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Is there too much CC in game?


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17 minutes ago, Svarty.8019 said:

I'm curious about your opinions.

My own experience is that with PoF, we've seen an exponential increase in the casual use of CC, and it's making the game considerably less fun. The lack of options when one is lying on the floor is very noticeable. 

Sure feels like it sometims

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6 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

I'm curious about your opinions.

My own experience is that with PoF, we've seen an exponential increase in the casual use of CC, and it's making the game considerably less fun. The lack of options when one is lying on the floor is very noticeable. 

Simple answer is no. But, unfortunatly the way stab works atm is totally useless compared the amount of the CC in the game. Since we have this stupid stack system, that just cant keep up with the CC. So lets get the old system back, where when u have, lets say 5s of stab u HAVE 5 sec of stab, and not 1 sec, cause all the stacks just instantly get ripped cause of the crazy CC spam. Or give os some kind of system that makes u immune to cc for 1s or 2 after stunbreak. The cc is really not that bad i think. But the stabillity system needs a serious work over. 

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Yes there is. Unless you are in a team with an FB you spend most of your time playing pinball. 

Main culprits of this are Anet devs with the extremely dumb designs of ranged CC AoEs  like for example Into the Void from mesmer or Heated Rebuke from FB. It is dumb to have a 900 skill with a 600 pull radius. 

There are other skills with pulsing CC (stun, float, launch) which also are extremely dumb. 

It does not matter how much stunbreak/stability you put on, it will get stripped right away unless there are plenty of bodies around you. 

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I dont think there is too much CC. If there is too much CC, then theres also too much Stability.


In my opinion, there is  too many people standing in multiple enemys and then crying that they died to CC. When in reality they died because they were outnumbered. 


In any fight with even numbers, you are rarely stunlocked.  I personally play a tempest build without any stunbreaks besides the overloads and i am doing just fine. 

Dodging CC skills is also highly underrated.

Also people need to understand that you dont have to break every CC.

I dont even bother Stunbreakin, unless i see that there is alot of damage coming my way, and i need to dodge that, or its a Daze that is over 2 seconds / or a stun that is ~2 seconds.

If you know the enemys big CC´s and keep your 2 or 3 stunbreaks for those, you will be fine most of the time.

Largescale - GvG:


Edited by Sahne.6950
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There is way way way too much CC in this game. I have never played a game where it is normal for the fights you WIN to be spent hard CCed over 50% of the fight. Everyone I have tried to play the game, have said the same thing and had the same complaints, CC,  those that quit all said that they were just tired of the amount of CC in the game, those that stayed still whine about it, me included apparently.


I would say in any fight that is larger than 2v2, and to a degree even there is centered around CC-ing. You don't bring boonrip to remove any boon except for stab, because if someone doesn't have stab, you can easily stunlock them from 100 to 0, even if they have healers. 


I would say only 3 boons even matter in WvW, for all the talk about boonball, they really should just call it stab-ball. Those boons being Stability, Resistance (which is also to counter CC....) and Protection (because burst damage is insane atm), the rest I would say are mostly cover boons, in an attempt to protect stability specifically. As soon as stability drops in any fight larger than 2v2, you're not moving, you're just waiting. 


All the actual dangerous skills in WvW, that one feels the need to call out, are boonrips, Null field, Winds, Breach, Well of Corruption (if one by some miracle spots this one), if there was an option, I would easily opt to disable the animations for all other fields except for these 4 as comparatively, nothing really matters.  To touch on the subject of immobilize, I would say what makes immobilize so dangerous, is that one needs to constantly move, specifically to avoid boonrips. 


I think it's an inherent flaw in the combat system, and would require some kind of diminishing return to be fixed, as improving stab doesn't do anything at the moment, given how busted boon rips are (or as most people I talk to call it, stab rips/corrupts). I think changing stability from a boon > buff, would be a large improvement, tho it would lead to it being harder to kill people, tho that can easily be compensated for by the removal of ressing utilities and also stability losing access to boon duration (due to being a buff). Defiance bars for everyone always, would be another solution I suppose, but would have the issue of homogenizing all CC.


This arms race between adding ever more stab and ever more boonrip (unless you compare to like original scourge lol) has kinda lead to a situation, where even skills like Stand your Ground starts feeling bad, as just a single application of 5 stacks of stab, is generally removed within a second or two. Pushing us further towards pulsing stab being an absolute necessity. 


CC and by extension boonrip are simultaneously the strongest offensive and defensive tools. 

