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Shouldnt the new Lunar New Year seasonal events be moved to Cantha?


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No, because then everyone who doesn't have EoD misses out on an entire festival.

Now if there's an equivalent in Cantha, or some identical activities that take place in Divinity's Reach and Cantha, then that's all fine and good. But by no means should the entire festival be moved to Cantha exclusively.

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Hmm, this could be shaped to a selling point for players who don't own EoD yet. Make a Cantha themed area that everyone can access for the duration of the festival. So in essence same as Labyrinthine Cliffs during Festival of the Four Winds. Just an idea to ponder.

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5 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

Hmm, this could be shaped to a selling point for players who don't own EoD yet. Make a Cantha themed area that everyone can access for the duration of the festival. So in essence same as Labyrinthine Cliffs during Festival of the Four Winds. Just an idea to ponder.

That's a reasonable solution.  It would give players a taste of Cantha for those who don't have EoD while keeping it accessible.  

At this point, festivals are unlikely to move.  Seems like a lot of work and time to invest in something that's been established for so long.  It works fine as it is now, there are no festivals in the expansions to keep it open for all players. 

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All festivals are content who are already in place in the game data , there is little change every year to each festivals ( a new meta achiev and a new skin, and thats all) they won't do that cause : 

1. Need more work to move it to cantha , when everything is already in place .

2. like said up , ppl who don't earn eod will not have access to it and making an area in eod who is free to all type of accounts seems ato be a bit of data rework .

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I wouldn't want them to remove what's already there, and I don't think it's necessary since Tyrians also celebrate Lunar New Year (and have done for over 250 years now). But I'd like to see how Cantha celebrates Lunar New Year now, and have the option to play both.

IMO it should still be possible to complete the meta-achievement and dailies, and get all the items if you don't own End of Dragons, but there could be some unique activities in each region, as well as some duplicates.

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Technically the Canthan celebration is called Canthan New Year.
Lunar New Year is the festival celebrated by refugees of Cantha living in Kryta.

Similarly, Dragon Festival is the Canthan holiday, while Dragon Bash is the Tyrian holiday modeled after Dragon Festival by Canthan refugees living in Lion's Arch (specifically Captain Hao Luen) who altered it to go from celebrating the Celestial Dragon to celebrating the defeat of Elder Dragons.

And as we know, neither Dragon Bash nor Dragon Festival showed up in EoD maps. So the chances of Canthan New Year (let alone Lunar New Year) happening in EoD maps is... rather slim.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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I'd prefer them to restore the Canthan district in Divinity's Reach instead (built around the crown pavilion now, I guess). This would mean having to move Wintersday back to Lion's Arch, or better yet Rata Sum, but I think players are pretty tired of it being in DR at this point anyway.


That said if they could make a portion of Keining walled off like Arborstone and accessible for all players for the Canthan festival, that'd be great. I think it'd draw attention to the expansion, too.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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On 1/5/2023 at 8:37 AM, Sime.3681 said:


They still celebrate it, you can find a card from Rama to Min in Lutgardis Plaza.


The proof will be in the pudding. A card that may or may not represent a general societal celebration will be meaningless if the festival does not actually observably occur in Cantha.

Personally I hope that it does, but am in a state of wait and see.

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14 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Technically the Canthan celebration is called Canthan New Year.
Lunar New Year is the festival celebrated by refugees of Cantha living in Kryta.

Similarly, Dragon Festival is the Canthan holiday, while Dragon Bash is the Tyrian holiday modeled after Dragon Festival by Canthan refugees living in Lion's Arch (specifically Captain Hao Luen) who altered it to go from celebrating the Celestial Dragon to celebrating the defeat of Elder Dragons.

And as we know, neither Dragon Bash nor Dragon Festival showed up in EoD maps. So the chances of Canthan New Year (let alone Lunar New Year) happening in EoD maps is... rather slim.


