some french or spanish names of the structures which I don't understand, I could not even do that. Like it is with the letter-number codes some players from BB seem to use for structures instead of names.

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