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Rift are boring

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I did some rift hunting in the last few days, did some zone achievements, all tiers. And yeah, these rifts all seem boring. Clear a few mobs, spawn at most a champion mob and 111 it if you have enough players. 

There is almost no variety, kryptis in general look very alike and their skill animation are all about the same visually. 

Comparing it to bounties. Even with champion bounties we had variety, different mobs, some completely unique. Yeah you also 1111 them if you have enough players but at least some can have nasty mechanics. Hell, vanilla bandit bounties can be more interesting with a chance to spawn a legendary.

This gets very boring very soon if they don't introduce some variety and buff them up. I was hoping for more of an event, multiple bosses, things happening, not just 1 champ. Do a LS4 meta even or just some random event and you have more champs spawning with bigger variety.

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I was bored with them before I'd done the necessary number to progress the story. Unfortunately, practically every interesting new piece of gear you might want to play for is locked behind tons of the essences that drop from the rifts. So far, this is not an expansion with a lot of replayability value for me. There will need to be something significantly more entertaining in the next content releases.

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i liked them but they get old quick. the fact they are mandatory to move on in the story might prove to be a fatal flaw in a few months when everything dies down. new people might show up to play the story only to  find dead zones depending on the time of day

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Extremely bad content that isn't fun to grind. They copied things people disliked in the current Diablo4 season into GW2 and expected people to like it.

Guild missions are the only thing worse than this content, and they expect us to farm it 5k+ times? Absurd, I'd rather afk pips or pvp.

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I did my weeklies now. Seems I mistook the crown (title indicator icon) for a mastery point. So ... the mastery points there actually area easy. The more long-term thing is for the title. I guess they will go on rotation (non-SotO maps changing each week until they are done, then repeating - like every 5-6 weeks to wait if you missed one).

Seem ... not interesting. The T3 one could at least have offered some strong enemy. Not just another champ. Prices for T3 motivations might drop when more people can craft it. The limiting factor are the obtained essences (bound). And there does not seem to be much use in grinding T3 - other than doing it for the permanent achievements and for the title. The T3 essences also drop from the weekly bags it seems. Better to just go for them.

It feels like another version of a thing where the commander tags and repeats content ... like ... a bounty r un. Except that there is more work. (And bounties also have mainly been interesting for completing them once for the titles.)

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I have been curious, since Rifts were first described pre-launch, is there some explanation for the basic concept of PCs summoning demonic entities into the world only to then destroy them? I mean in terms of justification or lore. It seems like creating a problem just to be rewarded for solving it. Kind of like a protection racket run by a criminal gang.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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1 minute ago, elrin.4750 said:

The Rifts itself I don't really mind, it's  going to them that I hate.

this 100%. that and needing to stop to click to find them again. they should have made it so you can have the tracker on has long has you want that can switch off and on

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

There is almost no variety, kryptis in general look very alike and their skill animation are all about the same visually. 

Yeah, I agree, they are going to have to add some variety.  Maybe there are more coming, Legendary, etc.   

It will be really interesting to see if these keep people interested.  In my opinion, they should make them more like world boss trains, a little bit of downtime in between and more of a challenge.  The go go go is going to get tiring really quick. 

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Honestly I was hoping they would at least make it more interesting by letting us enter the rifts and defeat the Elites/Champs inside the Nayos temple they used multiple times during the story.

There was plenty potential to make them more interesting rather than just kill X Amount of mobs and Boss then close rift

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The rifts are needed for the open world legendary armor. They are boring and they are dull, but this is what the open world players wanted. They didn’t want a fun meta like the DE meta, they cried about it for months. So now we got the rifts because of them 

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

The rifts are needed for the open world legendary armor. They are boring and they are dull, but this is what the open world players wanted. They didn’t want a fun meta like the DE meta, they cried about it for months. So now we got the rifts because of them 

On the unrelated note, this is also why they made soto metas easy aswell. Since iv seen some complaints that those metas are too easy. I doubt we are ever gonna get any OW metas as dificult as DE on release was anymore in the future

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6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

The rifts are needed for the open world legendary armor. They are boring and they are dull, but this is what the open world players wanted. They didn’t want a fun meta like the DE meta, they cried about it for months. So now we got the rifts because of them 

No one wanted trash content like this. Dragons end is a bad meta because you get zero reward if you fail(and your contribution is 1/50th of the contribution).

