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Achievement Timegate Cap should not be 20 years!

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I came to this game to play with a friend. But i stayed for over 3 years because it is unlike other mmos. There is no endless grind for equipment with a fraction of a chance to get upgraded. And there is no pay to win no matter how much money you pour into it you get richer. Your gear stays the same.
However, there is something i can never achieve and compete with my friend or the new ones i made here. Achievement points. Basically complete the game. I can NEVER finish the game even if i had all the time in the world. No other game has time gates for more than 1-2 years. Here the daily achievements require 4.1 years! And the annual festivals appear to be capped at 1000 ap at 50 a year that is 20 years. (The game is out for 10). Why not do the most logical thing and simply add 1-2 extra stuff every year for veterans to do instead of doing the same thing. Repeating the same stuff is by definition not an achievement. Let us newer players and veterans compete on an even playing field. People will not stop playing if they don't do them, they love the game and will do what they always do log in and play with their friends. No one came back only to do the annuals. PEOPLE CONSIDER THEM CHORES AFTER THEY ARE FORCED TO REPEAT THEM.  Same thing with the birthday gifts. They should only be consumables. Not achievements/titles and exclusive dyes for 10 year old accounts.
Imagine if, or more likely when a new friend of mine wants to start the game. I will tell them not to make a new account. Ask around to find someone else's account that has nothing on it would be better.  Just because it is older and has unlocked exclusive birthday dyes and such. Even with deleted characters and no playtime, just the age makes it more valuable. It makes no sense.

(Edit: The Gold Find from daily log ins is another example of uncapped privilege old accounts get just because they are old.)
If i enjoyed having to compete with the privilege of people who just happened to be here first, i wouldnt play a game. There is plenty of that IRL.
1. mmos can be finished. There is an article for every WoW expansion about the first player to max the achievement points.
2. This has nothing to do with items, or any progress people have. I already have every gear anyone will ever need. (took me less than 3 years for all lege gears, underwater,7 runes/8 sigils and no real money involved just playing. Didn't want to flex. But people keep thinking i am asking for free stuff.)

3. This is about the achievement point cap. Some people have cap of roughly 50k AP. Newer accounts have more like 40k cap. Even if they have played more or better and more efficiently. THE AP CAP FOR ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE THE SAME.
4. This can be done by making all limited time and unobtainable achievemements move to the historic tab. And not give points. Or give another sum points for retired achievement (people will still farm them.) Or even simpler, just remove the time gate caps so i can do them. I CAN CATCH UP. TRUST ME. All i ask is a shot.
5. Why not give them titles or something for doing them early. Achievement points are visible, they cannot be hidden and they represent something in every game. They mean something in every game. And this system is not it.
To simplify, even if i do every achievement. Someone who is missing some. can have more ap because they did something unavailable now.

*Another edit to add something that was pointed out.
WHY DO YOU THINK THE LEADERBOARDS EXIST? If people have lower AP  cap than others then they can't get there and it's a rigged system.
Its ok to have old unobtainable stuff sure. But those stuff should not give an edge to people. Ap matters, they are competitive.

Edited by Minoitis.3804
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2 hours ago, Minoitis.3804 said:

I came to this game to play with a friend. But i stayed for over 3 years because it is unlike other mmos. There is no endless grind for equipment with a fraction of a chance to get upgraded. And there is no pay to win no matter how much money you pour into it you get richer. Your gear stays the same.
However, there is something i can never achieve and compete with my friend or the new ones i made here. Achievement points. Basically complete the game. I can NEVER finish the game even if i had all the time in the world. No other game has time gates for more than 1-2 years. Here the daily achievements require 4.1 years! And the annual festivals appear to be capped at 1000 ap at 50 a year that is 20 years. (The game is out for 10). Why not do the most logical thing and simply add 1-2 extra stuff every year for veterans to do instead of doing the same thing. Repeating the same stuff is by definition not an achievement. Let us newer players and veterans compete on an even playing field. People will not stop playing if they don't do them, they love the game and will do what they always do log in and play with their friends. No one came back only to do the annuals. PEOPLE CONSIDER THEM CHORES AFTER THEY ARE FORCED TO REPEAT THEM.  Same thing with the birthday gifts. They should only be consumables. Not achievements/titles and exclusive dyes for 10 year old accounts.
Imagine if, or more likely when a new friend of mine wants to start the game. I will tell them not to make a new account. Ask around to find someone else's account that has nothing on it would be better.  Just because it is older and has unlocked exclusive birthday dyes and such. Even with deleted characters and no playtime, just the age makes it more valuable. It makes no sense.

(Edit: The Gold Find from daily log ins is another example of uncapped privilege old accounts get just because they are old.)
If i enjoyed having to compete with the privilege of people who just happened to be here first, i wouldnt play a game. There is plenty of that IRL.

You should become familiar with the EULA/ToS. 

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You can’t get all the achievements, some are long since unobtainable so having achievements in no way equates to completing the game, not that mmos can be completed anyway.

The festival achievements are locked into 20 years just to make it easier to keep them in repeat and are purely optional. I have 31k and stopped with festival achievements 2 years ago and it hasn’t affected my game one iota.

No grind. No obstacle. No problem. Bizarre thread though, I’ll give you that!

