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Should GW2 Change It’s Name?

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No animosity intended here. I’m not smart

But does the name matter? FF has the number 14, haha, and it’s fairly successful.

But sometimes I think dropping the 2 would serve the game better. Just call original GW “classic”

I’m just curious what other people think?

Could a rebrand be helpful? Or nah

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I think it would not be helpful at this point.  The 2 is part of the name, it's even the logo (a dragon head shaped like a 2).  It has a decade of name recognition, and the number indicates there was a 1 so at least a few players might go looking for that and discover they enjoy it, as it's both still running and has benefits for GW2 cosmetics.  I think trying to rename it now would just be confusing to most everyone.

If there were ever a GW3 it might make sense to name it something totally different.  Terrors of Tyria, just Tyria, Tyria: Beyond the Dragons, etc (none of those are good ideas).  And that's if it's set in the same lore.  If Anet develops something in a new setting it shouldn't reference this game's stuff at all other than marketing as "from the makers of Guild Wars 2."

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Why would dropping the 2 serve the game better? What would this achieve?

Also I think calling GW1 'Guild Wars Classic' would be confusing since a lot of MMO players associate that specifically with WoW Classic which is the same game with fewer updates. GW1 is an entirely seperate game with different game mechanics, story, time period etc. so making it sound like they're different versions of the same game would be confusing. I know numbering games has mostly fallen out of fashion in recent years in favour of subtitles, but calling them Guild Wars 1 and 2 is still self explanatory and makes it clear it's the original game and it's sequel.

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Jokes aside, there is no “GW1” as a game name. It’s just an easy referral that naturally stuck

Guild Wars is made up of three campaign standalone games that also interlocked with other and an expansion

Renaming GW2 after 11 years makes as much marketing sense as X

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6 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

They should change it to X2!

too bad, that there is already a (to be fair, VERY OLD) game-series with that exact name, containing: 

  • X (Beyond the Frontier)
  • X - Tension
  • X²: the Threat
  • X³: Reunion, Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude and Farnham's Legacy
  • X Rebirth
  • X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost, Home of Light
  • X4: Foundations, Split Vendetta, Cradle of Humanity, Tides of Avarice and Kingdom End

These games have been released between 1999 and today, with the latest game (X4: Tides of Avarice) that just released this year in April (so yes, this is still ar licensed name). 

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14 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

too bad, that there is already a (to be fair, VERY OLD) game-series with that exact name, containing: 

  • X (Beyond the Frontier)
  • X - Tension
  • X²: the Threat
  • X³: Reunion, Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude and Farnham's Legacy
  • X Rebirth
  • X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost, Home of Light
  • X4: Foundations, Split Vendetta, Cradle of Humanity, Tides of Avarice and Kingdom End

These games have been released between 1999 and today, with the latest game (X4: Tides of Avarice) that just released this year in April (so yes, this is still ar licensed name). 

Gee, I thought it was pretty obvious that my comment was a joke.  I guess not.

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On 7/27/2023 at 5:21 AM, Custodio.6134 said:

too bad, that there is already a (to be fair, VERY OLD) game-series with that exact name, containing: 

  • X (Beyond the Frontier)
  • X - Tension
  • X²: the Threat
  • X³: Reunion, Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude and Farnham's Legacy
  • X Rebirth
  • X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost, Home of Light
  • X4: Foundations, Split Vendetta, Cradle of Humanity, Tides of Avarice and Kingdom End

These games have been released between 1999 and today, with the latest game (X4: Tides of Avarice) that just released this year in April (so yes, this is still ar licensed name). 

I used to love those games.  Good times.

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On 7/30/2023 at 2:04 AM, Debesyla.7102 said:

Are there really people being confused by the name?

I doubt many think about the name's component words until they need something to mock.  Like Final Fantasy 14 being confusing, because there were 13 other times it was final. 

As to the greater conversation, Corporations need to stop with this drive toward generalizing/genericide of the trademarks, to the point where they start becoming unrepresentative of anything.   Like how logos are regressing in style so fast, in a couple years a crayon drawing by a 4 year old will be easier to understand and recognize then a modern corporate logo.

Another adjacent topic worth bringing up is that Legend of Zelda is not actually the real name of the series.  It was originally going to be called Hyrule Warriors, and Legend of Zelda was the first game in the series.  This example alone makes the situation easier to understand if a game series were spanned out either backward or forward, and how people would make connections to the names.    Like how the 4 Tribes games are not the Tribes series.  Its part of the Starsiege Siege saga, which itself is a spin off of Earth Siege, all of which are considered part of the Metal Tech universe. 

Strategically its always been best to associate with an already known name, and spin off series from it, rather then retroactively rename an old series with a long standing legacy and brand recognition. 

Edited by starlinvf.1358
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