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What would be the next mount?

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I'm kinda hoping they reconsider their "gem store only" approach to mount skins and start putting mount skins in the game that can obtained in various ways. To satisfy the mount collectors in all of us.


If they add too many more mounts they will have bloat with some mounts making others obsolete. We already have most forms of terrain traversal covered.

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15 minutes ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

I'm kinda hoping they reconsider their "gem store only" approach to mount skins and start putting mount skins in the game that can obtained in various ways. To satisfy the mount collectors in all of us.


You can play the game now and do whatever content you like.  Convert your earned gold to gems and buy the skins you want. 

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That is not the same. Getting skins that way is just gold grinding, not content. We already HAVE skins we can do that for. The ones that currently exist. Adding a few more acquired in different ways would satisfy mount collectors without adding more mounts.  As much as we like to say "but monetization!" adding skins is far easier than fully implementing new mounts (mounts that would need skins of their own in the future).


Honestly, I'm not sure where they will go from here in terms of new things that help us get around the world, which are major mastery lines in expansions so far. Between the existing mounts and the glider (and...the skiff) we have pretty much everything covered outside FFXIV/WoW's form of absolute flight. And I don't want that form of flight in GW2. I don't think most people would.


I guess we can keep going with the mastery lines for things like mushrooms and thermal vents but those are confined to Living World seasonal maps.

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Honestly think we've got enough at this point.

Only thing I can think of that isn't covered by existing mounts is a super fast underwater option.. like Underwater+Beetle/Griffon.. which would round us off for a super speed mount for land, sea and air.
But is that mount actually necessary?.. No.. not really no.

I think future mount ideas should be focused more on expanding the existing ones already in the game, we really don't need any more new creatures.

A better focus would be on vehicles now, Skiffs are actually pretty awesome despite us already having the Skimmer and I'd like to see more vehicles implemented into the game with their own flavour.
We've had so many vehicles in Gw2 that were never "usable" so it would be nice to have a few we can use like the Skiff.

Probably the top of my list is a Submarine that would allow us to go real deep into the ocean.
Perhaps a heavily vertical water map gets introduced one day that has a limitation on the depths we can dive and swim too before we take damage from the pressure so the only way to go down there and explore is with the Submarine at first, and once we get down there perhaps we can learn some ability from a Largos or another ocean dwelling species to enhance our armour to minimise the damage we take from the pressure, similarly to how we infused our armour in Gw1 to deal with Spectral Agony.
Sub could also have combat capabilities specific to deep sea events such as removing armour stacks from leviathans or being the only thing that can damage a bosses Defiance Bar or something.
Think like Tequatl only there are no NPC weapon placements around to use, players have to rely on their Submarine to deal with certain bosses mechanics instead and groups must organise who will be Subbed up and who wont be. 
Plenty of ways to make something like that work and keep it fun.

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GW 1 mounts:


▪ Siege Devourer

For Drizzlewood and other Metas, WvW, and other Warzones.

Can carry two people and launches two bombs. 


▪ Desert Wurm

Underground Travel, Desolation.

Can be used for sieging too.


GW 2 mounts:


▪ Asuran Golem Suit, Siege Golem for PVE.


Just saying...

Skiff is considered a mount, even when really isn't. 


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The only thing I can really think of at this point is a dedicated passenger mount. Faster and more maneuverable than the Turtle, and maybe with more seats, but not necessarily truly fast. Just a convenient group experience, especially for helping out new players.

Tunneling is one of the only traversal methods we don't have, but I can't imagine it offering anything significant outside areas built with it in mind. When it comes to animals, that's mostly down to skins anyway.


23 hours ago, Reborn.1738 said:

Alternative question: "What would be the next (existing) mount's ability?"

Most mounts have a couple of spare ability slots (2, 3, 4) - we could think of ways that the existing roster could be augmented rather than adding another one trick pony (no, no ponies, there are no horses here!)

