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What would be the next mount?

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Next mount should be cattle-themed.


Something Bull-like, Cow-like, maybe Ox-like.


It will be slower to travel on, but when you have it up, you can have more items on inventory at a given moment; a beast of burden animal to ride on; and a new game mechanic like trade runs (for NPCs) could be introduced for NPCs. Not Black Lion trades, but like tasks for NPCS, for quick low-pay for starters and moderate pay for more difficult runs get some capital with some time investment. 


In addition to those events of defending a supply run, YOU could also be THE supply run.

Edited by Avion Blade.4869
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On 8/30/2022 at 11:17 PM, Demon Pie.2634 said:

It is an undisputed fact that we got the best mounts in the field. I believe ArenaNet has no reason to not keep doing what they do best.


So the question probably isn't if we're gonna have another mount but what it might be.


Right now, we have:












So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.


You mean like a siege devourer? Maybe if they do more Charr related content in the future. 

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12 hours ago, Avion Blade.4869 said:

Next mount should be cattle-themed.


Something Bull-like, Cow-like, maybe Ox-like.


It will be slower to travel on, but when you have it up, you can have more items on inventory at a given moment; a beast of burden animal to ride on; and a new game mechanic like trade runs (for NPCs) could be introduced for NPCs. Not Black Lion trades, but like tasks for NPCS, for quick low-pay for starters and moderate pay for more difficult runs get some capital with some time investment. 


In addition to those events of defending a supply run, YOU could also be THE supply run.

Already a thing https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noble_Aurochs_Jackal_Skin

Edited by Linken.6345
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On 8/30/2022 at 4:21 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

What would a new mount add that isn't already covered by the existing ones?


I don't see the need for another mount. The Siege Turtle was already a huge disappointment (at least to me), and all the other mounts cover everything, no? (As for skins, sure, there is still space for innovation.)

I'd rather see them introduce a WvW map built around the Siege Turtle, that would finally make it a fun mount to me.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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It would be interesting if they make a new mount that would require doing the entire gw2 basegame, expansions, having all mounts unlocked. Along with  the mount itself haveing permaflight, the ability to swim,and the griffon dive ability. Along with 2 to 4 player seating .While having a long collection that is not time gated and could be considered a legendary mount for the work that is put in to obtain it 


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On 8/30/2022 at 10:17 AM, Demon Pie.2634 said:

It is an undisputed fact that we got the best mounts in the field. I believe ArenaNet has no reason to not keep doing what they do best.


So the question probably isn't if we're gonna have another mount but what it might be.


Right now, we have:












So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.



The game doesn't need any more mounts. I'd even argue the Turtle was pointless to add, I never use it at all, it just comes out when I'm bored or wanna squish a low-level mob. The bunny is quicker and better for CC damage when I need it. That and I don't have any friends to use the 2nd seat with, so it's a useless mount lol.

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14 hours ago, Caitybee.3614 said:

I'd even argue the Turtle was pointless to add, I never use it at all

Not pointless but poorly designed, it's super clunky and only does 4k DPS. A combat mount (unless it is support focused) should do around 10-15k DPS as it otherwise would be to much of a downgrade to be woth using.

Edited by Tails.9372
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On 8/31/2022 at 2:56 PM, Khisanth.2948 said:

It is an underwater capable mount but not particularly great at it unlike griffon for air and roller beetle for land.

Your only point seems to indicate that if it can't go very fast, then it's not a good mount.

Skimmer is a very useful mount. They'll increase your underwater speed by a very significant amount (37.5%). Normal skimmer underwater speed is just a little higher than swimming with a +30 swim speed infusion with swiftness applied (And that speed will only last the duration of the swiftness boon). Skimmer above water will be double your swim speed.

In addition, skimmer will travel over quicksand, enable you to climb out of water over a little height such as a dock, enable you to activate a skiff anywhere over water and has the fastest and safe passive descend speed from any height with a mount - dropping with a mount without any skill actions. The last action is particularly useful in areas such as Verdant Brink where there are undergrowths or obtructions that will impede movements of other mounts such as skyscale or griffons. Also, no fear of hitting the bottom and dying, which flying mounts and gliding will not prevent in some areas.