Dragon's End is my 2nd favorite meta in the game and the best boss OW boss in any game ever IMO, Gyala delve being my favorite meta(outside of turtle stuff).

These new metas are extremely boring, your build, gear, comp, rotation, playing ability doesn't even matter. They are core tyria difficulty. If I wanted to play a mobile auto battler, I'd go do it.

The strikes are also easy, so it's just this content design team failing at understanding what classes in GW2 are capable of not only DPS wise, but the core gameplay loop. People want to play their builds and do their rotation, not fly around collecting orbs every 2 minutes. Completely out of touch developers.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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After finishing the story, there is no reason to do them except for the legendary armor.

And i already have Envoy's Herald, so I'm not going to waste 6 months  grinding essences.

Although from the POV of casual players (i.e. non competitive modes) this sort of grind is designed for those players - that is if they can get through the grind without burning out. 

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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2 hours ago, Pinkeh.4207 said:

After finishing the story, there is no reason to do them except for the legendary armor.

And i already have Envoy's Herald, so I'm not going to waste 6 months  grinding essences.

Although from the POV of casual players (i.e. non competitive modes) this sort of grind is designed for those players - that is if they can get through the grind without burning out. 

Just because a player is casual open world, it doesn't mean they want mindless grinds like this. I like open world because of the variety of things you can do in the open world; not just mindlessly pew pew pew easy enemies. I'm a casual player because I don't like farming/grinding the same stuff over and over and over again. As a casual open world player, rifts are exactly the type of mindless repetitive crap that I don't want forced on me to make legendaries.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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On 8/27/2023 at 8:02 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

I have been curious, since Rifts were first described pre-launch, is there some explanation for the basic concept of PCs summoning demonic entities into the world only to then destroy them?

We do not summon them. 😄 We detect them, make them visible, fight off the baddies and then close them for good so that not more baddies can enter through them.

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On 9/2/2023 at 7:47 PM, BlueJin.4127 said:

Just because a player is casual open world, it doesn't mean they want mindless grinds like this. I like open world because of the variety of things you can do in the open world; not just mindlessly pew pew pew easy enemies. I'm a casual player because I don't like farming/grinding the same stuff over and over and over again. As a casual open world player, rifts are exactly the type of mindless repetitive crap that I don't want forced on me to make legendaries.

Nobody said you need to go for some grind spree. The way rifts are made into events on multiple maps, you can do whatever you want and rather easly intertwine rifts into/between your activities.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Rift's have been fun to me but last night doing T3 ones, there's one that was SO long I about fell asleep. Even the commander said "oh boy, the long one..." and I didn't know what that meant until nearly 15min later fighting trash mobs, the boss finally came out. (or was it 20min, maybe I did fall asleep, mobs died too fast, was boring)

I just wish they were a little more exciting

HOWEVER HERE'S MY COMPLAINT: Why in God's name are they in the zone that makes a RTX 4090 look like a GTX 900 ? I'm more PO'd about the performance issues out in that zone. It's NOT fun doing Rifts out there and going "oh GOD! I FACED MY GAME CAMERA TO THE CENTER OF THE MAP - HELLO 28FPS IN 2023!" (seriously, the next time you're all out there, just face your camera to that structure in the center and good by FPS. It's even rendering it behind walls when you're inside buildings)

And it's never going to be addressed by ArenaNet. I reported a mouse bug in 2012 that's still in the game, 2023. The day bugs and performance issues are addressed, I'll have given birth to the first human child on Mars.


... but yea I like Rifts 😉


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