  • Springer - Add a Kick skill. Could be used to push boulders around, activate bulkier switches, smash walls (like roller beetle). Maybe a new kind of open world puzzle related to them
  • Jackal - Add a detect ability? Ping hidden enemies, find buried caches with a dig skill?
  • Raptor - Talons. Maybe a way for them to latch on to walls, limited climb ability? Maybe another ability with it's tail, but I can't think of one now.
  • Skimmer - Well, they already got the underwater upgrade. Not sure what else could be added. Maybe a speed boost ability?
  • Griffin/Skyscale/Roller beetle are probably fine as they are?
  • Turtle - Make Skill 1 be a driver operated repeater turret/flame thrower from the dragon mouth on the existing models - this can be set to auto attack. Put slam on 4. Maybe add some support skill on 2,3 that offers healing/boons? Would be OP, but it's open world only and would help more people realise the power of boons

This is a really good point. I don't know when the last time I used the Springer was (outside of a challenge that required it), but this would give me a reason again.

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31 minutes ago, Jokubas.4265 said:

The only thing I can really think of at this point is a dedicated passenger mount. Faster and more maneuverable than the Turtle, and maybe with more seats, but not necessarily truly fast. Just a convenient group experience, especially for helping out new players.

Tunneling is one of the only traversal methods we don't have, but I can't imagine it offering anything significant outside areas built with it in mind. When it comes to animals, that's mostly down to skins anyway.


This is a really good point. I don't know when the last time I used the Springer was (outside of a challenge that required it), but this would give me a reason again.


For a dedicated passenger mount, a Skiff mastery that turns it into a mini airship? Would be equal parts ridiculous, hilarious, and awesome :classic_laugh:  Think it's water based turning circle but in the air, and maybe as fast as it's Speed 1 or 2. Have it fly 10-20ft off the ground, and the "anchor" ability becomes a ladder to embark/disembark. Then a skill to transform back into boat mode over water. 10/10 would joyride.

Edit - quick search on youtube: 


Tunneling - I imagine when people see this they think full underground go where you want diggy diggy? But in reality I can't see it being more than a tunnel entrance that warps you to an underground layer of a map, like a Skritt tunnel or the Nuhoch Wallows. We don't need a brand new mount, new keybind, entirely new mastery track, just to interact with a tunnel entrance.


And yeah, my ideas were to make older mounts useful again. Griffon and Skyscale have completely outclassed every other "basic" mount. I use my Jackal out of spite these days. We don't need more mounts, we need more mount abilities!


Edited by Reborn.1738
added yt link
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A lot of ideas around tunneling... While there is no doubt a certain coolness about the concept, realistically how would that work from a development/game flow perspective?  Currently mounts allow you to traverse through existing elements, over ground, air and water... but those elements exist already; you're just navigating through what is already there.  A tunneling mechanic would suggest that the mount is creating new pathways, wouldn't it?  How could the game support that?  Or is it more like teleporting, where you'd click on a desired located above ground, and *poof*, you've "tunneled" and re-emerged?  Not sure I see the purpose, other than to more easily escape/access areas... which would no doubt be prohibited with that mechanic anyway. 


I think way back to the first Elder Scrolls game (my memory fails on the title), where you had grid-style 2d maps... and one of the spells you could create and customize was an excavation spell, where an adjacent blocked grid would then disappear... it was useful in dungeons to bore a (or series) of holes to bypass certain locations or just expedite an exit.  But not sure how that would be implemented in a modern-day scenario without planning in advance for that type of mechanic.


The deep-water submersible aspect is also interesting... for not only pressure but darkness... how many movie scenes where you're moving along in darkness and something zips by the lighted porthole?  Could be fun... Except that underwater in general is underdeveloped and not sure that we'll see this type of investment into expanding that world.

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On 8/30/2022 at 4:17 PM, Demon Pie.2634 said:

It is an undisputed fact that we got the best mounts in the field. I believe ArenaNet has no reason to not keep doing what they do best.