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53 minutes ago, Minoitis.3804 said:

I came to this game to play with a friend. But i stayed for over 3 years because it is unlike other mmos. There is no endless grind for equipment with a fraction of a chance to get upgraded. And there is no pay to win no matter how much money you pour into it you get richer. Your gear stays the same.
However, there is something i can never achieve and compete with my friend or the new ones i made here. Achievement points. Basically complete the game. I can NEVER finish the game even if i had all the time in the world. No other game has time gates for more than 1-2 years. Here the daily achievements require 4.1 years! And the annual festivals appear to be capped at 1000 ap at 50 a year that is 20 years. (The game is out for 10). Why not do the most logical thing and simply add 1-2 extra stuff every year for veterans to do instead of doing the same thing. Repeating the same stuff is by definition not an achievement. Let us newer players and veterans compete on an even playing field. People will not stop playing if they don't do them, they love the game and will do what they always do log in and play with their friends. No one came back only to do the annuals. PEOPLE CONSIDER THEM CHORES AFTER THEY ARE FORCED TO REPEAT THEM.  Same thing with the birthday gifts. They should only be consumables. Not achievements/titles and exclusive dyes for 10 year old accounts.
Imagine if, or more likely when a new friend of mine wants to start the game. I will tell them not to make a new account. Ask around to find someone else's account that has nothing on it would be better.  Just because it is older and has unlocked exclusive birthday dyes and such. Even with deleted characters and no playtime, just the age makes it more valuable. It makes no sense.

(Edit: The Gold Find from daily log ins is another example of uncapped privilege old accounts get just because they are old.)
If i enjoyed having to compete with the privilege of people who just happened to be here first, i wouldnt play a game. There is plenty of that IRL.

Oh, there is so much wrong with this , I'm not sure where to start or if I should bother. Frankly not I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a troll post.
In the event you aren't trolling, you're operating more or less under two main fallacies: that the people that have been playing the game for really any length of time and gotten the rewards are somehow unjustly "Privileged" compared to someone just starting out, and that Achievement points in this game are meant to be maxed out or Completed the way many console games do them.

Frankly, no one gives a RIP about AP in this game, no one checks others for it, no ones really competing over it (or if they are, no one knows or cares who they are) and really the points are really only good for a reward for every 500 ap.  Also, if you're so upset about being unable to max out the Dailies AP (again, you aren't really supposed to) you're really not going to like to hear that there are almost five thousand inaccessible points from retired achievements from the original run of Living World season One alone.


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They should somehow reroll back achivements points that are no longer posible to get, like the Monthlys or retired ones. Its imposible to compete in achivement points with veterans. And is one of the most appealing thing for a lot of players..

Edited by Izzy.2951
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14 hours ago, Minoitis.3804 said:

Repeating the same stuff is by definition not an achievement. 

So aren't a good 99% of "Achievements". It's just a fairly lazy way to introduce busy work to the game in lieu of a formal quest system/actual content, with some largely arbitrary number attached to them in AP. 


Imo a fairly silly thing to let ruin the game for you.

Non of it is meant to be completed, it's just meant to keep you busy.

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2 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

They should somehow reroll back achivements points that are no longer posible to get, like the Monthlys or retired ones. Its imposible to compete in achivement points with veterans. And is one of the most appealing thing for a lot of players..

Should they roll back the Achievement Chests, as well?  So, 'veterans' can acquire them twice? 

No, you say?  So, veterans should forego Achievement Chests for how many months/years?  Do you think that would go over well? 

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OP's argument is like the whiny player I encountered in Queensdale - their argument was that people who haven't been playing the game since launch should wait for their actual 10 year in game anniversary date to start progress towards the Decade achievements/armor. No one agreed with them, and there likely will be few who will agree with you here. Your game experience is what you make of it. Your complaints about veteran players "being ahead of you" is a you problem. It's a shame that that is your focus, since this game has so much more to offer than achievement points. But hey - you do you, boo.

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I wonder if the the game is still going on 15 years from now, if they will bump the repeatability of the festival awards higher than 20.  Which is to say, they might have chosen 20 as an arbitrary long enough time period that they didn't think they would need to think about it.

Before I believe each year there was a new meta achievement added for the festivals (wintersday 2015, wintersday 2016, etc), and instead of doing that, they just changed it to this repeatable one.  So I think there are some addition APs from there that one can no longer get.

I also wonder if there was 0 AP available for completing festival rewards, if the effect of that is festivals would be much less populated.  I know one of my motivations for doing the festival achievements is the relatively easy to get 50 AP.


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OP its not a timegate its a long term record of your progress.  It isn't a race and its not a score.  Just like its not a race in ESO and its not a race in eve online to give a couple of other games with objectives that can carry on for decades.   The only way you catch up with other people is if you do more achievements than them per day,  If you don't, well it doesn't matter, achievements track YOUR  progress


 It can be no other way for your own benefit, imagine you have been playing for 10 years and are extremely proud of your achievement total and how it represents your time served commitment to the game, now imagine someone wants the achievement score to be fast tracked for them - you know who loses - both players.

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Think of this another way, imagine 2 people enter a marathon.  runner 1 enters first and runs for an hour and is 12 miles in.  Player 2 joins an hour later and thinks its unfair he will never catch up, so he demand a lift to allow him to catch up but he still wants to say he ran 12 miles - doesn't make sense does it?

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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I am not sure I understand the idea that a new player should 

On 10/19/2022 at 9:49 PM, Minoitis.3804 said:

Let us newer players and veterans compete on an even playing field.

I really do not understand the thought process that comes to the conclusion that someone brand new to the game should, just for showing up, immediately have the things that someone else spent years accumulating. In what game does a new player immediately have as much gold as someone who has been farming for a decade? Should a playe new to WvW be immediately granted rank 10k because a veteran has the God of WvW title? Should the new player be granted 250k player kills because a veteran has it?

No. Earn your rewards (as much as AP total is not a reward to me, it is for others).

Final questiin, if you have been doing a job for a decade. Have moved up the salary and rank ladder in your field, are truly one of the best at what you do....should a new hire teenager fresh out of highschool, lacking experience and skills in your field, be given everything you have earned?

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