Edited by lodjur.1284
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Heh I commented on this like two years ago and people basically said no.

The bigger problem is the stability spam which completely nullifies cc spam. Obviously not every class has equal access to stability and that is one problem when you fight in smaller groups or solo(I've been completely stun locked in some fights even after using stun break).

But you get into larger groups and they're practically immune to cc for entire fights in which case cc is basically used to burn stacks instead if it's not corrupted off. There are many times I would pull with curtain and get nothing but pets, sometimes you get lucky and pull the one person out of the 40 blob, sometimes you're even more lucky and they all jump out to protect that person, I did that to rawr last reset lol.

If cc were to be lowered they would have to lower stability too, and given how they've handled the boon/strip situation.... yeah it's best it's left alone. I never liked stunlock in any game, but this game does have one potentially different way to deal with it, defiance bar instead of stability(what's the difference you may ask? well with defiance bars everyone has their own same equal coverage from cc's but good positioning becomes important again, with stability you rely on the one or two classes to spam it to near infinite levels), but we will never see combat overhauled/developed in that direction.

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If there is too much cc, not enough people use it when it counts. Not all cc is a hard stop like all circles aren't going to be a full burn, it's not like it's stopping people in a way that's turning WvW into a slidshow. CC can be what smooths out a skirmish though that might otherwise be a near instant roll over, but again, that's where I think not enough people use it when it counts. 

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I wouldn't need to worry about many CC skills, if I could use dodge to counter them coming in. With all the visual noise skills create there is no "dodging CC" when you get a visual tell, but just "dodge on instinct". That's why stability is in high demand . People can't see stuff when more than two people fight (or even with those, when lots of minions, clones and glowing symbols are involved).

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The funny thing is that  Crowd Control in gw2 isn't as much a way to control a crowd, but serves a way for the crowd to establish control. Stragglers and skirmishers are easily pulled, locked down and destroyed by sheer proximity while a train with enough guards just rolls through without even realizing they were hit by a massive bomb, big laser beam, shocking fields or what have you. Sure enough a few builds have enough strips or corrupts to actually break this and use CC for what it's name implies, but things like the golden bubble weren't appreciated by the stab providers. The horror of your abilities being rendered null.



Edited by miriforst.1290
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CC becomes a problem when they nerfed power damage. In the past CC was much more irrelevant because you had enough damage to kill without needing to disable the enemy but now, you need to keep the enemy under control for a good few seconds and apply a full combo if you want to kill it. Yes, they nerfed CC by removing its damage and this ironically made the game a CC war where whoever has the most stability wins

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2 hours ago, Tiagoht.7549 said:

CC becomes a problem when they nerfed power damage. In the past CC was much more irrelevant because you had enough damage to kill without needing to disable the enemy but now, you need to keep the enemy under control for a good few seconds and apply a full combo if you want to kill it. Yes, they nerfed CC by removing its damage and this ironically made the game a CC war where whoever has the most stability wins

CC was just covered by the fact that you did damage fast enough to kill them so the CC wasn't noticed as much, it also was just a spam fest of abilities regardless of CC or not. I would argue it made some players use CC less, like warriors, who complained hammer was totally useless to them. Maybe players are loading more CC's now, and I would also argue that's probably because of builds being tougher with stats like celestial being the norm now, support being extremely annoying, and much more mobility in the game so more lock downs are required. Just sucks that even the stability spam class has like the best mobility in the game now too.... balancing is so kitten in this game...

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On 10/11/2022 at 7:29 AM, Junkpile.7439 said:

Doesn't reallymatter if there is too much cc. Everybody have stability on whole time anyways.

Wvw players should have by this time learned to use stunbreak and have access to cleans for removal of soft CC.


To answer OP question:

I haven't been stun locked like before changes where made to CC and reduction of damage on CC skills, so from that POV it is fine as it is today.

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Ran into an issue last night where I didn't have enough CC equipped so I think this might your mileage will vary from toon to toon and interaction to interaction. Not sure I could say yes or no to this one when I look across the various toons. So I don't think I would say add to one or another, but I still would question CC's doing no damage mindset. But based on last ANet pre-patch release show it sounds like they are too.


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There's too little compared to the amount of stun breaks. I've never been able to "set up" a kill with CC in this game. It's just sustain wars or one shots.

I cannot remember the last time I died to being CCed in this game. It's so rare and generally just means I'm being outnumbered 5:1 so it's not even relevant to worry about.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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