So the question probably isn't if we're gonna have another mount but what it might be.


Right now, we have:












So the only thing this is missing is arachnid. I read somewhere that they scrapped the spider, so a reasonable choice would be the scorpion. 


How cool would it be to ride a giant scorpion? Make it a battle mount, too. Maybe.


Please no more mounts. There are too many already. If they want some sort of Arachnid, just make a Devourer skin for the turtle. 

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On 8/30/2022 at 4:28 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective (especially since Anet have shown they're willing to reskin existing mounts as different animals, like the deer and kirin skins for the jackal). The important question is what new movement abilities or mechanics would it add?

  • The raptor gives an overland speed boost, with horizontal leaps.
  • The rollerbeetle gives an extreme speed boost at the cost of some manoeuvrability.
  • The springer gives vertical leaps.
  • The skimmer gives an aquatic speed boost with limited hover ability.
  • The jackal gives teleportation.
  • The griffon gives fast flight.
  • The skyscale gives slower flight with greater manoeuvrability and hover.
  • The turtle is a tanky mount (literally) with a passenger.
  • The skiff is a portable platform and group mount.
  • The warclaw is a WvW specific speed boost.

Looking at that list some things they could add are:

  • A group mount (5 players) for land.
  • A faster 2-player mount.
  • A flying group mount.
  • Something like the jackals teleportation ability or the skimmers immunity to ground effects, a way to navigate new types of terrain or barriers.
  • Maybe a new combat-themed mount like the siege turtle, but with different abilities, maybe a melee range one-player mount with faster but weaker attacks?

Honestly I think most of the things you mention could just be new masteries for the old mounts, like with Skimmer. 

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I know it's a bit of meme at this point, but keep it simple and add horses.


Speed - make it a bit faster on land than the raptor with a small jump using just normal jump key, no big canyon leaping ability so may have to take longer paths depending on the terrain. 


Passenger - allow a second rider, maybe with a reduced speed to match raptor speed


Unique feature - auto-travel. Click somewhere on the same map and horse will auto-run there (terrain / path allowing) - similar to the fixed point raptor rides in Cantha but you can select destination by clicking the map.


Other abilities masteries -

Attack/dismount - some kind of charge / lance attack, maybe a bonus if enemies are lined up (spear/impale) 

Rear up - aoe effect - embolden allies and weaken enemies (buff/de-buff)

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On 9/21/2022 at 8:56 PM, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

That is not the same. Getting skins that way is just gold grinding, not content. We already HAVE skins we can do that for. The ones that currently exist. Adding a few more acquired in different ways would satisfy mount collectors without adding more mounts.  As much as we like to say "but monetization!" adding skins is far easier than fully implementing new mounts (mounts that would need skins of their own in the future).

It's not content either if the way to acquire the skins makes use of existing content. That's the same as gold grinding that also makes use of existing content, except grinding gold you can do with the content you choose.

On 9/21/2022 at 8:56 PM, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

Honestly, I'm not sure where they will go from here in terms of new things that help us get around the world, which are major mastery lines in expansions so far. Between the existing mounts and the glider (and...the skiff) we have pretty much everything covered outside FFXIV/WoW's form of absolute flight. And I don't want that form of flight in GW2. I don't think most people would.

I really don't see the need for extra mounts. I did suggest parkour instead for EoD. That would've been great in Kaineng city and some other places around Tyria.

On 9/21/2022 at 8:56 PM, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

I guess we can keep going with the mastery lines for things like mushrooms and thermal vents but those are confined to Living World seasonal maps.

I mean it doesn't have to be for everywhere all the time, but it should at least be useful. 

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I feel like dedicated support mounts would have to be introduced very carefully to not make dedicated support classes obselete. Any mount that could heal, shield, throw in quickness or alac could potentially really hurt general class variety.


I'd feel physically sick if I rolled up on jormag on my support guardian and saw 25 owl mounts AoE healing through mechanics.

Edited by Pheex.8932
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