In addition, you can mount a skimmer anytime in the water, float up, spawn a skiff and get on a skyscale or springer to get onto a much higher land area. Great for underwater fast farming as well for items such as seaweed and coral.

On 9/1/2022 at 4:54 PM, Caitybee.3614 said:


The game doesn't need any more mounts. I'd even argue the Turtle was pointless to add, I never use it at all, it just comes out when I'm bored or wanna squish a low-level mob. The bunny is quicker and better for CC damage when I need it. That and I don't have any friends to use the 2nd seat with, so it's a useless mount lol.

The Siege Turtle is very useful against structures at some meta. It is essential for the DE meta. Also, in meta such as Claw of Jormag for destroying the corrupted ice shield, they are deployed frequently. Anywhere where there's some structure obtructing progress, the Siege Turtle is your answer.

Edited by Silent.6137
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4 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

Not pointless but poorly designed, it's super clunky and only does 4k DPS. A combat mount (unless it is support focused) should do around 10-15k DPS as it otherwise would be to much of a downgrade to be woth using.

Well it is 10 targets aoe so more then any single player can do

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On 9/1/2022 at 4:14 AM, TexZero.7910 said:

Considering they missed the chance to bring back Junundu and have them be a key part of PoF i'd say that if we ever go further into Elonia / The sulferous wastes.


... To ride a junundu, its rider has to be actually swallowed by it.

Quoted from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wurm


Like, yikeees...!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alternative question: "What would be the next (existing) mount's ability?"

Most mounts have a couple of spare ability slots (2, 3, 4) - we could think of ways that the existing roster could be augmented rather than adding another one trick pony (no, no ponies, there are no horses here!)

  • Springer - Add a Kick skill. Could be used to push boulders around, activate bulkier switches, smash walls (like roller beetle). Maybe a new kind of open world puzzle related to them
  • Jackal - Add a detect ability? Ping hidden enemies, find buried caches with a dig skill?
  • Raptor - Talons. Maybe a way for them to latch on to walls, limited climb ability? Maybe another ability with it's tail, but I can't think of one now.
  • Skimmer - Well, they already got the underwater upgrade. Not sure what else could be added. Maybe a speed boost ability?
  • Griffin/Skyscale/Roller beetle are probably fine as they are?
  • Turtle - Make Skill 1 be a driver operated repeater turret/flame thrower from the dragon mouth on the existing models - this can be set to auto attack. Put slam on 4. Maybe add some support skill on 2,3 that offers healing/boons? Would be OP, but it's open world only and would help more people realise the power of boons
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since i dont think they cant continuously pump out elite specs a single person combat mount would be nice to have in open world when you just want to change your combat style up for a moment..


Mastery: Golemancy

Build your golem battle suit to take out into the world.

Open up a big collectible thing where you go around the world collecting parts for your golem suit.

In combat your golem suit mount would charge up and only have enough energy for a certain period of time..

So not to interfere with dps or healing these golems would have a few specific functions. Tank/Escape/Manipulate.


In combat you would use them to..

tank if you accidentally pulled to many monsters

Escape if you are on a highly immobile class

Manipulate- CC good for people who didn't build there combat bar for cc.


Its actually a smart system to add on other features besides class skills.


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On 9/1/2022 at 7:18 PM, pallas.8150 said:

I vote nothing.

The turtle, honestly, brought nothing exciting to the game. I think the well is dry. Its like Masteries at this point.

Pretty much this. Don't see any point in another mount.

Unless it's a crawler that can take us below the surface so we could find all the weird looking map boundaries and take screenshots of them -- whoever takes the most, receives a unique skin. 😂

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I heard that they limited mounts in WvW and the warclaw looks like something just to get around faster.


Probably would be cool if you could have a pet that behaves like a tank. Really slow, really durable, protects the occupants, has multiple seats and it's basically cannons and turrets with the driver controlling what it does.


Essentially a more WvW friendly turtle.

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