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This game is going to look like Tera.


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12 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

I agree. Anet should also delete all huge greatswords that look like paddles too. And every armor with spikes. And mounts too, because it's not realistic that they just appear out of nowhere. Where do the mounts hide? In out pockets!? Do the mounts follow us few meters off screen? Argh, my immersion is ruined!


Can you people stop being obtuse ?

It's not about how it works. It's about how it looks.


Someone sitting on gigantic throne or lying on that dumb cat  in the middle of a swamp looks absolutely ridiculous and out of place. 

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7 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Can you people stop being obtuse ?

It's not about how it works. It's about how it looks.


Someone sitting on gigantic throne or lying on that dumb cat  in the middle of a swamp looks absolutely ridiculous and out of place. 

Well that's what I agree with. Weapons like Eternity and most of black lion weapon skins make no sense at all - they don't have a place in a realistic game like gw2 👍 

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13 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Well that's what I agree with. Weapons like Eternity and most of black lion weapon skins make no sense at all - they don't have a place in a realistic game like gw2 👍 


Nice strawman.

Who said anything about realism ?

It about visual consistency and style.


Josh Strife Hayes in his "Worst MMO Ever? - Tera" video actually explains it really well.


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34 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Nice strawman.

Who said anything about realism ?

It about visual consistency and style.


Josh Strife Hayes in his "Worst MMO Ever? - Tera" video actually explains it really well.


These people are acting like the entire concept of a cohesive aesthetic design is some alien, bizarre thing lmao


I bet if they made a Star Wars movie and then filled every scene with giant pink rabbits with sunglasses on and Rick Astley music was the only soundtrack they'd suddenly understand the concept perfectly.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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On 11/24/2022 at 7:06 PM, LuRkEr.9462 said:

What successful MMO stays vanilla and does not add silly cosmetics people want? They all evolve over time and add shiny things that players clearly want. If you don't like it, ignore it? I mean I don't like the kitty chair but why should I care how someone else is enjoying the game.


LotRO has been going for 15+ years and never broke immersion by allowing players to run around in infantile maid getups or glitter.

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"I don't want my fantasy to be realistic, I want it to be convincing."
If the black Lion Trading company is an analogue to the East India Trading Company, or even just a Magitech version of Amazon, then giant stuffed animals and fetish gear are things that they would happily supply. 
  Other player characters may not be the commander in your story, but I expect that they are also high ranking heroes and their flamboyance is tolerated because they get results, results rather similar to your own...

Why wouldn't a world constantly on the brink of disaster be filled with slightly mad heroes?  Surely there are commanders out there who have defeated Ziatan while completely naked?

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14 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Nah you're absolutely right. I love Guild Wars 2 but their aesthetic decisions absolutely perplex and confound me. Why did they set out to make a MMO with such a distinctive, unique, carefully-thought-out art style, and then fill the game with hideous nonsense like people riding on giant fireballs, enormous cat pillows, etc? I just don't get it. I don't understand the design philosophy behind it, either from an art standpoint or a worldbuilding / lore standpoint. None of this stuff makes any sense in the game's lore or world whatsoever. I mean just take 75% of the mount skins for example. Kind of weird how we never see glowing neon raptors in the world anywhere, isn't it, even though the skin names suggest that they inhabit areas we can visit? 🤔


Not that I want to, mind you.


And every time they add another cat-related thing to the game a tiny part of me says "uninstall." I guess that's highly subjective but I absolutely detest cats and the last thing I want for the game I choose to spend thousands of hours playing — literally the very last thing — is for it to be filled with cats. Even when "catmander" was introduced I already felt like that was too much weird, soy nonsense being forced into the game's aesthetic. But now here we are years later with [reads notes] floating, winged cat bots? Anet, please stop. The toxoplasmosis has you.

To allude these skins are not inspired by the game itself is to be disingenuous.

An ele pyromancer would absolutely glide down on a giant fireball and an asuran prodigy would absolutely ride a Super Adventure Box raptor.