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I have only started to play GW1 much later. But afaik they did the festivals there (that now are on fixed schedules) in Kamdadan and Lion's Arch. The 2 main cities. With some other stuff in Cantha in the monastery mainly.

Trying to also make it available to a lot of players - but not as strict as in GW2. On the other hand: In GW2 we have real cities only in core tyria. New Kaineng counts as a normal map - with just a city as setting. Otherwise normal mobs and stuff.

Easiest would be to change this into something set in a separate map (like Labyrinthine Cliffs for festival of the four winds) - then making that map somewhere in Cantha. (Maybe a western part of the monastery where there is still stuff on the western part of the island that was accessible in GW1 but is not in GW2.)


Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 1/5/2023 at 1:26 AM, Ausar.9542 said:

Do Canthans not celebrate their own Holidays anymore?

After 150 years of isolation, it's entirely possible. When Cantha became isolated, Canthan expats trapped abroad likely felt cultural pressure to keep the old festivals as a connection to their lost homeland; Canthans inside Cantha had no such pressure and plenty of other concerns to deal with. So over time, celebration of the old festivals declined within Cantha itself, while the Canthan expats became more assimilated into broader Tyrian culture. Eventually, the festivals became unimportant inside Cantha, while outside they evolved (or devolved) into excuses to party. Two real world examples are St. Patrick's Day or Cinco de Mayo; they're party days in the USA, while being less important in their original countries.

In fact, a good addition to the Lunar Festival that wouldn't be hard to add, and would provide a good in game explanation, would be a few bemused Canthans -- ambassadors or traders or whatever -- who have made it to Kryta since EoD. Have them standing around in the festival area as "color" NPCs having a conversation. "Wow. Can you believe they still celebrate this old holiday this far from Cantha? We barely even have a meal for it back home!"

Edited by Jimbru.6014
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On 1/5/2023 at 2:29 PM, Batel.9206 said:

No, because then everyone who doesn't have EoD misses out on an entire festival.

Now if there's an equivalent in Cantha, or some identical activities that take place in Divinity's Reach and Cantha, then that's all fine and good. But by no means should the entire festival be moved to Cantha exclusively.

I just find it weird that there isn't any Tengu or Canthans visiting DR this year. Like really now? Warp Gates are open, and they can populate the festivities without breaking lore. 

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3 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

I just find it weird that there isn't any Tengu or Canthans visiting DR this year. Like really now? Warp Gates are open, and they can populate the festivities without breaking lore. 

Not exactly do you recall the part of the storie missions on seitung where you need a travel visa and other stuff.

I don't think lots of Canthan people would go because the official administration for travel:

1-it's a mess

2-it didn't have continental travel in decades


So travel for just the duration of a festival isn't a good deal for normal folks (Ithink)


TLDR: Canthan administration

Edited by DemonCrypto.6792
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2 hours ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

Not exactly do you recall the part of the storie missions on seitung where you need a travel visa and other stuff.

I don't think lots of Canthan people would go because the official administration for travel:

1-it's a mess

2-it didn't have continental travel in decades


So travel for just the duration of a festival isn't a good deal for normal folks (Ithink)


TLDR: Canthan administration

Arborstone after you unlocked Globalization seems to be a better travel option though. 

There already are Canthans (those fishers/hitchhikers who are stuck abroad) returning to Cantha (That old man looking for his grandniece) and some Tengu preparing to visit the Dominion of the Winds. 

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On 1/5/2023 at 7:29 AM, Batel.9206 said:

No, because then everyone who doesn't have EoD misses out on an entire festival.

Now if there's an equivalent in Cantha, or some identical activities that take place in Divinity's Reach and Cantha, then that's all fine and good. But by no means should the entire festival be moved to Cantha exclusively.

Temporarily open up the are surrounding the Monastery, Harbor, Zen Daijun and Daigo Ward, enough place for mount races, firecracker events and so on.

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