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We need more sets of Elite Specializations


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I know this is a huge ask because the Devs have stated the difficulty behind being creative in creating new elites, but I still think there are some thematical gaps missing with each profession. Some of the issues being what new skills to add and what new mechanics to have. With all the ways they've introduced the Elite Specs, they really could do more of the same.

What I think is missing is probably all the things those in the community been asking for. Adding one or two new Elite Specs would be giving us what we've been looking for and can truly tie in to the initial goal of the elites, recreating the dual class experience from GW1 while creating a new way to play our classes. 

What new Elite Specs would you like to see, and what new mechanics are you hoping for?


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2 hours ago, VocalThought.9835 said:

Adding one or two new Elite Specs would be giving us what we've been looking

Like what? Another copy-paste set of e-specs? We don't need more elite specs, we need new ways to play our existing specs. Don't you want a change for Scourge? Instead of being tied to clunky and boring scepter, you can use Greatsword, Pistol, or Sword; it's literally whole new class x3.

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I honestly thought the devs would do this again. However, I'm happy enough with the weapon list being expanded, even if they haven't touched on weaponmaster training. Couple that with new weapon possibilities later down the line, and I consider us good.

That said, if you still want to focus on elite specs, how about wanting underwater combat to be improved? Even if not's the full game, underwater combat still makes a good portion of the core. And yet, a lot of elite specs moves don't work underwater so, they end up no better or even worse than the core profession.

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When your dev team says, "We're running out of design options," it's time to hire a new dev team. Creative ideas and design space are nigh-infinite with proper passion and a boundless development scope that the fantasy genre provide intrinsically. Time, money, and balancing challenges are usually the real limiters, unless you are just phoning it in. There are plenty of design gaps in the game for every profession, and many posters have listed their wishlists. If the dev don't see them, or can't realize them, they are actively trying not to. (Or they are just making excuses for their limited budget and choice not to balance additional classes, which I have to believe is more likely than just, "we ran out of ideas.")


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A careful reading of the blog post indicates that the message is 'there are a finite number of practical options', not that they've run out altogether. However, if they're planning to release annual expansions, they probably don't want nine elite specialisations every year. So some expansions will have something different.

The biggest gaps I see myself are:

1) Range-themed elite specialisation for elementalist. The existing elite specialisations are, to a greater or lesser degree, designed around close-range or melee combat, and slapping a ranged weapon on them only goes so far (weaver probably works the best). 

2) Support-focused elite for warrior. Yes, staff is coming, and yes, they've squeezed quickness and alacrity into berserker and bladesworn respectively - but they still feel like DPS specs that had support duct-taped on.

3) Probably less important than the others, but perhaps a heal-focused mesmer? This is probably more likely to come out of existing elite specs (chronomancer especially), but it's not really there yet.

The others feel more like elite specialisations would be thematic and/or stylistic differences rather than filling a gap, although thief could probably benefit from having quickness taken off deadeye and placed on a more dedicated specialisation.

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12 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

2) Support-focused elite for warrior. Yes, staff is coming, and yes, they've squeezed quickness and alacrity into berserker and bladesworn respectively - but they still feel like DPS specs that had support duct-taped on.

I guess, very likely, they may just rework one of the elite to add some healing boon thingy in it. Like how they add dps kits to Druid, which has an impressive dps now.

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39 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Anet: ohhh it feels like a DPS spec with support duct-taped on?   say no more.

*Nerfs the dps*

*presses F for deadeye*

Seriously, though, the best support specialisations usually have specialisation mechanics and utility skills built around support. Berserker and bladesworn don't have that - the elite specialisation mechanics and utility skills are entirely built around being a bruiser if not a full glass cannon, and the quickness/alacrity trait is just tacked on. They're not the only elite specialisations like this, but it's notable that warrior is the only profession that doesn't have any elite specialisation built from the ground up to be able to fill a support role.

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5 hours ago, shib.1369 said:

4th melee Power Dps*

Hrrrmn. I think there's an argument that Bladesworn after the gunsaber rework could be a ranged power DPS if rifle was actually decent. It was obviously originally designed as melee power DPS and will certainly do more damage in melee, though. So probably more of a hybrid - it does best in melee, but on the other hand, every bladesworn can pressure from 900 units away in a pinch, they're not obligate melee like spellbreaker and power berserker tend to be.

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I want Isaac's Forgemaster class in the Castlevania TV show as a Thief spec with Night Beast/Demon Minions since it's the most perfect representation of a cool minion class ever designed. Thief gets bored of it's limited Thieve's Guild Companions and specializes into getting a stronger gang to ambush enemies with through their dark magic summoning demons. (I also played Assassin/Necro a lot in GW1 😛)

No ones stolen Necro's Minion utilities yet. Unlikely to ever happen though.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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On 8/17/2023 at 9:32 PM, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

When your dev team says, "We're running out of design options," it's time to hire a new dev team. Creative ideas and design space are nigh-infinite with proper passion and a boundless development scope that the fantasy genre provide intrinsically. Time, money, and balancing challenges are usually the real limiters, unless you are just phoning it in. There are plenty of design gaps in the game for every profession, and many posters have listed their wishlists. If the dev don't see them, or can't realize them, they are actively trying not to. (Or they are just making excuses for their limited budget and choice not to balance additional classes, which I have to believe is more likely than just, "we ran out of ideas.")


This is pretty much my mindset to some extent.  While we can't have a nigh-infinite supply of elite specs, every profession has at least one or two more opportunities where a new elite spec could provide something that they don't otherwise have access to.

That being said, when I see warriors lacking a tried and true healing option and devs are claiming that they can't think of anymore options, between that and the current trend of making quickness and alacrity 1000% mandatory, yeah, I think it's time for some fresher minds to take over on profession development.

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Honestly I think is a good thing that they don't introduce more elites into the mix. Mostly becouse whenever they do what ever game mode you like is either unplayable or way to fun untill everything gets balanced. 

This leaves you either extremely annoying or extremely bitter. 

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I'm currently on the "improve the quality of the current specs before adding new ones" bandwagon. But it's true that they may eventually need to add new ones if they can't improve the current ones. Condi Druid shows it can be done changing some traits, but there are others, mostly EoD ones, that need some better UI elements to feel more unique and thematic (like blight for harbinger or energy and elemental empowerment for catalyst). Another option could be adding new sets of utility skills both to the main profession and to each elite spec on the coming years (for instance glyphs to necro, shouts to virtuoso, wells or elixirs for catalyst... and new legends for the revenant!). Finally: Underwater combat needs A LOT of polish, which can only be done if the system stops growing.

TLDR: I think the current combat system and number of elite specs can be improved and used to achieve more character fantasies and combat roles.

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I've been worked on a couple specs, although I plan on tweaking them a bit more. The Gemcutter, a hammer mesmer that deals in melee combat and summons crystal (read: spirit) weapons. Minor note, all the weapon/utility skills are named after gems from Steven Universe (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/133840-elite-spec-idea-gemcutter/#comment-1941199)

And the Seance, a longbow necro that deals in long ranged support, gains distortion through it's shroud, and summons spirits similar to ranger spirit skills (NOTE: I'm still working out the details on this one here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/134566-elite-spec-idea-seance-work-in-progress/#comment-1953168)


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