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45 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

I'm good with it as long as we don't have silly outfits or literal cars. Everything somehow fits in gw2 art style — I bet they have plushies in Tyria, so what's stopping someone from creating a big one?

You see, people of Tyria don't like having fun - no silly magic tricks, no plushies! Also no maids and other service personnel as there are no rich people in Tyria! Everything that is not core game is bad and breaks the aesthetic!

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6 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Also no maids and other service personnel as there are no rich people in Tyria!

This is irrelevant.

The issue isn't the existence of maid outfits in the world of GW2, it's using them as combat outfits that causes an immersion problem. 

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11 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

I agree. Anet should also delete all huge greatswords that look like paddles too. And every armor with spikes. And mounts too, because it's not realistic that they just appear out of nowhere. Where do the mounts hide? In out pockets!? Do the mounts follow us few meters off screen? Argh, my immersion is ruined!

Our mounts are always there, all of them, following us around. They are just invisible when not being ridden.

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4 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Our mounts are always there, all of them, following us around. They are just invisible when not being ridden.

This excuse isn't even needed.

Summoning stuff is a pretty standard part of fantasy world building. 

Necromancers summon flesh atrocities from the ground all the time. Elementalists summon, well, elementals.


Players summoning mounts out of thin air isn't exactly the most lore breaking stuff on Earth.

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18 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

This excuse isn't even needed.

Summoning stuff is a pretty standard part of fantasy world building. 

Necromancers summon flesh atrocities from the ground all the time. Elementalists summon, well, elementals.


Players summoning mounts out of thin air isn't exactly the most lore breaking stuff on Earth.

It seemed pretty obviously a joke (not necessarily a good one) to me. Sorry for not including a smiley face.

It would have been kind of cool, IMO, if there had been a summon emote that our character's performed when calling our mount(s).

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14 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

Yes, we also have those here. We call them Asura.

Had you noticed that Asura females don't have boobs and wear androgynous clothing styles?  That isn't a random choice.  Elin were designed to look like hyper-sexualized children while Asura were specifically designed not to be.  That's why Tera was creepy and weird.

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14 hours ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Can you people stop being obtuse ?

It's not about how it works. It's about how it looks.


Someone sitting on gigantic throne or lying on that dumb cat  in the middle of a swamp looks absolutely ridiculous and out of place. 

For you it's about how it looks.  For someone else it's about whether or not it makes sense.  "Immersion" is subjective.  I'm not about to tell you that you're wrong for feeling the way you do.  I don't think it's an uncommon opinion at all.  For my part, I like the variety from serious to silly, outlandish auras to subdued realism.  It all has its place for me.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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Wouldn't mind if those were the only things they would monetize, imagine this, almost everything that makes sense in the lore of the game could also be acquired in game as drops, stuff like Xera Mask, Soul River Glider, Mini Sabetha, and all other things that's based on in-game stuff that's exclusive to gem store for now, and then the over the top stuff is exclusive to the gem store so they can make some money, and they just go crazy with it, Fortnite style, if that was the case i wouldn't mind even the cars xD

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My immersion was forever ruined with infusion stacking. Seeing thick and glistening male norn thighs in the new scale armor, doesn't even make me bat an eye anymore. Everyone could be wearing maid outfits shooting Dreamers, and I would still be more upset by the guy as bright as 10,000 suns swinging eternity.

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Things like that only bother me when it interferes with story. Like in FFXIV on the old MSQ roulette for example, having a person in a frog suit really ruins the moment. Although on repeat runs it is amusing. When it's your first time seeing certain moments you do not want some rando in a frog suit or a thong killing the vibe. I really wish for a toggle to turn people into basic models for such times. For Endwalker I did all my first dungeon runs with NPC's instead to avoid such immersion breaking!

But I do the story here totally solo so it's not an issue for me. I really love my plush raptor. But I know if I seen people driving around in those weird toy cars like they did in Tera I would not like that so much. It's all just personal taste really. I suppose I am somewhere in the middle. I think a toggle to turn all char models into some default skin would be nice for people. 

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